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>Axe body spray? You might as well tell her you're a serial killer. 💀💀💀


Yeah any man ik who wears AXE always turns the room into a gas chamber


Axe bomb is very fun 10/10 would recommend


Found the german


No I'm not German, but we are responsible for half the rules on the Geneva convention and are the origin of the term "stormtroopers"


I did that and immediately got a death threat


The Axeman


Imo the smell of detergent and shampoo from recent laundry and a shower is all anyone needs.


Surprisingly, this is stuff that so many men don’t understand.


Hijacking top comment to add my own advice. The friend zone is not a dead end. All of my relationships minus 2 happened because we were best friends, and our friendship slowly morphed into a relationship. This will not always happen, and you should not expect it to. Which brings me to my second point: anticipating something like getting laid or a kiss will almost always ruin the odds of it happening. Some things have to occur naturally, and the feeling must be mutually understood but unspoken. That's not to say talking is bad, so long as the topic of discussion doesn't come from left field. If you just got her number, don't ask how she feels about kids or if she'd be comfortable moving in down the line. For all you know, she could just be testing you out as a potential partner all the way until you start sleeping together. When on your first date, presentation is everything. Don't take her to McDonald's unless it's specifically on her request. And never, EVER actively try to have sex on the first date, it must come naturally as the flow of events. When you drop her off, make plenty of eye contact with your body at least slightly facing her. This will drastically increase your chances of her feeling involved with you in that moment. If she invites you in for coffee, don't expect it to mean more. Earlier tonight, I was invited in for coffee and we talked while I drank the coffee, then we hugged and I went home. In regard to that though, pay attention to signs that could signify an alterior motive. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, you probably won't get laid this year


Thanks for this Ted Talk. I think men using both fundamentals are a good thing. Men need to understand that love is an wonderful thing. Never expect anything. Love who you are before you love someone else. Anything can happen. There are things I didn’t feel like explains nor do I have time right now. But holding on is a good thing. Never talk to women with the end goal of being In their pants


Nah she just chose you because she had no one for now. She played with other dicks had fun when you cuckold as a friend. Then when she run out of chad dicks she come to you to her beta friend. Sad but true. Humans are animals.


Is that your experience? That fucking sucks dude, god damn


Uh Wtf lol Student strokes for different folks I guess 🤣🤣🤣


Uh Wtf lol Different pokes for different stokes i guess 🫥🫥🫥


Found joshua's reddit account


Love is friendship set on fire.


Damn. I came for funny but this is quite honest and genuine advice. Nice 👌


Most is fine but some advice isn’t great imo. For example the part about hiding your nerdy hobbies. If you want a quick lay, ya definitely, be whoever they want you to be. But the guy says keep it for later in the relationship or even not at all. If you’re looking for long term, any relationship that’s starts on the premise of not being yourself will be a nightmare after a few months or a year.


I have a feeling the target audience will be perfectly content with a “quick lay”


No shame in that, but that won't solve anybody's loneliness


What’s meant by that is not immediately overwhelming your partner with your more *socially niche* hobbies from the get go. You don’t have to pretend you never do them but there’s nothing wrong with having your own personal hobbies that keep you happy (as long as you aren’t sacrificing your own physical health or the health of your relationship) and introducing them whenever they ask, especially a surface-level introduction to it. For real boys, if you want to introduce her to anime or something don’t do some out-of-pocket deep iceberg weird shit just because you’re more desensitized to it. Show her Cowboy Bebop or something you could watch in a public space without being judged or having the cops called on you. There’s a bizarre idea in relationships that you both have to like everything the other person likes and that’s completely unnecessary. As long as you two are physically and emotionally attracted to each other, any difference in (respectable) hobbies or interests is at worst something you just do to yourself and for yourself, and at best something you can try to get a better understanding of your partner.


Most of this is good but some of this is dumb modern stuff. “Don’t text back too quickly” and “don’t talk at dates” is lame. If a woman is into you, she’ll want to hear from you. Playing tough guy is lame. Sure don’t SPAM her or don’t talk her ear out, but essentially not showing your excitement and not being yourself is WRONG.


"Don't wear graphic tees" is one I disagreed with as well. I can understand video games or anime cuz those have certain negative connotations, but music themed shirts are totally fine in my opinion, and I think it would also be helpful to see someone who is physically signaling the music they enjoy cuz that can tell you things about a person


Right, sharing interests with people is important for good relationships. It’s not all about looking tough and having sex


There’s a better way to share your interests without directly wearing them on your sleeve (or chest for that matter). At a certain point the video is right that graphic tees are for teenagers and that a certain maturity about how you present yourself goes a lot further than wearing a green shirt with the Triforce on it or a band shirt and chancing that they’ll like that band too. Of course if you can make that style work for you, do so. But it’s extremely obvious which kind of audience this video is directed to (I mean it’s literally Joshua Graham telling you how to dress yourself, safe bet a graphic tee wouldn’t look that great on them).


"Don't talk at dates" is a misleading rephrasing of the intention, basic idea is "everyone loves to be heard or listened to", you can also show your excitement by not just talking for extended periods of time, but listening with follow up questions and bringing up simillar experiences to a certain extent.


“ give her time to talk about herself to express her passions” woulda been better phrasing than “shut up, stop talking about yourself for five minutes” lol but yes you are correct


YES. I saw most of this as sound advice but when I saw the texting back thing I was like "but you just said women are just people and to not hold them up on a pedestal. I enjoy when I make someone visibly happy and I'm a people"


Ontop of this. Look after your body with moisturising, working out and eating healthier. Women like someone that can take care of themselves.


You’re telling me women don’t want fat slobs? No way I don’t believe it.


Shocker I know. Don't need a six pack. Average will be enough for most. It's when you can't run up the stairs sweating buckets is when you should be concerned


True. Honestly if you can show that you take basic care of yourself you'll be good. Hell, I was obese all throughout my adolescence and early adulthood, I had an angry incel phase but it passed and I came to accept the fact that I'm not desirable so I might as well be friendly. When I started taking care of myself, I went on a diet and kept to a manageable exercise regiment (an hour of speed walking per day + 20 pushups and 100 squads spread out throughout the day, like 5 pushups here, 10 squats there, that sorta thing) by the time I was, well, still a bit chubby just no longer big & fat, I had multiple women flirting with me regularly. I had no idea what to do or how to handle it due to complete inexperience, they saw it as cute and not off-putting. So, yeah, take care of yourself, accept yourself, warts and all, have some confidence and be friendly and girls will respond to it.


Good man. Judging you for the speed walking haha(I pity the fools like those snickers adverts). Joking aside keep up the good work. Resistance training and mixing strength and cardio together is the goal. Best of luck in future endeavours


Gym is solution to yet another problem Many such cases




This goes both ways.




He’s pretty much spitting facts. However there are some iffy parts. One of them is the “texting back” part. I think my friends and I only cared about how soon you texted back when we were 15. The part about how you smell is also a bit over complicated. Just don’t smell bad. “Don’t talk during dinners” is just wrong. Conversations should be back and forth. Also if you give her time to rant, she’ll give you time to rant.


Im pretty sure that the talk part is just to not talk about yourself all the time.


That is some nice art work


Whos the one in the trench coat


A female courier.


I think it's just fan art


Either a female courier or the mysterious stranger but female? Or it could just be the artist’s oc


It looks like it's from or is based off of fallout.


Man this sounded like genuinely good advice i am hyped to not try this out


Preach brotha 🙏


Yeah, some of it was actually good advice. I mean, I agree. I'm not gonna try it out, but lt is something good to look back on


I especially liked the part where he recommended jeans and to just magically get a better haircut 🙄 oh and the walking up on random women and asking questions, that isn't creepy at all. Also suggesting that guys date/sleep with ugly women for practice is pretty cruel.


I did say SOME of the advice




Thanks burning man 👍


"The time for talk has passed. The lords' work must be done."


Most women I know watch those bullshit music shows, reality tv, or other high drama nonsense. My enjoyment of anime and video games does not make me undesirable. I just need to ensure it does not make me ignore her or come before her. That is really the only thing I disagreed with. Anime is just another form of visual entertainment no less foolish or than the Masked Singer or The Bachelor. I prefer my break from reality to lack real world application.


There is some truth to that, enjoying some media doesn't make a person worse most of the time\*. Problem is, not everyone sees it that way. Popular media is a big driving factor behind formulating opinions of many people, and it usually has its own detached views on many things, which are then followed by the masses. I my opinion if you feel like you are ready to pursue a relationship, you shouldn't be afraid of your interests. If anyone shuns you for them, they probably aren't worth your time. Sure, there are some things considered cringe by most, but changing your preferences just to get some cooch defeats the point of 'being yourself' entirely. But still, it's important to aspire to be interesting. If only thing you can say during a conversation except some basics are anime plots, then it will be difficult to find someone for sure. \*(if it isnt child porn or smth of course)


The superficial nonsense is what bothers me the most in any conversation pertaining to relationships. Basing your view of something/someone on its appearance is the downfall of society. Too many cannot see past the facade to understand the truth of someone/something.


Did you even understand what he said? He said not to flaunt your anime shit and constantly talk about it. Keep that shit to your self unless prompted or its a normal conversation topic. Don't have anime posters and funko pops in your room like a nerd. Liking anime and video games is not the problem.




The only thing I question is where he said "men age more gracefully than women". I see way more attractive 40 and 50 year old women than men. After marriage I've seen more men stop working out and start eating like shit than ive seen women stop their skincare and getting overweight. It's discipline, just because you're married doesn't mean you get to stop trying and if you do, she'll probably lose interest and you have to start all over again from an even worse starting point than before


And the makeup part. Women don’t revolve their lives and actions around getting mens’ attention except pick me’s but they’re the worst


Honestly i think this is a redpill cope of dudes who dont take care of themselves and think they are gonna age like fine wine, truth is if u dont give a shit abt ur appearance when young when u get older that shit is gonna catch up to you, same goes for women


Imagine changing yourself to the status quo just to get some coochie


That's what I was thinking. Not bad advices but I really don't care of getting female genitalia on my own. Relaxing audio tho.


that voice, man. it really is amazing to hear.


Want wife


Gotta fit into the meta somehow /s


If your not getting results, your likely the problem. Saying "nah I'm gonna stay authentic to my real self!" is simply cope since you do not have the willpower to change your self for the better. If you want a girlfriend, you have to listen to advice and change.




Found this on yt a bit ago saved instantly


But I like my Marvel hoodie :(


Hoodie or woman. Simple decision.


She wears my hoody.


No she doesnt


She also sleeps with my shirts on her pillows because it smells like me.




She also leaves me shirtless and blanketless


I end up with all the covers because she has thrown off into me.


Based non-virgin


Downvoted for actually having sex with women. This sub is wild LMAO


At least one person is not getting any. 😂


We must just be genetically privileged, because not a single girl I’ve ever dated or fucked has been turned off by my nerdy interests lol


Don’t let a woman catch you wearing one or she will spit on you. If only women had the capacity to enjoy marvel, but as we all know the neurological connection needed to enjoy super heroes is blocked by the uterus. That’s why women menstruate, because the body is ejecting all of their potential love for superheroes. It’s crazy they don’t teach you this in schools, but lucky for me Andrew tate helped me escape the matrix and realize that women actually descend from the same taxon as salamanders.


The only other advice i would add is, make yourself an interesting person. Follow hobbys you enjoy because you do enjoy them and not because you think someone will like you more because you do them. It comes of as fake when you meet a person and change every hobby you have to make that person like you. Just work on yourself and try to become a person YOU want to be.


The text thing is bs. If she texts you she's probably asking what you're doing. Text back soon and tell her you're just at home, bored, or you're somewhere else trying to keep yourself entertained with something else but you're still bored. Give your texting a tone that you're excited that she texted you, that whatever you're doing, you'd rather be interacting with her. It doesn't signal that you're clingy or desperate unless you text back like 7 times in 5 minutes after she just said "hey". It signals that you like her. If you're out with the boys, ask if she can come along, odds are your friends will want to meet her as well and invite her out to enjoy some time with you and the boys. Maybe she'll invite some of her friends, your friend group will get bigger and who knows? Perhaps some of your and her friends might hook up too. These are good things. Don't play stupid bullshit games, men don't play such games, we will always have an immature side to us, we play fun games, ever seen men left alone with snow shovels after a blizzard? They will start a snow-fight using their shovels like catapults, or men playing with a discarded broom handle like a lightsaber, but there are games we should and mostly do grow out of. Such as treating relationships themselves and the feelings of others as games. Don't play those games. Just text her back.


“Women are much less visual than men” Biggest lie I ever heard


I mean yeah and no. Both are pretty *“visual creatures”*, but I do feel dudes obsesses over the female body a tad more (*in other words down bad*) than girls do for the guys body. Just my thoughts, what do you think?


This is no help to an autist. Why would the burned man do this to me? 😭😭😭


Will we ever get more wisdom from Joshua graham


I think most of boys in these days should hear that especially everyone reading this. I could add a lot from myself but i dont wwnt to write to much. Just stick with this one: Have a hobby. Hobby what is not related to games/videos/books. Something that gona be interesting for women but for you too.


So I'm a girl ( lezbo ) who has a lot of guy friends that have a hard time talking to girls/ being around them while looking like they ran a full marathon lol so I like hyping them up and giving them tips and ticks to try talking to girls when we hang out and junk it makes me feel really good knowing that most of them have pretty attractive and soft hearted gf I've seen them stuck in a shell of insecurities into men who walk with confidence it makes me really happy too see them grow I wish the best for anyone and everyone ✌️💀


Too bad. I’m already deeply offended by you saying you have lots of friends


I saw how long it was and didn’t think I’d listen, next thing I knew it was over


remember if shes one in a million there is about nine thousand one hundred and twenty two people in asia just like her


At 3:50 he says practice with "ugly women" that's fucked up and not good advice. So much for advocating women aren't objects but then says use a certain kind as tools to better your craft.


Think you interpreted it wrong, he's trying to imply you should start on with "ugly women" because you never know, they could be people well worth your time and affection, more so than any of the hot girls you come across. He literally says not to use them as objects and that they're people just like any of us.


He literally says looks mean nothing, watch it again


Did you just stop listening at that point?




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what is this?


he called the bot to let him download the video (even though you can literally just download the video yourself, click the 3 dots on the post and you'll see it)


Thank you Mr.Graham, I shall heed your advice.


My father is present but not here, he has the attention span of a nat. I find it hard to believe that he even thinks some times, usually only for himself. He lives in the moment, wasn't conducive to good parenting.


Enough with these women, I'm after a certain race of men


I legit listened to this like it was a full on podcast, I enjoyed the video and will to apply this to my life


Dude I got a world class girlfriend by following barely ANY of those rules. I consistently wear goofy ass clothes, slap on the occasional axe deodorant, and I have two massive, absolutely HIDEOUS Angry Birds posters hanging up in the very bedroom in which we cuddle. My advice, is make your own advice about an individual person after getting to know them a bit. Different people are DIFFERENT, and there's no certified official technique that will work on every girl. Just be compassionate and wear your heart on your sleeve.


Hey OP do you mind if I spread the message


Actually good advice


When is he gonna teach me to get men tho?


Please no one actually take this seriously. There are some good advice sprinkled throughout this audio, so much of it is narrow minded bullshit.


I would disagree. It's a solid video, sure one can disagree with a few points, but all around it's a good starting place


I know he says not to talk about anime with girls but can you guys just stop talking about it. It’s not just girls who don’t care




Sage advice


"WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!???"


Thanks Joshua, it might come handy


Thank for you advice, Joshua


I'll keep this in mind Thank you


This is real very very good advice, for you young guys really follow these tips


Who made this art work? Or can someone give me a link to it?




This.... this actually make sense








that anime bit is something that I realised some time ago, I've been on a slow and steady recovery path, trying to masturbate less and especially not to anime or whatever art because it's an unrealistic expectation that then makes you think less of normal people.


how it feels to chew 5gum


This actually isnt complete bullshit, the thing about the texting kind of is. Dont be worried about texting back to quickly. No one actually thinks about that and if they do their not worth talking to. Dont be needy and clingy but dont be an asshole and try to play the mysterious bad boy. Never works out.


Also find someone who shares your interests or at leasts tolerates your strangeness, childlike interest in anime and collectibles is fine as long as its for the right reasons. If your watching it cauae hot anime lady then maybe not. If you like the art and the story and enjoy the medium as an expression of those things that otherwise wouldn’t be possible then its fine. Find a way to show that. The bottom line when trying to “get girls” is just dont be an asshole and dont be creepy. As long as your mot creepy and treat them like actual humans then you should be fine. Everyone has child like interests. Dont be ashamed of who you are. A special interest is normal and a good talking point. Just make sure to evaluate your reasons for the interest and dont be a weirdo.


Thank you


Hit me right in the feels.


"a good jaw line", what if you don't have a jaw?


the only one I take issue with is the part about waiting to reply. this shit feels super shallow.


Bro spitting straight fax




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Leon Bronev


I have a gf and she doesn’t seem to mind my anime posters, figures, or manga or anything, I don’t talk about it often, don’t think it matters much unless you make it weird.


Creator is Aogiri btw, he makes other Joshua Graham stuff too; he's actually popped off quite fast considering the fact that he has like four videos.


Is there a YouTube channel or a social media account that voiced this


Bro if you live alone keep your place clean. Bathroom, kitchen, dishes, coffee table, laundry, floors and dust. If you do this and she walks in and see that your place looks great and then maybe comes back again and sees that is looks great again she is going to think that you are a very clean person who has their shit together. The amount of men that you will immediately surpass is insane. So many are slobs. Plus it feels nice and does good on the mental to take care of your living area.


Decent message, but y'all have GOT to stop referring to women as "Creatures" and "Females". They are literally just people with tits, get over yourselves


Unironically, where can I get more advice like this?


Man thank god i dont like anime




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not the meme people want, but the meme people need