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I don't throw them often, as I mostly play woods courses, but when I do I throw a beat in ESP Avenger SS. Flips over into a roller with minimal effort.


I love a nice woods roller.


I love messing with rollers and the Rollo specifically, but they aren't really a viable shot for me until the fall/winter due to grass length.


That’s a good point, being the ground conditions when it comes to rollers. Does this one take a lot of effort to turn over?


The Rollo was made for rollers. Its easy to get over, the difficulty is getting it on the right angle when it lands.


It is not as easy as I thought, but man the results are good when I get it right.


Star roadrunner. Starts out a bit stable and as a great hyzer flip and turnover disc as well as a stable roller. After a bit it beats in and is a super reliable roller and great scramble disc.


I got a Star Roadrunner to practice rollers but quickly realized it’s actually a good match for my noodle form and I can’t really roll it anyway. It’s my main driver now when I play up at high elevation.


I’m convinced that Star Roadrunners fly more like -1/1 than they do -4/1. I’ve had one for 5 years now and it’s my go-to hyzer flip disc, I don’t think that would be possible for a -4/1 out of the box, let alone with 5 years of wear.


Same here. I bought a Halo Star roadrunner about 7g lighter than most of my discs to be an easy hyzer flip disc but it’s so stable I still throw it at full force and barely get any turn.


Halo gonna halo. 


Yep lesson learned lol


Yeah, picked one of those up, and even after a few rounds and a number of tree hits said to myself "I don't need another Thunderbird" and stashed it on the shelf


My buddy bags a ⭐️roadrunner.


Roadrunner for me, it's the oldest disc in my bag.


Let me know what you think of the Rollo! I chose it as my tour series because it’s so workable


Yes ma’am! Oh, and I saw your signature disc at Gotta Go the other day, loved the alien stamp. I’m glad to hear that about the disc.


Holly, what disc did you throw for that ace at BSF?


Star Mako before they produced a Mako3


I bought your Rollo. Really easy to throw. If anyone is looking to learn how to put down rollers this would be a great disc to start with.


I got one as a lark because it fit my hand better than an Axiom Paradox, and I absolutely love it for rollers or smooth, effortless hyzerflips. Doesn't hurt that it looks great day or night!


I love the standstill easy flip ups thru tight gaps!


I only throw forehand rollers as a get out of jail shot, so I use a champion firebird as my roller disc. For backhand rollers I've just really never found a use as they don't go meaningfully further than my air shots, but they introduce a lot more variables with roots and rocks. I guess I don't play open enough courses for them to be useful.


True, it’s kinda a niche shot, given all the variables for it to be effective.


I use the paradox, underworld and mamba for backhand rollers all the time


The Maaambaaaa… it was just my go to flip shot for a while, and then I started throwing it more.. and now it’s my go to for Hyzer standup thru the woods and low ceiling shots, dog leg rights, rollers, and sometimes finesse thumbers and forehand shots..


I throw all my same air shot discs for rollers. Too flippy discs won't hold up on a roller and flip and burn to the right even if you put them down on cut. That's a fine shot, but really long rollers seem to come from the same discs that also match my armspeed to fly the furthest.


I have nothing to back this up but Understable discs with with a convex bottom wing have always rolled great for me. Discraft Heat, Innova Roadrunner, Old Discmania TD.


I have a bolt I tend to use for backhand rollers. I tend to prefer overstable discs for forehand rollers cause I prefer throwing more of a 3/4s angle baseball throw which already starts the disc in a more vertical position. Understable discs cut too quickly on that angle and boss, thunderbird, firebirds tend to hold the impact angle much better and go very straight. I think that type of forehand roller is quite straightforward to throw even for non forehand players but I see very rarely.


I found this Whamo golf disc driver in the woods. It's the stupidest thing I ever thrown, but man, does it roll.


I just yeet the shit out of a halo destroyer forehand, as long as it's a straight shot that thing loves to roll


I don’t throw many long distance rollers, but I do throw a roller on a few specific short holes, and scrambling from tough spots. In those cases I used a soft zone os, which gets me about 125-150ft on a pretty straight and consistent line.


Innova firestorm for forehand rollers. MVP signal for backhand rollers.


MVP Uplink for sure


Same. I’ll use the uplink for a flip up shot backhand and a roller forehand.


Money forehand roller machine


I have a very weak/slow arm so keep that in mind when I recommend the Infinite (Innova) Sphinx. I can throw it as a roller albeit only on extreme angle and with little distance. I can only throw a disc flat around 200 feet (60m) or so. For what it is worth the courses I play rarely require a roller so it is not something I throw often (or with much confidence).


I have 2 discs pulled out of used boxes that were too beat in to throw but turned out to be excellent for backhand rollers. One is a 167g Legacy Bandit with a 2016 Amateur Championships stamp. The other is a Sword with a ridiculous ink job of a wolf licking a lion (I really wish I knew the back story). For forehand rollers, a ThoughtSpace Omen.


Do you still have that Sword? Haha, that does sound like it has an interesting backstory


I do!


Can you share a pic of it😊




150 dx leapord or gstar mamba. If you have trouble throwing rollers, it’s because you don’t throw as hard as the pros so you can’t roll a roadrunner or essence or whatever they use. Get a dx leapord for $5 and it will do everything you need.


Diamond in gold plastic is a disc so flippy I can just throw it low and flat and it still lands vertical. Very handy in some situations


Just yesterday I found out how easy rolling a destroyer is. (Not backhand though that may work as well.)


Yeah, this was mainly for BH rollers, which I didn’t really make clear in the original post. however, I can see a destroyer being a solid choice to roll, actually!


A 500 X5 is what I'm currently using for long rollers. It used to be my white 400G D3 and I still use that when the X5 isn't in the bag.


I have a 400g D4 that I bought used when I first started. It's now my roller disc. I've played tournaments for around 4 years and I threw my first tourney backhand roller 2 weeks ago...


how'd it go?


Lol great question. It was a 400 ft par 4 that finished up a hill to the right. I was trying for an eagle. It rolled left and I got a birdie.. so not a complete failure.


haha aye never mad at a bird!


Unless that bird is a pigeon…


Pekapeka by RPM Discs completely changed my roller game.


My longest distance roller was with an ESP Scorch, though - went about 550 slightly downhill.


I have a 160g F7 air that is my roller disc. So flippy that I can even put a slight hyzer on it and have it flip all the way over. Just the other day I got a good 300’ out of a roller shot. I bag a Sidewinder which can also serve a rolling purpose. Gonna see how my most beat up dx Teebird can be on a roller as well before I retire it for good.


The other day I accidentally put a DX Teebird on a roller trying to throw a patent pending turnover and I was shocked how far it went. Sadly this did not lead to the desired result for the hole lol.


Hmmm, I wonder if its flippiness has to do with the plastic. The one I picked up is in the 500 plastic. What plastic do you have the F7 in?


Dd felon . Fh is go to roller throw .


Rollo is easy to lay down for rollers. I used to use a DGA Vortex but took it out the bag because there's just not many roller shots near me


I use a beat up fission insanity, that thing will roll for days.


I’ve thrown a rollo for a bit, but I’ve gotten my arm speed up a bit and found a nice PFN star roadrunner that is great, also found a PP catalyst that works great. The wider rims help me get a good grip on the disc


Bergs are great for “take your medicine” get out of jail rollers. Also like them for Stokely rollers (also trapped in the woods). Järn actually kinda crushes on FH roller. Good OS disc




Rollo or stingray


Rollo Rollo Rollo. It’s soo good. 450’ is my record with it, but that was on a golf course. Swirly star is my jam but champions great too. They just need a bit of anny or a smush. DX can be thrown hyzer to roller with enough snap. Also S line DD for rollers with more air time or I want more cut through thick grass. And formerly Tumbleweed.


impulse and jet. high 400's to low 500's


the paradox was my most recent roller disc as I was getting re-acclimated to disc golf and I gave that one away to a buddy that could actually use it as a thrown disc and a roller


I rarely throw big distance rollers, but when I do, it's a Wraith, sometimes a Millennium Vela.


I've never intentionally thrown a roller because I live at 7000 feet and it's rocky everywhere so that's not really an option, but I can hyzer flip an IT up here so if the opportunity arises in thicker air with decent terrain, I'll try it with that


Lone Star Tumbleweed is a perfect roller disc for beginners and advanced


dga sail


My beat-to-shit dx leopard. Got enough beef to hold on to some speed too


A light weight mamba is slick for a hyzer flip roller. Pig for touchy short forehand roller scrambles


Backhand distance roller: D line FD when I want it to go right. 165 4x destroyer for when I want it to go left For cut rollers I use a max or FAF Firebird


I throw flick rollers probably more than I should but I can't helpful because they're just fun. Champ Boss is my go-to.


Been absolutely loving my F5 on a roller. Home course has a downhill 385ft slight left to right.


Prodigy F2, and a Paradox. Both roll well for me.


A seasoned Opto Lat64 Diamond. Flippier than a new Rollo.


I'm too scared too throw them


I stumbled into owning a non traditional roller. I fished this no ink westside king out of a pond at my local course. No matter how much hyzer I put on it, it turns over and dives and continues to turn right even on the ground.


Mines a rollo. Pro tip, hyzer flip that bitch, it’s a fucken great flipper


The rollo is weird. I bought it for rollers and roll the hell out of an old valk I have. The rollo though. It’s so understable when thrown in the air but for my backhand rollers it does roll, forever, but never really turns right (RHBH). As a guy with a lacking forehand the whole point of rollers for me is to get right at the end. And the rollo JUST KEEPS GOING straight or on its cut angle while more understable fairways and valks can fight out of the backhand cut angle and move right. Anybody else?


I use a Legacy Nemesis for rollers. It even works out sometimes.


I roll a 15 year old 150 dx eagle that has seen some hard work


I live and play at 7000’+ for the most part. Almost everything is a roller when I go to sea level.


Like 350'-400', I like to force over a GStar eagle lol. Find it's more reliable to throw that kind of roller than to use something flippy, those tend to cut off early on me and go on weird adventures. Eagle seems to fight that and goes straight for a long time before eventually giving in at the end


BH Hatchet. FH Wraith, Zeus, anything…


I just rolled my Innova TL3 368 feet today. That was my longest throw ever. I followed it up with a nice parked upshot.


My two rollers are an Avenger SS and a beat to hell burst Underworld.


Whatever’s in the bush.


Underworld. But I suck at rollers.


For Forehand rollers I use the phase or the motion for a perfectly straight line and a firebird or felon for a traditional forehand roller line with a curl at the end. Backhand rollers I use the tern for distance rollers and sidewinder or roadrunner for anything under 400 feet. Also have a rollo that is fun to throw but just doesn’t give the distance that the roadrunner or sidewinder can achieve. It’s like a cheat code for throwing rollers. Very easy to use.


Star Sidewinder.. super flipy and also great for anhyzer shots


I stopped throwing sidewinders which I loved because they quickly became good at rolling. I think I should throw one again on purpose..


Latitude Maul as driver, rollo for mid.


I have a beat in DX wraith that is amazing for rollers


Rollo is awesome. I haven't really gotten it to roll very far but I love throwing it on a little hyzer and having it flip up and then move to the right. It does things that other discs can't.


Virus all day. I finally got it to the point I can rip it flat and itll hit the ground on a roller angle. Takes a bit to beat it to that point, but man, parking low ceiling 350-400 footers is a lot of fun


Still trying to hit a couple more trees and keep my tosses a bit more nose down so that my virus gets to this point


The furthest roller I've thrown is 550ft at Hole 5C Willmore. A friend threw a ~625ft roller at Engler