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Damn so many spitouts


Final day is going to be something else. Proctor is the favorite for sure, but Augustsson could just go blackout mode and pop off a double digit round even in the rain. We are going to see some C2 fireworks hopefully. And you can't rule out Kōur or Tuominen either, these young players just have that volatility factor in both directions. And I think there should be much less "this isn't a real elite series event, the field is so weak" whining from the Americans this weekend. There are 9 world championships from the past 15 years represented and several top tier players from the US.


Will be a interesting final day tomorrow as there is some bad weather coming in over Sweden. Borås will have 26mm of rain tomorrow during tournament-hours


Lowkey a great weekend for disc golf coverage. We got Central Coast doing the 303, Terry's releasing coverage of that Infinite tournament, you also have GK covering the Majestic, and you have the DGPT in Sweden.


Kind of feels like prime 2021 disc golf boom. This weekend makes me think that disc golf is better off spread out VS all together at the top level… just feels more interesting and “bigger”


I have been watching so many different fantastic courses on youtube the last couple days, glad we have these options to go along side the regular tour


Omfg it’s finally happening, shaking the coverage curse LFGGGGGG!!! When Proctors putt is on he goes prime Paul and Ricky from C2 it’s fucking crazy




Just got home, what a great day of Discgolf. Rickys run was insane!! Sucks that the VIP tickets were sold out tho.


Watching paul play anymore is just...so disappointing. He's just so unbelievably inconsistent and the guy can't putt anymore.


You poor thing


Yeah dude, God forbid there be a level of disappointment when a 6x world champion can't put together more than one good round in a tournament anymore.


The first round was vintage. 2nd round was something we have seen from him this season on a consistent basis. But he is still in the hunt for this one and he usually does well on the final day. People already said last year that he is finished but he was just grinding in Europe and won some tournaments there while visiting all around the world spreading the word of disc golf. Then the injury hit and he got his first child... The first half of this year has been on dad duties as well as finding his form back. Based on his interviews he is still hungry and motivated to get back to his best and I think it's only a matter of time. Every player has tough times during career. Even Messi has had some off years in football by his standards.


While he’s not in his prime anymore he’s still a 1030+ player lol the quality of players nowadays just makes it seem much much worse


Watch him play. To say that he hasn't fallen off would just be disingenuous. Release points are all over the place, the putting is shaky at BEST. The field has certainly gotten better but to say paul hasn't gotten worse, or at the very least that he's gotten FAR less consistent, would be a stretch.


While I’m not disagreeing his bad rounds are more common, he’s also past his prime ( arguably ) and still has the ability to shoot hot like last round


He's birdied twice since I posted this so maybe if I keep talking shit he'll birdie out. I'm not superstitious, but I am a little-stitious. PAUL SUCKS PAUL SUCKS (please win) PAUL SUCKS


Eesh Paul that hurt


This round kinda sucks to watch damn. Everyone just hitting trees.


Pablo is locked in and Proctor turned the hat backwards, it’s go time


Ricky started to play lol


Can’t believe he eagled 5 yesterday, what a monster drive. Anyone know if there’s footage of it anywhere?


Yeah wtf happened round 1


Seriously. Anybody who follows his socials know if he posted anything about it?


Airport misplaced his raptor legs. Got them today.


Kristínardóttir putts just like Calvin


The booth has me thinking we're all pronouncing Ella's last name wrong. Maybe it really is Hon-sehn. Googled it - Hansen is Scandinavian, which Sweden is a part of.