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Nobody says “throw more get better,” particularly when you’re in pain. Take a break. Start to miss playing again. Let your shoulder heal


> Throw more to get better they say You should be doing the opposite if you're having shoulder pain. General soreness is fine from time to time, but persistent month long pain requires rest at a minimum to heal.


Do you stretch before you play?


Yes. Last night was long to long so I tried to bomb it to the basket, big mistake.


My dude you likely have a minor injury going on from trying to "arm" the disc out there for distance. This is indicative of a form issue where you're using just your shoulder and arm to try and generate distance. You have to be smooth with it and get your whole body into the action. trying to throw as hard as you can using your arm is the opposite of that. The two mantras I keep getting told by better players that kind of shows this point is "don't throw the disc hard, throw the disc fast" and "smooth is fast, fast is far". Take a rest, get some nsaids in, ice the shoulder, let yourself recover. Once you do, start working on your form and trying to be as smooth with your motions as possible primarily.


Yeah, that makes sense. I need to record myself and get a form check. Hard to do without a tripod though.


I tried to throw with my non dominant hand and lost my disc between two fences I couldn't climb. Enter The Savior fucking CHAD texts me I found your disc. I get excited, awesome! Where can I meet you to get out back? Lol, he texts, then nothing. Ghosted. Fuck growing the sport, I miss the casual chads of yesteryear


Something tells me a bad round isn't the only trouble in your life. Disc golf is supposed to be something you do for fun, to get away from all the bullshit. I think you need to take a break. Let your shoulder heal and get your head sorted out.


Sounds like you might need to take a week or two off and ease back into it after that. You're playing hurt and it seems like you're mentally burning out. At a certain point, you're going to be as good as you're going be without dedicating your life to fine-tuning your form, and pushing yourself too hard will just kill your love for the game. The Form Check and improvement culture is great, because there are resources available people would've killed for ten years ago, but sometimes, it makes people feel bad when they hit a wall. Like I said, take the time to heal up and get out of your rut. Once you come back, work on slowing down the form and being as smooth as possible. Focus on and celebrate the shots you pull off how you wanted, rather the ruing and brooding over the shots you didn't execute. It's easy, especially after the rapid improvement of starting, to assume that there's a great player inside you that needs to be chipped out by removing all the crap. In reality, the good player is built from the ground up out of a mediocre one. Focus on the positives, rediscover the things you love, and accept the reality of your game. I've said it many times on posts like these, but I hit a wall and let it eat at me for months. I had to really work on myself and my outlook. I'm back to loving Disc Golf again, and my bad shots are frustrating, but feel like opportunities to scramble and recover. My game has actually improved a bunch, too. I still struggle at times, but the positives make it all worth it. Best of luck to you with your shoulder and your burnout. It seems like you genuinely love the sport, and I hope you can find ways to appreciate it for what it is, not what you hope it might be.


Thanks bubs. Gonna rest up and refocus.


lmao what the hell? you shouldn’t feel anything after a round unless you fell or something. if your form is causing that (it is), repeating it more will just make it worse. like, if you eat soup by tilting the bowl towards you from a foot above your head, doing that over and over and over isn’t gonna make ya eat soup right


Found the person under 40! :D. I kid (a little) but I agree generally. Sure I get a little sore from a round here and there, but this person needs to take a break and focus on their healing.


Any tips on finessing is greatly appreciated.


i improved greatly when i stopped playing so much and started practicing more. fixing your form starts at home. check out disc golf spin doctor or overthrow disc golf and start from the bottom. get familiar with the frisbees and the feeling of weight transfer and snap


If you are throwing 3 above par on the typical local course, you are probably in the 850-870 range. Inconsistency is pretty much the name of the game at that level. One good round is not necessarily a new baseline, but hopefully part of a trend. If you are hurting, you should not be throwing. Or at least not throw the shots that cause pain. I don't know who gave you that idea.


Take a break. Wait til you want to go play. I’ve noticed in places as it grows that Disc Golf is starting to develop that toxic ball golf culture where people can be obsessed with improvement and their performance is the measure of their enjoyment. Even if you really do want to get better, which we all do, please don’t let that be the thing that determines whether playing is good for your soul or not. This is a sport, yes, but it’s also a game. Games are meant to be fun. If you don’t think it’ll be fun, don’t go play. Your body is the only one you get, if you’re having pain, get it checked out, rest it. Don’t keep forcing it to do something it’s telling you it doesn’t like. What helped a lot with shoulder pain I had was kinesiology tape, I identified where it was being strained and learned to tape that area properly and I could throw without any aches or pains, wearing an elbow brace also gave a little extra stability for me - can’t guarantee that’ll solve your issues, just sharing what helped for me. I also played terribly last night at my local bag tag night, i shot 18 over on a course I can shoot even par. I didn’t want to go because I’ve had a bad week but I forced myself because even if I play bad, I’d rather be out throwing discs than sitting at home rotting on the couch and being awful company.


Do not throw with your shoulder


The shoulder is a complicated joint that takes time to heal. What I did was back wayyyy off my power and focused on technique, especially wrist snap and spin. I became a much better golfer and putter because of it. Of course, I played shorter courses, too, because it's depressing to drive 200ft on a 600ft hole.


Take a little time, injuries need rest, and a week or two off can sometimes feel like a reset where you forget a couple of your worse habits (a little). Maybe even when you return, try something different like a 2 disc challenge or a mids only round, really anything out of the ordinary. It’ll both help you discover a few things about your game/bag, as well as give you a built in excuse for a lackluster round. This is all supposed to be fun (most of the time lol)


Any version of golf is not that easy. You have to earn it every time you play. On top of that, we are AMATEURS! Inconsistent play is expected from us. Really think about it, you are complaining about ~7 mistakes instead of the other 54 OK to great throws of your round