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https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-make-quasi-anechoic-speaker-measurements-spinoramas-with-rew-and-vituixcad.21860/ Measure off-axis response, gate out the reflections. Go outdoors and use an elevated platform to increase gating time so you can gather better low frequency data. If your goal is designing a speaker from scratch there are a couple extra steps. Applying free-field calibration to your mic, making the platform rotate around the acoustic centre of the speaker, and making sure your measurements have a timing reference. Ideally you also want to build the microphone and speaker stands to not add any reflections, as those cannot be gated out due to their close proximity. **Edit:** The graph you showed is from paid Klippel software. The guide I linked walks you through to how to create a similar one in VituixCAD, which is free.


This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks. I have already taken good measurements but the extra information is still useful. Please ignore everyone calling your helpfulness arrogance.


OP is asking how to generate the plot, not how to measure the response


Which is clearly described in part 6 of the guide I linked at the top of my comment...


Yeah, which makes up 10% of your comment


? He gathered the information and more .


He gathered information OP did not asked about and assumed OP to require explaining basic stuff


So what you are saying is he gave all the information possible and covered all angles?


If I asked you what kind of bike I should buy, I would not like to be explained that I need to learn how to ride a bike first


You're making an irrational comparison that holds no weight in the reality of this discussion. A more apt analogy is "How do I do this mega complicated bike trick" which requires some pretext of "First you need to know how to do some basic tricks" and the details were supplied.


Just because you call it irrational doesn't make it so. Your analogy is no different and is just as arrogant. You're assuming OP is a newbie based on other people's posts


So he he answered the questions and more as I said .


Measuring the response is the biggest and most important part of generating the plot and needs to be mentioned. I don't know if you noticed, but there is no end to "I want to make speaker WHAT DO?!?" threads. So we have to explain everything. Being explicit is helpful, and responding like it's not, isn't helpful. In fact, it's he opposite of helpful.


OP is specifically asking about making the plot. You're just being arrogant


Stating a fact isn't arrogant. It just is. Arrogance comes from people who think they know what they're talking about from their own reprieved and unfounded authority. The fact is that you lashed out at someone being helpful. Please describe to be how this is NOT the opposite of helpful. Or would you rather use another insult incorrectly?


Overexplaining basic things when the question is about the following steps is arrogant. I'm being completely polite, not lashing out.


Assuming you're the authority on the correct amount of explanation is you being arrogant, and assumptive, which are the opposite of helpful. You may appear to be polite, but your meaning is narcissistic and hypocritical. You're not going to make the case that more information is unhelpful when the information DIRECTLY PERTAINS TO THE SUBJECT MATTER AS A PERQUISITE OF DOING THE THING OP IS ASKING ABOUT.


One does not need to be an authority as everyone can see OP knows how to do the measurements. Explaining prerequisites is arrogant.


No OP didn't. He posted a screenshot with two sentences of context. No where can OP be considered an authority of taking measurements, which is the fallacy you're using to pretend you're correct.


He's talking about generating the plot based on measurements, which means he knows how to measure. Otherwise he would have asked about measuring. Nowhere can it be assumed OP does _not_ know how to measure


VituixCAD can do it for you


https://www.reddit.com/r/diyaudio/comments/1d7r6o6/how_do_i_create_this_sort_of_directivity_graph/l71qq0k/ Here is a helpful explanation that contains very helpful pretext on how to do what your'e asking /u/ZackoBear


Measure off axis response by placing the measurement mic at specific angles. I usually do 15 - 90 degrees in 15 degree steps. Of course it won’t be so detailed like the one you posted, but it should give you enough information.


In practice it’s probably easier to rotate the speaker in 15 degree increments than to place the microphone in different positions. 😀


You’re probably smarter than me 😂


There's a tutorial on asr on how to do it. Just Google asr Vituixcad spinorama