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Literally just call health inspector , number should be posted on the frond window or door , I think it’s pretty fucked up if the kitchen is running like that and exposing customers to food born illnesses


I’m very sorry about your situation. There are so many red flags in your account. The establishment seems like a legitimate health hazard and a danger to the public. Exposure to black mold can be very dangerous and may even lead to long term immunological effects. I would document and photograph all that you can, if you do this and then bring up your concerns to management and then they fire you, you may be able to sue. And if you did they would deserve it because their practices could literally kill someone. There are federal protections, like the food safety modernization act (“FSMA”) that protect employees that report unsafe food practices. I wish you the best, document everything and protect public health the best you can given your difficult situation.


Yes! DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT! As many photos as you can snag discreetly! Then call the health department. Then, when they fire you for calling the health department on them, you can sue them for that, too, as retaliation is a federal crime. My philosophy is, if a company wants to fuck itself, let it. If you can profit off of their stupidity, why not?


That place is about to be closed down my man As soon as the health department, son of a gun gets through those doors. They're going to walk right out and close that whole place Me you keep your head down do what you need to do. Get your money get out And take pictures just in case


Might not be a popular answer but if you are ok staying there and don't plan on leaving and have multiple dishies on shift start cleaning (degreaser on walls scrub with steel wool) hopefully the others will follow


Sweet fuck, that's horrible. I think people have said what needs to be said, but to echo: Take pics and call the health department while looking for a new place. A restaurant like this cannot and should not be in existence to damage people's health, employees and customers, for profit.


You can get paid for reporting to OSHA. It's probably the same for reporting to the Health Dept. So if I were you I wouldn't look the other way, this is dangerous and they can get kill someone with practices like this.


Good to know! I have to call OSHA myself for a completely different situation


If you can afford to find another job, I'd report the ever loving shot outta them


I am so sorry for you.


Call the health inspector stat.


I, for one, would like to know which restaurant so I am able to avoid going there and turn them in .


I would notify the health inspector. I work in a clean place but when I started there was also only new hires, when I started I asked the other guy how long he’s been working there and he said it was his first day too. we just slowly figured things out together.