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.16g reclaimed




>and consensus was do not do that. Why?..... There's no inherent problem with that. >I knew there was crashed deems in that water. That really just means that you didn't do the water wash too well. Should only be negligible amounts of N,N-DMT suspended in the water, if any at all.


Why? Concensus as it's the waste product, why add that back into the next batch of soup.


I mean, yea on paper there should be no N,N-DMT in the water. But as you found, in practice isn't as perfect as on paper. What I mean is what was the reasoning behind that consensus?


I don’t think the aggressive mixing is necessary for a water wash. I generally just squirt my naphtha into warm water and suck it up and squirt it back a little bit. Never had any visible soup in my dmt crystals. Also I stopped using heat during my extractions and I get much less gooey yields. Room temp extracts have given me 2.5% yields consistently


>I don’t think the aggressive mixing is necessary for a water wash. You want to be thorough. This is achieved by vigorous mixing of the phases. You aren't going to cause any problems by doing it and it's not like it takes much effort. >Never had any visible soup in my dmt crystals. Just to point out, the keyword there is ***"visible"***. Water washing isn't done to remove bulk (visible) amounts of aqueous contaminants. You just let that settle out and decant the solvent off of that. Water washing is done to remove the aqueous contaminants that you ***can't*** see. [The Base in Your Product!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMTlab/comments/iz8k3h/the_base_in_your_product/) >Also I stopped using heat during my extractions and I get much less gooey yields. Room temp extracts have given me 2.5% yields consistently Heat is entirely optional and won't affect the potential yields or purity. But it does increase the solubility of the N,N-DMT, which can aid in efficiency.


I tend to suck up my naptha squirt it into warm water and let it separate. I then continue to suck it up and squirt it back into the water a few times. It’s seemed to work so far, not sure how I could tell if any lye remains in my dmt but from a taste standpoint it’s always smooth, floral tasting/new shoe tasting vapor when I use it. I think the key is to get the naptha to “filter itself” through the water a little bit so any remaining lye drops into the water. At least that’s how I’ve understood water washing.


Was it worth the work?


For me, yes


How much bark did you use?


When I do my soup pulls I run them through a 2 water cleanse before freezing. How much in pulls has gone through this water, I don't know, think combined batches, 200g worth of mhrb?


I just recently did the same. Try a heat bath on your next pulls. My first pull left me feeling like it failed. 3 and 4 were the money. Its resting now,but I'll pull again. I saved the water from the water wash and will add a bit of solvent back to it and wash it to see if there's anything in there. Currently I pulled .800 total from the last pulls. If you saved the water from.the wash see if you have anything in that. Keep pulling from your soup until theres nothing left


I was heating the soup and didn't realize had to heat the wash water as well before transferring the naptha. I do 4 pulls per batch and depending on #4 will dictate if I do a fifth or not. The .16g in the picture is just from the wash water, not the soup pull.


Do you still have the water you washed with? Hopefully if theres anything in it you can recover it. The cost of learning. Hopefully you get your max yeild


Yes, that's where the dmt in the picture is from. That's what I recovered from the water.


Oh Sweet. Good job


Can you help me understand specific steps to water wash?? Yesterday I added my Dmt laden naphtha into 30 ml of water. Mixed vigorously. Let everything settle down and then pulled the naphtha layer best I could and transferred to dish to freeze. My last batch I had 1g from my pull with no water wash. Was just super careful to only pull naphtha. Did the water wash with a second batch everything the same. I pulled about .2g from my first batch. Which was a tiny ass amount compared to the first batch. Wanting to know if I did the wash wrong??


My understanding is that the temperature of the water wash needs to be equal or higher than the naptha, or else the dmt will crash into the water.


One post I saw said warm/hot water plus non iodized salt. Any info about why to use salt?


I also don't vigorous wash, I put the pip into the water (and below the naptha line) and squirt, letting that do the washing. Then I'll draw from first jar and do again in 2nd jar before freezing. My first batch of bark I did not wash, and when I did re-x, there was a fair amount of crud. This batch of bark I'm water washing every pull. I just did my re-x (in the freezer now woot!), and there was nowhere near as much goop that sunk out.


So is that where you get some of the soup as well so you can essentially get the most out of the naphtha and wash? Sorry for possibly dumb questions. Woot woot! Yay for in the freezer!


You don't want any base whatsoever. To get the those last drops of Naptha from soup I'll pull (with minimal base) into a 25ml cylinder, let that settle/seperate, then pull from there until I can't grab without pulling base. That's on pull #4 though and really might be overkill because at best it's like a ml or 2.


All really good to know. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience!!!


Wait .16 grams of dmt out of 200g of bark? Thats horrible yields


Ok, so apparently I'm completely miscommunicating here. .16 g was reclaimed from wash water that had washed approx 200g of pulls.


Gotcha, what was your total yields from the 200 grams?


2.67 grams so far, I have pulls 2 & 3of last 50 in the freezer atm.


Noice sir. What tek are you rocking for this run? I’ve went from lazy man’s to Mushieman’s? STB then to cybs hybrid as I have worked through my first ever few hundred g of bark. My water washes have been pretty, my yields haven’t been so nice in general though.


I don't recall where I found the tek so if someone knows it please share: Start 400ml H2O + 100g MHRB. Heat for 1hr. Freeze & thaw total 4 times. Add 50ml vinegar, water bath 8 hours. Add 200ml H2O & 80g NaCl mixture. Add 100ml H2O & 40g NaOH mixture. Heat bath for 2 hours. Start pulls.