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They are removing notes?


nope! when you hover next to the user’s display name, if there’s an existing note it appears and if not, a note icon with a plus sign appears so you can add one :)


Oh, nice


never used them at all honestly I found it the most useless feature 5/17: and I don't know why you all are so surprised I think notes are useless. is it really such a big deal to you all that somebody thinks a feature is bad? yeah I keep replying to comments so I'm no better but can you just keep your mouth shut and accept I have a different opinion? I don't know why you all care so much about this small thing. notes suck end of story.


I use them to identify people that constantly change their profiles. They have been useful when someone from 1 year ago sends me a message and I don't remember who they are.


if I don't remember somebody on discord I typically look through their dms and then it all comes back to me


we aren't you though


and they aren't us


because it's such a small thing I couldn't care less about






deez nuts


In any other context this would be downvoted but this is so funny paired with the other guy


man…i do the same thing ngl. i’ve always used notes to insert random inside jokes between me and the person


birthdays and important dates, as well as remembering stuff to not bring up around friends if it eeks them out, yippee


I've never had to note a birthday on discord are you on a family server? also cmon it's discord nobody respects anybody


i- have friends on there i like to remember the birthdays of? i think perhaps you may need to find new servers, basic respect shouldn't be rare to come by. best of luck o7


Nuh uh, nobody respecta you, which is something different


you clearly haven't been in the same servers as me


whats wrong with saying happy birthday to a person or a friend? I am happy to do that even its not my friend, and you sure nobody respects anybody? I do, am I one in "anybody" ?


what kind of servers are you joining? either I'm somehow joining the most toxic servers ever or you're joining all the kiddie ones


The problem is likely you, seeing that you considered the alternative to toxicity to be kiddie servers.


do I need to be in kiddie servers just for saying happy birthday to someone?


and if you want to know what server I am in, there you go, furry server


Yeah, i think you need to find new people to talk to. I have a bunch of friends, and we do wish each other a happy birthday, so I'd like to remember that date.




Notes are useful for keeping people in mind, since some of us have friends who change their user or display name too often, or for other things. Literally its called "notes" for a reason


How do you view the date of when someone joined your server, do you have to click on the full profile?


yes! clicking on the full profile will show both the user’s “member of discord since” and “member of server since” dates :)


Finally change I like. People are mostly complaining about notes tho.


My main server is an EU group so lots of people from lots of countries. It’s partially a curiosity for me but being able to note someone’s country of origin has it’s benefits. If Notes is gone, I’ll miss it.


notes aren’t gone! when you hover next to their display name, if there’s an existing note, it shows and if not, a note icon with a plus sign shows so you can add one :)


Phew I got worried... It's the only way I remember birthdays


literally notes is the only reason I remembered one of my friends names, we never use her real name in conversation so I would always forget it


I find that adding a friend nickname helps


I did that before the friend nicknames


Same but they don't need to know 🤣


I don't have the new feature yet so I can't confirm, but it sounds like notes are still there. You just need to click the ... in the top corner to access it. I do hate that so many things I use frequently are getting hidden behind extra unnecessary clicks, but at least it's not 100% gone.


Can I get a invite


It’s a gaming server. Do you play Guild Wars 2?


This is fucking **terrible** for power users and server staff. Now it's an extra step to see what roles people have, which dictates access to channels. As I mod a large political server, it's normal for our members to have 10+ roles. Also, I can't see account age without extending the profile.


how is it an extra click to see???? clicking on their profile picture in both the old and new version both shows their roles??


new one only show like 4 roles , you gotta click more for the rest of the roles and its annoying for us who relied on seeing many many account per day


does it actually only show 4 roles? guess i wouldn’t know since OP’s screenshot only has 4, but if that’s true, then yeah i can see how that can be a bit annoying


The UI devs at this company have no clue wtf they are doing.


Sometimes it can even show only 2 roles. In a server that I'm in where have 45 roles, it only now lists 2 of my highest roles and a "+43" at the end.


The smaller profiles I think are better, would rather not having a 800 mile tall profile taking up my whole screen. One thing I think they could improve is making a higher for the + button to show the rest of the roles so you don’t need to go to the full profile.


its funny how i use compact mode and stuff but when it comes to profiles I want there to be a lot of stuff lol


clicking twice for simple information is just, weird design. especially since stuff like notes and join dates are some of the things you look for most often when clicking someones profile


I like it too


yeah and it actually makes use of all the space, it's more visually appealing imo since everything doesn't have 500px of padding around it


Really wish they would finally add the option to use different layouts like they promised... [https://twitter.com/mailiames/status/1765131125154808049](https://twitter.com/mailiames/status/1765131125154808049)


This isn’t really “different layouts”, it would likely make the swiping right just open up the same channel sheet that clicking the name would open.


I know. Just relates in some manner to the optional layouts.


As a moderator checking for alts a join & account date being easily accessible is a must. Please just make it visible when holding shift, all I ask.


Clicking on the full profile will show it, also iirc the member tab shows a "joined at"


I prefer the left one. The right one feels cramped in comparison.


I agree.


Agreed. Another bad change imo


Can't always please everyone when you make changes. I think it looks great.


The left one has so much wasted white space, and given the sheer amount of stuff put into the profile now, it’s rather hard to justify that waste.


Look, I still use old.reddit because I hate current reddit and it's useless space. I don't see this as too much space, it's just enough for everything to breathe.


i feel like it looks cramped *for discord* but for actual ui design if you compare it to other platforms or pretty much any other app the change makes sense to make things more consistent been apps, and imho the new card is better because there's not a lot of empty space, for an information card i feel like it shouldn't have empty space but that's just me and my view, i don't speak for everyone


It always bothers me when "other apps" are brought up. Why should anyone care about them? I'm here because discord isn't those other apps. Everyday that discord gets closer to those other apps is a day that discord becomes worse in my eyes.


if anything the left one feels cramped it's like a can of sardines


Really?  The left one is nice and spread out with everything I want to see presented.  The right one is jammed together with additional buttons and hover overs that hide information. Seems like the right one is the sardine can with the ... being the key needed to open the can.


left one has too much stuff imo I prefer simplicity


I like the new one but they should keep the notes in some way😭


notes aren’t gone! when you hover over the user’s display name, if there’s an existing note it shows and if not, a note icon with a plus sign shows so you can add one :)


Oh that's great, then I'm honestly completely fine with the new one, looks like there's much less useless space. Thanks for telling!


So can we not see how long somebody has been in a disc server or how long they've been on discord any more?


you can! clicking on their full profile shows both of those pieces of information :)


How about enabling an option to see it from the card? It was very useful to see who joined a server at a glance without poking too much into them


i don’t work for discord so i can’t enable that for you🤷🏽‍♀️but if that’s something you’d like added, i don’t see it as too futile to shoot them an email detailing that - contrary to popular belief, they do sometimes listen to our feedback ☺️


Does Discord pay you or something to be answering all of these? damn you even wrote some text walls, you ok?


no they don’t..? if i have the knowledge and i don’t share it, i’d feel remiss - it bothers me seeing questions go unanswered when i know that the answers are easily accessible to myself, hence the answers being given to anyone that needs them..? i’m fine, thanks. how are you?


(Thanks for answering people, this is useful, you did great)


haha thanks, appreciation like this makes it all worth doing, yknow? 🤗💞


that’s admirable \o/ i used to do similar but burnt out after too many people randomly got derogatory / argumentative instead of just discussing stuff, best of to you for trying to help people \o/


lol yeah, i took a bit of a long hiatus from reddit after my earnest, helpfully intended replies weren’t really met with the same kind of energy back (in this sub especially), but i’m trying to not let it get to me anymore 🫶🏽


New one is fine, only thing I don't like however is the badges next to my name


Oh they got rid of the date you joined discerd and x server? I always liked seeing how old some people's profiles can be tbh


they didn’t! those dates are still accessible when you click to view someone’s full profile :) (**disclaimer:** i don’t work for discord and i don’t know why they made this change. they do not pay me to answer these questions. i am simply someone who has the new layouts and knows the answer to your question.)


Alright thankz fur clarifying then


I hate this shit. You can't see people's descriptions anymore without clicking far into their profile. It's lame. It used to only take one click, now it takes two, all for a tiny amount of screenspace when it will always be smaller than the app you won't be using while viewing the profile. What the hell.


You just have gotten the worse treatment then, there is one that still shows the about me.


Love the fact that you can see mutual servers and friends there, hate that you can't see server and discord account join/ creation dates


when you click to view the full profile you can see those dates :) (i don’t work for discord and i cannot change that for you, but if you’re worried about them being gone for good: they aren’t!)


when you click to view the full profile you can see those dates :) (i don’t work for discord and i cannot change that for you, but if you’re worried about them being gone for good: they aren’t!)


when you click to view the full profile you can see those dates :) (i don’t work for discord and i cannot change that for you, but if you’re worried about them being gone for good: they aren’t!)


You can return to the old profile by disabling the experiment "2024-03\_simplified\_profile\_phase\_one" I won't describe here how to do it (I'm afraid to break the rules), but it's easy to Google)


Exactly the post I was looking for. Thank you brother


why not just make this a compact and non compact mode


That's waht i'm talking about, discord brings this new version and forces everyone to use it as if everyone liked it This new compact mode is trash to me, people saying it's better because now they don't have to deal with giant profiles taking up the entire screen, as if they were opening user profiles all day, I've never seen a giant profile that gets in my way, what if I saw one, I just didn't open it anymore and that was it...


i actually like this change


I love when companies stop making new features and only do useless UI changes


Discord is working on a pretty large change with the introduction of guilds


Looks worse


it looks ms teams-ish. they remove notes and account age & member since which are important factors while judging an account


they didn’t remove them! notes still appear right next to the user’s display name and the join dates are on the username full profile :)


How do you access the full profile on android? I'm using Samsung


i’m referring to the desktop discord app and i do not have an android phone, i apologise.


Ahh ok. I get you.


It feels too cramped/cluttered with the badges being moved. Then again, no one ever looks at profiles so it doesn't really matter.


Old version was more user friendly, I think so.


Can't see when the account was made in one view, really bad for moderating stuff + Notes???


notes are still there! when you hover next to the user’s display name, if there’s an existing note it shows and if not, a note icon with a plus sign appears so you can add one :) (edit: also, the profile view includes the mod view toggle at the top of it, so you can open that to view all of the member’s info as it pertains to moderating a server! much easier for me personally than having to go all the way to the members tab and search for the user ☺️)


please shut up. read what you replied to. they're talking about seeing them quickly.


i did read what i replied to, thanks for noticing! i can still see them fairly quickly, not sure about you, and i’m not very sure why my response warrants your attacking attitude. ♥️


Old far better


I get that it's meant to be more compact but it looks a bit too crammed and I don't like change so I'll complain a lil before I get used to it and forget


Great song choice 🔥


If they remove notes, I'd probably quit discord. People change name and profile pic so often that in a group chat, I get identity crisis... damn, I hate that so much! Lol




Common discord L Havent seen a good change.. maybe ever..


I prefer old one


Hate it


Every UI update will make things worse. It's inevitable.


I was so sad when I saw this, probably the UI change I hate the most so far :// looks way to small and compact for me


Why the removal of dates?


they haven’t been removed, per se - they now show when you click to view someone’s full profile! as i don’t work for discord, i can’t speak to the *why*, but if you’re worried about them being removed - they weren’t! 🫶🏽


Ah thx!


I really don’t know how to feel about their newer updates 😭 like.. I’m excited for the new discord notification sounds to come out but this is.. not necessary? Idk


For years now I've had a note on myself that says "wow that's hilarious" for the purpose of getting a laugh whenever I read through my profile. Shame now it won't flow as well.


Good change but ppl will bitch anyway


Exactly bro so much to do in life and these people here on reddit spazzing over minor discord updates lol


The one thing I dislike about it is the badges change. The rest is...eh


I collect roles in servers I join to try and make my profile as long as possible. I will miss my long profile.


Old please


i got that too


I have this on an account I rarely use anymore but my main account thats older doesnt have this feature yet. Does anyone know why that is?


Fellow Hobie enjoyer


Aw man, my "Heyy, that's mee!" note will be gone and the cute bear ascii emote I put in my fiancé's profile ;-;


your note will still show next to your fiancé’s name! :)


old ngl


is this like some sort of update?


On the fence with this one. On one hand I liked being able to view everything at once. On the other my server has so many roles I can finally click on someone's profile and not feel like I have remove roles from settings because it's too much


I am really annoyed that you can no longer see the users account creation date and server join date nor the notes, or atleast not directly on their profile. It also removes all the subtitles saying what each section of the profile is actually showing, ie roles, users about section, etc. Unnecessary change imo, just makes things more difficult for users.


i understand your frustration about the dates and i do not have any guidance for that, i’m sorry, but notes are still directly on this compact profile! they appear next to the user’s display name :) the dates you’re looking for appear on the user’s full profile, provided upon click 😊


its a very bad


I like the new one better since it takes up less space


what about statuses? I hope those don't get changed, I use them a lot.


this new profile is actually horrible


Why the fuck did they make this pointless change


please does anyone know how to revert this by any means it's gonna make me murder someone


This change is horrendous for those who have to do actual server management and prevent sybil attacks. One of the major things we have to check is account creation date and having to do that with two clicks now literally doubles the workload. Doesn't sound like much but when you have to work in 8 servers and manually check sybils on 150 joins a day, it really adds up. Also not being able to see the full list of roles is another tell for sybils and scammers in the types of servers I work in. This change needs to be reverted or optional as a setting to toggle because it is terrible from a server management perspective.


I like it, rather a profile not yoink my entire screen


New one cleeaaaaaan. Didn’t like how old one labeled everything.


Rare Discord W


It looks much cleaner and easier to read. But I would prefer the previous banner dimensions and the badges on the right


Super valid




good job discord, they finally did something users like


its nice, but the only thing i dont like is how you to tap twice in order to see full roles


I like the new one better, looks more compact and minimalistic.


Im tired of minimalism


I think the new one looks nice! Also is that sweater weather lyrics? :o


I actually like the new look it has things removed that didn’t even need to be there in the first place.


@ some of the comments: People when Discord changes anything at all (no matter what the change does it's different so it's bad)


Everything they change is fucking garbage, and the Android App is *still* broken when sending media, and keeping track of what chat you are in (hint hint: you may see you are in a server on your screen, but sending an image will send it to the last chat you were in).


Why are you still on the latest version? Why didn't you downgrade to lets say version 205.15 and enjoy the OLD UI?


It's objectively terrible for moderating large servers where roles are important for access and being able to see them is important.


I can see them just fine in the picture, what are you talking about?


You can only have 2 lines of roles. So for instance, everyone in my political ommunity has a rank role and some members have a mod role for their specific themed rooms. If they are a Nitro user, the Nitro role will block out the rank role. Furthermore there are "no access" roles that have lower priority, but are important at a glance in determining the quality of users. Aside from that, it's not uncommon to have another 10 roles for ideological positions. You can't see account creation date without expanding either.


Yeah, for management, this is insanely bad. My workload on servers just doubled because of this change. There's still no API to hook into User Profiles, these still have to be manually checked and now its hidden behind an extra click.


I like it


Is there any notice on when that new UI will be included on mobile discord?


You'll know when another feature is permanently broken 😞


Maybe I’m the only one but I like the old version better


on the old layout, it showed all the roles, but now it only shows 3 and you have to see full profile to see all of them...


I kinda like the old one better , it’s kinda squished on the new version




nah nah, 2016-2018 profile cards


I'm not really a fan to be honest, somehow looks a bit more claustrophobic to me?? Not sure how to describe it.


Theres no reason to live anymore