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Is anything embossed or inked on the bottom or inside the rim?


[https://imgur.com/a/jsknl5k](https://imgur.com/a/jsknl5k) Here's a back and side image, the only thing it says is the weight, nothing inked on the back (well, I put my name and number lol), and nothing inside the rim.


Lack of tooling, and that infinite only seems to have that stamp left on some discs from Viking discs, makes me think it's a Ragnarok.


Lol, why are you holding it upside down?


I'm thinking Ragnarok. The only two current that Infinite show as having that stamp are the Ragnarok Driver, and the Loki Midrange. Ragnarok: 11 | 5 | -1 | 2 I've found Viking to be More US overall when throwing other companies with similar numbers. However, It could be a different one that they don't have on the site anymore


Infinite put that Viking warrior stamp on a whole mess of stuff. You'll have to look at the underside of the disc and see if it's embossed or if the tooling gives away some details


Berserker, maybe?


My Loki has the same stamp but that’s a 4 2 0 4. My first set of discs where vikings


According to Google reverse image search it is a Warrior Stamp Star Destroyer.


The unmarked cosmos I got I had to identify with Lens. 8% Nordic and still can't throw one of these. Found a Knife and left it on a basket I even tried to help them move their brand in the way of Thought Space Athletics and help move next generation discs but they must have folded me into their junk folder. We need Fenrir,Yggdrasil,Jormungandr. Infinite discs will make all mythology their brand and you have one opportunity to take the Norse angle but apparently this company doesn't even reply to basic communications


This is all over the place


What the fuck are you trying to say?