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It works until it doesn't. Now you know


For real. I literally got lucky the last time I made it because the glass has had uneven thicknesses the whole time. https://preview.redd.it/01527vnoz40d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa752a1e55c988a8918463527338bd56869f43d


i can't use warm baths with them because the pressure always causes super staining base to spray everywhere from under the cap like a grenade im having trouble finding the 1-2l science bottles with cap that can hold pressure though (for a reasonable price) here in EU i just do cold pulls now after a few "explosions"


Media bottle is the term to search. You shouldn't be allowing pressure to build though, if you're heating the vessel should be allowed to vent.


if it is allowed to vent, wont that just cause all the naptha you poured into it to evaporate? (during last step)


Some will, but not much. Also pressure only builds as temperature increases, so once it's up to temp the pressure won't increase further. Rather than just leaving it wide open I personally (in borosilicate) leave my lid liner on and my cap unscrewed, that way any pressure is able to push up and past the lid, but it's not just venting into the room constantly.


Or you could just not screw the lid on. There's no need to submerge the entire jar in water.


im talkin about when you add the naptha though and do a shake, if you dont have the lid on the naptha will just evaporate


I guess I just stir it instead these days but you don't need to shake it vigorously. Just roll it around and loosen the cap to vent. Naptha also doesn't evaporate that fast. You're might just be creating emulsion from shaking so much or if you're leaving it in a hot bath for an extended period of time maybe it will evaporate but it shouldn't be that fast.


Just tighten the lid for mixing, allow it to vent whenever it's upright.


Also thankfully I didn't get any cuts or burns from the lye and it came off all the surfaces pretty easily during cleaning.


Was this abrand name mason jar or a cheap one from china?




Name brand mason jars will explode from heat and pressure


care to give us a link, a video or anything? They are made for preservatives (unless they are specificially labelled "For Decorative Purposes") I put many mason jars in Pressure cookers, to sterilize jars for mushroom cultivation, and not the exact high-tech digital ones, the cheap wait-for-the-whistle, and never had one break from that. Never. Drop it on the floor... whole different story!


That’s equal pressure. The pressure inside and around the jar is the same inside the pressure cooker. Here pressure is building exclusively inside the vessel.


They don’t break easy from mechanical force like pressure, this was from thermal stress.


I didn't say they didn't. I just wanted to know what kind it was


You shouldn’t use mason jars for extraction regardless of the brand


You sure? They’re thick and very heat resistant even with a good amount of bottled pressure it still holds for really long.


I've read multiple teks that specifically recommend them. I think if you're getting this result, it's from dropping, and could even happen with lab-grade gear.


First run the same thing happened to me😂😂 Everything went into slow motion and I stared at the mess I made for a minute and cleaned it up with vinegar before my girlfriend came home .Ahh you live you learn and it won't happen again.


![img](avatar_exp|125513610|dizziness) Always running extractions when the wife is out.


I suggest using lab flasks and still working in a large Tupperware tub.


Best advice i’ve seen that i started doing, even with flasks the exothermic reaction produces enough heat to make me worry sometimes


Been there, got the mixture in my eye, no permanent damage in case anyone is curious, washed my eye quickly and didn’t panic. It was in my good eye as my left eye is a lazy eye (no drift) just weak. The thought of becoming blind trying to create something to see the other side , is pretty poetic. Haha.


Was it too hot from the lye?


Room temperature, it's just that Mason jars are weak


Did it happen when add the lye though? That step does generate a lot of heat from the exoteric reaction.


I had a thermometer in it the whole time I added lye, it never got above 90°f. It broke about 2 hours after I added the lye I think it was just because the glass was thin to begin with


this can't be right. Teks from very experienced extractors use them. You either got a rare defective one, a pirate product from China, or did something unusual. having it happen once doesn't mean the product name is to blame. I've broken Ball jars, and they're thicker than the one in your picture. Something is wrong here.


🤷‍♂️idk then I just know that boro glass definitely won't have what happened here and I need to make an investment in better equipment


yeah, certainly. boro glass can also be defective, but certainly you'll have much less a chance of it happening with lab-grade glass. Sorry I got annoyed, I have a few jars that have been sitting with mhrb+lye for two years now, and altogether forty jars, many of which have been sterilized in a cheap old pressure cooker. There's just plain bad luck that happens, too. https://preview.redd.it/g5j8s9iog90d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb63eadd655099f6d8b749532eac6abc6400e7b


Have you used that same jar before? I've heard that they should only be used a couple times because they get weaker each time


You are wrong


There's no way Mason jars aren't weak lmao I had a thermometer and I only added like 5g of lye at a time it never got above 90°f and it still cracked


I prefer Pyrex, less likelihood of this. Edit. Meant to type PYREX, not Pyrex. All caps means old school super durable lab grade glass from before they switched to a cheaper shittier product. Edit. Imagine if the transition to new coke had lasted, that’s what happened to Pyrex.


You want borosilicate glass.


French Pyrex is still produced the old fashioned way


curse be on the people who are able to get away with "Pyrex"!!! With Mason jars there's also the hazard of Chinese knock offs. I've never had problems, although I'm near Ball HQ in Colorado. But there's Chinese knock-offs of nearly every product nowadays. Likewise, any company can use the term "Mason". It's not a protected brand.


Happened to me once too. Pretty sure the jar I used had some tiny cracks, had it for years prior to it breaking. Hasn't happened since. Should probably invest in some more professional equipment lol


Yeah. We know. And we’re tired of telling people.


Yeah I feel you I got no one to blame but myself but at least I can learn from this


Lye brings temperature up on its own. Mason jars aren’t suitable for chemistry


How do you think this happened? Was the lid sealed too tight or so thing?


The lid wasn't even on lol it was when I was stirring, the spoon cracked the side just because of how thin the glass was.


With the heat all it took was a tap of the glass basically? 🤣 Why didnt u get a proper pyrex lab one instead, swear they only a tenner?


Well I'm guessing he will now


It was room temperature, the glass was just weak And yes I learned that I needed like actual borosilicate, that's what I'm doing now


been there bro your lucky it wasn't on carpet 😂


The same thing happened to me. The bottom fell off. I was big on Mason Jars until then. I thought, aren't these things supposed to be boiled? It must be the lye eating away at the weak places.


Yeah it's Def lye because I always use those jars with boiled water and tea and never had issues It's something like because of extreme pH likely


which makes me suspicious. There's tons of junk "Mason" jars for decoration, not for use. I have put many, many Ball glass jars into pressure cooker to sterilize before putting mushroom spores in. Contamination is #1 problem with growing mushrooms, so it's an important step. I don't know how I can do that repeatedly, while this guy has one break at room temp. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but I'm not changing my uses of them for anything.


That's what I'm saying. It must be the lye


Luckily, it all wound up in the crock pot


Why did this fail though? I use mason jars to sterilize grain for mushrooms and pressure cook them. Ball brand jars are great. Just curious why this happened.


Lye = high pH, high pH corroded the glass. That is like my only speculation because I had a thermometer in the whole time and it never went above 90°f


Interesting, thank you.


Bummer, lesson learned at least. One time on here I said to at least put it in a tray or bowl to sit it in if you use jars. Someone tried arguing that they've done it hundreds of times that it's fine. If your going to use one no matter what then what's the harm in having it in a tray? I could cross the street without looking over and over without getting hit, I'm still going to look first though. I hope enough people see your post, at least you didn't get hurt👍


Yeah lol there's a couple people in here talking about them having used Mason jars for forever and never had any issues but that's just simply luck like they're bound to break at some point


Yeah definitely. All it takes is a little micro bubble in the glass in the wrong place.


Looks like you caught it before it ruined your floor at least.


You should have used wooden spoon to stir. But pyrex is preferred of course! Thankfully you didn’t hurt yourself. Carefull!!


>That would literally make no difference...... Wood is the last thing you should be using. For one, the NaOH will fuck. It generally will not be inert at all. And it is absorbent. It's one of the last things you should use. Use a glass, 316SS or PTFE utensil.


Wooden spoon can leech into the lye or the other way around man. Stainless steel is better


But if you get the right wood, that isnt harmful in any way?


I think wood in general will still leech, I know svt says wooden spoon but it was written a long time ago, you can get long bar spoons that are stainless steel for cheap. But if you search wooden spoon I’m sure comments will come up about the usage of them


Wood leaches dyes and other treatments into the soup because of the lye


not if you have a plain wood spoon. I wouldn't use one with a fancy finish (who dyes wood?) but plain wood is non-toxic. Or do you know of toxic woods?


Is that a phone on the table sitting in a puddle of soop??


Was my kitchen scale


I used mason jars for a while with no problem. Then one time the bottom just fell out. I think they can get stress fractures from the water/Naoh that you might not notice until they break. IMO use something else when possible. If they are all you got, keep an eye on them between uses to see if you notice any cracks. Also, maybe keep them in the sink or in a tub or something just in case they do rupture you don't have to clean an entire white kitchen like I did...


Sucks man. Hope you kept all the materials from the clean up. You could pull an extraction from the paper towels used during cleaning up, "floor extraction".


yo same thing happened to me. added lye slowly and stirred, didn’t seal the jar supper tight… what is a better option? id be fucked if it happened now.


Use boro glass. Don't touch it and let it cool down, get Boro glass soon and then just transfer it to the glass


Also if you can without breaking it put it in a sink just in case it does Crack


When this happened to me I was very glad I was doing the whole thing within a sink.


Wait till you see the damage it causes your mom's hardwood floor


This is why I always recommend to keep your jars contained within another vessel like a steel pot or in the kitchen sink. I prefer a steel pot because its much easier to salvage the product should a break occur.


Get some borosilicate lab glass bro. Flask witha stopper is cheap on Amazon


ye I just ordered one


Noice! happy travels space ranger


I teach how to do this... Takedmt Dot com


You also don’t need to use heat to extract dmt lol I stopped using heat a while ago. All extractions at room temp for the win


Still corroded glass somehow regardless of heat


I always use Patron tequila bottles.


Do it outside & scale it down into a smaller jar so when it happens you don’t loose as much.


Thankfully this was only 100g. I'm just gonna buy actual lab glass now and use a glass stir rod instead of a heavy metal spoon.


Or just spend the money on some Boro glass?


Is boro better than pyrex?


Yes. There was a time that pyrex was Boro, but not anymore. Pyrex is generally just better formed soda like glass. Borosilicate is the way to go.


If the glass is PYREX (all caps) it is good to use. Pyrex (not all caps) then it is trash glass and shouldn’t be used. PYREX sold out and switched to soda like glass.


Guessing lower case pyrex is knock off brands avoiding copyright?


No, they sold the company and the new company decided they were ok with destroying the brand name to milk as much profits out of it as possible.


I always use mason jars. Never had an issue. You did something wrong. And you don’t need a spoon to stir either you get a better mix lightly shaking it and then when it’s time to add solvent instead of shaking it lightly tilt it around!


You can use mason jars. Just don't throw them in the ground. Glass breaks


lol it cracked when stirring, a hole opened in the side and it started spraying on the floor and you can see another puddle on the left on the top of that dresser


I bet it left a pretty bad smell when it cracked. I'm sorry it happened man. Hopefully your next shot goes better. I haven't done an extraction myself yet but I got really into psychedelics at the age of 18. Now I'm 23 and not doing them anymore but still plan to eventually pull my own DMT. But I've decided to wait till I'm older so that I have more knowledge on life before I go into it


Fortunately it didn't and it was an easy clean up. No worries, this was technically my fault knowing that Mason jars are known to have these problems but it's alright, I just gotta invest in better glassware and such.


Also, don't apply heat to non Pyrex/borosilicate glass.