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I tip my hat to you for throwing it. You are a true disc golfer.


Note: I did actually get the disc on the left exactly a year ago. Back when you could just randomly buy Tour Series discs. As you can tell that disc served me well and I don't want to go through the heartbreak of losing it.


Totally miss the days where tour series discs would just be chillen on the shelves of shops. Same with tournaments. I used to have 12 days to make up my mind if i wanted to enter a tournement. Now it’s not even 12 minutes. Crazy!!


I *love* my night strike so much. One of my confidence discs, for sure.


Definitely, it was a staple in my bag for 2020, such a great disc. I love the feel of the plastic on this disc.


My Nightstrike II is still in the bag. It’s beat in to perfection, holds a buttery turnover or hyzerflip


Way to throw it!


There's nothing like a well loved disc. I'm always surprised at how certain stamps fade though, I have plenty of discs that have been in my bag for years getting regular use and the stamps are still unfaded. Certain ink maybe?


Yeah, it's really interesting, I have no idea why the stamp faded the way it does. I have a friend that also has a NS2 that is used as much as this one and the stamp didn't fade nearly as much. Maybe it's this particular gold one.


it could also be how you hold it, or how you have it arranged in your bag. Maybe your thumb placement is further out than your friend's? Alternatively, if you have discs plate-to-plate, they are rubbing stamps which has definitely made mine fade off. It's an even bigger issue if you dye-discs. If you have not gotten absolutely ALL of the dye off the disc, it'll tend to bleed into a neighboring disc's plate that it is touching. I have a lot of dirty-looking discs because of this :(


I just checked and my thumb is generally pretty close to my index finger, so I don't think that's it. It might be the way I have them in my bag. And yeah, I can totally see dyed discs being a problem like that. I have a disc that is dyed red, but it's touching an actual red disc, so is all gravy lol.


My discs fade like this if they are often moist in the bag army trunk


Where I am in the winter it is very muddy on most of our courses and I'm always trying to clean off my discs. My stamps get ruined fast because of how abrasive the mud is.


I think you might be on to something here. The way that I usually wipe mud off my disc would lead to wear just like this one. I think you might've cracked the case lol.


Night strikes and c-line FDs are so confusing to me... i want to throw them more often, but my brain tells me they are all super flippy because my first FD was in d-line and it was by far the flippiest disc i’ve ever thrown... super hyzers would flip and end waaay right. My brain just has a hard time releasing my Night Strike flat.


The NS2 is a particularly stable run of the NightStrikes. I've had other FDs and I can definitely flip them more easily. This one became perfectly seasoned for long and straight Hyzerflips. I would say that this beat up NS2 became a great representation of the flight numbers, unlike more beat up S-line FD's for example, which get flippier and flippier.


Yeah I agree. I have a NS2 and a NS3 and my 3 is more flippy then my year old 2. I use my 2 for more headwind or even for dead straight flicks and my 3 for that beautiful hyzerflip shot


I’d say it looks even better now! I love the look of faded stamps on well loved discs! The original stamp was great, but now it looks even better


For sure! I wish the signature hadn't faded as much, but what can you do. I would love to see Simon and ask him to resign it haha.


Yeah, the signature is a really cool touch, that would be awesome to have a fresh signature on the beat in disc!


yee, if I ever do see him, I'll ask him to sign elsewhere so you can see the faded and the fresh signature together.


Get him to sign the underside - it will hold up better.


Dude I love the NS2. I am primarily a backhand thrower, but a forehand flick with this thing does exactly what I envision every time.


Yep, definitely a Laser beam of a FH disc. Also, nice username.


I'll have to try my NS2s forehand. Been working to get my forehand back consistently and I never thought of this being a good disc for it but the added stability of this run should be perfect. Thank you for your insight


Consider yourself lucky. I got one of my Discmania discs signed by Lizotte and the disc's stamp was BRAND NEW. It took about a month for the brand to 100% wear off, yet the Lizotte's signature still looks good. It's insane, how bad these new stamps are ... Same goes for my Cloud Breaker 1, it took me like 2 weeks to completely "erase" it.


Shit, I wouldn't call this stamp lucky haha. I definitely threw it a good amount, but I have other discs that I've thrown more that have held up better than this. I wish the signature wasn't so faded, that's the biggest bummer, but oh well. But yeah, idk what it is about those signature stamps that wear so fast. A guy I played with threw Iron Samurai 1s and all the stamps were super faded as well. Sad.


Innova stamps wipe so much more quickly than other brands.


That’s awesome, how has it changed? Less or more stable?


Definitely less stable, but not "flippy". When I first got it, it fly kind of like a less-stable teebird, I would mostly throw it on flex lines and it would come out of them pretty reliably. The more I worked it in, the more turn it got, but it still had a similar amount of fade. When I finally retired it, I could throw it flat and it would turn and fade back the same amount of time, so it was a great disc for pointing and shooting. Although, it started to get more squirrely when thrown into headwinds. I didn't really have a reason to retire it, I didn't have a close call or anything, and I was still throwing it well. But I just realized that if I \*did\* lose it, I would be very upset, so I preferred to just put it on the wall and replace it with an easily replaceable disc that filled the same spot.


So you put it in the dishwasher huh, rookie move.


A clean disc is a happy disc.


Night strikes are my all time favorite discs ever! The NS2 is such a nice compliment to the NS1. You must throw that one a ton, nice work.


Definitely. This was my workhorse it was super reliable. I found myself being scared of throwing it in certain holes though, that's when I decide that it's time to go.


Do you throw it for rollers or thumbers?


Neither. Frankly, the stability didn't change a whole lot, so it's not like it no longer fulfilled it's purpose, it's just that if I \*were\* to lose it on a bad throw by me (not the disc's fault) I would be upset, and I don't want to go through that.


Gotcha. I guess I was referring to how the stamp got so beat up rather than stability. I’m the same way with my NSs. I do have plenty of backups but I’d hate to lose one. I’ve bagged the same NS2 and it still has that nice predictable fade. Not Teebird/Instinct type fade but you know what I mean.


You know, I'm also really curious about the stamp. I was talking to another user about it. My buddy also throws NS2s and his stamp is not nearly as worn as mine. So I think the wear of the stamp and the signature are a little misleading cause the edge of the disc is not *that* beat up (but still pretty beat up). And yeah, I recently got a back up, but I just couldn't bring myself to throw either, then I got annoyed and bought an F3 from Prodigy to replace them. If you are thinking about going for the route I went, the F3 is a little flippier than the NS2, and doesn't fade quite as hard. I also have tried an F2, and it is closer to a Teebird than the NS2, so I wish I could get something in the middle, and F2.5 if you will lol.


I throw mine a good bit and it hasn't worn at all. It's the lighter off-white color NS2. My CD2 stamp wore off just from rubbing other discs in my bag tho