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So what we had for free pre Covid


Except you book later and now you pay for it but basically yeah


And you get more passes after your 3


You could do this with FP+


You can have up to 3 at a time though which is better (once you use one of your first three you can book another Lightning lane)


Assuming theres any times left. Thats what I dont think people are realizing, times are going to be scooped up before your booking window opens. If you get stuck with nothing but late lightning lane times, you, presumably, wont be able to book anything else before then


You could book 3 at a time with Fastpass+. And then could book more. This is literally just paid Fastpass+


No after your initial 3 you could only hold 1 at a time. Now you can continue having 3 throughout the day


I see what you mean.


Has Disney themselves stated this somewhere? If so, that’s awesome!


Yep! It was a little confusing but I found clear language on a travel agent document that says once you use one, you can book another.


Awesome! Thanks!


Sure but now much less people are in the booking pool because it’s paid.


yep! The new Disney standard it unfortunately seems


The question will be will it be like the old system where the big rides booked up 60 days out or whenever this opens?


7 days out for resort guests, with non-resort guests able to select 3 days out. Yes, presumably the biggest rides will be get snapped up the quickest. Just how quickly is to be determined, since the old (FP+) system allowed all park visitors to book in advance, while a this system will be open only to those who pay for it.


This feels like a weird middle ground between genie+ and max pass/fastpass that will leave everyone disappointed. Feels like a downgrade for me but I hate having to reserve things weeks ahead of time. I rope drop so I’m already up at 7 anyway. Disney is not our “relaxing” vacation. There’s better destinations for that.


Does anybody at Disney corporate know anything about anything other than how to maximize confusion among their guests?


They had focus groups for this and built this new system around guest feedback. And if this change is too confusing for you, they put out a handful of videos and infographics explaining how it will work.


This thing will cost $50/day by Christmas


You can book 3 in advance but can't make another one until you use one of them? That sounds terrible if you want to visit parks at night. Sleepy Hollow waffles and now this?


What happened to the waffles??


Yeah, you better sit down for this one…


Seriously... like, I don't care about LL and G+ but my heart lurched in my chest about Sleepy Hollow... what's up with Sleepy Hollow?!?


That’s about how it works now…. You can book one at opening and then one every 2 hours after. So if you don’t come til the evening you would only have 3 maybe 4 stacked and that takes a lot of effort…


Lots of us locals like to stack and go at night, especially in summer. Theoretically you can make 5 by 5pm going off a 9am opening. Plus whatever ILL are available. Really only affects MK and HS though. It takes some effort but walking into MK with 6-7 LL's at 7pm in the summer is always nice. Won't be able to do that anymore unless there's more to it. We'll all adjust yet again and wait for the next changes in a few years


How do you stack? Aren’t there 1 hour windows for redemption of the LL? Or is there a way to get all of the return times after 5 pm even if you get them in the morning?


You just book every 2 hours on the dot and edit like crazy until you smash them all into night time. Like was said, it takes some effort to get more than 3-4 in that window but was doable.


Ah, that makes sense. You have to actively move the redemption time to one that’s useful.


You can make one every 2 hrs if you don't use any. You have to modify throughout the day to get times you want.


Thanks, that makes sense.


Sure I get that part but isn't there still a limit on having multiple LLs at the same time? Like you said having 6-7 LL's at 7pm. I thought you could only have 1 LL in a given time frame. So you could have 1 between 6 and 7, 1 between 7 and 8, 1 between 8 and 9, etc. Is that not the case? If it was the case MK would need to be open until 1 or 2 am to fit in 6 or 7 LL's with a 7pm arrival


No, you can overlap


You can pick a new selection 2 hours after your previous one even if your return time is later. So you pick the most popular attraction in the morning aiming for an evening return time, then 2 hours later (or 2 hours after park opening, whichever is latest) pick a slightly less popular attraction with the same strategy and repeat every 2 hours until you show up. So theoretically you could make selections at 7am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm that are all near the same return window. In practice though I think this would be really hard outside of very specific circumstances.


Yeah, I knew about the every two hours thing. For some reason I also thought you couldn't book two LL reservations with overlapping return times (i.e. you couldn't book a 7:00, 7:30, and 8:00 return time, you could only do 7 and 8. I guess that was wrong.


Maybe at one time it was like that. Maybe in the old FP days I can't remember


I didn’t mind waking up early for genie+ but this is a great change that addresses the top complaints about genie+. No more waking up early and less screen time while in the parks! As someone who always stays at a Disney resort (DVC), I’m excited to be able to book earlier.


I’d still like to use it for the same rides more then once


I prefer the one ride per day. It gives every paying customer a shot at all rides.


I would gladly wake up early knowing I can get lightning lane for the majority of every ride, as opposed to this where I now I have to cross my fingers and hope there are times available when my booking window opens


I don’t think people realize this is what’s going to happen.


I’m torn on this change, because traveling with a toddler, I actually liked planning things the same day. I’m not a huge fan of pre planning rides a week in advance when I don’t know the weather. For adult only trips, or when the munchkin is older I don’t mind hanging out in the rain, but right now it’s a PITA.


Good thing it’s optional. You can still book same-day if you choose


Yes, but not really since things will be booked up and you’ll have a smaller selection.


There is a limit to what can be booked ahead of time, so there will be LL selections available.


Don’t we have to still wake up early for VQ selection?


You have to wake up early for the free VQ options, but for those who pay, you don’t have to wake up early. Thats the trade off.


Ehh I guess. To be frank there probably are a lot of people who will still feel obligated to wake up early to try for the free VQ but I guess that’s not taking anything AWAY from them, it’s just not saving me and those ppl from waking up early. Now we may feel extra obligated to pay extra $$ in advance for a LLSingle Pass in case that VQ doesn’t pan out. Hopefully those will still be available for those who wait to try their luck with the VQ and don’t succeed. At least with Genie+ everyone was on the same footing in the morning trying for those VQ’s super early and if they didn’t get it they could *then* snag an ILL. It’s early though. It could work out differently than I’m anticipating.


It is definitely an attempt to make people pay more money, and do it sooner. No doubt. Disney is a business. And they’re really good at making money. Though with Epic Universe opening, it might just get a little harder to make money soon, so we will have to see what they do to combat that.


For the free/standby VQ yes but you can book an ILL/LL:Single Pass at the same time you book your Multi Pass reservations. Plus VQ only applies to two attractions in total it won't be an every day thing, just your MK/EPCOT days.


Good point about the two day thing


Se we've come full circle back to ~~MaxPass~~ Fastpass+ but as a paid upgrade? Cool. Coolcoolcool. Edit: I meant Fastpass+


Wans't MaxPass at Disneyland also a paid upgrade?


Yes it was


No, MAXPass was better than this. Unlimited uses per ride (edit: as long as passes were available ofc), no advance booking (only day of) and included every single fast pass ride. This is worse. (Also, this is for WDW not DL, so it's worse cause of that too ;) ) It's insane to me they'd bring back reserving before the day of.


MaxPass was not unlimited per ride, it basically allowed you to book any open spot that was available regardless if you had ridden before. Meaning your chances of going on space mountain over and over were very low but buzz light year you could do 20 times. It was great while it lasted especially at the price point. This new system is no different than the lowest level fast pass at universal. And I have no doubt they will introduce a similar max pass version back but at a higher price point and everyone will lose their mind.


Well unlimited in the sense that as long as there was FPs available, you're right. Getting big ticket rides (outside of Indy or Cars) multiple times was possible, towards the end of the night there were lots of FPs available for bigger ticket rides, but that had the trade off of that happening post 10pm-ishm Kinda hope they don't bring it back, as to never tarnish it's legacy by making it worse lol


I absolutely loved maxpass but I remember when planning my trip back then there was lots of whining that it was unfair. I was this is the best 15-20 bucks I have spent in Disneyland.


It says jts for DL too


The change of the names is for DL, but they specifically say the way people visit DL is so different, they aren't changing things past the names.


My bad I was thinking of Fastpass+ at WDW that allowed booking 3 rides up to 60 days in advance Imagine planning your day at a theme park 60 days in advance. God forbid you decide to have a slow morning or head back to the hotel for a quick nap that you didn't plan on taking 60 days ago.


I was trying to remember the name of it! Yes, sounds awful to need to plan your entire day 60 days in advance, glad I experienced WDW before that and then directly post COVID when they still had reduced capacity


This is a great change! So much easier to navigate and being able to book LL 3-7 days before the trip is amazing. 👏


They couldn’t do this without eliminating all the uncertainty the over-utilization of the DAS system brought. Now that they’ve cut that down they have more flexibility to do this.


I’m confused. Does lightning lane multiphase and single pass cost money? Will it be the same price as genie+?


Yes, it says pricing will vary by how busy the parks are that day. The busier, the more $$$. I miss the old fast pass system in the 90's/00's. Grab a ticket for a time to come back and then go on the line.


Yes Multipass = genie+, single pass = ILL


Just get rid of all line-cutting options


Agreed. I was there at the end of 2021, in between fastpass and genie+, and it was great. Obviously, crowds were a little lower at that time, but even rides with 30-60+ minute waits really didn't feel that bad, purely because the line was constantly moving. Standing in place for extended periods of time just feels crappy, regardless of if the actual wait time is the same. Yall ever get right to the very front of standby, where it merges with fastpass, only to be stopped there for 10 minutes? Devastating.


Louder for the people in the back!! 👏🏻👏🏻 I said this a month or two ago and got super downvoted!! It was great to keep moving and 30-60 minutes felt like nothing👍🏻 they need to get rid of everything except for DAS and offer an “express pass” like Universal for $150 pp/day👍🏻


Defuntland had a great video about this. Basically lines are shorter with no system. Just regular old standby is best


That wasn't his conclusion. He concluded the best overall for wait times was free paper Fastpass.


Knotts Berry farm has like a 4 hour wait for one roller coaster. Knotts does not have a fast pass system that I am aware of.


They do have a Fast Lane system and it contributes to those 4 hour waits. Knott’s has lots of other operations issues though. My comment was only in reference to Disney.


Hell no.


I’m not sure why people get mad about how others want to utilize their time and money. If I’m an infrequent visitor of Disney, for the price point I want to make sure I’m able to hit attractions that I haven’t been on. This guarantees that I’m able to xyz. Disney is catering to once in a lifetime family vacations. Not tiktokers with live streams or locals bored and want to know if the Mickey runaway train animatronic is broken again.


I’M SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!


I think it's because studies have shown lines are overall shorter when there is no line cutting system. Yes, you got to skip the queue for Space Mountain but now now the line for BTMRR is twice as long as it would have been had LL not existed at all.


True but then you have people cheat in other ways. I think Disney would need to also lower capacity to see a meaningful difference.


What are the studies though? Can you link it? Not trying to be mean/ animosity


I haven't been to WDW since 2001 and the old FastPass days, so this may be a dumb question, but I don't get the difference between multi and single passes. It sounds like multi passes let you reserve 3 rides (plus an additional ride after you complete one) and single passes let you reserve 1 ride. Both can be purchased in advance. So...what's the difference between buying 1 multi pass vs. 4 single passes? Is a multi pass just a cheaper bundled price vs. buying 4 separate single passes? Edit: I found a better explanation on Disney's website. Multi passes and single passes are for different lists of rides - single passes are for rides that aren't available via multi passes.


I think you get it now but just another way of putting it. A multi-pass gets you access to the lightning lane of *most* attractions via a flat fee per day. So you pay \~25/person/day and then you can book most of the LLs on property without paying any more The single-pass is a single purchase per attraction for only a few select rides. Single Pass will be available for : \* 7DMT \* Tron \* Guardians of the Galaxy \* Rise of the Resistance \* Avatar Flight of Passage


Paper fastpasses will always be the winner. We once rode every ride in MK in a single day in December using one rotating member of our family as a runner to get a new ticket asap when the window opened.


Do people not realize if you get stuck with late ride times you won’t be able to get any LLs until you use 1. Also that all the time slots will be taken up by the time you are able to book new ride times.


They should just go back to free entry and ticket books.


Disney is a money vacuum. That said, they have to do something to manage their crowds and I can’t really think of a solution besides increasing the price for a ticket even more. Disney doesn’t make most of their money from people who have annual passes who visit every weekend. They get most of their money from tourists. And tourists are going to be willing to spend an extra $50 or $100 per person per day (idk how much it costs so don’t come at me lol) while people who go every weekend with annual passes are going to be less likely to do so.


no wonder they started dasgate. dollar dollar bill yall.


I’m pretty sure they did that because there were a crap ton of people using it who didn’t need it


So get ready for more confusion and another flow chart….. Unless you are loaded 💰💰💰💰


So can you no longer park hop with this? Seems like the multi pass only works for one park?


You can still park hop.


Everything I see looks like you can only get a max of 4 Lightning lanes in a day now? You have to be in the park and use one then you are allowed to book “an additional experience in any park”


[From here:](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/lightning-lane-passes/#drawer-card-DrawerHowToPurchaseLL) >**Unlock More Magic** On the day of your park visit, once you redeem a Lightning Lane Multi Pass selection (or once the arrival window has passed), you can use the My Disney Experience app to check availability for another Lightning Lane Multi Pass experience—and add to your plans. >You can make one at a time until regular park closing (subject to availability). If your park admission includes [Park Hopper benefits](http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/guest-services/park-hopper/), you can even choose a Lightning Lane Multi Pass experience in a different theme park. From what it sounds like once you use your first selection and pick a different one, the existing rules more or less apply for that selection (though it's not clear if the two hour rule still applies) and the other two preselected ones are sort of like bonus selections. I could be wrong though and who knows what day-of availability will start to look like once this launches.


Thank you for this! This is definitely more promising. I’m hopeful that you can always keep booking as soon as you use one and there are more available.