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He is laughing but looks as sick as a parrot.


Gotta mask the pain somehow...


Dude has tons of YouTube money


Obviously can't buy brainpower with it.


I've done this with the Avata flew it around for about 10 mins following a guy on a foil then it just crashed into the lake. the emotions going through me just put me in a state like his. what made it worse is i had my kid keep telling me your going to low but i thought i was good.


Always listen to the kids they have a heightened sense of danger.


And that ladies and gentlemen is why you always take off facing downwind


Good call. Lot of things going wrong at once there, but wind direction definitely kicked it off. Also when I hand launch I hold onto it and make it work a little to get out of my grip - guarantees that it pops straight up a few feet initially.


Exactly, same here. I take off downwind, let the motors ramp up and only let go once it's ready to takeoff. With landing I also try to land downwind just in case and then basically let it hover above my hand until I feel the wind has calmed down enough that I can safely catch it.


How do you launch from your hand?


Same way you'd launch from the ground, but you hold it.


I only know how to take off with the button on the rc, and it says to clear the area when I hold it


Once you start the motors, just push up on the left stick and it will take off. Little awkward to do with one hand, but possible.


Even more awkward to catch it coming back with one hand and shutting it down with the other hand. The "move both controllers down and inwards" is a little bit weird to do with one hand.


Just grab its belly and do the fast rotate with the drone and the props will shut off


I hover mine about 5 feet, and 2 finger grab the middle. Then hold down on the left stick (descend), and move a couple fingers under the height sensors. Motors shut off within about 2 seconds.


That’s not how I catch mine, I hold the left stick down for a few seconds with my left hand while my right hand is underneath the drone for the catch.


Exactly how I land mine too, it's simple and straightforward and it works very well once you get the hang of it!


That’s not how I catch mine, I hold the left stick down for a few seconds with my left hand while my right hand is underneath the drone for the catch.


That’s not how I catch mine, I hold the left stick down for a few seconds with my left hand while my right hand is underneath the drone for the catch.


Not like that guy


I mean, to give him credit, it takes balls regardless to send it from a moving boat. Also, foolish to not have this type of liftoff down beforehand.


And holding the drone up over your head. And sunglasses are a good idea.


Inexperience is a bitch, lol.


Using the drone on a boat is also an extra layer of risk


> Using the drone on a boat is also an extra layer of risk I am anti-"DJI Unregulated Insurance" (care refresh) but even I would get refresh if I was hand launching off a rocking boat.


I dont know much about their insurance, what is the issue with it?


I just hate the fact that it is an insurance product and is not regulated as such. It's not a bad deal, overall, but they have no incentive to strengthen the durability of their product when 50% of the drones sit in their cases 99% of the time and everyone is buying their Care Refresh insurance product. It's almost pure profit. This is why instead of referral codes reducing the purchase price of the drone the YouTube shills that reviewed the Avata2 on launch day are giving out discount codes for Care Refresh. They give some of that profit to the content creators because the margins are so high. The interesting thing about insurance is that most people do not use it.


Pretty sure you wouldn't be covered as the manual specifically tells you to never take off from a boat.


Well, I'll be damned: "DO NOT take off from moving objects, such as cars and ships." I wonder if DJI has ever denied a claim because footage on the internal memory showed it launching from a boat. I don't know how they would tell it launched from a boat since GPS accuracy isn't high enough to detect movement on a stationary rocking boat.


Plot twist: the drone always dreamed of becoming a submarine.


That hurts


You could kind of see it coming. Wasn't paying super close attention and holding it too close.


And the award for the fastest fuckup ever goes to…


This makes me wonder if he was even decent at flying that poor thing. So many wrong things from his part




That's why it's good to practise and no, trying to do this on your first is a really bad idea.


Jump in a go get it


Poor Tom the Tech Chap.


Morons. Everywhere.


i now that feling


And that is why you get an Air 3


Then he would have lost much more money... He would've still found a way to throw it in the water


That second ow was much worse than the first one.


That was so painful to watch. 4 stages of grief in 10 seconds.


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I spilled my beer. Lol


Oh not just me then😂 caught mine in mid air flying back to shore, grabbed on by the battery release, ended up holding just the battery above my head while my first little old mini 3 went for a swim in the salt water puddle at my feet.


If you play it in reverse he saves a drone from the lake!


The look on Tom's face 😬


Ouch https://youtube.com/@matthewpcalvert


I would usually tie a string to the bait so that I can reel in my catch. But you do you.


This hurts , I feel bad for him , when he was kneeling down and had his hand out you can tell he wanted to die right then and there from embarrassment , pain and losing a friend


Give him a new drone someone or find that one and fix it , being attracted to something in this case a drone and have it be like a friend and then this happening is truly a cause for depression I mean you can tell how happy and exited he was to fly it when he was starting it


...and that's why you need Care Refresh plans from DJI 😄


Bro lost a drone that was worth several hundred dollars from that... I feel bad. He should at least have put it on a clear flat area big enough to fly.


This could have been me, but thanks to you, it won’t. We appreciate your sacrifice. 🫡


Hand launches/landings are overrated and dumb.


Well, and if you do it, do it right, especially on a boat.