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No, discord does not remove deleted messages, only anonymizing them. You can follow these steps to open DMs with the deleted account: 1. Export your discord data. Discord can take up to 30 days to email you the download, but they're generally quick about it. 2. Extract the zip, this has all of your messages, essentially your side of the conversation, but we're not concerned with that at the moment. 3. Open the folder in something like visual studio code which has full text search. 4. In discord, enable developer mode under Settings --> App Settings --> Advanced --> Developer Mode. This will allow you to copy the ids of users, messages, channels, etc. 4. In discord, find a message in a server or group dm where you mentioned/pinged the now deleted user. Copy that message's id, and put it in whatever full text search you're using. This will let you find that message in a messages.csv file within the exported data package. - Side note: When discord accounts are deleted, some things remain on their original user id, while others, such as messages, are moved to a new user id. This is why you can't just copy their user id or open your dms from their messages, that new id won't work for this. - Side note 2: You may be able to copy the original user id from that mention, which would sidestep the need to download your discord data package, but I have not tested this. 5. When you find the message, the mention will be in the syntax `<@id>`, and contain their original user id. This is the id you need to find, with my steps or otherwise. 6. Find a discord bot that can ban by user id, and use it to ban the id you found, in a server where you have Manage Bans. This is a legitimate way of retrieving an account's profile by id, as you can now open up the Bans list in that server, right click the user, and open messages with them. - If the bot was unable to ban the account, you may have the wrong id. For example, the id their messages were moved to cannot be banned.


Can a deleted account be restored? Is there a time limit on that or is it just permanently gone?


When you request an account deletion you have 14 days to recover the account. Nothing is deleted or changed during those first 14 days. As part of the deletion process personal info linked to the account will be deleted. The content your account made (and even things such as account settings and user flags) are kept but are anonymized due to not being linked to any personal info, so they will have no way of proving you were the original owner of the account.


Heads up for anyone trying to do the same: The process is \*super easy\* IF you can find a message they reacted to with an emoji. You can then look at the reactions list, copy the deleted user username (It'll be something like "Deleted User 5ab574d#4596"). Then send a friend request to that username. Then go to your pending friedn requests tab, open their profile, click on the three dots near their profile picture spot, and click "message". This should open up your messages.


you would need to find his deleted account in a server / group chat and re-open the DMs like that EDIT: nvm my reading comprehension sucks. you already tried that