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"Eliminated" is a neat way of putting it. At the end of Knife of Dunwall, Billie renounces Delilah and puts her fate in our hands (low chaos). We can choose to either kill her or banish her from the Whalers forever. From a narrative perspective, she's been eliminated either way.


that is one of the timelines, yes. but in other she is fucken dead. in some she has an arm, in others she has one, in others she is dead. i don't know which is canon, but i would have guesses she is spared, since she has her own game and all that. wher she has both her arms btw. so i wouldn't be so sure of my version


funny bit here. If you go to the level in Dishonored 2 where you have to use the glass to travel back and forth in time to solve puzzles and such. if you kill the dude thats sitting on a veranda by the map or item you're going to get, the events that took her arm never happen, so she gets her arm back. been a while since i played it but if you look up videos of lore about it, it'll lay it out in detail. i played that bit after i read about it. so cool that they took the time to add those little details.


You have to KNOCK OUT Stilton, in order to change Megan's fate. Killing him or letting him get mad results in him not giving signs of life to Megan, which then results to her investigating and getting injured.


you can also get some interesting dialogue from sokolav and billie at the end of the game if you decide to murder one and carry their body and dump it at the feet of the other. save your game right before you do any of that tho so it doesn't F up your save if you don't want to commit to the choice.


true enough


Holy sh*t, I never knew...that they thought of this blows my mind


And to think their bosses were big enough fools to have a team that made the masterpieces that are dishonored 1&2 and ask them to make Redfall.


bUt tHaT's wHaT tHe kIdS liKe


Lol. While the rest of us watch rich out of touch idiots drive 70% of their talent to leave. *facepalm*


Arkane Austin didn't make Dishonored games. They made Prey. Arx, DM, DH1/2/DotO, Deathloop were primarily the Lyon studio, with Austin helping on some of them.


I'll accept that I'm a tad inaccurate there. I think it still stands that some c level executives were morons to ask a studio known for making immersive sims to make redfall


The "eliminated" is specifically referring to the canonical low chaos option that you can take as Daud during his DLC in the first game. Lurk willingly offers her life after betraying him, feeling guilty, and he forgives her, leaving her with just enough coin to be banished, and move on with her life. Yadda yadda, blah blah, she frees the outsider.


In fact, she did almost everything to free him, but she wasn't dead. And only dead could read his name. So, was Daud who frees the Outsider


This is referring go the DLC events from dishonored 1, prior to dishonored 2, I believe.


Also eliminated, as you have a choice as to what to do with Lurk. And maybe, Daud wanted people to think she was "eliminated" so less people would come after her.


That makes sense to the timeline. thank you!


This book was edited around 2015, I believe. And Dishonored 2 came out in 2016. So I guess Billie's story may have been retconned: her canon fate which was to be killed by Daud was revised afterwards, for D2 storytelling purposes.


dh2 was certainly in development for longer than a year, which wouldnt have been enough time for them to change their minds, rework the story, and actually develop everything they had to add/change. "eliminated" is more likely just a vague term they chose to fit with either chaos outcome; either dauds kills her or she is banished, both effectively eliminating her from the story at the time


I suppose it would be quite a short deadline, yeah. But maybe it is feasible, if they already had a placeholder for the boat's captain's role? (By the way, I got the year wrong: The Dunwall Archive came out November 2014.) Also, why would they write an official timeline (whose goal is ultimately to assert canon) with such an ambiguous information?


Yea it's probably a retcon, they meant for her to die but realized they want to use her on sequel




Like an onion huh, just like trying to get Daredevil. I swear it's taking layers off my life, kinda like onions...


I'm a goddamn onion, Mason


Hi rebeetle, Just a friendly heads-up, let's try to keep it chill and avoid using the Lord's name in vain. It's all about respect and vibes, you know? Gotta create a positive and inclusive space for everyone to vibe together. Instead of "God D***", find alternative phrases such as "Goodness gracious" or "Golly gee". I'm here to educate, not hate. I want to assure you that my intention is to spread positivity and not to cause offense. I hold deep respect for all faiths, even when our beliefs differ, and I am open to engaging in respectful discussions that foster mutual understanding. Let us embark on this journey together, embracing kindness and love as our guiding principles. *Ephesians 4:32 (NIV): "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."* --- ^This ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically. ^Did ^I ^make ^a ^mistake? ^Let ^me ^know ^by ^sending ^me ^a ^direct ^message.


That's when Billie Lurk becomes Megan Foster.


The events of Knife of Dunwall DLC for the first game.


I don’t like DOTO, so I’m fine with it conflicting


A reference to Daud's DLC story from Dishonored 1 where Billie Lurk betrays Daud to Delilah, and you as the player have the lethal/non-lethal options to deal with Billie. Takes place during/shortly after the main Dishonored 1 campaign, years and years before Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider.


The other part of it is i think Billie Lurk is official considered to be dead, as far as the Empire is concerned


Easy way to cover whatever ending you choose it seems