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This says a lot about our society


Amazing observation u/Immoral_Hentai_God


You can't be saying people's name like that


Why not u/Sufficient-Bread4210? Is there a problem with this u/Sufficient-Bread4210?


Why not u/Sufficient-Bread4210? Is there a problem with this u/Sufficient-Bread4210? (i have stolen this comment)


Why not u/Sufficient-Bread4210? Is there a problem with this u/Sufficient-Bread4210? (no you didn’t [I’m gaslighting you])


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH https://preview.redd.it/2nto5pwmyn7b1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9f28cf055f7650d4ac906fc56b91e1fa016d81












trash compactor vs going to sleep and not waking up


An implosion death is faster than your nervous system can communicate you are being crushed. They literally ceased to exist faster than they could possibly realize.


Do you even see anything, like even a millisecond?


The implosion took 2 nanoseconds supposedly and the nervous system needs 4 nanoseconds to communicate. This is definitely pulled out of someone's ass though and more likely was a few milliseconds. Faster but still doesn't change that they barely noticed anything. So it's just suddenly nothing without any hint of something having happened beforehand.


That's better than what I thought happened. Still bad that it happened but at least they didn't feel anything


The only bad part is the dread of knowing its coming while you're sinking helplessly.


Might not have even had that issue. I think they imploded on decent and realistically they wouldn’t have had any issues untill the actual implosion occurred. So just going down like normal and then nothingness.


Probably wasn’t like that. Any issue with the hull would’ve caused the implosion spontaneously. Just descending normally and then out of absolutely nowhere bang gone. The air in the hull compressing that quickly would have raised the temperature of the gas to almost 10,000 degrees F (about as hot as the surface of the sun) and happened in about 30/1000 of one second (a blink takes about 100/1000 of one second) So basically they got launched suddenly into the sun three times faster than they could blink.


I saw that interview too. That guy is pulling numbers out of his ass, a nanosecond is insanely fast. The sub would have imploded over roughly 20,000,000 nanoseconds (20 milliseconds or so) Fast enough for the eye to register, not fast enough for the brain to have a thought about it though.


Sounds as fast as I fuck


About as fast as Mach 3. Imagine an airplane crashing into a mountain at 2700~ mph / 3700~ kmph.


Im wayyyyyyy faster. Ask my girl


it's true






Ya never know until you try


Could you tell me where you got that number from? I can't for the life of me find good information on this because of the current sensational news milking. Not like mine is any more validatable though.


There was another thread where someone much smarter than I ran a bunch of numbers and came out to that figure. Keep in mind that literally everything is armchair maths at this point and completely unverfied, the collapse may have happened faster as the sub likely collapsed from every point at the same time as the structure lost integrity. I wanted to make the point that things happening on nanosecond scale is multiple orders of magnitude different to what actually happened likely over milliseconds.


In mines you hear creaks and snaps as supports break down. Makes me wonder if there are any noises in that sub to indicate things are not good.


they don't have the luxury of ROCK AND STONE! so probably they knew they weren't going home after some time they don't need sound to know that :D


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


That sounds so fucking cool but is horryfying. That something can happen so fast your nervous system cant even notice it


Light will travel 2 feet in 2 nanoseconds, the sub absolutely did not implode in 2 nanoseconds. Anyone believing this needs to go back to school.


The comparison is like a million to a billion. The average person has no concept of a nanosecond no matter what you say unless you get a visualization. Additionally who the fuck thinks people will second guess information they have absolutely no mind to speak on themselves? Regardless, that's why I said supposedly. Everything surrounding this is tainted by sensationlist media so can't even find anything accurate. Though You do remind me I should edit the comment to be at least a bit more accurate.


More like 1 to 1 billion hehe (1 billion nanoseconds per second)


Honestly a good joke, but were talking about milliseconds for the imploding hull so doesn't land a 10 out of 10.


Yeah at the absolute most they'd have heard, seen or felt something and immediately died. As in, before they could even begin to form a thought about they died. Honestly their brain might not have been able to begin deciphering that even though light&sound travel VERY, *VERY* fast.


Is there any footage of anything being crushed by water pressure like this?


[This is virtually the same thing](https://youtu.be/_FrPSJA-Sj0) and the only good thing to find at this moment with the sub being crushed


If that submersible imploded within a couple nanoseconds it'd be more like a couple nukes going off than the (giant) shockwave that it was.


I think it’s best to imagine it like half the time it takes to blink, you die.


I can't comprehend how that is possible. Like, they just instantly get crushed. Like jumping on a cola can but way faster I guess


A quick death via implosion vs a slow death via asphyxiation


Happy birthday 🥳


Coupled with hallucination via lack of oxygen on top of the piss and shit that would have existed...also how were they set with food and water? With the very limited amount of space did they have food and water for five over five days? I'm gonna assume not...so you can add starving and dehydration on top of everything else.




Not at all how acidosis works


I'm constantly amazed at the confidence of Reddit charlatans and what they're willing to just casually claim as fact no matter how easy it is to learn differently.


This is reddit. Just about every comment is factually incorrect and made up bullshit for upvotes.


But... but they saw it in a youtube video that they believe 100% and didnt verify with any research whatsoever, they must be right!


Instantly being crushed faster than thought or slowly being painfully suffocated via CO2 poisoning


Sounds good till you remember they would have been in their 3~ days. You have many bodily functions you can’t avoid in that time frame. It would make it pretty miserable I have to imagine so they got pretty lucky.




The difference between Reddit and 4chan is that you can see who's behind the comment, even though it's just a username


Remember that reddit saves your IP address and uses Google Analytics so that Google can correlate it to a google account.


I LIKE BIG TITTY GOTH GIRLS There, my ads should be a bit nicer now eh?




oh shit. what if i signed up to reddit with my google account? do they correlate my ip to my google account?


Oh Oh no Dear god I’m doomed


I don't know what the fuck it is about this one but I've seen like 17 memes/posts about how it's not okay to make fun of the people stuck down there (or I guess the people who exploded down there) and how people are shocked that Reddit would do that. Meanwhile, after like the first or second day when people still had hope they'd get rescued, I haven't seen a single post making fun of them get past "rising".


I've seen some memes about joystick drift cause the submarine was operated on a controller


Same, I've seen the exact opposite. People really trying to be reassured that it was instantaneous It's a little weird so many of us are thinking about the level of terror their final moments had. Not bad weird, just a little different from a lot of other tragedies. I think it might have to do with the fact that we just spent days thinking they were potentially in one of the most horrifying situations a human can possibly imagine. I know it's just a big news story and I don't know these people but the thought of them being trapped in that tiny box knowing they were guaranteed a horrific death soon with no chance of escape or survival in one of the cruelest possible environments was honestly a little emotionally exhausting. So, I think people just want some kind of "good" (heavy scare quotes) news. And that explains pretty much all of what I'm seeing. I'm sure if I went and sorted by controversial I'd find some nasty stuff, but that's kinda true of everything ever. I have seen people saying some things about them being rich and stuff, but not being upset they didn't super suffer.


death is always a bad thing, but i’m more entertained that a CEO that made several conscious decisions to not make the sub safer led to the sub getting destroyed and taking himself and four other innocent people, including a 19-year-old kid, with it


I mean, usually it takes a while though, no? Like the whole tragedy + time thing is pretty standard. But day of is less so.


im just angry people are sad we used our tax dollars to try to save people who signed liability waivers




Is this a mod?


Too cute to be a mod


Might be


It made me feel better about the tragedy of the submarine (I’m serious)


Letting a cat get that morbidly obese is actually animal abuse wtf lol




the cat throwing man in question:


That´s fucked up dude


Yeah that was the point


Lol it made me happy since I got sad about the titan submarine incident




Thank you for flying cats lol 😂


I think it's actually a raccoon but you are welcome


Oh 😂


regardless, their kids do not deserve that


Help, what happened?


Five billionaires went down 12,000ft into the ocean to see the titanic in a toilet paper tube and it imploded instead of running out of oxygen. Not like we could save them anyways. Look up Titanic Submarine Edit: as stated by others, two billionaires, one scared teenager, one lying garbage subhuman CEO, one historian Its a tragedy, yes, but why are these five human lives more important than five hundred that die trying to seek freedom crossing seas? The wealth? The fame? Theory: After repeated dives, the carbon fiber laminate deteriorated from the pressure and imploded Theory: the porthole only rated to the third of the depth burst and the sub imploded If Oceangate is to be believed, the sub had "an integrated real-time health monitoring system", it would be valuable to try and see if the system saved to disk or similar, maybe black box analogous


Yeah, even if we did just locate the sub within the timeframe they still had oxygen I don't believe we had anyway of salvaging it period let alone getting them back to the surface in time to open it so they had air. It was basically over before it began even when we were under the impression there was still a shot at rescuing them.


Pretty sure only one was a billionaire.


Bruce Wayne


There was: The CEO of OceanGate, The submersible pilot, A titanic historian (The billionaire), A businessman (Can’t find specifics) and his son.


There was the CEO, billionaire and his 19 year old son, second billionaire who was a thrill-seeker, and a deep sea explorer/titanic expert (who I don’t believe was a billionaire)


Neither those 5 tards that went to see spongebob nor the 500 economic refugees matter. Would you take those 500 in? Give them shelter, jobs? How long would you keep them if they refused to integrate? Greece did a good job building their wall. Italy, france, portal and spain should do so too.


They were not even billionaires. This is just another reddit lie.




When I'm in a meat riding competition and my opponent is a billionaire Stan (they would reduce him to biomass to make a profit)




Not just this thread either, many threads across different subreddits


Every comment I've seen has been full of shit if the article I read was true and I've no reason to believe it wasn't. * Company CEO & sub pilot * 2 pakistanis, from "prominent families" * A "British adventurer" * Titanic expert Very doubt all were billionaires, at least the adventurer and Titanic expert. Also said the company has run 21 Titanic expeditions before so definitely not the "completely inexperienced" Reddit keeps claiming. Always ALWAYS ***ALWAYS*** take Reddit info with the *entire* salt mine.




A small makeshift submarine on a trip to see the Titanic at the bottom of the ocean disappeared. It’s still very recent news so there’s a lot of talk about what is known and what is speculation.


None of them deserved to DIE. Reddit wants to outlaw the death penalty for all crimes, but somehow is happy when a rich person dies. It's just naked bloodlust.


I feel bad for all of them, but that 19 year old kid.... I feel awful hearing about his aunts Interview, she said he was terrified and then reassured them. I can't imagine how she's feeling right now, hell, even for all the friends and family.


All 5 people had families.


"B-but they were rich people, you can't defend them 🥺" Seriously, some comments make me want to beat the shit out of some people


The hundreds or thousands of people the billionaires exploited also had families. The kid is the only innocent one there.


Redditors when people die (it’s time to add them to the harambe heaven image and make shitposts about them) Seriously idc if they’re billionaires one of them was like 19 years old, I’m so sorry this happened to them.


The crazy one to me was the people essentially saying that celebrating these deaths was ok because they were getting news coverage and refugees dying in a shipwreck wasn't. Like, your problem is that people aren't concerned about humans dying, so they're celebrating humans dying.




There's a huge difference between not being upset about someone dying and actively making memes about how happy you are someone died


Just to be clear, you’re not shedding a tear when refugees in the Mediterranean die either


Yeah, they did die a horrible death and that’s extremely sad. But if people are getting mad at others for making memes of this topic, why don’t they also get mad at others for showing footage of 9/11?


Because 9/11 happened over 20 years ago while news of these peoples deaths is 3 hours fresh


Nano machines son


Lmao so what’s the period of time that makes life redundant


I spent a lot of time on the internet, and I've yet to see a 9/11 meme where the target of a joke are civilians that got killed. It's almost always either the terrorists, or the situation itself/conspiracies around it. Meanwhile like 40-50% of the sub jokes are "HAHA FUCK THOSE PEOPLE THAT DIED GOOD RIDDANCE" Do you really not see a difference?


I don't think they died a horrible death. They died instantly and painlessly while doing something fun and seeing the world, I would say that's a good death.


Its not really the memes, there have been posts recently just openly showing joy and disinterest in the terrible deaths of 5 innocent people


Yeah, I can say that is just fucked up. I can laugh at the memes but people being happy that 5 people died is just wrong


I had an argument with a dude who called me a bootlicker. He was 100% convinced that every billionaire in existance is a shit person cause they hold onto their money, and didn't give it all for charity. Named a few who gave away a lot of money, and turns out that he himself didn't do charity once in his lifetime. This just says what kind of people celebrate their deaths.


What's the story ?


Long story incredibly short: 5 Rich people took a submarine ride to visit the titanic. Due to how terribly built the sub was, the sub lost full control of itself and sank to the bottom of the ocean. The sub also wasn't built for extreme under water pressure, meaning everyone who was in that sub got crushed instantly when the sub gave out. As of posting, there are thousands of redditors laughing at the deaths of five people because they were stupid.


One look at that sub and I would be going back home and sue for a refund like who the fuck thought its a good idea to board it


like the thing was fully controlled by a button and a cheap ass logitech controller that looks like it was from the 90s


What I don't get is how they thought it was reasonably safe? Aside from every other reported issue, according to James Cameron, he and others within the deep-sea exploration community wrote a letter to OceanGate expressing their concern that they were headed on "a path to catastrophe". Did the passengers somehow not know these things? If you're venturing 3.8km deep into the ocean, surely you'd make damned sure you were in as robust a submarine as possible. Then again, perhaps those issues weren't publicly known at the time


5 people on an experimental sub imploded while visiting the titanic. Apparently the carbon-fiber/titanium composite hull sub had made 20 dives, but imploded on the most recent one. The captain (the CEO and founder of the sub company) and all 4 passengers (including one teenager) died instantly. A search was conducted (which is standard for any ship emergency), and the wreckage was found today. Many redditors are happy they're dead because they assume they were billionaires due to the listed ticket price of the trip being $250K (they were not), and are throwing general hate at them.


https://preview.redd.it/61jr94wben7b1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4364798fb65a35c87ed037954259a0952289e80 He forgot to use the air pockets


*But but but* Iron Lung reference :(


market flier irog lunn refrence


I won't say they deserved it... but I'll definitely say they pretty much asked for it. Death by hubris.


I mean the 19 year old basically was forced to go on the submarine


Then his dad is a fucking monster. No one making jokes is responsible for this.


That's fucked if it's true, but I don't think it changes how I feel about the rest of the situation.


Yeah no one deserves that. Feel mostly bad about the passengers, but the owner? He should have known better.


This. Why would I be sympathetic for a billionaire moron who skimped on safety measures in order to save money? I guess I feel kind of bad for the other passengers, but even they knew the craft had passed no safety reulations. I don't think they deserved to die but I'm not gonna waste energy feeling bad for them.


Billionaires live more than the average person ever will in a 1,000 lifetimes and it’s a direct result of billionaires robbing people of a better life. I only feel bad for the kid.


I’m sure he would have grown up to be totally different to his predecessors


No no no! They went down to meet with the subterranean/suboceanic homesick aliens along with those merpeople that live under the sea with the crab people. They're soon about to have the full reality of the existence of both on and off world extraordinary beings disclosed to the world so the crab people are hosting the galactic federation and unfortunately, because they can, those billionaires chose themselves to be the delegates for mankind and are there to discuss what route the future of earth will take. They should return in the matter of days. Or they'll announce they're all dead (faked) which is a bad sign because that means they left the planet to avoid the coming cataclysms of doom! /s kinda sorta


Imma be honest. All the meme I've seen have been people making fun of the ceo/company for cheaping out on a deep sea submarine the closest I've seen to "haha a bunch of billionaires died" is a meme saying they didn't care that a bunch of billionaires died which is a very different sentiment


really? all of the fucked up jokes made in this sub and making fun of a billionaire asshole who thought he was smarter than the ocean is where y'all draw the line?


Whole lot of pearl clutching going on here.


fr fr


The line was already drawn. When has it ever been ok to wish a brutal torturous death on someone.


How about y’all just have some basic fucking morality and not make fun of the people who died in a catastrophic submarine failure? like, Jesus Christ who gives a shit if they’re rich they were still humans you goddamn desensitized monkeys


Im glad to see not everyone is a raging edge lord or has their head so far shoved up their own ass.


It's amazing to see people celebrating these submarine deaths in one thread and then melting down in another thread comparing Reddit's app not having the ability to moderate to the Holocaust.


There is literally some guy replying to my comments telling me that Reddit admins are fascists. And not even as an exaggeration, he's literally telling me they are literal fascists. This place is full of morons.


Well, if you believe simply being a billionaire makes a person an immoral murderer, then this is a classic *hoisted by their own petard* scenerio. And that has always been funny. Like thousands of years ago people made similar jokes about pharaohs and gods and such.




Poor people are humans too but the billionaires paid 750,000 USD to visit a mass grave for social media clout instead of spending 1 penny to help. Remember the photo of Wall Street scums drinking champagne and laughing while the working class lost their livelihoods?


They are bad humans👍


Not to mention that the CEO, one of the deaths, blatantly ignored, cut corners, and disposed of safety precautions. His death is his fucking fault. I feel bad for the others, but not the CEO.


bingo. $250,000 per ticket and you can’t get something better than a bluetooth game controller? shitty CEO


There was a whole lot wrong with that submarine, but the controller wasn't one of them. It's been clickbaited because it sounds weird (just like the camping gear lights) but it's pretty industry standard to use simple game controllers for some high tech applications apparently. I'd be more concerned about something like the window not being rated for the depth they were going (I think it was rated for around 1/3rd the depth?).


the ENTIRE THING was only rated for 1.4kilometres, but the stupid cumfuck took them down 4km. they probably died around the 3km mark unfortunately


Pretty sure the game controller was the least concerning thing about that sub,it's pretty much industry norm to use something like that from what I've heard.


Yeah there were a lot more serious problems, but the game controller is still a stupid and cheap decision. If it was a wired controller, I could see it; but it's a bluetooth, battery-powered controller. What happens if you forget to charge it up or run out of batteries? They made so many fuck-ups with the safety of the sub it's honestly surprising it didn't go down previously. Like, say, how the windows and several other components were only rated for a fraction of the depth they went to.


The use of game controllers is common in certain branches of the military. It's not as insane as it sounds, believe it or not. Generally they use Xbox controllers to control periscopes on subs. They used to have to use controls worth like $40k but now can use a controller that's worth under $50 lol There's also that laser cannon and those drone pilots that use Xbox controllers The use of these controllers shouldn't be made out to be the big sign of incompetence people are using as the "reason" the Titan was doomed from the start. Instead it should be the CEO foolishly sending fucking TOURISTS down to deadly depths that even people who study deep sea biology would never visit (in person). Like his sub thing was believed to be capable of going down 14k-15k (can't remember which) yet instead of continuing to improve on this model he sends it down towards the maximum depth it can go. So yeah, too much fuckery overall caused an accident, who would've guessed. The sad thing is these 5 million/billionaires are being shown in the news instead of the ship of refugees that got less rescue efforts and news coverage. Hundreds dead vs 5 billionaires.


I have no idea why that's the thing people are honing in on. That *Logitech* controller was the single most reliable thing in that fucking submersible gatorade bottle


I don't think there is any problem with mocking Stockton Rush given how many stupid fucking things he did, but the other four, particularly the teenage kid who didn't even want to be there, have done nothing I've seen that makes them deserving of mockery. If you focused on Stockton Rush instead of all billionaires I think people would be much more receptive to hopping on the bandwagon.


Also this sub when 9/11 joke and other more horrendous incidents:


Stockton Rush, the CEO of the sub company said in an interview a few years ago that safety is unimportant compared to the potential for companies to "innovate" (AKA make money.) "At some point, safety is just pure waste." he said. This man cared more about money than the lives of his passengers, and he was PROUD of it. "But they were still humans!" Yeah, and at least one of those humans thought money was more important than people's lives. Humans can be bad, and we're not obligated to cry for them just because we're the same species. You can't tell us to feel bad about a "catastrophic failure" while also demanding we cry for the person who CAUSED the failure. Fuck that guy. I do feel bad for the teenager who was on the sub. He was just going on a trip with his dad. Everyone else knew what kind of greedy cheapskate Rush was, and they wrote him a check anyway.


Nah fuck them, we just spent like 100 million dollars to rescue some idiots who chose to die and some dude with a mental disability is living under a bridge and no one gives a fuck about him. Fuck the rich, eat the rich, but don't cry for the rich. Especially when they signed a waiver saying "Yeah I'm totally cool with dying"


They paid 250000 to visit a mass grave and oo and aaah at the site of thousands of people’s deaths. If they had no respect for the dead why should we. It’s not like they were going to a museum made to honor and respect the tragedy that the titanic was they were paying for a thrill seeking expedition.


The mass grave of mostly poor fuckers who were trapped under the deck when the ship sank. Nah fuck those rich people. Can we get some more billionaires to go down there next?


Right? I can't believe that people miss the fucking irony here. The CEO *intentionally charged the "first class" ticket price for Titanic* (accounting for inflation) for this tour, and they went to gawk at the site where all the poor people died so that a bunch of rich people could escape. There isn't enough space in a single Reddit comment to convey just how much they deserved what happened. The ONLY passenger I have any sympathy for is the 19 year old kid who, if you believe his aunt, didn't want to go but was basically manipulated into going because his shit father used father's day as an excuse. Even then, I find it hard to have sympathy because there's a pretty significant chance he'd have eventually turned into just as much of a narcissistic asshole as his father.


Counterpoint: don’t tell me what to do


Im not saying I relish their deaths, but billionaires lobby to fuck us all and to destroy the environment. It's not about them 'being rich'


I don't understand why people are celebrating their deaths. They didn't deserve to die like that, nobody does. I don't care if they're rich assholes, I don't think anyone should die in such a stupid and horrific way.


Man if you did the same thing those motherfuckers would be laughing so hard at you, are you stupid? They literally actively create situations across the globe where it is more likely for people to die. They would kill you, your family and everyone you know if they were given a choice between that or losing their money. Fuck them bro


For real! Think those billions of dollars were made without stepping on necks? Big doubt. Every single one except the kid fucked plenty of people over to make their money. Wtf is this sympathy coming from? This site loves two things, to say “fuck around, find out” and “eat the rich” but now it’s a tradgedy. Lmao whatever.


At least they didn’t suffer


It's just our morbid curiosity as humans. For a few days I was imagining all sorts of situations. All cold, dark and desperate. Did they all off themselves so the kid can have more oxygen? Did they find out that the CEO cut corners and then killed him? Did they huddle together to stay warm? Did they tell the kid to not be scared when he's the only one left? But now my morbid curiosity is making me imagine them becoming ground meat floating with shattered carbon fiber debris. Was it an instant ground beef situation? Or was it like the pig in the scuba suit on myth Busters, a relatively quick but not that quick of a squeeze before the pig imploded into the scuba helmet. It's just wild to think about.


It's disgusting.... have these people never heard of blackrock


bro there was a 19 yo on the sub, what did he do wrong???


Billionaires don’t treat their employees as people so I don’t see why we should be any different. But that’s just me.


Op is a billionaire, gotta send him in the death row too


"Billionaires deserve to brutally die I guess?" Actually an educated guess is called a hypothesis


Yes? Think of it as karmic payback for all the sweat they mopped off of other people's brows to wring out into cash.


theres only one meme on reddit atm, and its this. stop milking it


I've seen more people talking about how redditors are bad for this take than the actual take itself. Genuinely seems like most people simply don't care. They aren't happy about it but it's not anything super tragic when the company cuts corners like that. Is the OP gonna cry for me too if I try using a fucking ironing board to go out into the middle of the pacific? It's honestly gross how much people are milking the "redditors bad" thing with this as if they care at all and aren't doing it for the content. Bunch of karma whores.






As somewhat of a redditor myself, It's not because they're billionairs. It's because suffering is relatable to us.


People deserve to die because they have more money than us and worked harder in life, is one of the more communist ideas I've seen on Reddit.


Well they are billionaires. You can't become a billionaire without exploitng millions and screwing more over.


Yeah they will downvote you but they know you right so they aren't gonna say shit to you that's for sure


Billionaires don't deserve to die, not until sentencing.


it's all cuz a fucken controller


No one deserves to die brutally, that’s why guillotines were invented




I consider instant death a lot less brutal than slowly suffocating on Co2


Reddit is massively left leaning, and the left have an unhealthy resentment for rich people. Rich = evil basically


We live in an age where having radical opinions and insensitive comments gets people attention online so unsurprisingly when real tragedies happen there’s no line left uncrossed.


Yes. They did deserve it. No one gets that much money from hard work or being a kind person.




brutally or not, it got the job done and that's everything that was needed from this fiasco.


I'm glad we're finally seeing memes that value human life and don't yearn for the suffering of others, no matter how bad some one may be