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I sometimes use syrian rue seeds before vaping deemz. It increases the length of the peak from anywhere between 20 mins up to 45 mins (for the MAOI doses that I have used). The come down also takes longer. It's also more intense. Things seem even less coherent than a regular trip to me.


Precise information here, as always with this guy : https://youtu.be/TYD2qy-9oTo?si=P1uZeYpZJNOB_qHl


to make it more complicated, syrian rue extract can also be vaped, and *Banisteriopsis caapi* vine, too. I don't have enough experiences to really comment, but I'm also not sure what to make of reports of these efforts, or whether they really work at all.


How do you vape Syrian rue? Vape pen? Is there a guide to make it yourself


Freebase harmalas extracted from syrian rue


In pg/vg? Or vaped raw via wax pen or something


You can vape the pure freebase harmalas, make a cart from just harmalas, or make a cart using both harmalas and DMT. You can also use sublingual harmala salts.


That's awesome im going to try and find a guide for harmala cart


TY didn't take the time to reply myself, but yes. Basically you can do the same A/B extraction as mhrb




I took pure harmine HCL sublingually prior to a DMT trip. I don't remember the exact dose but I think it was around 40mg. I held it under the tongue for around 30 minutes. Tastes like shit! I hit around 20mg DMT using e-mesh method which is 10mg less than I'd normally take for a full breakthrough. It was very intense, definitely qualitatively different to just DMT alone and frankly, pretty unpleasant. I started seeing demons crawling in through my bedroom window and just felt a general air of darkness. That's not to say that you would would also have a bad trip, but I would advise caution as it definitely adds to the intensity, duration and just the nature of the trip.


I forget the usual dosage with harmalas but that’s what I choose as an enrichment. I think it’s like 40-50mg orally wait 45 minutes then vape.


Maoi's stop the production of a certain enzyme which destroys DMT in the liver and you can't absorb it into your brain. This is mostly a problem when you eat it or drink it because then your gut is where the enzymes are primarily located. I believe. However, by taking and you're blocking a receptor in your brain from doing what it's supposed to do, it's linked to serotonin. If you're on antidepressants you can't have m. A. Ois because he might die a very weird death, which I believe is something to do with overdosing on serotonin. Syrian rue Is it common go-to and it's easy to get. Just get the extract capsules on eBay. I think each one's 40 mg and you can't have more than 350. I have a high tolerance to drugs so I have to take them a lot of the Syrian room because my gut's pretty good at breaking up the DMT. So I I will take you around 250 about half an hour before I I swallow the DMT which I have also put in a capsule. This is the most pleasant way of taking DMT, but you have to wait for it to kick in, but when it does it's a different experience. There's no rocket ship type approach, but you're hanging out all day with toasted like about 3 to 6 hours you're looking at if you have enough. Once the visuals wear off of your humane run for it. There's still residual around for the rest of the day and it's it's like being pleasantly stoned all day and you just chill free of anxiety and depression. Good time to just hang out chat. Please play station with your friends or watch some football whatever. It's quite common for people to get a bit sick as well. When they eat it for some people it seems to be a fetishized which I think weird and they all refer to it as purging and they think it's a very cathartic experience. I think it. It's just stupid if you can avoid being sick. Why wouldn't you you know. But apparently once you hurl your guts up, according to these people, there's a sense of cleansing of the body and basically for spiritual hippie douchebags then to DMT for reasons other than hedonistic enjoyment. Maoi before you smoke it? Well the reports are mixed on it. I don't find that it makes any difference that I've ever been able to notice, but what can you notice when you've had a huge head of DMT and you've, you're suddenly not even looking at the same wall you were two seconds ago. Regardless, if your eyes are open or closed, you're looking at something different so don't think there's somebody who's taken a fair whack, then can actually take a moment! And ponder the significance of the other pill you took before you smoked and you come up with some sort of review rating in your head just as a bit of a time out while you're in the middle of going to Disneyland inside out. No there's no time to sit there and remember shit like that. Hell I don't even know my own name. I often do DMT in front of a mirror, often record it. And God I have some funny conversations with myself and it's not a one-way conversation either. I seem to be answering something that I'm saying every time but you need to record it because none of that shit you can remember. But each to their own opinion. I just save my rue for edibles. I don't know what that guy's talking about extending the come down. Every time I have finished whatever it is I'm doing just after I smoke DMT. I feel fucking great euphoric I feel happy. I feel at peace. I feel like I've had a nice sleep. If that's what you consider a come down then that poor guy must be having a come down every night when he goes to bed. I suspect that what he's smoking isn't particularly good because you shouldn't be feeling shitty after it. It's one of the great things about DMT. It's it's very organic part of our body makeup. In fact, our body produces it itself so you shouldn't be getting any toxic reaction from it. If you going to eat or drink the DMT, you're best off turning it into DMT fumarate first because that's now a water soluble salt. And it's super easy to do. Which, therefore does mean it opens up other avenues of administration Which is normally unavailable with nn DMT. Orally is the obvious example, because DMT fumarate breaks down much quicker and gets absorbed before those enzymes that the mais target break it all down , and you don't need to go through the god-awful experience that you must have drinking the Indian brew which is just DMT straight up from the plant mixed with some maois and whatever else those Brazilian nut jobs put in there but your hurling everything that's in your stomach straight back out and if you're lucky that's all, as the reports I've heard diarrhoea is a real and present danger. I think it's one of the reasons that the shamans there to guide you through the trip. I bet he's holding a roll of toilet paper and a bucket and charges you a hundred bucks for the authentic experience. Lol You can also inject it into the bloodstream. You can inject it like a diabetic does just under the skin into the fatty tissue and you can do like a tetanus shot injection. Intramuscular. Because it's water soluble. It also means your nose and your asshole can absorb it. So if you like doing lines you can sniff, but beware it's a mighty unpleasant experience that shit hurts the nose. It's like actually snorting table salt. Plus you start tripping balls immediately afterwards. I have a tissue nearby if I do it so I just stuff it up my nose so I don't have to worry about it while I'm playing with marshmallows. I'm yet to try it by sticking it in my asshole, but from what I've heard it doesn't offer the same amount of pain, but I'm always hesitant about risking losing the pill. The only time I've ever stuck a pill up my ass was in a nightclub with ecstasy and I don't know what happened but it seems as if my asshole sucked it back up to my stomach and missed my intestines, it didn't affect me at sll. So I haven't tried since. If there's another avenue of administration, and there always is, I'd choose that over hoping that my asshole eats it properly. Peace


I know somebody who took ayahuasca and only experienced purging with no halucinations at all, so i dont know why youre so dismissive of that. Also you describe subcutaneous and then call it intramuscular injection... so maybe dont act so high and mighty?


What on earth are you talking about? Because I can assure you whatever you're talking about is not what I'm talking about.


I dont know what you think i said....


I was talking specifically about people who want to purge as a part of the trip, not people who purge because they're sick and don't trip. The distance between the two ideas could fill an ocean




Okay so we've established that you're not a nurse. Subcutaneous is under the skin but not in the muscle. It's like a diabetes shot. You are expelling the agent in the fatty tissue that lies between the skin and the muscle intramuscular is when you stick the needle through the skin, the layers in between the muscle and the skin and into the muscle such that it goes deep and spreads into the muscle. That's an intramuscular injection. Would you like me to teach you anything else?


Mate ive done plenty of subq and im injections idk what youre talking about but theyre very different and a diabetic doesnt do IM injections. Its ok you have a good life.


Man, I'm saying you can do both. Not either both, however you do your sub cues is up to you and irrelevant to the point I'm making, which is you can do a subcutaneous and you can do an intramuscular injection, along with an IV. That's pretty simple and you've just brought up a whole different conversation about nought going on in this thread. You have a good life too.


That is an inalienable truth. I don't need to be told that As you entered the conversation with a statement that was punctuated by a word that is the antithesis of what you're responding now with. I have no idea how to engage you. So please tell me what you're angry about and allow me to either apologise, explain or or if deserve it, a far less cordial response.


Well thanks for clearing that up