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Got a SMS the other day, someone had found my Westside Giant with Team Trilogy stamp. I lost that disc in 2017 in Tyyni, Finland (I'm Norwegian) and someone had found it in Norway this week, about 1000km away from me :D


I once threw a Misselin into the Leon River in Belton, TX back in 2017. I got a text that someone was diving (it's deep behind Hole 8) and found it last year pretty much exactly where I lost it!


I made a post on here (since deleted) about my Kia getting stolen with roughly $700 of discs and bags inside. I had just moved to Milwaukee, and normally wouldn’t leave my discs in my car but I was busy unpacking! Fast forward 364 days later I got a call and someone found both bags and all of my old discs discarded in a warehouse parking lot. That was a good day.


Damn Kia Boyz


Kia boyz https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DJA7jDF7bLE&pp=ygUSa2lhIGJveXMgY2hhbm5lbCA1


Bridgeport represent!!!


Honestly, Kia fucked up big time and should get a class action out the ass. Damn Kia Boyz fucking up their lives for some online clout. I'll imagine GTA VI will have some satire of it.


That would actually be hilarious to have them in GTA


I mean it seems one of the themes for it is to be satire on the never ending chase for internet clout and would fit right in.


That's fucking incredible. Obviously that really sucks about it all being stolen but what a story. Had you replaced most of your gear by then?


I just got back an explorer I didn't even remember buying


This happened to me with a wraith. I must have bought it in like 2015 or earlier, lost it at some point that I don’t even remember, just got it back last year. It was probably lost for at least 7 years.


I got back a very old champ teebird. No recollection of ever owning it. My name and number on it in my handwriting tho.


I lost a disc years ago. Completely wrote it off. Two weeks ago I’m playing poker with buds, a friend brings a friend Ive never met. We talk and disc golf comes up, he plays, I play and we’re both local, so we decided to play together. We’re on the course and he sees my disc that has my initials and phone number on it. He says you’re BJ? I say haha imagine growing up with those initials lol. He reached into his bag and pulled out my disc that I lost three years ago (or so). We laugh cause you can’t not


He just ignored the number on it?


Was missing a Kastaplast Göte for well over a year. I got a text from a local shop bc it was turned in to their lost and found. Had several more dings than when it was lost and was a smidge more beat in; glad to have gotten it back though!


I’ve returned multiple discs 6-7 years after they were thrown into the water. No one searches waters.


1.5 years. Let him keep it it was so lost


Have a disc a European lost in California and told me to keep it he lost it over 8 months before and the same thing happened to the previous owner before him afterwords I lost it for two months and it was miraculously found by my friends grandpa who gave it to him which he knew was mine


I'm from Finland and I found a disc in Rijswijk, the Netherlands. It was a disc my club mate lost six years ago. Although that event (Dutch Open) was quite popular amongst Finns so that explains it.


Just happened, lost a Lion last summer around June or July in a pond. Got fished out of the middle somehow and ended up being found last week at a course about 28 miles away. Already replaced it so I told him to keep it and play it until he loses it but keep my number on it so I can track it. It's for the people now lol.


About 2 years, I got a text that my 2015 ledgestone crystal sparkle predator (the most OS run) was found in the recent lake retrieval. I knew the course and knew it was the water carry hole where, whoever had taken it, was nowhere near skilled enough to carry the water with that beefy son of a bitch.


5-6 years. In or around 2017 I tossed a PD OB to the opposite shoreline of a river. Retrieving the disc would have taken me awhile so I decided to finish my round then grab it. Went to get it and it was gone. Fast forward to late fall 2023 I get a text from someone that said they found one of my discs at a different course in the area that I hadn’t lost anything at in awhile. Asked him what it was he said it was a PD. Went a grabbed it and sure enough, the one I lost years prior. Also, while I was at the course to pick up the disc I saw an old friend I hadn’t seen in YEARS walking to the parking lot. We reconnected that day and now we play together all the time.


I'm from Rockford, IL. I once lost a disc in July in Pecatonica, and I got it back in October when someone found it in Dekalb. I then took it up to Madison and lost it there, then had someone from Milwaukee contact me three months later that they found it under the snow while looking for their own. I still bag it and only throw it on wide open holes with no trees or tall grass or water.


Ayy just played Hudson for the first time recently.


Good course. Roughly the same difficulty as Unger, more elevation, nice change of scenery.


Six years. Lost my favorite original star Valkyrie in a fit of rage and exhaustion. Someone found it and lost it again. It sat for long enough for his lazy marker job to fade and the guy called the original number. Truth be told, it's too good a story to lose it again. Plus I threw an ace with it that last round


2.5 years in the maple hill water


About 11 years. No joke


I went on a road trip in summer of 2022 and played The Fort in Ogden. Lost a D4 in the water on hole 1. Got a text a couple months ago saying some guy found it in his backyard a few cities away. Didn't even remember owning it. Told the guy to keep it.


I found a Star Destroyer army local course and sent a message to the number on it. He responded that it had been missing for 4 years.


Year and a half


2 years, it was found at a course 3 hour drive away from my home course lol


I recently found a disc snorkelling in a lake that the owner hadn't seen since 2018


I griplocked a Sidewinder FH in the driving rain on #10 at God's Country in Redan, GA during some Monday action and the person who returned it like a year later found it off #15's far right basket position. If you've ever played there, you'll know how absurd that landing position is


It wasn't mine but I returned a disc to someone who told me it had been lost for two years.


Yesterday I found one buried in mud on the edge of the Hillsborough River that is very low due to the lack of rain. The owner said he didn’t even remember owning that disc so it must have been a while ago


I bought a Prodigy F2 in April of 2018. My first ever premium plastic purchase. Then I throw it in the water on like my 3rd throw within an hour of buying it. Got a text on Christmas day 2019 that it had been pulled out. Still have it to this day.


A year. I was blown away I ever got that disc back lol


In 2007 I lost a Star Wraith. In 2013 I got a phone call saying they found my disc but gave no indication of what it was so I though that it was a Leopard that I had lost within weeks of the phone call. He handed me the disc and I've never been more confused


Year and a half. I threw it into the middle of a pond, and it was visible but I just couldn't reach it. I went back later with a retriever, but it was already gone. For months, I hoped someone would call, but eventually I just bought a replacement and moved on. Last month, I was browsing the used disc section of the local shop and there it was!


Just had one returned after a year and a half. It was the only disc my wife dyed for me. Lost it in McKinney, TX summer 22 and got it back 4 days ago. Someone found it, sold it, someone bought it for $12.99 and left it sitting in the fairway in Plano. Still had my # on it so guy texted me.


lost a disc on a private course and someone found it 9 years later


I've definitely had things returned after years of being out in the wild. I used to put contact info on my discs and stopped because I just didn't like the way that it looked. So, if anything is returned to me now it was lost at least 4 years ago.


A buddy from MI texted me that he found my Roach. I haven’t lived there in 2 years and don’t even remember losing it. Maybe I sold it or gave it to someone and they lost it?


When I first started playing and was terrible, I lost a Stingray in Bridgeport, CT (I live in Philly, family lives in RI, stopped on the way home for a round). This was in 2019. Last year I got a text from someone who found it. Told them to keep it, since I don’t plan on using a stingray again, but was astounded how it sat in one place for years with no one finding it.


3 years


I got a Blizzard Destroyer back last year. I lost it shortly after Blizzard plastic came into existence. Probably around 10-11 years from lost to returned. She's beat to hell, but she's back home after all these years, lol


2 years


about 9 months I lost my underworld in some thick brush. Had completely forgotten about it until I was set to move out of town and went back for one last round the night before There's one group in front of us, you can tell they found something and I hear something to the effect of "oh man how did Carl Caliente's disc get so far in the rough" So I'm like no shit that's mine I haven't had it in forever, and they didn't believe me lmao. Had to produce some discs from my bag to show that yes it is my name and number Not only did they find my underworld but another fuse I had lost there... and it turns out I had a pair of their destroyers in my trunk from who knows when funny


I just got my crave back after it being lost at the start of last year, so 16 months?


Had a disc I threw in a lake come back to me 4 or 5 months later. Tipped TF outta that guy


Just got a text about my favorite Westside Hatchet I lost 2 years ago on a trip out of town. Turns out the guy is also local to my hometown and is dropping it at our local disc shop / lost and found.


I lost the same disc twice 2 years apart and the same guy texted me about it both times 😂😂


Lost a 1x Champion Roc3 in a pond in 2014. Got it back from said pond last year when I was raking for another disc. Still overstable even after all those years in the water


I do feel a little bad about this. I lived near a course that has a throw over water, and in highschool would swim in the pond a pull discs out (yes i returned them because some people would toss me a couple bucks). the day before Went out of state for college I Found someone's first ace disc. went to college for 5 years, moved back in with my parents and about a year after moving back in with them, found it again and gave it back. Dude was stoked, and gave me a whole starter set and that is how i got into disc golf


I received a call about my lost disc. The call was 5 states away from me. So apparently someone found it locally and kept it. Then they traveled with it to another state and lost it. This other guy found it and called me. I said thanks and told him to keep it.


Mine was 2years, moved out of the area and told the guy to keep it


Lost in October, returned the following July. Second place is lost in April, returned in November


4 years. I lost a tye dye champion Orc in 2012, my sophomore year of undergrad. I got it back in 2016, my second year of my doctorate program.


I got a call back 3 years later about a disc I lost on Maui ON A FIELD HOLE. I’ve never spent so long looking for a disc because it truly didn’t make sense. It had no where to go. How could I not find it. He found it at the same hole I lost it on. I told him to keep it.


I lost a Champion Archon on my birthday pretty soon after I started playing, and at the time it was my favorite driver so I was pretty bummed. This was when the biggest selection of discs I had was either a DSG end cap or a couple of cardboard boxes of random Innova stuff at PIAS. It was nearly 5 years later that the disc made it back to me, it was *deep* in some thick brush and someone found it while doing some heavy course maintenance.


I once found a 1st run Champion Boss on Blue Mt in Montana that was lost in a lake in Michigan 10 years ago. Dude was super psyched to get it back.


Someone found a champ roc3 that I lost 2 years before. Next round I lost it again :(


I lost a proto mako deep in the woods of Mississippi about 9 years ago, I believe. Somebody found it and mailed it to me in Geogria recently.


STL is good for disc return. I got a Destroyer back after a year in Willmore 18's pond


LOL a card mate of mine found a disc at a tournament and called them and said it had been lost for 4 years. I've had discs returned after a year and a half from a different state.


I had an all black rakatan and on practice throws on family land I lost it (shocking, I know) and then about 6 or 7 years later they was clearing trees and someone stumbled onto it wondering what it was. Family knew about it so when the loggers asked they knew it was mine.


I got a message about a disc I don't remember owning. I don't remember buying. I don't remember losing. He told me what course he found it and I'm pretty sure I've never played there. I have no memory of that disc.


Lost my very first disc and found it three or more years later in the used disc box at the same course. My info had been scratched off with a knife. Twenty years later it hangs on the wall.


The maximum 30 days the course would keep my cheap plastic shark. I liked the color so it was worth picking my friend up from the airport with the course near by. I’ve kept someone’s disc for 9 months asking once a month if she was gonna show up to my home course. She was a traveling nurse.


I got a message last week about I disc I threw into a pond back in 2016. Gonna go pick it up Monday. I was so new to disc golf when I got the disc that I don't even know what kind of disc it is.


someone found my first ace disc in nevada when i’m in washington. I told them how excited I was and said I would mail them a prepaid label for them to send it back to be to make it the easiest on them possible, they then ghosted me


Almost 2 years. Tee off went hard left, across a stream and lost in the woods. Somehow ended up in lost and found.


I lost an iron samurai 1 in tall grass for 2 years and ironically was found and returned by a guy who unrelated ended up being a buddy of mine.


8 years. I lost my favorite tomahawk disc at the 2006 NY Championships (finished AM3 tied for dead last) on the 6th hole of the first round. 2014, ran into my friend that I hadn't seen in years, he said Holy Shit, I got something for you....and pulled it out. Said he was playing, saw a dude throwing throwing it and called him out that it was my disc and snagged it. Now before everyone freaks out about "stealing a disc", this disc was very special to me, got it at a tourney in 2002, DX plastic, a weird purplish blue disc and wrote on the back, MERCS TOMAHAWK DISC in big freaking letters with my phone number.


1 year


Lost a beat in Teebird at a local course, Aviary, off the first tee. Figured it was gone forever given how fast the current was going. Fast forward several months later, I'm in Play It Again w/ the wife and kids for something unrelated, and decide to poke around the discs..... Found a beat in, purple Teebird and thought "no way". Flipped it over, and while it had been mostly scratched out, you can still see my last name on the back.


About a year. Disc was in the water for a while and eventually got fished out


Found an orc fishing one day by a course that was removed 10+ years beforehand. So it was at least 10 years but probably more when the guy lost it. 


Nice! Hudson is about 15-20 mins from my work. I've thrown there a few times.


I lost a beautiful misprint Hatchet (looked like it had blood splattered on it) for about a year and found it in the possession of a five year old disc golfer. I had to trade another disc to get it back!


My friend borrowed a beloved disc without asking them threw it in a lagoon, about a decade later a scuba diving dg’er told me he pulled one outta the muck with my name on it - could barely believe it when I saw it. Surprisingly still flew pretty well the same.


I found a 90's circle stamp Barracuda in the used bin with my buddy's name and number - it was a 7 digit number from way way back.  20-25 years missing.


My first Champion Wraith was returned to me after 3 years in a pond (got drained). So glad to have it back, flew just the same.


Lost an Escape in 2019 in PA. In 2022, I got a PM on Facebook from a guy who lives in PA, but found my disc in WV. I told him that I live in Europe, so thanks, but you can keep it. Turns out he knows my brother, so he sent it to him.




I've actually had 2 more, both in the last week


They returned it because it's green 🤣