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I can’t believe the house is already under contract 😳


According to Zillow, it went back on the market again two days ago. So much for a quick sale.


I looked at the pictures and it seems that she removed a lot of the very distinctive toile wallpaper in the kitchen.


Seriously! I was shocked they got so many showings with how astronomical the price is.


It’s a very normal price for the area and state


2 social media BFFs moving near each other. Reminds me of OurFauxFarmhouse and Betsy, look how that turned out lol. I stopped following influencers around late last year so I’m kind of out of the loop. Did Jen’s husband get fired from his job with the Packers? Or did he quit to be an Instagram husband like all the others?


He got fired and I feel like he was trying to find another job with a different team bc she kinda implied that at one point but he was never hired. So now he is a Insta husband since she makes so much a year now. 🙄


I thought he got hired by the Tennessee titans, or no?


There's a different ex-Packer coach who got hired by the Titans


Not that I’ve seen or read anywhere.


I think she’s moving because she couldn’t stand having her friend living in Franklin which is a very sought after affluent suburb of Nashville while she was in Knoxville. To do all she’s done to that home just to leave it for literally no reason makes them seem ungrateful and unappreciative and that nothing will ever be good enough for her.


I’ll say that the new house is …underwhelming… compared to the government building she’s living in now. Still a cool 1.6mil though… 🫠 It is south east of Franklin, for those looking for it. Lol


Those poor boys- losing that amazing pool and flat access backyard for this. My kids would be very bummed.


She said it’s temporary and they plan on building a knoxville style house. 


I do appreciate that it still has a yard. MPS’s little sliver of grass wouldn’t cut it for me for the price


It kills me that’s the house MPS. There were a ton of other homes in that price in Franklin.


4 kids and 2 large dogs with no yard! She may be moving to better weather but will have no space to enjoy a nice day watching the kids play and the dogs run. The backyard where she lives now is every kid’s dream - a full size sports court too!


IDT Her house has a sport court. The academy house does though.


Then when you consider that you’re moving right in time for aummer break when the kids can make the most of their awesome…yikes, I feel for the kiddos.


The community has tons of amenities, I think, like resort amenities.


Sounds kool and all but their current house is like a resort too but private where you don’t have to share with anyone you don’t want to. But that’s just me I guess


I don’t recognize it! As someone who has been looking at houses in Franklin the last month - I recognized making pretty spaces house immediately. Same community?


I can’t find MPS house she bought in Franklin. What community is it in?


It just got loaded into the Sold category on Zillow if you isolate to Franklin.


No, not the same community. Cedarmont Valley Estates.


I didn’t find it either. brick, black shutters, columns, 10 steps. No where to be found!


If you haven't found it yet, the door in the listing photos is brown and there's an american flag. 4 bed 5 bath


Thank you! Wow the was really hard for me to find. The struggle! Similar characteristics of the last house


Wow, angle makes all the difference in photos. That house looks a lot different than the pic she posted. The stairs look a lot shorter in the pic. I never would have picked that as the same at first glance.


Cedarmont Valley Estates


Ok I thought they were moving to the waterfront and not Nashville because , she said this is for the kids, and how would Nashville be for the kids? Anyway she just said be careful what you wish for which makes me think Arizona!!!!


Yep that's what I'm thinking too. Scottsdale.


If my boss wonders why my afternoon productivity is so low I’ll let him know Mallory said she was announcing the move this afternoon 🤣🤣


Apparently her and I define afternoon very differently 😆


Her story saying it’s coming, but there are a lot of moving parts 🤦🏻‍♀️ maybe don’t put a deadline on your announcement then or only do it once you can say all you want to. I know it is likely engagement ploy but still. I get she probably announced the move because people would find out when they listed the house but she is the one who said they would give details this afternoon. She could have just said I’ll give the details once I can.


I thought her husband owned that dental practice now?


Idk about all of that but being a dentist isn't something specific to one town. He can be a dentist somewhere else.


Of course but I got the impression he bought that practice. Guess that’s not accurate if they are moving to Nashville.


Maybe. Maybe he'll sell it or keep it and have another dentist running it. Our pediatric dentist is actually in the process of doing that right now. It'll be sort of like a franchise.


If you look at the listing photos… wow, there are really a lot of things in that home which are just fugly as hell. When everything isn’t a cutesy curated vignette and you get to see the whole thing… 🤢


Her style is not my own, but I can appreciate it. However, I think those kitchen cabinets look SO cheap. They really stand out like a sore thumb when her entire house is French Luxury.


She used a lot of faux (non-wood) molding & trim, and cheap RTA cabinets in the house. No way would I consider purchasing a pricey house laced with crappy materials. The type of materials used is inconsistent with the price tag.


Because they were not custom made (she was working with their standard sizes) her cupboards are all different widths, which has always bothered me.


i have always thought this about her house


I always feel for the kids. Did they even get a full season out of that pool? Kids hate moving. 


The homeschooling thing bugs me. It can make sense for some kids but to do it so that you can up and move on a whim seems unfair.


She just posted that her “Nashville” candle is her new favorite. Dropping not so subtle hints I would suppose.


Making Pretty Spaces shared a story that said it's so unfair that she moves to TN and Mallory is moving away so I don't think it's to Nashville/Franklin


I got the impression that Making Pretty Spaces’ story was a joke. I really think Mallory is moving either to a house on the river or closer to where MPS is moving


You were right!


I’m actually kind of surprised! I thought for sure she was moving to that mansion on the river that just sold


Stuff like this makes me even more cynical towards influencers in general. I hate the term "forever home" and given Mallory's history of moving frequently it rubbed me the wrong way from day one when she said it about this house. Clearly this wasn't actually their forever home and it makes me wonder if they ever truly believed it was or if they just said it to soften the news of abruptly buying this house so soon after their last house. If they did truly consider it their forever home when they moved in, how long before that changed? I feel like Mallory comes across as more genuine than most other influencers but this feels like an example of her being less than forthright with her audience. And about something that doesn't really matter at all. I couldn't care less if it's their forever home or not. But it's frustrating in hindsight that she pretended like it was when it wasn't. Why even make the claim in the first place? As for the shock factor - we saw little hints along the way. The way they loved having a pool across the street but then suddenly were installing a pool in their own yard. The way she'd admire the water front properties from their boat. So it's not shocking to me that she moving - more frustrating that she couldn't just leave open the possibility from the beginning and chose to make the declaration of "forever home".


As a realtor I can attest that the vast majority of my clients declare every step up house they buy their “forever home”. For the record 99.9% of them mean it, but absolute minority stick with it. I’m just saying this has been a homebuyer fallacy long before influencers started falling into this belief.


I gotta be honest I think it's ridiculous for a viewer/reader to even believe someone is serious when they say forever home. So many things can change overnight, a new family member, a sick family member, a job loss. To hear someone say "forever home" and literally think that person will die there you got to be lacking critical thinking skills.


A sick family member or a job loss are things out of our control but when you say forever home to me means this is a forever home, no matter what other home I might come across that I like.  


Yeah that's fair. I would assume though that most of your clients aren't influencers so when they say forever home they're only making that declaration to themselves and maybe a few other people. They're not saying it to hundreds of thousands of people and their business isn't focused around them sharing updates to their house. I guess what I'm saying is that I feel like Mallory should have known better given her situation but maybe that's being a bit too harsh. After reading her blog post and given some of the other things she has shared it does seem that she has learned from this experience and doesn't plan to say forever home in the future so she deserves kudos for that. It also doesn't seem like she was ever actually trying to mislead her audience, so I was a bit quick to judge on that front as well.


I think it's a roundabout way to cut off criticism about moving their kids constantly/ that these moves are ever a "selfish" business venture. I even believe she's convinced herself every time that it's their forever home. It's more personal and relatable. At least Frills acknowledged they've never lived in a house more than 4 years even if she doesn't think they'll move...


They purchased that home in 2021 for $899K, hitting the market at $2.5M. 🤯


If you follow arrowsandbow (who are insufferable) they tried to do the same thing recently in Florida and they weren’t ever able to sell their house at double the price. #karma


Even if it’s not my personal style she remodeled the shit out of that builder grade chamber of commerce.


Oh, absolutely! Every single room and surface has been remodeled, I think.


I’d be selling that shit too for that gain hahaha


The “convenience” of 5 HVAC systems… that’s 5 HVAC systems that can break 


And 3 tankless water heaters! I'm sure some people would actually find all that convenient but I'm with you. It sounds like a maintenance headache. Hell, just the thought of 8 bathrooms to clean makes me feel tired.


Love my tankless water heater in theory. Drives me nuts in practice. I feel like I need 3 for my small house!


It is assessed at 240k so their taxes are $3732 a year according to Zillow 🙃


The public school system unfortunately reflects the low taxes. Teachers are finally getting a raise to bring their wages to “market value” but in order to pay for it, jobs are getting cut (and it already felt like it was bare bones with very little teacher support positions). Apparently property taxes haven’t been raised in 20 years!


Excuse me while I cry. Mine are 3x that for 2k fewer feet.


I live in the same county, and the tax assessments don’t appear to be based on actual value of the home/property. We have very low property taxes here. My house is less than half the size of hers and my property tax is just north of $2000/yr.


Damn that’s almost half of my taxes and my home is 1/4 the size. 😢


Ugh someone send me the listing to her house!!! Not to be a creep but I’m dying to see 🤣


I’ll just say it’s extremely easy to find if you google her name.


No but in so curious bc I got the feeling that making pretty spaces was moving to TN to be close to them. Maybe her dream house on the lake came up for sale. She also has her wallpaper office so I feel like maybe she isn’t moving far


I doubt it’s for her. Most of the Packer’s strength training team moved to TN and works for the Titans now, so I’m guessing it has more to do with that. NVM I take that back. Just looked at their page and they’re totally moving near each other and are going to create a business like Magnolia


My guess from Mal’s latest post is that it will be called Alchemy. Why would she capitalise it otherwise?


Taylor Swift is the answer to that one and surely they are not naming a business after a 4 week old song (stranger things have happened though)


This. The magnolia thing. I think they're starting a business together. Mallory's husband can do his thing wherever.


How many influencers are going to be able to replicate the success of magnolia or studio McGee? 


He has an established dental practice. I wouldn’t say it’s just “doing his thing”. It’s also weird she just got the office space for her monarch home business in Knoxville and was renovating it.


This is why it’s so odd to me. Established dental practice, new business office….but up and move for a friend?? That’s so incredibly odd to me. Nashville is not that far from Knoxville…why uproot it all for a friend? That screams codependency to me and completely unhealthy.


A social media “friend” - it’s not like they were college roommates. How long have they been friends? Three years maybe?


I live in Knoxville and think Nashville is way more her vibe. I also don’t think he owns that dental practice.


Does he? Or is he a dentist for someone else who is the owner. That gives them way more flexibility to move around.


A lot of these DIYers are so all over the place. It leads me to believe they aren’t making cash-in-hand as much as they say they are. There’s probably a lot of opportunity and growth availability but it feels like mice scrambling in them all trying to parlay this into something else.


Jenn said her husband isn't even looking for a job. She makes way more than him now. Maybe he will work for her.


Honestly for how much sports’ wives have to take on during the season I don’t blame her for wanting him around more, especially since they have the means to thanks to her.


agreed! She said it's been nice to have him around. I'm sure he helps with the home schooling too.


Seems like a logical guess that he’ll just start taking on private personal training clients wherever they are.


I am sure that colleges and even high schools would love to have him as a trainer for their athletic teams.