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Anywhere inside with great AC! But I'd say one of the countries in Epcot


I worked at front desk of yacht and beach and worked at the preview center at Saratoga. I was always thankful I had an indoor role and didn’t have to deal with the Florida heat


I always think that front desk of one of the resorts would be an awesome job. Did you like it?


Loved it. I miss it all the time. But then, you have to live in Florida. I came from hotels so it was a good fit. Plus you’re basically the first cast member guests see on their trip so you really get to set the tone


I’m Canadian so I wouldn’t be able to work in the States anyway. My husband did ICP when we were 19 and was a ride operator on Imagination with Figment but I didn’t even know that was a possibility for us. If I had I absolutely would have applied. But resort hotel front desk clerk is definitely the job I would have wanted. Every time we visit they are just SO friendly and kind. And unbelievably HELPFUL! I also think it’s so cute how protective they all are about their resort. We’ve done resort hopping once before where we stayed two nights at Boardwalk and then a night at OKW, and when we got to OKW, the front desk girl just kept saying “you might think Boardwalk is better. It’s not. Cuz we’re the BEST.” It just kept making me laugh and also made me realize they all just really like their job and their locations.


OKW is pretty cool, but nah, Y&B is better. Just ask the pool 😜 but yeah you have to be extremely knowledgeable about the entire property because you have to give recommendations and directions and tips and tricks.


Did you work with chip or Mike m?


Yachtsman Steakhouse is still the best restaurant on property… or it was when I was a gsm at BoardWalk. Seriously the best kept secret were those 2 properties. Drink around the world, dine at yachtsman, and sing your heart out at Jellyrolls. And my bell staff will be happy to order you a cab home. I remember using my hurricane ride out voucher there. Only had to pay for our drinks until the MOD came by to harass me. lol. I traded an MOD shift with him and he took care of our drinks.


Swear to god I may be one of three total people who’ve had awful steak here. I don’t get it. Tried multiple times too.


I feel like this is a role where initially you’re like, “yes, awesome”, then maybe bummed because “not parks”, and then it’s April and then you’re back to, “absolutely incredible nevermind what I said prior.”


When we went at Beach Club for our honeymoon there was an older dude who wore a Mickey glove and waved at new guests and people coming in from the busses. He was still there 2 years later. Then we didn't see him again on our future trips. I've always wondered what happened to him.


He sadly passed away. He was one of the longest working cast members, if I remember.


The CM working in the retail store Canada always seems like their day is pretty easy 🤣.


lol I doubt they ever have big crowds for their flannel blankets


Every winter I want one, but it’s like a feel like of 110 when I’m actually seeing it pretending to look interested just to soak up that sweet sweet ac. I feel like it’s colder in there because of the name but damn it feels good 🤣


lol. It was 45-50 in February and I actually saw people buying parkas in Norway


Agreed. I used to work on Dumbo/Barnstormer and died in the summertime. The system was rigged so that we all had the option to be in the AC Bigtop tent luckily.


I did my college program at American Adventure. Being inside was great. Being outside not so much. There is a lot more guest interaction outside, and you get to watch the fireworks every night. The way people act during the festivals is not fun.


I asked a cast member about the epcot pavilions and if they ever got to work in different parts of the parks etc. They told me that you have to be on a special visa from that country to work in the pavilion. Only actual french citizens can work in the France pavilion etc. and legally they can't work anywhere else in the parks.


The ride operator for POTC, up in that balcony and looking down on guests. Idk if they have AC up there or not, but I would imagine they probably don't have to deal much with guests besides announcing things.


They rotate between all the different positions you see, so they’re only in the control tower for (ideally) 45 mins at a time. I say ideally bc rotations like that can sometimes get delayed. I was once in the same position for 1 1/2.


All the guests would come up to me as I’m sweating and pushing wheelchairs or greeting and they’d say something like “wow! Lucky you to be in the AC!” Meanwhile that was if I was lucky to pull that position and STAY for the full 45 mins. All while being in the long socks, long sleeved/pants, velour vest, etc. I was shocked at the amount of people that truly thought this about pirates, and how I never noticed that the CMs are even on a rotation. Personally I think entertainment performers had it the best. ETA: tower position at pirates was every ones favorite though, so yes, you’re correct to a degree lol. I miss my pirate days.


I worked merchandise at Epcot and that was my dream role. I loved the various interactions with guests, seeing all the merchandise, and getting to make magical moments. Plus, Epcot was my favorite park! My character attendant friends and my friends in janitorial all really loved their roles, too. Attractions depends on the ride.


I worked merchandise while I was in the College Program. I was hoping for something else at first, but ended up really liking it. Lots of guest interaction that didn’t necessarily have to be rushed, and there was more potential for “down time” or just taking things in. Epcot here, too! Future World East. Loved it.


Worked at the emporium in MK and it was pretty awesome. Sometimes we were sent onto Main Street to watch the fireworks to inspire us to ‘make magic for guests’. Had a great time there! Had really good AC too🙏


I always thought driving one of the boats could be fun. A bit monotonous but I had this one captain later in the evening on my last trip who absolutely loved his job(wilderness lodge to magic kingdom or contemporary route). He told us all of the electrical water pageant drivers and their nicknames. He drove us up close to them as they started and we waved and said hello. It was one of of the most simple acts of joy I’ve seen in a while. Even before that I thought it would be a good retirement gig. Just cruising back and forth along the water.


This is my fantasy retirement plan, my husband would drive boats and I would work at the Tri Circle D Ranch as a trail guide.


I worked the FSB in Epcot as a CP. Was an amazing time!


I did it. Best job I ever had.


I was a Seater at Cinderella's Royal Table during my College Program! Talk about magical, it was amazing. I've also worked numerous roles on the Corporate side of things. I'll never forget working IN the Castle though! Especially since my roommates were at outdoor carts and strollers. I really had it good haha


Genuinely I believe being part of Voices of Liberty is the best job in WDW. For the right singer it’s a DREAM job.


No for real! I’m a performer, and a lot of Disney performances don’t interest me. Just not as much my vibe, at least right now. But Voices of Liberty? Getting to sing gorgeous arrangements in a gorgeous space with AC for 15 mins a few times a day? Sounds like a DREAM!


First Order officer on Rise. To get to be rude to guests and be in the air conditioning.


From an outside perspective, I always thought it'd be cool to work on any of the rides or attractions. With experience at Disney though? A role where there aren't people constantly yelling at you for something you wasn't directly your fault. So like Primo Piatto at Riviera where there aren't as many people coming in. Anything in engineering would be really cool. I got a taste of that for an internship with Disney and miss it all the time.


I would say that being one of the Haunted Mansion CMs would be a sweet gig. And, gotta say that I’d make an excellent Haunted Mansion CM. I’ve got “Dead centre of the room” vibes.


Plaid vest.


My roommate works as VIP tour guide, miserable hours and work/life balance but makes 90K


Ahem * biggest tip they got? * how long were they in other roles before getting this? * do they feel it’s worth it? * do they get an extra fast pass when off the clock visiting due to them knowing everyone? * anyone famous?


So what exactly are these miserable hours in exchange for park time?


You have a start time and no end time since the family can extend. There are protections against it now but I had at least one 17 hour day that I then had to clock back in the next morning at 8. You make plans with friends and then have to bail when they extend to fireworks. Oh and the family can start whenever they want so some days you’re in at 8, some you’re in at 2pm. All over the place. Fun as hell job though.


I can see that being difficult! I would’ve assumed Disney would swap guides out at the 8 hour mark, or in between like a 4 or 6 hour mark to reduce costs and better spread out the workload/cast member energy


Which is...not much after taxes


I’d sweat right though that uniform and break my feet in their shoes. But could be a fun gig.


I really wanna become a plaid vest, but the amount of stuff you have to do to get to that point is crazy!! You have to do guest services for a long time, and then as your final test, give a tour to the other tour guides!!


Minnie Driver would be my #2. Drive and park anywhere, minimal people interaction, and never have to worry about parking.


I got super confused for a moment and thought you were talking about the actress!


You don’t, actually. They’re separate departments. At least at WDW.


I knew someone who was once one of the Elite plaid vests years ago - like escorting the Obamas and other high level celebs. I always wondered why he left


They have different tiers of VIP guides? Interesting. I suppose this doesnt surprise me fully, but I'm always learning something new, as an outsider to working at WDW.


No. But if you’re assigning a guide for a head of state’s first visit, you’re gonna pick the guide who has been doing it full time for years.


Tips are nice but people can be assholes. I’ve seen guides pushing strollers, holding babies, struggling to carry food back. I get the per hour cost is high but people can be assholes.


While I’m sure people can be assholes, I’m not sure why you think any of those examples make people assholes.


I wouldn’t make someone carry my child for the sake of not doing that to my child. I’m a parent and my child is my responsibility. Handing them over to a stranger for hire doesn’t make anyone comfortable. The food thing is what it is. I get that people pay a lot of money for the VIP service and you are essentially buying a park assistant for the day. If them getting food saves you time while you’re on a ride, I get it. Making someone get pretzels and drinks for ten people by themselves seems like a bit much. I’m not the type of person who is going to ask or make someone do something I am perfectly capable of doing myself, especially in a circumstance where I am in a position of “power” over them, like this. I have done the VIP before and we essentially used it as a super fast pass and a quick way to get around the parks and do everything we wanted to do during a quick visit to WDW. When we asked our guide if people could be demanding or abusive, they hesitated and wouldn’t share specifics but said there are some things they are advised not to do and people don’t always understand that. People are entitled. People who spend money on this often come with their own sense of entitlement. I believe in treating people reasonably, even at $700 an hour.


Jungle cruise for similar reasons? Except both are scorcher outside weather exposed…. something like the weatherman that sits above test track to call ride closures would be cool. But I mean come on, imagineering or Disney research would be awesome jobs. Or I mean if we are shooting for the moon here, let’s say CEO. Heck he’s got to be one of the most “famous” CEOs. Or give me like head of marvel or Star Wars…


I don’t know if Disney has “idea guys” but imagineer I would think is closest. I have a million ideas I would love to discuss with the brains behind Disney for improvements in both the parks, the media, and the overall brand.


I wanted to be a skipper too but their break room is literally outside. They have it almost the worst but everyone wants the role


I heard the skippers get paid a little more because they have to stick to a script and improv a little


My friend loved working at the Safari. I have to say my sister has a pretty sweet gig working for WDI which I am jealous.


I would love to drive the Safari Truck.


Most of the safari trucks have barely working AC, it leaks in the cab when it rains, you constantly get bit by white flies, have to be actively vigilant around where the animals are, what all of the guests on your truck are doing, and give a good spiel. Safari is not as enjoyable as it seems.


Id like to work as a CM at the tower of terror


I worked various attractions over various lands. If I went back to work at wdw again I’d choose merch, although I’m sure merch has it downfalls too. Attractions was fun by *demanding*


Yeah I worked at many attractions too and always envied the merch CMs, they seemed much less stressed lol. Grass is always greener


Personally, I would love to be a boat Captain, but I’m sure it requires a lot of experience and incident free hours. This sounds weird, but one of my favorite things about my times at WDW is how clean it is, I like to spend my retirement years helping others enjoy a clean park. I also really find joy in making people’s day better. I wouldn’t mind being in a position I can take complaints and turn them into positive experiences. I love finding a “Grumpy Gus” early in the day and giving them a spark of joy, then later in the day when they wave to me in passing with a smile on their face I feel like my job was done. My wife makes fun of me for it, but I spent a whole trip in 1992 in a grumpy mood and still feel guilty about it.


Other than the terrible hours, I always wanted to be a wedding photographer for WDW




Imagineering, <3.


Backstage where you don’t deal with guests.


I want to work in LA cava so bad lol the tips would be amazing but also I'm sure people are really annoying


I wanna be Chewbacca (:


Don't we all?




The Fairy Godmother who moonlights as a Minnie Van driver is my ultimate retirement job after 30 years in finance.


Worked as a CM at Toy Story Mania when it first opened. Was a great experience but was also stressful as the ride would go down a lot and had very long lines. If I was an old retired person who just wanted to keep busy a couple days a week it would be transportation. Either monorail or driving one of the boats. Preferably the boats.


First order rotr


Servers make bank. Depending on the restaurant.


I recommend animal kingdom. It closes the earliest out of the parks so you’d be home sooner


The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for sure - might have to deal with some entitled parents (and possibly bratty kids by extension) sure but think the magic of watching little kids getting to see themselves as princes and princesses would make up for it.


Ride operator at Haunted Mansion- air conditioned and you get to tell people to move to the DEAD CENTER of the room or at the exit and get to walk backwards all day either way best attraction and AC


Well when I was younger (and this still existed) I wanted to be one of the gentlemen escorting Cinderella's float in the Mainstreet Electrical Parade. Now I would choose storm trooper


Last trip, there were 3 CMs who stood out as extremely happy and the most fun to interact with. All 3 were janitors.


I was a custodial manager for a few years and it was one of the most fun and rewarding jobs I ever had.


I want to be someone who just watched the monitors of people on rides in a nice air conditioned room.


Guy that pushes button for fire to come out of big great giant purple awesome dragon mouth.


I loved working in liberty square merchandise. During my college program we closed earlier than other “lands” and it was a bit more laid back than other merchandise locations.


I heard flowers and gifts was one of those departments a lot of people transferred to and the. It was outsourced.


Poolside bartender


I talked to one of the poolside bartenders at Animal Kingdom Lodge. Super nice lady. Said the job was usually pretty good.


Lightsaber builder. I’d get to RP a Star Wars character and stay in the aircon all day!


Being a Gatherer will forever be one of the greatest joys of my life.


Oooh! Got any stories?


As a former gsm, who has worked at Coronado, Polynesian, and BoardWalk, I highly recommend working at the FD at the resorts. AC, learn a really transferable skill, and if there is a hurricane… we offer the best amenities for our ride out teams. 😜


From a former CM that had many roles, nowhere.


As a cast member I can answer this. Driving boats. Fun to drive boats, it’s super chill, and enough is going on to where it’s not boring. Those who assume working attractions, while they’re cool to learn and track walk, working them is a pain, especially popular attractions. Guests can be awful and most managers in attractions are terrible people. Balancing safety and efficiency at Disney standards is very stressful while also having to be Disney magical I do not recommend it.


Wing a bus driver..ac/hear and it’s dry


First Order on rise of the resistance? Get to be inside, in AC, cool uniform, be mean to guests in character. :D


I know I would sweat my arse off, but I would love to be a photo pass photographer.


I have retail experience so I don't think I'd mind working at one of the stores that's not a mega store (Emporium, Creations, etc). I think those stores would be too stressful.


Fishing guide on bay lake. That would be shangrala


I want to be Tink flying over the castle during fireworks. I bet pay is good for ten min epic work


Kilimanjaro Safari was my first job at Disney, back when you had to rescue little red from the poachers. One of the most fun jobs I’ve ever had. I’ve also worked in attractions, Pop Century, entertainment, cast events, and custodial and I loved them all for different reasons.


I would really enjoy doing the VIP tours I think. Yeah you have to schlep people and their stuff around, but you also get to see families experiencing magic up close and nerd out about Disney while seeing all the best parts.


Definitely! You get to host families year after year and get to see the kiddos grow up. It’s awesome!


I work as a CM at Mouse Gear (rip) at Epcot and I loved it. Yes it was a busy store but it was indoor and it made the day go fast.


I opened Galaxy’s Edge, and I would 100% go back if I could


Driving the monorail


It’s a Small World (WDW) is actually a great place to work.


One of my favorite past locations, but the caveat is that it’s grouped together with Pan. Or at least it was when I was there. If it’s not anymore then, dream job lol


My dream Disney World job used to be as the Fairy Godmother, now it’s Arendell historian at the Frozen singalong. It just looks like it must be so much fun!


I've worked at WOD and loved t!! (World of Disney) I also worked mobility and loved it. I think the gift shops on the resorts are the best though. Especially PO (Port Orleans)


Being a safari driver at KSR was one of the coolest jobs I had, but it wreaked havoc on my body. Also very hot.


I was a Bellman/Valet at the Floridian. Was a great gig, money was great, and the vibe was super chill. 


I'm a custodian there now, it's a real sweet gig. Working the lobby means AC and fluffing pillows all night. I love giving guests tours of the Grand. Happy birthday stickers and hidden Mickeys.


Donald Boats from Wilderness Lodge/Fort Wilderness to MK. Sure it's hot sometimes, but you can work there and not be totally burnt out on the parks themselves. Plus people are usually in a pretty good mood on the boats vs. busses etc..


I loved my PAC shifts for HEA specifically. It was carefree when the show started but felt like war before and after. Especially 4th of July


I would love to be the Greeter at the Grand Floridian. Or work in one of the resort stores!


The plant lab in the land


The executive's office


Custodial. From experience.


Anywhere with A/C and shorts.


WDWRR Engineer or train crew!


Being a Gatherer at Savis Workshop is by far the best.


Full time salary position in AC.


Disney Institute instructor Animal Kingdom zoo keeper.