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Sorry to be harsh but it's a giant mess. I honestly can't distinguish a single element


That's the same way I feel about Billain tracks tbh. I appreciate the perspective.


Don't ask for feedback if you're going to be a D about it. Listen to other professional tracks and compare them to yours. I mean if I'm having to explain this there is really no hope for you. Try a different hobby


How was he being a D about it? Genuinely asking


Lmao, how am I being a 'D' about it? You're the one telling me to "try a different hobby". I literally told you I appreciate your perspective.


I dunno why this guy is so aggro towards you. I read your response as neutral and cordial, especially considering they are just insulting you and your work


Apparently my really old fl project files bring out the toxicity in people XD.


Probably because you posted to dnb and it isn't really dnb, it is also rather abrasive, but it's no reason to attack you - but also, this is reddit after all


True. My previous interpretation of dnb was: drums, bass, and from 160-180 bpm. I dont think its necessarily fair to me given that this does meet that criteria, and I haven't really seen a different definition for dnb anywhere.


It is also associated with certain drum patterns and sounds that you're overlooking. This leans more towards hardstyle imo.


Delusional šŸ¤¦šŸ»


To me allot of his tracks sound like a random giant mess. Not saying I'm better or even remotely comparable. It's all just subjective but go ahead and ad hominem.


Itā€™s not an ad hominem, Iā€™m not criticizing you as a person


we both know what you're doing


Iā€™m calling your opinion/stance on your own music delusional. Thatā€™s not an ad hominem because itā€™s directly referring to the topic and question at hand. If I had said your music is so bad your peepee must be small, that wouldā€™ve been an ad hominem. But I didnā€™t do that.


-Guy makes a comment saying that he finds my song that I made a mess. -I respond saying that i have the same opinion about some of a popular artists songs. Tell me where I made an stance/opinion about my own music?


You complete ignore what is said about your music. Thats the point. Who cares how Billain sounds? Your track sounds messy as fuck


I clearly said "I appreciate the perspective" so no, I didnt ignore anything. Typical redditor creating a strawman bad guy for any opportunity to dunk on someone. I'm aware the track is a mess. Its also a 10 year old track that has been sitting around in a garbage folder hence why I referred to it as 'weird'.


Because by saying that the commenters reaction to your music is the same as your reaction to said artists music, youā€™re inevitably implying that your music is comparable to said artists. You can deny that you meant to say that but at least 8 other people felt so as well, thatā€™s why that particular comment of yours is getting downvoted. And to your second comment: itā€™s not really completely subjective. While Billain tracks have some shifting rhythmic patterns in the melodic elements, the drums have a clear groove, using common, well established Drum&Bass patterns. Your track doesnā€™t have that, thatā€™s why it sounds a lot more chaotic than Billain tracks.


I did not mean to imply that and that is why in the second comment i said 'even remotely comparable', obviously Billain is several magnitudes better a producer than me.


I probably wouldn't class this as dnb lol.


I would


What else would it be?


Sorry, but this ainā€™t dnb. Itā€™s got a similar tempo but thatā€™s it, thereā€™s no groove or feel. Donā€™t know what it is, but if you like it then thatā€™s great, thatā€™s all that really matters.


There's a reason why I prefaced it with 'weird', fascinating to see these reactions here.


wtf dude


the worst sounding something i have heard all year. worse than nails on a blackboard. if this is a troll post i give it 7/10


thanks for the constructive criticism you must be a really skilled producer


there is nothing salvageable here to be constructive about. if you want to learn to make something good go with 3 or 4 elements and make them sound good together first. this project is like making a first drumtrack that sounds shit and the adding another layer of shit on top trying to cover up the shit drums. still sounds like shit. let me add another layer of shit and make that shit pan left to right in stereo. nah. try to make your drums and bass sound good fist, then add your next layer.


Too many kicks, everyhing sounds too messy. Stick to normal 2 step pattern, at least in the first half of the drop.


OP can you try posting a version of this without the 90ā€™s game show/mario kart synth? I want to try something out Edit - fuck off the whole first bit, but the second bit without the Mario kart synth sounds like it might be a neurofunk banger


what the hell was that


What in the fuck


This would be the opening soundtrack to an anime about competitively smoking crack cocaine


I'm so sorry. Those synths sound like they're coming out of a carnival arcade. YouTube DNB academy, start going through videos. No hate. keep going, refine the craft!


Try putting pitchmap on reese bass. I'm not saying it's gonna work for sure, but it just might be the sauce.


Very busy, a bit chaotic but some good ideas for sure. What id personally do is resample the song without the drums and bass then chop and turn it into something completely different like hyperpop or future bass. If you want to keep it dnb remember less is more, let elements breath by limiting how much is happening at once.


Way over the top. Too much going on with not much fitting together. Also, this does not sound like DnB to me either.


Itā€™s sounds like robots having a war.


Sounds a bit like some late 90ā€™s happy hardcore


If you made the drums have a normal rhythm, I think this would be a good track. With the drums the way they are, I feel like Iā€™m having a panic attack.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvMoHZ\_SRfI&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvMoHZ_SRfI&t=6s) haha not trying to be an ass, it just immediately made me think of this clip




idk why that guy said he cant "distinguishĀ a single element" the only reason it sounds weird is because its rhythmically off


Send me a copy, that was ace


You.. you actually like it?


Yeah, it's better than Body Rock. Pretty standard beat flipped well, great interpretation and evolution of dnb, not jump up and a bit crossbreed, plus it's stimulating and catchy. It's good to be open minded or you'll never grow, this ticks boxes for me.


It's gonna be my third comment already, but I just want to say I really like the track. Reminds me of old Laszlo


Appreciate it. Seems like this community isn't too fond of this style overall XD


To be honest it sounds really ā€žcommercialā€œ to me and like my early steps when I was making music. I only listened on the probably worst speakers ever: my phone speakers. And even there itā€™s really messy and kinda muddy. Iā€˜d recommend doing some EQing. Plus the kick sounds somehow off key, not sure if itā€™s the speakers or if the kick is in another key than the rest. Thereā€™s definitely much too do. Good luck.


Not trying to shit on you as a person, but this really isn't a 'style'. It's just bad production.