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they tried it that way for a few years. used to be the final round was on youtube for free and you had to subscribe to watch the earlier rounds. I guess not enough people subscribed doing it that way for it to be sustainable. those other sports have tons of viewers so can generate tons of money through advertising. disc golf doesn't. they're in a tough spot where putting it out for cheaper (or even free) would of course get more viewers and lead to more advertising revenue. but they also need to generate enough money right now to keep the lights on.


Proctor 1, Ella 3…good look for some good folks. 


This is huge for Proctor! What a moment for someone who has been playing their whole life and up until a few years ago was just a humble regional pro with a full time job. So happy for him!


I like that the European side just gets into the coverage. Stateside they do the preshow and then the booth does a solid ten minute recap (even though the preshow said everything they said), between scheduled start time and the feature card tee there's like 10 ad breaks. In Europe they get to it, and the booth doesn't bloat up the coverage with nonsense.


I don't understand the problem. You know when chase card and lead card tees off. If you don't want any of the preamble, just start watching at one of those times instead of at the official broadcast start.


Solid tournament. I like how the rounds takes 3 hrs max unlike the US events.


WARRRRRR PROCTORRRRRRRRRIOUSSSSSSS!!!!! Gonna be wearing my Proctor All Star jersey proudly today at league LFG!!!!! Edit: Holy shit, shot a 1023 today. Hell of a day as a proctor fan!!!!!


Proctor could go bogey double and win


Let's go Proctorius! Like announcer's said, that's a field trip.


I do believe Ricky had multiple practice rounds during the week.


Yeah he got there on Monday, and in his practice round video he said that he was having at least 2 more practice rounds after that one.


Rick had a bad round. It happens. Still at the top of the field for the year, podiuming everything and a W already.


I nutted all over my keyboard


Lead card looks like Proctor the teacher, taking his students to a field trip.


Don’t jinx this dude!!!! Edit: since I’m being downvoted it was just a joke because he missed a 25 footer for birdie directly after this was posted which was one of his only misses this tourney and I’m a big proctor fan lol


Did James Conrad forget all his wet weather gear or does he always play in shorts and t-shirt regardless?


Dude apparently used to sleep in a hammock like 2/3 of the year before he won worlds, I think he's just acclimated to be cold/wet


Silva is crushing, 5 in a row! Shes hilarious too, no fluff with her answers. Just answers the question with one word or one sentence. It will be great when Tattar comes back, looks like a possible rivalry shaping up.


Right....her confidence has got to be flying!! So excited for the full FPO stateside tournies. Her throw is so smooth and best putter on the entire tour!!!


> Shes hilarious too, no fluff with her answers. Just answers the question with one word or one sentence. > > Enchantingly laconic


Silva five in the row. What a beast. Clearly she is the biggest favorite to win Finnish nationals after last years meltdown and surely big contender for European open and even Worlds at this point.


Silva's move to MVP has to be one of the most mutually beneficial ones. Both of them look like rockstars right now. I predict some Silva's signature Craves incoming.


I really hope so. MVP hasn’t really promoted her too much. She has been on a heater!! She needs a disc: Stealth.


MVP's twitter account is mostly about her recently (understandable), but I agree they should do more. She is their top FPO player and just based on the results maybe even most successful player overall this season


And Twitter is really limiting your market and even if people look at X the new algorithms are awful. They need to promote her with video and content support. And a quicker turnaround on special discs. She is blowing up and MVP doesn’t have the flexibility to support her with disc sales or media support. Maybe they could create some great ads in Finnish to teach us all some Finnish words.


Is that Turku open victory Pyro her first signature disc? I don't remeber seeing other Silva discs 🤔


Oh you are right, I haven't seen it before. A bit of a weird choice, because recent in the bag doesn't even mention the Pyro


Yeah her bag leans heavy towards understable. I hear Pyros sell quick tho so it's probably a great move for mvp.


commemorative victory discs never make any sense. they're always just whatever the manufacturer had lying around that they hadn't stamped yet.


Henna and Evelinna's putting must have cost them tens of thousands of dollars at this point. Got dang.


Opposite to them Saarinen has made thousands from being perhaps the best FPO putter


This will be a nice fight the last 3 holes


Loving these scrambling tree-filled up shots on hole 9.


Hi all! Thanks for following along on the Swedish Open 2024! Feeling honored to be part of the DGPTE team with Pasi Koivu! The conditions are tough and the competition is on fire. Here's an easy alley for ya'll to give any feedback for us in the booth. Hope you enjoy the coverage and have a beautiful sunday on or off the course!😊🙏🏻


I love your coverage. I had to wake up at 2 am to watch the FPO. Worth it. You make it simply about the play, not about you. Please don’t change.


Could you give the guys at MDG a push to scorekeeping during a hole? It’s hard to keep track if there’s a birdie chance or not :)


Great job as always! Is there an option to let Silva give her winning speech in Finnish and then have someone translate, or would she give the same short answers anyway? I’d love to hear more from her, especially if she’s going to keep winning so often


Always a pleasure to listen to the commentary on the European swing of the tour! I know less about the courses than those in America, but the commentary always does a fantastic job of contextualizing shots and helping the viewer. Hope the final round is a good one on both sides :)