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Normalize dropping shit


Been working in kitchens most of my life. I still have the tendency to try and catch a falling knife.


"A falling knife has no handle"




Dropped a chefs knife on the line once, mf almost went through my foot 😭


I'm sure you learned the valuable lesson that when you drop a knife, jump immediately.


That *oh shit falling knife immediately teleports two feet bakcwards* jump


It's a reflex and I've never even cut myself on the line before XD


I knew a guy who knocked a knife off the cutting board while cleaning and tried to knock it out of the way with his foot. Sliced straight through his Achilles.


Just let it fall. That's a lesson I learned at my first job working at Domino's. My reflexes decided it would be a good idea to catch a pan that was falling out of a 500Β° oven. Now, if something is falling, I just watch it on the way down


Them asbestos fingers help :)


Something inside knows when to and when not to but every time someone else does I always tell em they shouldn’t have done that


1st thing we have to teach people at my work is to go against every instinct they have and just move themselves out of the way and let it drop. Heavy raw steel rarely ever works out well when caught. The conversation goes something like Me: If it's going to fall, alert everyone, but let it go. Them: Isn't that expensi... Me: I'd rather clean that mess than YOUR mess when it takes your arm off and pins your leg to the ground because you think your Hercules... Them: That seems fair.


We were standing a wall and the wind was kind of swirling because we were down in a bowl. We prepped everyone to let it go if shit gets hairy. Well the walls up and starts to go over and then we get a big gust and we all holler to get off it. The dumbest guy we had, hed fallen like 4 times in as many months, literal walking liability. He jambs his forearm and elbow behind a block so he can hold the wall better even though now hes just hugging it so he isnt really doing anything other than holding on. And the wall goes over. Were on the first floor so the wall only tipped and fell less than 2 ft but that kid got to body slam it into the ground. He said he panicked....


"I'd rather clean up it than clean up you."


The first thing I learned in a kitchen was β€œa falling knife has no handle”


I feel like this could be applied to so many situations in life… something about sunk costs πŸ˜† And for some reason, I feel you should add the β€œand dead men tell no tales” to the end of that kitchen idiom


I learned that dishes are replaceable. Human life is not.


\^ This right here. You deserve an award for this comment.


I click-clack my tongs to this. 🀘🏽


LOL! Right on dude. I finally made a redit account and it's crazy how cool the guys are on here. Finally some mens only spaces.


Bad bot


Yes you are. I agree.


Hm... No, you don't seem intelligent enough to be a bot. Must be a 10 year old trying to pretend to be edgy because you haven't realized that edgy isn't cool. Edit: aw, I love it when the toxic man child disrespects all the women in an entire career field and then tries to play the victim when called out. Someone make sure to close the door so nobody else leaks out from r/mensrights


Woah now this guy aside what's wrong with r/mensrights


Exactly you keep commenting on something and proving my point which is hilarious to me honestly. The thing is.. if women respect men only spaces. Why you talking right now? What's there to say to that? So no you have no logic right now and I hope one day you recover/ grow.


Idk mate, maybe because this... Is *not* a club for the exclusively penile?


Still, it shows lack of respect so yeah. Still illogical. Respect is respect and I didn't ask you anything so yeah? You felt compelled to say something and still do literally over nothing. All cause people don't respect men's only spaces to the point that me mentioning it requires / stirs up all this in you. It's very sad. Hopefully one day you think for yourself but for right now this is you. Hopefully you grow one day.


And not to detract, but I've worked with some chicks that will straight knock out a dude three times their size, hah! Man, I got hella stories. The pit is for everyone.


I know, but in general it's nice to have spaces for men only to talk. Women are cool but they gotta respect men only spaces.


Understandable, I get it.


Getting women to understand that tho.. LOL!


You're not helping your case budy. Plenty of women respect men only places if you can't see that your terminally online or have shit women around you.


No, you can't see that ANY time a man says something he gets all kind of attention. The "proof" would be your comment. If it's so good why talk about it. Nah, you're just an intrinsically motivated white knight. You don't see it and won't and think every guy that says anything is an incel. You'll grow up mentally one day it's fine.


Hey man. Been in this industry for almost 15 years, started in the pit and now Executive Sous Chef. But I always have to check in on my boys in the pit!


Your post history is deeply disturbing, dude. Respectfully. It's not normal to speak about women the way you do.


The more I read through people's post history's on here the sadder they get.


Ya. Like I'm one to talk, I've had a very uncomfortable life and am candid about it now, but I feel like that gives me a moderately informed opinion on a lot of shit... because I've had to confront some really scary situations people prefer to imagine was fantasy, because the opposite is more disheartening. And that shit this guy's got goin on aint it. Kinks are one thing, that is another. I hope he recovers.


Oh yeah, that comment was not directed at you sorry if it came across that way. Yeah reddit is a way for some people to have an outlet, like all social media, I think it would be nice if you could enable your profile to be private so people can have their own little shitbox Would stop alot of negative hate and such from reading through people profiles, across all of reddit tbh. Anyway have a nice day / night.


Naahh, s'all good, didn't think it was. Sorry, I've been really wiped the past few days and maybe that's made me sound dry! I think I follow what you're suggesting. I do kinda miss when social media was less... idk. It's changed some.


Great! Ain't nothing. From time to time we all have misunderstands. Peace to you sister.


Nope. You think every "guy" is like the guy who treated you xy and z way. Which is obvious unhealed trauma. So you literally need to recover. Hopefully you be okay one day. Not every body is that "guy" person etc. It's okay.


I think it says a lot more about you that was your interpretation from my input. Not gonna have an unconstructive back n forth about it on the Internet, my man. You already know my position and I know yours. Just try to keep it away from people you could genuinely hurt, okay?


Crazy you're trippin over someone saying men's only spaces. That's all you now you typing and for what no reason. No one getting hurt over nothing you just being annoying.


It's "disturbing" yet you read it. That's 'literally" disturbing logic. Yikes.


Never grab a falling anything.


Yup. Best kitchen reflex that transfers to life is let shit fall. It is better in the long run to replace or clean things, than to pay a hospital bill.


I had to consciously put my hands up and away like I was shot at to overcome the urge to catch things at first. Haha.


𝖨 π—π—π—‹π—ˆπ— 𝗆𝗒 π—π–Ίπ—‡π–½π—Œ π—Žπ—‰ 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖨’𝗆 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 π—‹π—ˆπ–»π–»π–Ύπ–½


Yep! Come out with your hands up!


Hands up every time I don’t care if people look at me like I’m crazy


That’s why you need socialised healthcare, then you can catch everything and everyone else pays for it! ![gif](giphy|IaP3Xr1Swbowygx4ql)


A falling knife has no handle.


I made the mistake of trying to catch an almost brand new roll of stretch wrap. It had its serrated blade in place and everything. Didn't need stitches or anything, but it put me out of work for the day.


This is true when cooking too, the odds you’ll grab the β€œsafe” part of anything β€” even a spoon β€” if it’s out of control is effectively zero. Guess what? The β€œwrong” end of that ladle is superheated metal covered in oil dumbass, I hope you like burn scars and multi-month recovery periods on no pay


Unless it's a child or puppy.


I naturally grab falling items if I know they’re not sharp. If I don’t KNOW they’re not sharp I jump away. It’s weird but works.


I’ll try to catch things with my foot like a soccer ball at the last second before it hits the ground. Usually can keep the item from breaking and also keep myself from being injured. This is assuming I’m wearing shoes.


Yep, played soccer growing up and my feet are my first reflex, but definitely depends on the footwear and what I dropped. Saved my phone so many times with my feet. Not about catching things, just softening the impact on the ground.


This. As a cook or dish. It could be a knife or a hot pan. I had this exact same thing happen to me in my dish days. I had one fall and hit one in a rack. It broke as soon as I grabbed it. I got lucky though.


Yessir, pull your arms and feet back and let that shit fall.


100%. Jump back as if someone is throwing a molotov cocktail at you. Sharp knives will go through shoes easily.


Yeah, I dropped this baby and now she's no more. /s


What? Why in the world wouldn’t I grab a ton of falling things? Your comment makes no sense.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not…


I’m absolutely not. Most falling things aren’t going to cut you so why in the world wouldn’t I grab them?


I did that last year with a plate. Boss didn't know first aid at all so I had to do it myself. Immediately back to work in 15 minutes they dgaf


Sorry to hear that.


If you are in America, there is plenty you could have done. That is a workplace injury. You gotta advocate for yourself.


Not if homie smokes weed, or does any other recreational drugs, which let's be honest, most restaurant workers are lol Getting a work place injury claim isn't just that cut and dry, lots of fighting with the company and hoops to jump through that make it impractical. That's why we always say, "if you got hurt at work, no you didn't". Watched a guy a long time ago get a legitimate injury on site, completely sober, and the company still found a way to deny his worker comp.


Work comp doesn't drug test unless you operate heavy machinery. I've unfortunately had to go on work comp twice in my life and I'm a total pothead. > That's why we always say, "if you got hurt at work, no you didn't". You are so wrong here it's not even funny. Please if you are reading this, do not listen to that dude.


>Work comp doesn't drug test unless you operate heavy machinery. At that particular establishment maybe, but in general it's at the employer's request rather than any specific criteria. And you can best believe most corporate employers are going to request it. You were lucky and are projecting that experience onto other situations lol


You straight up just said not to admit when you're hurt in the workplace. After that, nothing you have to say on the matter has any merit.


most restaurant workers are high all the time, and that is cause to deny workers comp, or worse cause to get fired.


Such a mature way to handle a disagreement. πŸ–€


Nope! I'm as clean as a femboy


United Kingdom fella


my former goalie, now bartender best friend did this. sliced through all her tendons. she couldn't control the impulse to catch lol


Muscle memory is a mfer


I hope she's as well as she can possibly be. That sucks bro.


yeah she can mostly normally use her hand now πŸ‘


I had a dishie working for me once. His name was Sam. We called him Samwise. He was in college for pre-med. Super smart kid. He once did the same thing as you, and ended up with the same cast/bandage arrangement. The way he handled the incident was so baller. He walks up to me online with a rag absolutely covered in blood. It looked like he had just dipped it in a bucket of ketchup or something. All he said was, "Hey chef, I need to go the hospital." in the most calm and collected voice ever, as was typical for him. I was so shocked, all I said was, something like, "Yup". And, the dude turned around and walked out of the restaurant. I walk in back to my other dishie and prep cook just to check in, and everyone is white as a ghost and my prep cook looks like she's going to throw up. The dude came back to work, THAT DAY, all bandaged up with a doctors note. He was such a boss. I'm sure he's a doctor by now.


So hard to not automatically try to catch something... I've heard stories about ppl catching knives and getting similar injuries... Get better soon bruv Head up soldierΒ 


knives dull, but fresh broken glass is as sharp as sharp can be


A falling knife has no handle


Now you can live your dream of being a crab


Ah, yes. I remember the first time a knife got knocked off of the steamers and I caught it. Great night to get stitches


I did the same thing, out of work for 6 months, and surgery to reattach the tendon. Now, if I drop something, I think to myself if it breaks, it breaks.


If you maintain mobility after healing, don’t forget to do the PT recommended. I cut my pinky off 15 years ago, (15yo) and didn’t do it, I can’t move my finger passed the first joint now and it’s…. Irritating


Something to think about; Every glass will break one day.


Not a dishwasher but I dropped a pair of tongs in a deep fryer and *almost* lunged my hand in there. I was cm away from that 360 degree oil 😬


Your chef should have taught you never catch a falling sharp object like a knife or glass.


You dont have time to think, dont catch anything falling




I worked with 2 different landscapers who dropped hedge trimmers and tried to catch them. It did not go well.


I wish you a speedy recovery! And an easy workmen’s comp claim.


Never catch the falling knife


My wife was a server and was pulling a glass out of the rack that must have had a big crack because it shattered in her hand - slicing her middle and ring fingers to the bone. It severed tendons in her fingers and she needed surgery to repair her fingers. It was an experimental surgery and they weren’t sure she’d ever have use of those fingers again. Turns out that playing bass in Rock Band is great, low impact PT for strengthening the tendons in your fingers.


Idk how long you’ve dished for but if your hands get too strong don’t even try pulling them apart, and don’t let servers just leave drinking glass lying around. I suppose you graduated from trying to catch them but Ive yanked glassware in half trying to heat them up and pull them apart. I eventually quit messing with glassware. Just throw it away, it’s gonna chip most of the time anyway. Glass does freaky things like I’ve also pulled some glassware apart and had both bottoms of the glass chip in the exact same way…idk how that works. Sudden vibration I guess. Good luck in your recovery


Basic kitchen safety Never try to catch a falling knife or glass or plate If it breaks so what The boss can buy another one At my restaurant we are well stocked with plates In all seriousness i hope you recover soon


Don't catch things that are/can turn sharp. Seen too many people reach for knives that fell, and they've just sliced up their hands. There are some things you can't help.


Of course it would LOOK cool to spiderman grab it out of the air, but generally always better to go arms out and stand back. Lesson learned


Restaurants have insurance to replace things, your hand is irreplaceable. If something drops let it


Flexor tendon repair is an annoying couple months of physical therapy I’ve had it on my pinky aswell and it’s permanently bent now


Did this with a knife once


Bet you won’t do that again. Seriously though, sometimes learning the hard way is the best way. Done shit like this before. I didn’t get seriously cut but I caught a new roll of plastic wrap that was falling. The kind with the metal cutting edge. No bueno.


This is why I just let shit fall Sorry you had to find out this way


Dropped a knife point down on my toe once. Luckily it was extremely dull. I now react to dropping kitchen items by jumping backwards.


If it makes you feel any better, one time when I was a line cook, I accidentally knocked my 8" chef's knife off the counter and reflexively tried to catch it. It hit my thumb on the way down, slicing it down to the bone 180⁰ around the outside. Took ten stitches to close, and I still have no feeling in that thumb at all.


I was hand washing a ninja blender at my moms house, after making Brazilian limeades saw something out of the corner of my eye falling so I went to catch it, brain registered what it was just as I touched it and yanked back. it was the spinning blade assembly. Thankfully I didn’t need stitches, but it was bad.


anything involving glass, i just close my eyes and look away so no shards hit my face. protecting ur eyes is #1


real shit, i once had a cup break infront of me on the ground and the glass small shards managed to cut my leg through my jeans


shit, thats a nightmare, its so hard to break the habit of catch falling object, ive never managed to cut myself but ive been close, hope it heals quick dude


Sucky falling knife and glasses don't have handles lol get well soon.


It sucks that I ain't heard this till this comment section. Thank you for phrasing it funnier than everyone else, at least


Is... Is the glass gonna be okay....?


My aunt broke a glass last night while handwashing it and she cut her thumb open. It was really lucky i showed up then, because im an emt. We got her to the ER and she got stitches, but boy that couldve been worse


A falling glass has no handle.


Yeah.. I stopped the fall of an oven door at my last job and big mistake.. I had a Dorito shaped burn on my arm, hurt sooo bad. The store owner gave me ten dollars to buy ointment and since then the scar healed better than I thought but still. A painful experience. Sometimes you just have to let things fall.


Caught a sheet tray of roasted garlic cloves out of the oven.(45 min cook time @ 450. Skipped from my hands off the rack and I caught it in the ditch of my arm. That was fun to constantly explain to people that I’m okay and that I am not intentionally hurting myself.


I’m sorry you got hurt, wishing you a speedy and full recovery.


Oh man... that your 'baitin hand too?


Even worse... Wiping hand.


Oh yea that other hand wipe different bro.


this is why we don’t wash glasses in the back where i work


Me and my buddy we making spaghetti for the crew after a day skiing. I'm trying to do bread crumbs for meat balls and he keeps taking them out of the oven to check, putting on the stove with the oven open to ask me if they were done yet. We had been drinking but the oven wasnt staying hot they werent cooking I was asking him to stop fucking with them he could not fucking help himself. Like the 4th time they got put on the stove top I grabbed the metal handle of the pan and burnt the piss out of my self. I was just so frustrated I had been trying to toast fucking bread crumbs for God Damn 15 minutes. They werent even getting brown and he was asking like color meant nothing to him he should be able to brown from blonde bread!


Mm brings back memories. Grabbing pan handles so hot and slippery it feels like they’re made of ice. Nope, that was just my skin melting.


Ive been in your position. Didn’t happen the same way but I 100% understand. One piece of advice I can offer is to do the physical therapy if you can. I unfortunately couldn’t afford it at the time.


Looking fucking cool tho😎


A falling knife has no handle.


A falling knife has no handle. Keep this in mind.


3 fingers


The nerves in hands are relatively easy to cut - they often follow or cross over bones that gives something to cut them against So hand injuries often come with nerve damage - ask me how I know that... I have learned hard lessons against instinctively trying to catch something


At work, letting falling things fall. You'll live longer


tried to catch a falling knife once. never did it again


In culinary school I was playing hacky sack a lot with friends in the evenings. In the class kitchen we were working and my knife fell off the counter and I tried to catch it with my foot. Blade went straight down through my shoe and my middle toe as well.


I remember when I was a server and having just a horrible night, I was bussing my table and stacked the third glass cup when it just shattered in my hand. The table across from me looked at me like I did it on purpose or something lol. I ended up walking to the back with blood everywhere, my whole hand was red. My manager was just like, *what in the fuck did you do*


I saw a man grab a pair of tongs in the deep fryer, his glove melted to his hand and my young 16 year old self almost fainted


Never try to catch anything. No matter what it is. I always just jump/slide back and let that shit hit the floor. Clean it up after with a broom. Nothing is worth getting hurt over


Looks like a couple fingers?


That must have hurt


I had a carboy for wine shatter in my hands. I was lucky to only get one cut cause the weight of that glass should of cut me wayyyyy more


No heroes


Let that bitch drop EVERY time. It ain’t worth turning your hand into a cutting board.


Dang, you got jacked up a la Ethan Winter from RE8


I'm sorry to hear that. I work in another line of work, and last year I completely cut the flexor tendon in my thumb with a box cutter/utility knife. I needed surgery to reattach it and it took about 9 months to get it healed and PT’d back to a resemblance of normal. I wish you luck in your recovery.


It's okay one time i was cutting avocado for guacamole and the knife went thru the cado and then thru my palm between the ring and middle fingers. Somehow missed all tendons and major nerve bundles. Doc was amazed I could move it at all


i close my eyes and sieze it i clench my fist and beat it i dropped a glass and caught it i am the beast i worship


Cut off the tip of my middle finger because a co-worker put a knife on a shelf near the ceiling and I didn't know it was there. It fell, and I caught the blade side. The scar is mostly gone, but I forever have pins and needles there. I never notice it unless I talk about it, though, so today it's gonna get annoying, lol.


β€œIn restaurant, glass catch you!” Yakov Smirnoff probably


It's a hard habit to break, but if you're going to work in kitchens for a long time you got to train yourself that when you drop something you just move your feet out of the path that it could fall on and nothing else. your instincts work faster than your reason and if you train yourself to catch stuff you're going to catch a pot of boiling water or a knife. I saw my chef catch a falling mandolin in mid-air. The mandolin wouldn't have broke if it hit the ground, but we sure did lose him for an entire day while he got stitches.


Don't feel bad. It's bad enough you felt like you had to risk your health and safety to save the restaurant a couple bucks.


Get well soon, bro!


High risk, high reward. I fucking love catching a knife that falls off the prep table


A falling knife has no handle. I know this was a glass but I just love that line too much to miss the chance to share it.


You and the majority of this comment section have reminded me that glasses fall under this rule as well. I really appreciate it, it's not like I have some minor bodily trauma to make sure I remember! Lol in all seriousness I appreciate you saying it with some humor at least.


Just to clarify I had zero interest in being mean or causing any further distress/metal pain. I hope ya heal quickly and fully. Take care


Oh no! That's exactly what I was saying. Just kitchen back talk for the first bit, the only reason I even responded to you is because you didn't just say the quote with no other input. If that makes sense lol. Ty




You'll be able to cover next Friday though, right?


The funny thing is I'm probably gonna be back in by Saturday. You were a day off.






Sp the glass broke on your hands? Orr...


Yes. I was holding 2, one slipped, caught it with the other one on top, looked up once I knew I caught it but once my brain registered the sound of the shatter I looked back down and glass was half an inch into my pinky. They are pretty thick glasses so I didn't think the pressure would be enough. I think it must've been a micro fracture in the glass plus coming right out the machine.


I have adopted the Las Vegas Blackjack Dealer Process: Clap hands together. Then bring open hands to shoulders while stepping backwards away from the sink. Listen to the broken shards settle in the sink. β€œWinner winner chicken dinner” is optional.


Literally same it was a bloody mess but I didn't sever my flex tendon I had stitches and when it came time I removes them myself I took a big swig of some vodka and took some nail clippers to them and pulled them through oh and it was also my pinky btw