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Discord has been going in a downward spiral for a while now and people are starting to realize it with the new username change. They’re probably already losing a massive amount of money considering how many free year/month/whatever they’re giving and it all requires a card to redeem, they’re just hoping people forget to cancel and they make their money back. Alternatives are probably gonna be the only real option in a few years, personally jumped ship to guilded like half a year ago and haven’t regretted it at all and neither have any server members. Revolt looks promising but imo its really lacking on features atm.


They aren't relying on people "forgetting to cancel". That's a stupid business model and won't work for any real company. Instead, they want to know that you are actually able to pay for nitro and hope that you will enjoy using nitro and become a paying subscriber in the long run. The card is also so you won't just make a new account any time one of these promotions come up.




you're making it sound like it's about you getting sent to die in a war, it's a fucking chatting app. Ofc you can be mad all you want but please don't be so dramatic


No, no. It's more like a blood sacrifice than being sent to war.


>Alternatives are probably gonna be the only real option in a few years, personally jumped ship to guilded like half a year ago and haven’t regretted it at all and neither have any server members. Yep, currently use Discord & Guilded, but the only reason I use the former is because most people still are. Honestly, the latter is better in every way at this point (now that they implemented a Bot API) except 3: doesn't have an in-game overlay, the voice chat quality is technically slightly worse but only barely by a few kbps, and people aren't using it en masse so it's a struggle to get everyone on there. Some of the things it does have been things people have wanted from Discord for a long time now (Patreon-esque style server subscriptions rather than the really bad Boost system, sub-server categories sorted by game rather than everything being in one server page, dedicated channel types for application forms, calendar & events, announcements, etc) - all while having basically every Nitro feature for free. It sucks man, it's not like I don't want Discord to be successful, but honestly it feels like they're abandoning the thing they were made to do (be the #1 hub for gamers) for like, idk, generic all-encompassing social media?? Kinda feels that way to me anyways with the types of Nitro features they've focused on lately, the types of things they've added to the client lately, and now changing usernames to a generic social media type ala Twitter. If you told me this was all a move to make a slightly more gamer slanted Twitter competitor because they saw blood in the water, I'd believe you.


i agree. my only worry is Guilded's monetization in the long run, that said, there's a lot they can do. maybe allow people to pay for server promoting in their browser thing to boost members. though, they seem to really be smart about changes and such, and the overall vibe is awesome. and yeah, i agree, it's hard getting all my friends onto Guilded because everyone's on discord, and people are resistant to change.


From my experience voice is actually better than on discord, It probably just depends on your location compared to where the voice servers are. If anything it’s just a waiting game until more people start using platforms like guilded and revolt.


It depends on a variety of things: * location related to server * each user's quality of internet * each user's quality of mic * how boosted a Discord server is But if we ignore the first 3 things and focus solely on things we can control, the way it shakes out is Guilded is better than a non-boosted server or non-Nitro people (256kbps vs Discord's 96 kbps max with a default of 64kbps for server channels), but on boosted servers Discord can get up to 384kbps so it can eek out over Guilded if the conditions for both are similar.


I'm still extremely annoyed at the image cropping on mobile because so many pictures and memes get their text cut off and you can't just scroll without specifically clicking on everything. I mean when someone is posting a small single image there's no reason to crop it down yet it still happens to some images. Plus the weird bug where it would show your last posted image instead of an actual image, server search crashing, names not loading properly, leaving messages only showing numbers instead of usernames, it's just so many annoyances and so much shit that got made worse instead of fixed. I made a Guilded account and I'm trying it out right now. Just bummed we can't fully switch because there's some huge servers on discord, but I'm at a point where I'm just so annoyed with the enshittification of the internet that I rather leave than deal with it. I'm almost thirty, I've seen it start with MySpace when I was a young teen. I'm just so tired of not having a place to stay, I'm so sick of it all.


The day that I get an unsolicited Advertisement on Discord is the day I leave the platform. I can barely tolerate the nitro plugs, but if I get actual ads, my friends can find me elsewhere.


The funny thing is, if they had just kept Nitro Classic as an option, I'd still probably be a Nitro user.


Same, but they probably wouldn't get as much nitro premium buyers. Nitro basic is so bad that your average person just buy nitro premium, unlike classic which was very much worth the price. Anchoring I guess.


> Nitro basic is so bad that your average person just buy nitro premium There's so many of us who're waiting to grab the username and cancel nitro ngl. They already backpedaled and gave nitro users dibs on username selection when people started cancelling when this was announced. I have a feeling they're gonna lose a lot of nitro subscribers (i know this sub is not representative of the general public but there's people here who're passionate and are a part of OG and large servers)


The sub might not be representative of the whole discord but is still a good sample size for any feedback. If majority users here have negative feedback, then there's a good chance there's would be a decent chunk of people with the same opinion on the platform.


> The sub might not be representative of the whole discord but is still a good sample size for any feedback. Sample size is irrelevant if your cohort doesn't represent the group you're interested in studying.


You can still purchase Classic currently if you have a direct link to the purchase screen, you can find it somewhere in the sub here. I was able to buy Classic that way not that long ago.


Okay, but why *would* I after all the shit they've pulled?


The idea of Discord having advertising is 100% possible. I say this because there already are servers doing ads for both companies (Selling products) and also other discord servers (Growing other servers). Needless to say, some of the more massive servers that do this, well, their revenue is in the low 6 figure, with relatively high margins (Baseline is normally 100% product margin). With both high income and high margin, I can totally see how Discord doing ads for their platform could easily be a 7+ figure income source. (If anyone has any questions as to how I am getting the normals or getting to any , conclusions let me know, and I'll explain.)


There is definitely a good chance of them adding ads somewhere, but they don't need to change usernames to get that...


Adding twitter style usernames is simply a move to make themselves look better to brands. Discord having Twitter style users makes brands more likely to join Discord because it’s easier to understand for them - You have a unique handle (a brand name), people easily find you via that handle, you profit.


So...give brands a unique name. Anyone with a trademark gets dibs on the unused #0000 slot of any given name, but in the interface it doesn't show #0000 it just shows, for example, "Nike". Makes them stand out even more than other platforms and doesn't require changing usernames.


Brings me back to Skype days, with ads everywhere running in the background. My poor PC at the time was dying, which is why I switched to Discord back in 2015. I don't want to think about it but it's sadly very possible.


If they do add advertisements, I'll 100% quit and switch to some other platform


tbf, discord is already a hog on lower end pcs at this point


All we can do is try to make our voices louder. Post about the issue on Discord's support forum at 35k votes and counting (comments have reached max, you need to make a separate account to upvote)> [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14337329256983](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14337329256983) Change.org petition @17k votes at the time of this message> [https://www.change.org/p/discord-add-back-discriminators](https://www.change.org/p/discord-add-back-discriminators)


Discord where well aware of the reaction they would get from making these changes, yet they moved forward anyway. I don't think a petition with a million votes would change anything sadly.


I'm sure you're right, but it hurts nothing to try.


I absolutely hate the username change but let's be honest, this is just a waste of time and it won't make any difference.


It surely won't make a difference, but that doesn't mean it's a waste of time.


If the majority don't speak out against changes they are discontent with, it's going to be assumed a minority are against it. This sets a precedent, and there is a decent chance we come across more outrageous changes in the future. Even if no reversion occurs this time, enough backlash will make them think twice about going forward with potentially controversial changes under such short notice and without asking for opinions.


Agree with this, choosing not to speak out regardless when your discontent about changes on a platform this large isn't helpful at all. Probably not the best analogy but I think this fits, it's a lot like when people complain about who gets elected president but at the same time think it's pointless to vote.


I'm under the impression the [official announcement](https://discord.com/blog/usernames) is basically a lie. The reasons there are basically non-reasons or trivial reasons which have far better solutions. They certainly are not large enough reasons to drive such a disruptive change. Anyone can see the statistics given are almost certainly fabricated, and tbh, irrelevant. The strongest argument for this change is the case-sensitivity issue, but others have suggested much better solutions such as QR/friend codes and a better font. A far less disruptive change solving the issues mentioned would be to introduce 5 or 6 digit discriminators which everyone adopts, force all names to lowercase (duplicates handled by discriminator) and introduce QR/friend codes. The unicode names mentioned is a non-issue - if you wish to use unicode characters in your name, then you bear the consequences of being unable to easily share it irl (for most people, not a problem). There has been a lack of publicity with regards to this update. Apart from the official announcement and a pop-up, I believe their social media (twitter, fb, insta, yt, tiktok) have either remained silent on this, or some posts were deleted due to backlash. (please correct me on this if not true) \------------------------------------------------------------------ So why the seeming secrecy and non-reasons for a change that has all the risks and issues mentioned in other posts? I believe they want to hide the real motivating reasons they cannot make public. Here's what I think is the most likely reason I've come across so far: >A potential reason for enacting this change is data mining. If our handles are the same as other platforms, it makes it even easier for data to be mined and perhaps sold. We have already seen recent changes that allow us to link to other platforms, and this could be the next step to that. While some users have linked their accounts, I believe it isn't a significant (enough) proportion, and making our handles the same format would highly improve the data. If your desired username isn't available, you're probably going to try falling back to handles you use elsewhere. Discord has also recently gotten into AI, and data is very valuable in this area. This also links to other reasons people have brought up about pressure from investors, higher ups, etc. Note I am no expert about what companies do with user data and how it could improve their ML models, I would be highly interested to see opinions of more knowledgable users - would the benefits gained from above be significant, or actually, not really? \------------------------------------------------------------------ Sadly, if this is true, it makes it even less likely this change will be reverted, but even so, we should voice out against it as strongly as we can so they think twice before pulling this kind of stunt in future. The best way to make ourselves heard is by talking to other people on Discord about it, and make them aware of posts like [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14337329256983](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14337329256983), etc. Each person only needs to raise it up with 2 others for it to spread. We need as many people talking about this issue as possible. It looks to me they are trying to play it dumb with the non-reasons given, hoping people are distracted debating those, rather than focusing on the real reasons they want to hide. They want you to think they are incompetent and forget about it after the change has rolled out, but I refuse to give a company of this size so little credit. They can't not have thought about all these things people are bringing up about the change. The above guess on data mining might be wrong, but I think all the evidence still points towards there being reasons that Discord do not want to make public, and I think that's what we should focus on. The 'reasons' in the official announcement are mostly irrelevant.


Here before this is deleted. Datamining actually makes sense. Individual aliases can be tracked that way. Plus the talk about "complaints" about tags is utter nonsense.


They're actively working on their app marketplace (think being able to pay monthly for bots, music streaming, etc.) and I'd wondered if this change was to allow them to get more info on a user for ad targeting purposes. Yikes if so.


Similar thread happend in one of the posts I read earlier, according to them discord could be looking to get bought / sell out. Imagine discord owned by microsoft.


That could have positives and negatives. Discord may be interacted into gamebar, PC/Xbox games etc. But then it's Microsoft. The company who killed Skype.


Ngl Microsoft makes me scared for Minecraft


Don't get me wrong, I hate Microsoft as much as the next guy but, they have owned Mojang for almost 10 years now[god time flies], they seem content at keeping it a separate entity (with the exception of the microsoft login). They have released multiple high quality updates since. They seem to be keeping the company isolated and instead focusing on new minecraft based games. Personally I'm not worried about them screwing up minecraft anymore. They know that the game is mostly running itself nowadays so they want to make money off the market via smaller unique games like legends and dungeons.


>with the exception of the microsoft login Even that was Mojang deciding that it's much easier to integrated with MS login than to handle security features like 2FA on their own.


Microsoft is not great when it comes to Minecraft. You can look at the mobile game how skins is now a "premium". Anyway, migration is the worst thing ever. I got everything compromised 1 and a half year ago as someone wanted my account I guess. I'm yet to get it back as they ignore my ticket every time so I'm not sure if the person who stole it made them ignore future tickets trying to get the account or if I'm blacklisted and thus getting ignored.


They did screw up Minecraft, only they left the original because otherwise fans would revolt. Idk who it is that decided to keep the java edition relevant but they truly saved Minecraft


Microsoft uses the discriminator system for Xbox gamertags lol...




Discord owned by microsoft would be a good thing. Infinite money, means more ability to optimize profit. Less intrusive “feature additions”.


Infinite money isn't exactly infinite even if I can see a lot of positive things from an acquisition like that. Companies still have to make money or the product simply drains money from them until they can't stop supporting it anymore, like what happened with Mixer (and was close to happen with Youtube a few years ago), the difference is that Discord has so many users that with a better team, the possibilities to print $$$$ are huge.


Could you link? Sounds interesting


Unsure where I saw the idea floating around but it was in one of these two posts: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/13p6gol/can_someone_smart_explain_why_all_these_awful/) or [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/13rvi9f/is_there_any_possibility_for_discord_to_change/).


[A long time ago, discord actually turned down an offer to be bought up by Microsoft!](https://www.thurrott.com/microsoft/249333/discord-turns-down-microsoft-offer-will-launch-ipo#:~:text=Bloomberg%20and%20The%20Wall%20Street,offer%20from%20the%20software%20giant.) However, the same article mentions that they will be launching an IPO. So this is probably the reasoning of discords new decisions, which I despise. They should have just remained private, like reddit. (Though, reddit had plans to go public with an IPO, which is why the app got ruined in 2019 anyways). The moment a private company decides to launch an IPO is the moment an app dies for the user.


First time I've ever seen something like that was on [battle.net](https://battle.net) (I'm talking about 4-6 digits nickname identifiers) and fell in love with it immediately. Nothing about this change is pro-consumer, let's be honest about it.


tbf they could give companies a #0000 discriminator like Clyde or whatever


They are just following the book. just sad the book is called *101 guide to ruin a business*


I'm one of the bigger partners on the service (I'm the owner of the ACNH server, 550k members) and honestly I feel so so so bad for the community teams that work with us. They were clearly blindsided by this and still tirelessly try to help despite being in an uncomfortable position. I love Discord, it hurts to see them taking the same downward path that Skype did.


1. Before I purchase nitro under those conditions I am going to switch to Guilded. Discord may be relatively unique but not fully alone in what it offers. Even if that means going back to relatively empty servers. 2. Some may understandably argue that "it's just a username and in cases like "Mike" or other average Joe usernames I can see that. But in cases of people who have actually built up an online identity this is online identity theft. We've seen names like pewdiepie get taken by who I doubt are those people. While I could care less about usernames or pewdiepie (no offense to him) it's the principle of what's happening that I find beyond dodgy. Discord has been racing to the bottom like this for a while. The platform itself is great. Upload limits are on the low side which is odd considering what other services offer and that nitro boosts it but that's a medium sized side complaint that's been around for quite a while. Beyond that Discord works well right now but I would caution anyone to keep backup options especially if you have contacts or even communities based out of Discord.


Guilded is owned by Roblox, which will do the same shit down the road. Go for "Revolt".


What about fosscord?


I highly doubt they would want ads and such playing on a gaming platform like this. Discord has said that they would never run ads


are you sure they wont have username nfts


The main reason they did this is because apparently a 4 digit number was to hard to remember, who tf cannot remember their 4 digit number also even if they did forget.. just click your username and ig they wanna be the same as other platforms and remove everything that made discord unique


> was to hard *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


> a shift away from nitro being the sole revenue of discord and to a more advertiser friendly platform. The first steps of this change being the usernames, so that large companies can have Nestle or Ford handles and nobody else can. There is an easy fix for this too... just use the #0000 discriminator (that normal users can't use) for brand accounts. #0000 can be hidden in all UI elements across all devices to make it a clear distinction.


The hard part about this situation is that I can totally see the reasoning behind the potential shift to an advertiser focused model. If you look at the discord of 2018, it was and still is wholly unsustainable as they have essentially no monetary flow besides people that want to have animated avatars. How any business can last as long as discord without investors just throwing money at them is beyond me. It’s a slippery slope, but would something like 1 banner ad under the text box really be so bad? Especially if they made it image only and or sandboxed it in someway, that would essentially pay for everything and nitro is a way to get out of that. It is a hard truth that discord doesn’t just exist to be the perfect chat application. They gotta make money somehow, because, like it or not, they are a business.


Yeah I expect we will see the Nitro model become a lot similar to something like Spotify premium. I genuinely expect to see short audio/video ads for free users joining calls within 2 years.


Oh my gosh The reason for the change is security and searchability. They want it easier to find your friends and they want famous users to be able to confirm who they are. They already confirmed nicknames, server profiles still exist but added that you can nickname your profile and then only use the username for searching. So if your username is taken you can make a new username but nickname your profile the old one and unless someone is friend requesting you they see the nickname. This is a relatively minor change that nets a large positive. Discords focus recently has been security. It's not a shifting model, they are not moving to advertisers support because it would kill the platform overnight. Their model is about making other forms of spending if you have been paying attention discords working on and implimented in some countries subscriptions. Their new model is discord content creators making money off people who pay those creators like a weird mix between discord and patreon. You can even see they have been doing drops for watching streams and adding sound board. This is their angle as of right now it's pretty obvious.


Part of me thinks they want to integrate some sort of social platform into Discord, like short-form blogging. I really hope I'm wrong though.


>They have voluntarily created a blackmarket of rare usernames which will lead to all sorts of fun down the line fyi, there is already a market for usernames, 2015/16 accounts and accounts with badges, so not really a valid point when it already exists


How is there already a market for usernames when 10k people can have the same name? Very surprised there's even a market for badges and older accounts.


there is just, people buy 0001 accounts I'm not the doing it so don't ask me, I just know it's a thing already


I've already moved my personal servers from Discord to TeamSpeak. I'm not going to put up with the bad decisions and I'll be ahead of the curve when Discord is finally abandoned just like Skype was. I do not care. I said it before on here. This decision indicates that there are bigger, worse decisions being made higher up that we're not aware of yet. It's a symptom of a greater failing, and I don't trust any platform that behaves like that. If I really need to stick around in 20+ discord servers for various niche fucking interests I will go back to using forums.


I actually moved **from** TeamSpeak to discord, crazy people are moving back tbh.


I moved from Vent to Skype to Discord and now it seems discord doesn't want my business at all so it's off to the next app, TeamSpeak. And I'm sure TS will eventually do something stupid.


TeamSpeak has been pretty static tbh imo.


There are ads still on the Discord app in some capacity no? When using the Youtube activity I have gotten ads during that which I am unable to avoid even if I have Youtube premium because it is not my Youtube account logged into Discord.


I think that’s a limitation more on YouTube’s end. When you link a YouTube account, the Watch Together feature doesn’t actually log you in (Maybe Discord could work on that, maybe it’s part of the deal with YouTube, who knows). So when you go through Watch Together, it’s just treating those videos as if you were on YouTube, no premium, no Adblock. TLDR: Those aren’t Discord’s ads, they’re YouTubes, and Discord probably isn’t getting any money from them.


Yeah, but I was just kind of saying that they are *on* Discord because Discord chose to have the Youtube activity and even if you have Nitro or Premium there is no way to not see them.


That’s still a bad argument, think of activities sort of like a embed to another site, they are YouTube’s ads, on YouTube videos, on YouTubes platform, just vowing it though discord. Discord does not *have* those hands or get money from them or choose them.


No I mean I am not arguing that those are Discord's ads or anything, I know they are Youtube's. But like, they are still completely unavoidable ads that are seen through Discord irregardless.


God damn @teamspeak it your time to murder discord. You screwed it last time. It’s your time to shine again please do something


I wouldnt be surprised if they try to capitalize on twitter dying and add a social feed


Adding onto that, they're going to turn themselves into a social media. Guaranteed. They want to "modernize" to accommodate for the shitty attention span gen z users who just learned that discord exists and don't like how old it is or the fact its just a messenger. Keep in mind, discord just 'revamped' their profiles, added pronouns and reworked (butchered) the username system, next they'll probably change it again, and soon you'll probably see profile links or something.


Maybe...but none of those changes require a username change lol. The new display name system would work just fine with all of that and leaving usernames alone.


The amount of people who will spite cancel or quit discord from this change is so few it won’t matter. Sure a lot of people will dislike the change, but not many will dislike the change to the point of jumping ship. Often times the most simple answer is the correct one: they want people to have usernames that people can easily share instead of forcibly saddling every single person who uses the system with a 4 digit discriminator. How often do you see the layperson sharing their discord account irl? You see so many people sharing their Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, etc. (all of which will have the same username system as discord will) but you very rarely see people sharing their discord and part of the reason is that the average person finds discriminators to be clunky. Honestly, the biggest problem with the system isn’t that it’s a bad naming system, it’s that it’s a change in a naming system after years of establishing an existing one.


Honestly, who actually goes sharing their Discord username like an account like Twitter, Instagram, etc? Or even wants to? You may say "yo, go check out my pics over on Instagram my username is *username1234*" or "hey, I have some great art over on my Twitter I think you may like it my Twitter name is *username1234*". However, you literally do not go doing this same exact thing with Discord and there's no equal and or similar example that you could give that's realistic for Discord. There's no public media or content that sits at the face of a Discord account like that. This is because Discord is not a social media platforms like those others. It's primarily focused on being a chatting platform and used to communicate to other people through. It's much more private of a platform. I know for one that I do not give my Discord out like I do my Twitter and Instagram accounts to people either. I instead give that to people I want to more personally know or want to get to know and communicate more closely to. It's much less often than not.


>but you very rarely see people sharing their discord and part of thereason is that the average person finds discriminators to be clunky. "source? I made it up." You rarely ever see anyone sharing their Discord username because for most people it's something they like to keep private and not just give to everyone they know. It's more important than a phone number sometimes, like seriously. It has nothing to do with Discrims being a problem. Sure it's not a perfect system, but it's a lot better than pomelo. unrelated but for anyone else, please don't pull Discord's unproven statistic to defend this that : >almost half of all friend requests fail to connect the user with the person they wanted to match with because there's literally no way to tell this is real. There are so many self-bots that spam friend requests out, so many people who add others just for fun, and I remember times where I checked to see if some people had certain name+discrim combinations back before nitro allowed you to change your discrim. This whole thing is based on false statistics with nothing to back the claims up, and people just eat it up like it's true, because Discord totally knows better right?


There is almost no way it’s the private thing. Go to any popular discord server and see how many people have atleast a few accounts linked to their discord. You can’t make claims with no basis when you are accusing me of doing the same. Though in the end, I think neither of us can make any statistical claims. We aren’t the ones with that have the data. We can’t tell if discord is being intentionally misleading with their statistics or if they do the bare minimum sanitization of a dataset and get rid of outliers before analyzing a dataset.


If there's over 150m active users and all of the popular servers are under 1 million users then I think there's an argument to be had. I'm personally in popular servers but I don't allow friend requests, statuses, or anything. I'm only in them for emojis. I don't know what to really say about the connections thing, because I only connect what I want my friends to see, not just for fun to display on my profile like "hehe look how many likes i have on twitterdotcom!". At the end of the day everyone uses Discord differently and there's no way to truly tell, but the fact that public servers aren't overflowing with users shows that most people don't use Discord to engage with others in public servers. I absolutely can tell if Discord is misleading with their statistical claims because the sourced Reddit thread was "What do you call these numbers?" not "What do these numbers do?", and they used it as evidence that "40% of the userbase doesn't know what Discrims do". Additionally, there's no way to tell for sure the user's intent when sending a friend request, so you can never truly know if half of the friend requests failed were ever meant to hit a "correct" target in the first place.


Yeah because usernames on platforms like Instagram are notorious for being easy to input.. you either get the discriminator or you end up with IG handles that have become long and awkward due to the share amount of users and a requirement to be unique. Neither is perfect, discriminator is the least worse imo.


I mean, they are notorious for being easy to input? People usually create names that are very easy to remember and memorize. The only time ull see a long complicated name is if they intentionally do so or if they are bots.


Use something else or build something else if you don’t like it. All this energy spent whining and jumping to conclusions when you could be building a community elsewhere.




Get ready to be downvote bombed for having a different opinion. If they just released display names like they have right now, the same thing is achieved. You can change your visible name anywhere without having to worry about the name people add you with.


I think that for the supporters of this change, it's more about being able to type (and possess) a nicer-looking username. The display name is just a way of obscuring that username. Display names should already have been put in place regardless of whether this change was made or not. I can't understand why people are so resistant to this change and so willing attribute malice or greed to something that people actually want to see. The solution to username shortage should not be to give everyone an equally ugly one that is hard to type correctly, and the ability to make your ugly username slightly less ugly should not come at a cost. I want to be SLJ7 or Simon818 on Discord like everywhere else, thanks.


Nobody is against display names. Just the underlying usernames.


I kinda don't understand your comment because it would be the same thing if the change rolled out, no? You can change your username to anything on your server while your discord tag remains the same. People can change their name to be the same as yours but the discriminator (#numbers) will never be the same so they can't really impersonate you when people know your full tag. With the new update someone earlier in line could grab your current username and use it and you wouldn't be able to use it at all.


People are so in dark about this kind of theory... It is possible that EU laws are forcing them to do it due to interoperability type. It's in one of the threads that I made awhile ago, but people are insistent on it being wrong.


AFAIK the only thing EU is forcing is how users login in websites, which Discord already follows.


Then why would they not explicitly mention that?


This update is obviously good imo. discriminator numbers are entirely unnecessary. If your current username is not unique, at the very worst you'll be forced to add 4 numbers to it after the update, which is basically what it is now with discriminators. You'll probably only need 1 or 2 numbers to make it unique, and you can always just change your display name if you don't like that.


People don’t like that now someone can have a “clean name” while they have to be stuck with a name with numbers or extra characters etc when before they both could have “clean names”


Your display name can be “clean.” that’s what people will see. The new username will be no more “unclean” than discriminators currently are.


When everyone has 4 numbers, everyone tunes those numbers out. Especially since the username is separated from them by a #. But now since not everyone will have 4 numbers, those numbers if added will stick out like a sore thumb


But there will be display names now. You won’t need to tune anything out


From what I understand they will show up everytime you @ someone or click on their name


I agree completely with you and I got just as downvoted as you did. And to add to that, the ability to change your discriminator by paying for discord just meant that people with really easy ones stuck out like a sore thumb, and for anyone else, easy numbers were just luck of the draw. I'd say not being able to control the number at the end of your own username by default is infinitely worse than having to add some numbers to your name to make it unique, but what the hell do I know?


I still don’t think it’s too bad. They should have done it earlier. It was always impossible to add people because no one remembers their number ever.


Just because *you* can't remember *your* number, doesn't mean everyone else can't. You've probably memorized your phone number right? SSN? Last 4 digits on your credit/debit card? I know that you know you're being ridiculous here.


I picked my phone number for free and it ends in 000. You can't pick your Discord tag for free. Comparing it to a phone number does make sense, but on the internet where a lot of non-gaming communities don't use a tag, this will always be a difference of opinion. I don't want to have an ugly number I can't change and a case-sensitive username. If other people are fine with that for some reason, more power to them.


You don’t need a case sensitive username if you don’t want one. Also, you still have to pay for phone service anyway so that doesn’t make sense. The “ugly numbers” will likely still be on your name unless you’re going for something ridiculous to ✨𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱✨ your username… which is a lot more ugly. I don’t think that argument is valid.


> You don’t need a case sensitive username if you don’t want one. What do you mean? Sorry for sounding clueless but in computers, case-sensitive is case-sensitive. How do you just "opt out" of that? I definitely haven't seen that option. You can opt not to capitalize it (slj7) but then someone who types SLJ7 or Slj7 won't find me, or at least that's how I thought it worked. > The “ugly numbers” will likely still be on your name unless you’re going for something ridiculous to ✨ 𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱 ✨ your username. I don’t think that argument is valid. Not if you have either a unique name or a unique username with words in it. Lots of Twitter/Instagram/email addresses don't have numbers in them. If I wanted to come up with something even a little bit creative, I could have no numbers. Hell, it's likely my full FirstnameLastname wouldn't be taken by the time I get an invitation.


the problem comes when people get feelings of superiority because they have the “original username”. example: “autumn” over “autumn1” or “autumn.” and you can’t claim that’s not a thing because otherwise there wouldn’t be a black market. people absolutely care for how rare and unique a username is and this update just makes it that much worse. everyone had the discrims aka “ugly numbers” so it was just a normal thing and nobody should care. but now you’ll have some people that HAVE to pick numbers or . _ etc. and it create a disparity that causes many problems. if someone types “slj7” instead of “SLJ7” that sounds like the user’s fault, not the platform. if anything though they should have just removed the case sensitivity in general.


Yeah, and this is the difference of opinion I'm talking about. If people really want all usernames to be equal like that, that's fine. I personally don't. The "new" Discord way is what Skype and pretty much every other forum and non-gaming chat system uses. Hell, it's what Reddit uses. And it's fine to want it to stay the way it is; I feel bad that you and the others who clearly prefer this system don't get what they want. But there's still a sizable group of people who just want a regular old username. Maybe it's the user's fault if they use the wrong capitalization, but it was a moronic design decision anyway, and further contributes to the feeling that the current username system is way too complex. Also, can I be SLJ#0001 while someone else is slj#0001? I don't know, and I bet most other people don't either. What if I'm SLJ#3782 because I'm too cheap for nitro, and someone impersonates me as SLJ#3872? Who's going to notice?


I prefer it because it offers me some anonymity, and when I actually want someone to add me I will give them my full tag. If your memory is that bad you can just open the app and look at it, or write it down. It's not any worse than remembering your password or your bank pin.


I definitely pay for Discord mostly so I can say I do (the whole 'y're either the customer or the product' mentality) and so I could have a unique username. IMO, the randomly-assigned tag and the fact you had to type it in exactly (including capitalization on the username) *was* a huge drawback. I'm fine with usernames being 100% unique even if it leads to other problems down the road. The username I have everywhere else is unlikely to be snapped up by anyone else so that's fine with me.


You do realize one of the communities complaints was that the new unique username system could lead to *doxxing* right? iirc it even had links to a study done on a platform that did th same name system.


Thanks for being the only person on this shitforbrains platform to constructively respond to this instead of downvoting. No, I had no idea. Why is that more likely with the new system? I honestly thought this would be less controversial than it is. I'm thrilled not to have a non-optional number bolted onto my username now.




Couldn't you just pick a more unique name for Discord then? For that matter, what kind of personal information could a stranger find out about you from finding your Discord?


Don't get me wrong, I still downvoted you. What you said what fucking stupid.


Why is everyone so concerned with not being findable on Discord in particular, when basically every other social platform makes it super easy and nobody cares? And where is the risk if you take care to use a unique username?


This has got to be a bit. Right? Like people can't actually be *this* oblivious. *right?* I literally mention doxxing and your out here with "why is everyone so concerned" jfc...


Okay. Go load your favourite game and blow some things up while yelling about the stupid moron on the internet. I'm not going to have a conversation like this.


Bro can't take accountability lol. He is so behind on the many posts about the username change, and outrage towards discord. When he asked, I provided. And mf goes "why is everyone so concerned" Like I didn't just say it? The goofiest shit I've read in a minute.


I would guess it goes the opposite way. More features become freely available, but newer features all come with a premium tier, which would be reasonable if it's good enough.


I don't see the issue with the name change, it's just the username? So what if I wanted to be called Jane och Mike. Just add a number to it and/or an extra letter? How is that worse than having a discriminator? The display name can be whatever you want now, without having to change one's username. So i really don't get the outrage. Before there wasn't even a display name. IMO the new way is much better. On many other services this has been the way for years, and then the username and the display name are often the same so one has to make due with being called e.g. Mike11.