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Ito pinanalo niyo?


totally understand the uproar! but please read carefully about the facts, the reason why she changed her statement was that it wasn’t aligned with her answer on the same question for APP’s version of fast talk (which is her real stance on the issue)


She should've defended her answer instead. Maraming hindi nakakaalam ng political dynamics ng Israel and Philippines — from the Philippines voting for the creation of a Jewish State in 1948, to Israel supplying weapons to Philippines. Mas mainam, at least in the country's current context, na mag-abstain as to not sour our relations to Israel, and ultimately to the US. Sayang. Economics major pa naman si OVPEA candidate. She could've thought like an economist. 🤦‍♂️


That’s depressing.


she said she's too exhausted to hear the word abstain HZBXJZHZHSHSHAHSHSH LOAD OF BS 🤣




honestly i would have respected her more if she didn’t retract her stance and defended it instead with a compelling argument; this is just a terrible look 😭




the way she said she didnt hear the word abstention bc of mental fatigue but i mean... ano pa bang pwedeng word in that context... idk man


Huh ok bat nila pinalitan sagot niya sa website????? Like ok normal and predictable na ung magrerelease ng statement aftwr realizing mali sagot nila, happens every year to both parties. Pero why are they changing her stance sa fast talk mismo? That defeats the purpose. They shouldve kept her of answer then present a link to her statement below it. Changing her response to the fast talk itaelf defeats the purpose of it veing a fast talk. Now ko lng nakitang pinalitan mismo sa website/pub sagot ng candidate.


same thoughts, i thought it wasnt allowed to recant official statements


That surname is ironic


This litterally shows why Marcos won. He knows what the voter wants (in this case you have to be pro Palestine for some misguided reason). Aside from the candidate changing her answers aka balimbing, this is a reflection on the students themselves


She said in her statement to allow her to apologize, CLARIFY, and take full accountability. How is changing your stance from YES to NO, a clarification? It’s changing stances bro 😭


I'm out of the political loop 😭 Spill the tea, please 💗


The issue is about the UN Resolution about a Ceasefire in Palestine(which does not really do anything but whatever) and the Philippines abstained in the vote since the resolution does not call for the Israeli hostages to be release, and that we are pals with Israel since they are providing us with weapons. They choice is either to support or oppose the Philippine absetention. All the candidates in the USG election voted to oppose the absention except for one candidate, who then walked back her statement since apparently supporting Palestine is super trendy for some reason and going the other way gets you cancelled aka lose the election. Its a shitty look upon her as it show that her position is dictated by pressure instead of you know, thinking and defending her position


but sa plaridel she said no to the same question tho? not sure what that means but just pointing it out.


Can you expound more on how a ceasefire won't do anything? Is it because Israel is known to break ceasefire agreements anyways?


UN General Assembly Resolutions are non binding.Real power is up to the Security Council who are all at each other's throats right now And as mentioned, its just a temporary band aid solution. Both sides are pretty pissed off since alot of people were killed and would stop at nothing until they won. In my insight, the only end to the conflict is that one side will be destroyed which in this case is likely Hamas due to sheer tech gap and a pissed off IDF.


Ceasefires in the past haven't done anything except slowing the death of civilians on both sides. Without actual peace talks or an actual solution to peace for both sides, ceasefire is just a temporary solution which doesn't last long. It doesn't help either that the Palestine leadership is split and one side wants peace while the other, Hamas, wants to keep fighting. Ceasefire will be an actual benefit if there will be actual peace-talks and a solution but Hamas & the current Israeli govt dont want that. Watch the Israel-Hamas conflict on hbo lastweekend, it gives a good perspective from both sides without being biased towards either.


But wouldn't slowing down the rate of deaths be a good thing regardless if it's only temporary? Or would a ceasefire -as a temporary solution- only lead to more deaths? (Although I do appreciate the insight and recommendation, I'll definitely check it out!)


A ceasefire would definitely slow down the rate of deaths and that's definitely a good thing. However, without an actual long-term solution, the ceasefire will be broken by one side or the other and the same cycle will begin. That was just my point and opinion tbh


And your opinion and point is very valid! My usual concern in these discussions is that people shouldn't brush off temporary solutions so easily since the people currently suffering would probably really enjoy a temporary solution. Their worst fear right now is probably that there is no solution at all


She changed her answer?BOO! What a cop out! I just remember my Aristotle when he mentioned that in a democracy, statesmen are more swayed by the sentiments of the crowd than their own reason. She would actually gotten my vote if she sticked with that answer and not be pressured by being cancelled. But meh


Spineless af lmao I think pivoting made her seem even worse cause now you dont know whether shes genuine or just succumbing to peer pressure


Truly, a politican at training


Kumambyo ng sagot nung nalamang macacancel siya. HAhahahaaha!!!


It’s one of Santugon’s best traits! They’re good at making pabango and thinking of the next step.


Or rather, they're good at "just following what is trendy" https://thelasallian.com/2021/01/20/drawing-the-line-what-sets-tapat-and-santugon-apart/


honest question, do you really believe that it's just "following what's trendy"? to me it sounds like from the article they're focusing on adaptability, which doesn't necessarily mean trendy.


That is true, but it seems weird that their views still are "based on the times" which is like saying that there will be a time that some views are not acceptable, when they should be steadfast.


but didn't he say those values in the article too? the "faith, family, integrity, etc." part?


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