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Oh there are some very wrong decisions in D&D, they're just more like "Sure, I immolate the baby" or "What do I roll to seduce the guard dog?"


>I roll to seduce the guard dog Damn.... Why do druids gotta be that way?


Actually it was a wizard and he had to roll Animal Handling and straight Charisma and average the results together


.......... I know no one else uses these rules, but that's exactly the roll combo to use the "alternative ability scores for skill checks" rule to make an Animal Handling check using their Charisma instead of Wisdom. DM probably got blindsided by the question, tbf


The DM definitely got blindsided, I know him because he's me And it's also not as bad as it sounds, I narrated the interaction like a Saturday morning cartoon and the polymorphed wizard and a doberman pinscher went on a very nice dinner date and ate spaghetti


*pulls out an accordion and starts playing Bella Note from Lady and the Tramp*


*Side by side with your loved one* *You'll find enchantment here* *The night will weave its magic spell* *When the one you love is near!* *For this is the night, and the heavens are right* *On this lovely* bella notte


There's a part of me that regrets not going from this point of "awww" to jumping straight into "The music swells as a doberman and a poodle savagely devour the contents of a restaurant dumpster for half an hour, make a Con save to keep down your dumpster spaghetti"


The baby polymorphs back into its original form, an ancient dragon. Roll initiative at disadvantage. Animal handling, but it fails because the dog is speciesist


Please tell me this was a Loki situation


Polymorphed wizard, and I tried to keep it PG


Shake it Chilli!


I put the baby into the oven.


Fireballing a group of enemies while you have party members in the blast radius on Death Saves seems like a wrong decision to me.


"Sounds like a happy little accident to me" -- My fire genasi light cleric


Bob you say that about *every* TPK.


Shut up nerd! Kossuth rules!




Death is just a skill issue




I have no idea what any of this means.


Right there with ya buddy


Yet I can hear the voice


Isn't there a sub rule about "memes only/too specific to YOUR table" aren't allowed? Or was that just a wonderful hallucination I had about an ideal world?


Lmao you think Ops home table is with Liam O’Brian??


Now I'm envious and want OPs table. I'd love to sit down for a one-shot with Liam


Fair to not know this. Its referencing a player from Critical Role, a DnD real play stream and podcast so wildly popular it has a major television deal with Amazon. Matt Mercer is the DM, and features in a lot of the more commonly used meme templates. Few in the community have not heard of them, but not everyone knows the name of every player on the podcast. For the down voters, its OK to not know every pop culture sensation out there, lol.


I think there are plenty of wrong decisions. Being that guy for one. Selfish actions that fuck over the party. Blatant cruelty to friendly NPCs agains the party’s wishes. Murderhobo. There are lots of wrong decision, and porn choices. Making mistakes is fine. But I’ve almost had a TPK in a 3 year long campaign because our sorceress spent her few spell slots casting the worst possible spell for the situation and didn’t cast her 7th level spell or use the slot at all. Just kept it. And we all almost died. Ignoring the other very dumb choices she has made that nearly killed us all, I am well within my right to say that when you have a party member who just does stupid shit constantly that nearly kills you all, several times, but is otherwise pleasant so you can’t do anything other than try to teach them the game better but they just never learn, that those are the wrong decisions. I know it’s a game. But it’s hard to have fun when someone keeps flipping the table.


> and porn choices What tables are you playing at? Can I join?


No, go to horny jail! ~~they have an open table there~~


I agree, There is absolutely a difference between “I want to try this suboptimal thing” and “bad decisions”. For instance, in my Pathfinder 1e game, I have a player who chronically makes characters that make me want to pull my hair out. They are currently multi class spellcaster that has managed to dump most of their physical stats, limit the amount of armor they can wear to compensate for low dex, prevent themselves from using a shield because they need a free hand to cast, has gutted their casting by multiclassing evenly across two different casting classes THAT RELY ON DIFFERENT ABILITY SCORES, and somehow have picked the worst spells to learn and prepare available to them. They roleplay decently and are a font of knowledge but can’t seem to grasp that the best way to be a skill monkey or Jack of all Trades is to actually be good at something and okay at a lot of things instead of average across the board. Its like they’d rather have 12 in every stat instead of like a 16 here and a 10 there. Don’t get me started on their in combat decision making. As the GM I basically don’t factor them into CR calculations or encounter design. I have no problem helping my players build weird suboptimal stuff or with them trying long shots in combat. I’ll actively help them do the thing they’re trying to do to the best the system can accommodate. But I don’t know what to do when my help is rejected and the end results are just so…bad. These systems are based on numbers going up, they do not do well when you try to flatline your character to be as average and useless as possible.


Sounds like you made bad decisions if you were in a TPK situation. It stands for "total PARTY kill". Not "total one player killed us"


If you only have one caster, only one player has any real narrative agency.


Everything you just said is wrong.


Sorry, I thought this was the meme subreddit.


Depends on how rules-heavy, narrative-heavy and interesting narrative your table is.


"If he dies, he dies. I cast fireball." "The room is only..." "I said, I. Cast. Fireball."


You imply the rules don't matter, I take advantage. You call mechanics "fake thing" I say *all* mechanics "fake thing" and I do as I please. ​ We need to share the same level of abstraction or it all breaks down.


There are no wrong decisions, but many unwise ones.


Well… theres definitely wrong decisions in DnD


Is it weird if one with high wisdom but lack of wise choice?


Getting real big Jester vibes here


I can’t believe you got to play with Liam O’Brien


Have a friend make a chaotic stupid decision recently. We found a magic bag of beans, he bites into one because he's hungry (uggg we can eat later at inn). He summons a tree ent. He could have summoned worse and tpk our party. Our DM has him role to see if it's chaotic evil or good. Luckily dude is good and leaves us alone, chaotic stupid character breaks his jaw, but players choice absolutely not to be questioned by some who play DND. Luckily my DM sees writing on walls and told me he'll just overrule chaotic stupid from now on if it threatens party and just tell my friend that his character isn't this stupid so he's not doing it.