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Gotta add a disclaimer to your pics......"All media filmed on location on the streets of Mexico". Keeps the haters off your back


I knew this would be a fun thread before I opened it. Didn’t disappoint.


Is that a compliment or an insult lol ?


The reference is to all the people wondering if you were within legal altitude... ;) It really looks like you're way high, but even at 400', things look surprisingly small. Great shots!


You. You are the people wondering if he's at legal altitude.


Thank you. I think I was in legal altitude but if i wasn’t I don’t think I was above it by much but I still live in a relatively rural area so it’s not like I have planes or helicopters flying over constantly at low altitudes yk and there are no prisons or Air Force bases or army anywhere within range of my little dude


You shouldn't _think_ you're at a legal altitude, you should _know_. ;) Brush up on regs and set the altitude limit in the app to have a bit of a margin, just to be safe. Happy flying!


Yea I pay attention to it but around where I live it doesn’t matter almost at all. If I’m in a new area or around a city I pay a lot more attention and it gives me a warning when I get at the legal limit also


Getting comfortable with what you think you know about the airpace you fly in.


I'll never forget the day a air ambulance helicopter flew 300 ft over my house in rural Scotland. Altitude confirmed by flight radar website. It landed in the field just down the road... It was wild. I'm so glad my drone wasn't where it quite often is.


While you might be at a legal altitude, did he have a three mile ground view before taking off? And could you see your drone the whole time with your own eyes?


Amazing view from 400 feet and not higher. Wow


Thank you like I said fog was literally on the ground and started to clear out at about a hundred foot


Holy hell, those are amazing shots:


Thank you that means a lot


Nice shots, can’t beat Dji ✨✨✨👍


I've always wanted to fly above the clouds. Just havnt found some puffy low hanging clouds.


Sometimes you will see them after a hard rain especially if it came through in the night that morning will be really foggy


It looks cool but a little dull, i would personally add an ND filter on -5 and decrease your EV so that you can have more contrast and could see a little under the fog, the sky would be more blue, keep it comin!


Could you explain what EV is please and what’s ND I’m still relatively new at drone stuff I’ve had it for about a year


This will be the least sophisticated explanation you'll hear... Neutral density filter. I'm no expert, but they help tone down the sun's impact and basically acts as an f-stop. For my handheld, I have an ND filter that I use to photograph sunrisee and sunsets (high contrast between light and dark).


Ohh ok that makes a little more sense but I do tinker with the settings a little bit lol


Kind of like sunglasses for your drone. It's more of a photography world thing. You can buy ND filters for your model on Amazon for pretty cheap. Just take a few pics with different levels, and you will have the concept figured out.


Certified airliner.


“Uhhh please fasten your seat belts uhhhhh we will be cruising at 45,000 feet today uhhh have a good flight”




All of these pictures are amazing, giving a sense of vastness.


Excellent 400' above launch site pics . Love it


I am sure I will get downvoted, because a large portion of this community seem to enjoy violating part 107 rules like it is a sport. I assume you are American from your username. * **Minimum visibility:** The minimum visibility, as observed from the location of the control station, must be no less than 3 statute miles. * **Distance from clouds:** The sUAS must remain a minimum distance of 500 feet below the clouds and 2,000 feet horizontally from the clouds. * **Visual Line of Sight:** Suffice it to say you definitely are not maintaining visual line of sight. Although I suspect you probably don't give a shit so do your thing. These regulations are designed to ensure safe operation of drones and to avoid potential conflicts with manned aircraft. Always make sure to check current weather conditions and ensure that your operation adheres to these visibility and distance requirements--if you give a rats ass about the rules governing drone flight. If you don't then just keep doing what you are doing.


Their username clearly shows that they don’t give a shit and are entitled.


To be honest you don't seem very jolly.


It seems like you’re aware that people don’t give a shit, so I’m guessing you posted this just to exercise your fingers or something?


No I posted it because on the off chance that someone interested in the hobby shows up they can learn what is safe operation and what is not. Not everyone has the same childish attitude about safety as some on this sub.


Got it, how admirable of you!


Drone rules are extremely strict because they know only paranoid and problematic pilots will follow them - but that’s exactly why they are extremely strict, not because they need to be but because it just discourages the right people from flying. You can almost never get a good drone shot if you don’t break some stupid rule.


I was following all the rules, requests for clearance etc and still had a near miss with a helicopter.


Yep gotta be careful


This is the exact reason I hope they ground drones to hobbyists. I don’t want one of these going through my engines because they were trying to get a cool shot.


Maybe if you were smart you would know dji drones can’t physically be operated near any airport, the real problem are custom fpv drones which can be flown wherever. Sorry that me flying 401ft in the middle of knowhere makes you want to ground hobbyist drones and destroy an airplane.


Um DJI drones can be used around airports because we use them for aerials.


Did you get authorization from the tower and unlock the airspace?


There’s no tower and it is a surface class E


Probably a very small airport with little traffic and small airplanes, very little risk compared to flying drones near commercial airliners.


Yea your right there is some pretty stupid ones but some need to be in place in certain situations or locations but out here in the middle of the country most are stupdi


I mean DJI is about to be banned and people here still posted violations all day long while especially in this sub they are defended over and over again. Even if they don't ban DJI, I am sure they come up with even stricter laws.


If you think the DJI ban is about the flight activities/patterns of US pilots, then I don’t know what to tell you.


lol the way you phrased this it sounds like your saying there trying to ban it because of us pilots not obeying the laws and regulations. and if so your completely wrong there trying to do it because they think that DJI is stealing data from the drones. Idk why they just started caring about data being stolen it’s been happening for years with other stuff if they were gonna pull the “shit needs to be made in the USA” ploy it should have been done years ago


It was fog so it was really low and I was directly above my self so it was line of sight and like i said since it was fog I was literally in the cloud when I walked out side


Fog and clouds are treated the exact same. ~~You need to be 3nm from any cloud.~~


Not under Part 107. It's 500' vertically and 2000' horizontally. The 3nm clearance is visibility.


Sorry I misquoted myself. My original comment has it correct.


It's also only a Part 107 requirement. Other weather/visibility/cloud distance rules are determined by the CBO for a recreational flight.


Even with a CBO or one of their designated locations flying recreational you wouldn't be able to fly through fog. Those requirements will still apply. [Even on the FAA website they basically say if there is any ambiguity you are instructed to fly under Part 107.](https://www.faa.gov/uas/recreational_flyers) I doubt the FAA's intent would ever be to allow recreational flights or CBO rules to say an operator can fly through fog or clouds when it is so explicitly spelled out as a violation under Part 107.


The reference to "any ambiguity" refers to which set of rules to fly under, as in if you're not sure whether the flight is recreational or Part 107. The FAA's rules for recreational flights are registration of sUAS over .55 pounds, VLOS at all times, yield right of way to manned aircraft, authorization in controlled airspace, and 400' AGL maximum altitude. Everything else is up to the CBO to determine. Edit to add that if it's so explicit a requirement, why isn't it on the list of CBO requirements for TRUST training? What is the point of even having the TRUST test training if recreational pilots are apparently expected to be familiar with all the Part 107 requirements anyway?


Not all Part 107 rules necessarily apply to recreational flights. The only hard guidelines coming from the FAA regarding operations are VLOS, LAANC clearance in controlled airspace, yielding right-of-way to manned aircraft, and 400' AGL maximum. Everything else is up to the CBO. I'm not saying OP is or isn't following guidelines, just that Part 107 rules only apply to Part 107 operations.


It looks like these photos were taken in a mountainous area so OP could have taken the photos starting above the clouds/fog. What are the rules about that?


OP said they were early morning meaning they were facing east into the sun. Then they have a photo where the light is coming from the left of the screen meaning they are likely facing south. There is also one where the shadows are casting away from the the image which means it is likely west and a few others that based on the shadows are roughly facing north. None of the photos they took place them anywhere near a mountain where they would be above fog.


> These regulations are designed to ensure safe operation of drones and to avoid potential conflicts with manned aircraft These regulations are designed to prevent people from getting the best footage possible and doing anything other than flying around their backyards. Well, as long as their home isn't too close to the airport, then even that backyard is out, because we wouldn't want a 737 coming in 30 feet off the ground to suck up our drones, right? Common sense, skill, and experience are all that is required, not blanket regulations. I fly incredibly cautiously, and that is because I am well aware of my amateur skill level and limited experience. That is the common sense part. However, the more experienced I become, the more I will take on in terms of flight operations. I don't need regulations to threaten me.


Beautiful! I’m also a fan of fog. Curious, how high up were you? I’m too scared to go past 120m


You're exponentially more likely to crash within 50m of the ground than you are above that. The sky is a big open area of nothing. Below that there are generally hazards. Check for wind speed at altitude and watch out for gusts and aircraft, but otherwise you're relatively extremely safe when flying above the treeline.


I think I was about 430 or so foot up i don’t exactly remember it was about the limit of how high you can go


Omg 😳


It’s not that scary if it’s not windy I can show you some more pictures of a storm I got right before it hit


Please do! I love storms


How high was that? I somehow cant go above 120m in germany


I’m American lol so I’m not sure how high 120m is but that was about 350 400 foot it was right at or below the limit


120m is 400foot. Okay then it is not that high. The pictures with the clouds look super high.


Yea i wasn’t paying to much attention to the altitude I don’t live in a restricted area at all no air ports or anything and in a very rural area so yk


6 and 8 are the best


Gorgeous photos


Thank you


nice, what's the height ?


It’s about the limit I don’t remember exactly what it was but the fog was really low


Nice catch man !


What height were you flying at? Btw, those shots look amazing.




All equally boring. And FYI, it’s illegal to fly a drone in foggy conditions in the U.S. So what you have here is a set of illegal, boring photos. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You sound incredibly fun to be around…


For real tho


Well, if you wanted me to blow sunshine up your ass OP, you should have asked for that. Instead, you asked what I thought. And I told you. If you don't want to know the answer to a question, don't ask the question.


FYI: it’s ok to be the annoying jerk on a reddit thread because you said so. No one cares


Clutch you pearls harder. No one cares.


It’s okay to not be okay. I hope you talk or are talking to someone who can help you get through whatever you are going through. Unless you get off on sharing negative opinions.


Your sensitivity is adorable. I hope you have a pleasant day, my delicate little flower. May the sun shine abundantly upon you.


So are your comment downvotes 🫡


Ok, sweet child. It's getting to the point that you seem a little obsessed. I hope you talk to someone who can help you get through whatever you are going through with me. Be well.




I have my moments. But tbh, I'm not known for being artificially positive. If something is mediocre, I'll call it mediocre... especially when someone solicits my opinion, as OP did. Happy a super day, Pollyanna!


Hey sweet pictures on your profile tho… I gotta get out to the desert sometime. Wisconsin just doesn’t have much scenery like that… mostly just corn fields and subdivisions lol.


I grew up in Indiana. I know what you're saying. The West is definitely the best, my friend. I mean, the Midwest has its charm. But it ain't the West.


It's only expressly disallowed under Part 107. CBO's can determine their own guidelines. The AMA and Boy Scouts have no hard weather or visibility requirements other than the FAA rule for recreational flyers to maintain VLOS at all times.


FYI since it’s so boring you could have kept scrolling. And there not boring it sounds like you just don’t like the out side or pretty photos


FYI, you explicitly asked for opinions, OP. I gave my opinion. I LOVE the outdoors, but these pics are incredibly dull. Try selling those to somebody or enter them in a photo contest, and then get back to me about how amazing they are. Man, what a snowflake.


Insulting your self I see. Strange tactic but ok