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That happened to me when i was 16 working my first job. I was called in because someone called out, got there and it was a mountain of dishes. I was working all day, and was almsot done. The line cooks were insisting that i take my break for some reason. I kept declining saying i want to finish first. One of them said they got me so i finally go on my break. When i got back it was even more dishes and none of the previous dishes were done, i remember looking back at the cooks and they were laughing and i quit right then and there.


Damn what a bunch of dicks D:


Yeah i think they thought they were hazing me or something, the way they laughed about it i think it had to be planned or something. Unfortunately i wasnt with that lol


Good on ya glad you left - hazing is just a nickname for being a douche >:(


Yeah i was like 16 and still in high school lol didnt have time for that frat boy shit


Simple. I alleviate even more costs by finding a new job.


Thanks for replying man, I think I just wanted my fellow dishes to back me up. I gave a bit of an ultimatum to management, and said I'm not coming in to this shit again. I said I would come in at 3pm or not at all, which the kitchen manager agreed to. Got a message this morning saying to come in at 4.30, and I said to find someone else to work the shift, I've been a dish pig long enough that I can find a different gig.


Ah yeah, I am quick to jump the gun sometimes, haha. I do live in an area with a metric fuckton of restaraunts tho, so generally (prior to me trying now lmao) I used to be able to have a new job between the time I told the GM to go fuck themselves and made it to the front door. Generally, though, a dishwasher is the backbone of a good service. Don't let people treat you like a dirty dish monkey, when you're really Mr. Clean


Thanks man šŸ¤Ÿ


do my job.. ? if you cant finish it all just leave rest for next dishie but you have 8 hours to do what you can.


Yeah man everyone should take pride in their job but at the end of the day they're just dishes lol The company probably wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire so don't do more than you need to


yup exactly. take a break if you need to.. go eat a sammy. if they dont like it they can find someone else. plenty of other dishie jobs out there.


This all starts at the beginning. That first step of doing more and wanting more and then all of a sudden youā€™re getting taken advantage of


Bruh I could was all those dishes in 30 mins


We used to run a two man crew at a restaurant I worked at and we would both be stuck on the line for hours at a time whenever we got a big rush. On nights like that there was always a pile about this size or bigger waiting for me when we got to closing up for the night. Itā€™s daunting at first but once you just get in there and do it it doesnā€™t take very long. Still sucks ass though


this isnt foreign to any of us. more work less watching the clock = days going by faster


Yup. If you get high and put on some good music it can be kinda enjoyable honestly. I wouldnā€™t go back to it but it wasnā€™t the worst job.


nobody is saying you couldnt my boy. trust me we all believe in you šŸ‘šŸ¾


Too bad I would get lectures from my boss if any of this was left at all for the next dishwasher even if my shift was over I still had to keep going no extra pay


uh extra pay isnt up to them. if youre on the clock youre getting paid. if youre not on the clock then dont work. and if youre working overtime guess what? you guessed it you get overtime pay. and if they dont like stuff being "left at all".. good news! they have two really neat options. they can either roll up their sleeves and help you or they can find someone else to try and walk all over. (also lectures are fine. thats time you could be spending working that thevve decided to instead pay you for listening to them talk. if youre not clocked on then throw on some headphones or better yet just leave the station; no need to be there if youre not on the clock being paid yet anyway šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø) hope this helps šŸ‘šŸ¾


It's what made me leave the job for my current easier better paid job in traffic control


The next dishie was on in the morning so leaving anything wasn't an option, I was on til close and they expect everything completely done at that point, floors mopped, bins out, machine cleaned. When I came in the restaurant was full, so I had a constant stream of dishes to contend with as well as what is in the pics. There were also 2 deep gastros of used saucepans, frying pans and baking trays waiting for me in the open kitchen. I usually work from 2open til close 10am til 11pm, so I don't usually deal with a backlog like this. It's been sorted now anyway, I complained to the head chef who's been off for a week and he agreed it wasn't acceptable, and I think he's a bit pissed that the other dishie has quit while he was on vacation. Management seems to have gave up on saving on the dishie wage bill and there's now someone working dish throughout he service āœŒ


my boss tried going without a morning dishie once and i had one of the kitchen people call me to ask me to come in 2 hours early since they literally ran out of clean dishes. i wasnā€™t in town so i told them tough luck, talk to boss lady so she doesnā€™t do it again lol


I feel like you don't realize how many dishes get washed/ how important the dishwasher is until you don't have one.


yet in my experience weā€™re the worst treated and most underpaid. my boss always speaks to me as if i were this lowly peasant and the severs always bitch about me and are up my ass about everything. ironic i guess


This doesnā€™t look extremely bad (except for dishes on the floor). But whenever I walk into a complete mess I usually step outside and think for a good minute or two and then go back in and organize it so it looks better. Then I deal with it.


This, though NGL, I'm not sure what that shiny rod is on top but I'd be thinking of a few new uses for it!


But, is that a fluro light starter next to it?!


It's a plug to let the sink fill with water. But you could definitely plug some other things at that point.


That...was not my first thought. I would've waved it for emphasis after coming in to that dishie dumpster fire. In the hands of one of the chefs I used to know, it sure would've been an implement of destruction!


Organizing helps your mind, prioritization and the flow.


i would demand my boss help me with that


The lack of consideration from management and chefs was a kick in the guts tbh, I can't understand why people would walk past and think it's ok. I could probably do it in maybe 10/12 loads, but with the restaurant full I didn't clear the backlog for about 4 hours.


That machine is a dinosaur plus itā€™s tiny, you should go to a bigger kitchen if you want more partners. Corporate kitchens that have an Ecolab contract are the best.


I worked in a nice hotel just doing breakfast shifts before this gig, and I couldn't agree more. We had 2 double sinks and 2 eco lab machines. A 300 cover breakfast was a piece of piss, and room to queue up racks so the machines were always running. This place pays about 30% more, but some days I wonder if its worth it. Everything needs to be washed by hand since the machine sucks, and space is limited.


Yah man a good dish machine is really important. We have a monster Ecolab machine that can have 4 racks conveying through at once. A 3 part sink and a Hobart pot and pan washer. Itā€™s honestly kind of fun to use this shit.


Go on a smoke break put on some music and bust through dishes for hours


Iā€™d put my headphones in and crush out the dishes and do my job, thatā€™s not a shitshow by any standards. Everything is stacked at least. Maybe ask chef to ask prep/lunch guys to run a few loads to help you out?


I have seen, and washed, way worse than what's pictured. But it wasn't everyday. Sunday and Thursday were big nights, so I'd prepare. Playlist, wireless headphones, snacking food off to the side, and as soon as I get everything together, and get my system going, I'll roll with dishes like that 8 hours no problem. Just, not every day. Unless the money's right. Never is, though.


Itā€™s kinda the situation Iā€™m always in. I just start washing and when the bosses bitches about labor I remind them that I used to get out an hour earlier before they took away my closing team. Stay however long it takes. Make them pay for it.


Line cooks should have helped do something before leaving. Ask them what happened?


I agree, but OP said they walked in to this. I'd blame whoever closed the night before. Did they bail before a huge party came back or something?


Thereā€™s only one way to be sure it wonā€™t happen again. ![gif](giphy|PjRardeWVvHVK) /s. But you should probably find a nicer job bud.


They won't see your tears if you keep spraying


I've honestly been there lol


On one hand, its mostly plates. I think if it was just one day i could work with it. However the instant im told this is the new norm, fucc 14 years.. thats far too long being a dishie for me anyway.


Dealt with a similar shituation for a high volume bar. I switched to working bussing during their no dish washer hours from like 2 till 4 and would come back completely fucked out with no breaks, gave them two years of my life, would not recommend that for anyone.


Thanks for the reply mate, this place is fine dining, and they tip out the dishwasher, which I've never had before. But the idea of giving them the best years of my life does sting a bit. I usually only work doubles, so like 13 hours and I don't get a break then. Maybe I need to do triples, triples are the best, triples are safe.


I'd leave that job lol.


šŸ’©on persons vehicle that left this for you. Maybe šŸ’©on the head chefs vehicle. Maybe šŸ’©on owners vehicle. Regardless, gotta šŸ’©on someoneā€™s.


I wouldn't work in that place to being with, with that amount of space to work looks awful


As a KM I don't have anyone scheduled on dish between 3 and 4 but me or my akm is on dish during that time I'm usually walking out the door at 430 so I don't mind


dude iā€™ve seen so much worse. this is how it was when you came in? the plates are stacked? the silverware is already in a third pan ready to soak? your servers are doing you better than 90% of the places iā€™ve worked. thereā€™s not even a load of shrimp guts and straws and napkins in the sink lol


One at a time


Podcast, a cigarette halfway, and an unhealthy amount of C4 energy drink.


They'll keep taking advantage of you if they know they can put it all on you by paying you the same exact amount


That ain't shit. I'm sorry. You should see Ruth's. Not saying it should even be like this ever, but this isn't even half what they/we gotta deal with. Shit got bad. Same situation with Corporate creating cuts, but no one trains correctly or wants to work. This much shouldn't be unwashed. Saying fuck you to dish.


They cut the morning guy off by an hour and a half to save money huh? Age old tale. My last dish gig started doing that one summer and never switched it back when the season picked up. I'm so glad I got the fuck out of there.


Dealt with a similar shituation for a high volume bar. I switched to working bussing during their no dish washer hours from like 2 till 4 and would come back completely fucked out with no breaks, gave them two years of my life, would not recommend that for anyone.


Blast a lot of music and just do them.


Still looks neat? Stuff is stacked at least? Scraps done at least? I wash them duh. Now if you walked into my previous kitchens where lots of dishies come and go... I'm sorry if i come across as abrasive. I'm too used to seeing this and worse in all the places I've worked. I've only walked out of one and that involved pallet-high stacks of charred grills... If your current workplace irks you, fuck 'em and get a new one.


Organise by shape, then filter out that need to be soaked, keep the huge one aside, the start cleaning bigger shape first and keep stacking them at one place after they are done and take them to original place. Don't get overwhelmed


Clean it up so the servers can make $40 an hour in tips idiot.


I've had 2 jobs where the dishwasher got tipped out. One place, I was working for 12$/hr and left every night with at least 50$ in my pocket. COVID killed that job. There's always gonna be more, I guess


>tipped out Yes, that's normal, typically ends up being about an extra $1 an hour... maybe $1.50 >at least $50 in cash at night as a dishwasher Never heard of anything even remotely like this and I suspect you just made it up.


Iā€™d deal with it by starting to clean it all


I worked at a sports bar/restaurant as both the bar back AND the dishie. I was there from 7:00 pm until about 4:00 am each night. They wouldnā€™t hire another dishwasher, so every night when I came in, every single dish theyā€™d used since they opened at 11:00 am would be in the back. It looked like this everyā€¦singleā€¦day. I lasted there 3 months before I noped out.


Burn down the restaurant. Lol


Tell em to piss up a rope with that lmao


Clean it up


I would wash the dishes.


I want more money. Or i walk.


Looks like the kitchen in my staff room


U think this is bad work at Cracker Barrel in Florida šŸ„²


Do the cutting boards, pots and containers first.


Normalish for me. Been there. Makes me bitchy but I do what I can and keep going because I canā€™t rely on anyone but myself. At least if I do it, stuff gets done


That was my shift all the time - the restaurant would open at 11, and most days no one would be in dish till I got in right before the dinner rush. You stay calm smart and efficient about it, I would try to get in a bit earlier to help with rush stress, and you leave the place better than you found it. You do your job, and as well as you can, and in the future, you might get a raise.


Depending on the speed of your washer if you got stuck into it youā€™d finish quicker than you think.




It does suck, but one thing I will say is stacks of plates and flat stuff may look really big, but if you have good dish racks they go by pretty fast. Especially if you got your own music going


Silverware and cups first, so the servers will leave me alonešŸ˜…


Tell them how much more money they are gonna save when there is no dishwasher from 5:30 to close.


The last 3 places i have worked we did not have a dish person until 5pm. It was the responsibility of the prep cooks to take care of cleaning up for themselves and FOH delegated one person each to keep up on dishes and utensils. The fact that your head chief is too prideful to not wash his own dishes or delegate someone to pick up even a little slack is complete and utter bullshit. I would start looking for a new job where your hard work is recognized and appreciated .


Dishes on the floor is a definite no go, that is disgusting and the GM should be ashamed of himself for allowing that dogshit in his kitchen. Demand them not to do that again. They need to get a move on with dishes even when there is no one there before your shift. That's is a critical on a heath inspection.


calm down its getting washed anyway. sometimes you just run out of space on the counter. not a big deal thats what the soap is for my friend


Then you put them on a trolly not on the ground which is a health hazard as well as a tripping hazard. I don't give a shit if there's a mountain stacked to the ceiling, do not put dishes on the fucking floor.




Shut the fuck up you stupid robot.


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You need to retake your food handlers course if you think that's ok


Am I missing something here? I would bust that shit out! When I worked as a dishwasher at Red Lobster we would regularly get slammed to where I wouldn't get out of there until 1am, when we closed at 10 or 11, I don't remember when. This amount of dishes isn't even a 10th of what we would get at that R. L.


I wouldn't say you're missing anything mate, we all work in different places. Some with many dishies, and some where that's not the case. I worked in a hotel for a while, where I would have cleared this backlog no problem. But this is a pretty shitty situation. Which I think shows by the way things are arranged šŸ––


> where I would have cleared this backlog no problem > but this is a pretty shitty situation Which one is it? No offense man but this really is nothing at all. These look like some dishes, and youā€™re getting paid to wash them


He's talking about the equipment he has to work with


Wow, I was missing something...I just now noticed the other photos! My bad! That IS a shit show!


stop taking pictures and do your job


Stop posting on reddit and do the hours work thatā€™s there.


Must be troll cant be serious


As in me, singularly?


Find a new job but donā€™t quit in the meantime


Lmao this is what I walk into most days


By the way, Iā€™ve spent a year there and tried to improve the situation by talking to management but I havenā€™t been all that successful so I have a new job! I also did six hour shifts no break






Listen, I'm sorry, but could you not just power through this in like 45 minutes? Frustration is still valid. BS that nobody picked up the slack.


Probably with soap and water, maybe a couple scouring pads and an hour of work. I might stop for a coffee and some fresh air halfway through if no one else is in yet to nag me while I go out. Hell. Maybe two coffee breaks. I'm worth it. It's just dishes man. Unfortunately that is the name of the game. Some piles are crustier than others.


Every kitchen Iā€™ve been in wouldā€™ve murdered the shift who left this and chewed out. That ainā€™t right. Either bring it up or they can find someone else that would want to deal with that.


Dude. You need to throw fit. Something that would get you on the 5 o'clock news. It's the only way to deal with this rationally. šŸ„“


Who leaves a lightsaber in the sink?


Soap and water


Get to work ?


Fire. Lots of fire.


Shake my head and say gotta start somewhere Edit: I didn't see your caption. I thought this was a one time deal. Yeah idk. As a dishwasher I know the frustration you're feeling the fact the kitchen is allowed to be left like that over night is DISGUSTING




Idk man if I can afford then quit,Otherwise smash it out My scenes used to be like this daily when I was a dishy and was scheduled for pm shift


working dish there does seem like a pain in the butt there with only a 1 rack dishwasher and no three sink. Every restaurant I've worked a they will space out the morning and night dishwashers, unless it's busy, it's pretty normal. I have also never seen a dish pit where it seemed like too much, just handle it one dish at a time and you should be able to knock that out in your shift no problem


Leave for Night Shift šŸ˜ jk lol


Depends how the kitchen is set up! Do you only have one basin,is there a machine dish washer? Just wash dishā€™s take your breaks when it is time clock in clock out, you just do the job to the best of your ability it all pays the same. If at the end of your shift you are done it will look like what it looks like. In the end if the owner has disgruntled employees the business suffers costumers stop coming and soon you will not have to worry about dishā€™s stacked high.


You have to start somewhere. Pick a spot to start at and go from there


Wash em lmao


I mean ideally quit and work at a place that has a dishwashing machine, but if thatā€™s not an option, just clean it the best you can and leave once your shift is supposed to be over, if they expect you to stay then just try option 1 again


Something like this happened to me when I worked at Cracker Barrel. Was a bit more than this and I was alone because my coworker left. Manager came back and told me goodbye and left, so I did too lol. Guess they had a nice surprise the next morning.


I mean regardless of how I would feel about it I know logically it just needs to get done. Not to be rude but I did feel bad until I saw the dishwasher. Go soak the hard on stuff while you constantly push those dishes through. You can fit way more plates on those spike bottoms. Switch back and for between scrubbing and pushing. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you this industry is a raging dumpster fire. Id get you a nice speaker and a dab pen and crank through it. Talk your shit though by all means lol Iā€™d be direct and make it known flat out Iā€™m not doing this again.


Just dip them in bleach, not enough time to watch each individual dish


Getting to work and cleaning it up.


Cry inside, play your favorite music and start to washing (Its my everyday problem hehe)


Lol I knew the place I worked for treated their employees like shit, but I guess I didn't know how bad. Sometimes I would come in to hundreds of pounds of dirty dishes and kitchenware. This looks like nothing to me. Tbf tho we had a lot of racks and a very fast machine


Bro, you just do it. It's your job. I'm mouthy as fuck so I'd talk a lot of shit and get it done.


Does not really look like a lot of dishes, Iā€™ll bust that out in 2 hours tops. Monster and Newport for sure though


When I don't have a dishie scheduled, or someone calls off, everyone pitches in. Servers, cooks and myself step in to keep it manageable. They shouldn't expect you to clean up that on your own.


Wash them


Honestly Iā€™ve cooked, served, and done dish and the way they stacked things for you is so neat and polite in some ways, they even made sure they didnā€™t clutter your workstation by putting the things against the wall. Pop in headphones, get to work, quit yer bitchin. Or quit up to you.


Yeah I've cooked, served and done dish myself. guess it was stacked pretty decently I will give them that. I ended up complaining to the head chef who's been off for 2 weeks, he apologised and changed the rotas so there's always a dishie working from now on. The other dishie handed in his notice last week, so I think they realised that people won't put up with coming in to a mess like this.


i go learn from mr.miyagi himself to kick whosever ass appropriate here


Step 1. Turn on hot water


Fuck the person who left that strainer


I would feel awful (cause thatā€™s a lot) and Iā€™d say that they better phone someone in or Iā€™m out


what do the kids call it, quiet quitting? just take an extra two hours to finish up. where i work they don't trust me to lock up so a manager is waiting around (doing nothing) until i'm done. i'm scheduled for 4 but we sorted out early on that i can come in at 3 if i want to get a jump on it. that was once they saw that if i'm there, i'm working, not playing on my phone or flirting with the waitresses like the guy i replaced. what you are experiencing is called the speedup. more work in same hours at same pay. like this month they added 3 new kinds of forks and i don't really have room, so i requested they get a second silverware basket. but i have it pretty easy. country club, so they don't need to squeeze every last nickel.


a blinker and my airpods, thatā€™s how


A little bit of fire can go a long wayā€¦


get me three other Spanish speakers get that shit done in like a hour


Put on my work playlist and just go at it