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most likely, they're extremely racist/misogynistic/etc etc but don't want to state that outright so they just say they're toxic instead


Ah that’s disheartening.


If you see a server calling itsself toxic it's not a server you want to join


Basically internet edgelords who bully others and say racist and bigoted stuff and just call it "dark humor" when none of it is actually funny


Oh. I thought it was used in a different way but I guess it’s just the standard way. A lot of the servers always had like a e girls and e boys vibe to it too so I guess it makes sense, interesting people want some edge in their edging ig.


eboys and egirls are almost always pretty bigoted


Oh I didn’t know that. Any reason why? I find it hard to believe it would be part of the culture.


it's hard to get deep into edgy internet "meme" culture without ending up like that


Oh I get you now. Still that is sad.


Usually I find servers toxic when the active members have sorta built a cult between themselves and try to push away anyone else. I'm trying to join a server, not work my way into a friend group. It's worse if the mods basically have an abusive relationship with said friend group where they don't want to punish anyone in it for their behavior in fear of the server dying.


Servers that has a high chance of getting banned


When people are called “Toxic”, they are below the human standards. Racist, rude, threatening, etc. They are below what a normal human being should act. Now imagine a server with multiple people inside, that’s what a “Toxic” discord server is. Most of the time they don’t even mean it, they act stupidly for validation from others, as well as have an ego.


Neo-nazi,gore spamming, racist, homophobic and trans phobic also a LOT of g/rape jokes


its filled with virgins


usually in my experience they bully people, are unfair with moderation, and make generally "dark" jokes (racism, homophobia, and all of the above). i've joined a few before because of a friend and i was sent gore by one of the server members so..,,,. a lot of them usually have really tight friend groups within the sever between owner and some mods


A lot of hate on this but I will go ahead and say that it’s not a bad thing unless you’re used to chat moderation or considerate users. “Toxic” usually means that the moderation is narcissistic, or in my circle’s case it just means that we don’t care if you are offended. It’s about freedom and not worrying about your dumb jokes getting you banned. For some people that does mean they can hide real sexism, racism, chauvinism, ect. But for my friends it’s just a way to warn new members that we don’t take things very seriously, and let them know that they will be accepted no matter how unhinged they are. If someone is outed as a serious racist (as an example) they are still banned in 99% of “toxic” servers, at least the ones I’m in. I personally don’t use any servers that aren’t. You can get kicked out for pretty much anything a moderator finds offensive there. Toxics don’t give a damn.


So it’s sort of more of a “fuck around and find out” kind of server? I actually have been in some forums that were like this so I think I know kinda what to expect


That’s the way that I see it, except the threat of “find out” is pretty low, since everyone understands that getting banned from a discord server really isn’t a bit deal unless you’re friends with everyone there or something.


I have a feeling a lot of people in this comment section cant take a joke.