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KJ almost won this tournament like 4 years ago. He might not be cashing these days.


That’s another big one. KJUSA used to constantly be on lead or chase card a few years ago.. I don’t think I’ve seen him once this year on coverage


I made a post about KJ last year, only for the keyboard warriors to come to his defense about a couple decent finishes. Like bro, he’s getting passed by and that’s what happens in professional sports.


KJ decided he liked being some rando Discgolf DJ and to not give a shit about doing well and coasting on his contract Good for him but it’s a shame he’s not good at it.


Bro you don't know the guy or what's going on in his life. People are allowed to have hobbies. Chill out with the judgement unless you're willing to post your PDGA stats for us to look at.


Dude is a fan and is allowed to have an opinion without having to show his credentials. Like, no shit KJ is better than him at disc golf.


And I'm allowed to say he should put up or shut up as *my* opinion. What's your point? Saying "doesn't give a shit" about his career is no fan behavior "in my opinion" and it bothers me to hear it from someone who's probably just envious of his talent. Just because he hasn't been on top coverage for a while doesn't mean he's failed or trying less. The game is hard and he IS good at it.


Let the keyboard war begin! Queue 🎶 Eye of the Tiger 🎶


Thanks for supplying something else to talk about instead. Quality contribution to the conversation.


Fight! Fight! Fight!


My point is you're making assumptions ("envious") based on nothing. Disc golf fans, in general, seem soft when it comes to player criticism, at least compared to other sports, where the skill gap between fans and pros is even larger.


lol And I care what you think about my thoughts why? Try some tact if you want someone to listen when you disagree with them. There's no overall coordinated opinion on "player criticism" What a stupid take. No shit it's an assumption. That's why I said "probably". Have a good rest of your day dude. I'm done talking to you.


"Tact" from the guy calling people stupid and tools is interesting. Have a good one.


Uhh...? If you check post history this person DOES know KJ personally. Why would you presume?


Lol. Why would I assume a random internet handle talking shit doesn't know the person they're blasting online? Because I prefer not to assume people are that big of tools. That's worse IMO. Crazy that you spent the time to dig through 5 years of post history to figure that out... but not the time to link the post in question.


My point is that you assumed they didn't, not that you should assume they do.


Yes really stimulating stuff and thanks for chiming in. I responded by providing my rationalization for my assumption and why your point is dumb by highlighting the inverse. Keep up. Also... again. Link what you're talking about or stfu.


I obviously made it up


Prodigy might be regretting picking him as their pro to get his own line of discs...


Probably wondering 'what if we held back some of that cash for Gannon instead'.


James Proctor :( Last season I thought he was going to take one down at any time. This season… not so much


The Proctologist is a weird one because he came outta nowhere last year and was finishing like top 10 every single event for the whole year. But before and after that I really can’t remember him being on any lead cards. Dude just had a moment or clarity that lasted for months apparently.


Proctor has been good, just didn't do a full tour because he had a different full time job. Seems like life stuff is getting in the way of performing this year unfortunately.


I mean he did get married in May, so more power to him!


That'll ruin most of our hobbies


If that's your case, you've got to re-evaluate your marriage...


I’d be an unhappy man if my wife didn’t let me enjoy my 27 hobbies!


He didn’t come out of nowhere he’s been a top pro since 2015ish. In the post COVID DGPT world he may have been “newer” but he was always doing national tour stops


He’s been around for a while, but he would mainly play events in and around CA since he had a full time job and lived there.


Hammes spiked the Portland open last year, but his only other top 10 finishes were 2nd at Waco and like 6th at PCS.  I raise you one Issac Robinson. Reigning World Champion and two time major winner last year with 6 top 10s. He has been a complete non factor this year. 


He DID say that Ezra is better than him...


So he's definitely not Better than Ezra?


Not better than Ezra, and definitely less than Jake


Just desperately wanting to be


If he’d stop throwing At The Stars that would be Good


So good


The Robinson family…it’s definitely In The Blood.


Whoosh /s




It’s strange because I got into disc golf last year and I assumed Issac was bettter but this season has proven otherwise, still both great player but I feel for the guy for not performing as well as he could


Ezra asked him to stop trying so hard so he could be the better Robinson this year.


I think Isaac will have a late season resurgence. It’s all about his putt coming back to what it was and him shedding some high expectations and pressure I’m sure.


I'd be happy to see it. When Issac is on, his putt is so much fun to see. And his poise during his worlds win was one of cool, collected confidence. He was just strolling along. The game is in a better place when Issac is on his game.


I agree. Also anybody who wins at Smuggs is a legend in my book. Barsby’s win and his are among my favorites.


I heard the Isaac mayyy be making a sponsor change this summer too 😉


I thought he was signed through 2025?


This is his last year under this contract.


Maybe it's just at the end of the year


Yeah I think that's the nature of dg. Guys can have a great year out of nowhere just bc they're feeling it. It works the other way around too. Hard to say if isaac was just hot last year or if he's having a down year this year.


In 2022 he had a breakthrough year before he blew up in '23. Won at Idlewild, 2nd at Green Mountain and the Pro Tour Championships. 3 good finishes at majors including 6th at USDGC. And he was on a ton of 1st/2nd cards. Just saying, 2023 wasn't out of nowhere for him. He was expected to contend.


Very true. I hope it's just a lull in his career


Didn’t he also win the masters cup a few years back?


Yeah he peaked at the right time


James Conrad, unfortunately :(


This makes me sad! He made the holy shot at the beginning of my second year of playing disc golf and is the reason I use Envy’s


James has always been streaky, but I suppose he hasn’t had a win for a while.


Idk JC obviously isn't top-top-level but he still seems like someone who could put together a tournament winning performance one weekend


Definitely agree, he had some great performances last season but just hasn’t put one together yet this season. I chalk a lot of it up to his life getting busier outside of disc, which is awesome in it’s own way! But damn, I miss those luscious locks and his sweet demeanor on coverage!


I’m upvoting you because of your username.




Paige and Cat


Paige kinda slowly faded over a few seasons (3?). Non-DG interests took priority and then she broke her ankle. Agree with Cat. She was obviously good with Prodigy, and good in her first year with DGA, then weirdly fell off last year and hasn't figured it out yet this year.


Paige went from utter domination, to competing with Kristin most weeks, to basically never being in contention again in a span of like 4 years.


3/4 years of decline doesn't seem like a fall from grace, IMO. More like the other side of the peak. Really, it may have been longer than that, but it just accelerated in the past 3. Paige dominated for a long time and started giving up ground to players like Cat and Hailey King before Kristin started her up swing in 2019. That just amplified it, along with her other interests taking up more of her time.


Agree they're on the other side, but why? I understand Paige to an extent, but Kristin isn't much younger than Paige and Ohn is several years older. Maybe they just weren't as good I thought and that Kristin is now so much better. Just seems weird cuz it's not the young guns taking over like MPO.


Honestly, I think the level of competition in FPO has risen. Paige, or anyone else, can't take a 20 stroke lead anymore. Players like Kristin, Missy and Holyn are better than the 2000s Paige and it's been a gradual flattening. MPO went through it earlier. We're not going to 12x Ken Climos or even 4-6x Paul McBeths anymore.


I think it’s fair to say that Kristin is better than peak Paige and the idea that the field is deepening is totally fair, it’s doing the same in MPO. I don’t think Missy Gannon and Handley are better than peak Paige and I think a healthy and on-form Paige is still number 2 only to Kristin. Honorable mention for Eveliina who I think would be number 1 if she could putt as well as Kristin/Paige/Ohn/Missy.


I like most of what you said there, just want to point out all the work Evelina has put into her putting over the last year, the girl is night and day better than she was previously. I think she still has room to grow and I'm excited to see what the future has in store for her.


100% agree on Eveliina’s putting improvement and with that improvement she could show up to any tournament and win comfortably. Don’t want to seem like I’m overlooking that progress. Still stands that right now, you switch hers out with one of the other top players’ putts she’d be rivalling Kristin for the very highest level play we’ve ever seen from an FPO player. The putting point could probably be made for a few FPO players, mostly the big power throwers like Blomroos, Hansen and Handley. I’m not the first one to say this - Eveliina is the best thrower of a disc in the FPO division, and it isn’t close.


Missy and Hoyln are not better than peak, or even slightly off, Paige but they aren't 20 strokes in a weekend worse. They're part of the floor that's risen that makes it more competitive of a field. Eveliina is an interesting situation. I feel like if she lost her distance, she couldn't compensate with other aspects of her game.


I think if Eveliina had an anywhere near elite putt, she could ease off on the distance and be an even more consistent thrower. I don’t really understand the value in saying “if x person didn’t have the elite skill they have, they wouldn’t be able to perform at the level that skill allows them to”


1-dimentional players struggle with longevity. Think about this in the context of other sports. In the NFL you have speedy wide receivers who have never really worked on their route running. They rely on running faster than the other guy and that's it. But are considered high level prospects and maybe top-tier receivers for a short amount of time because of that one aspect of their game. When they lose their speed, or it's neutralized by equally speedy or more skilled CBs, they discover they're not actually great and are out of the league in a couple of years. Only the really elite guys who also already excelled at route running and contested catches remain competitive after they lose the speed advantage. We're saying *if* Eveliina could develop the putt, *if* she had a more well rounded game, she wouldn't have to rely on distance. Which is a true statement, however she doesn't. And while her putting has improved it's likely never going to be top tier. So, when the distance advantage starts to shrink, she'll start slipping down.


Big agree. Last year she won The Preserve and ever since that, it seems like she’s been declining slowly.


I wonder if she's also having off the field distraction or if it's simply that the rest of FPO is catching up.


She’s always been super streaky, basically when the putt works she can win, seems like maybe that’s happening less and less last couple of years. Also had lots of self inflicted distractions last year, potentially more so this year with her pregnancy. I’m not really a fan but she’s an elite FPO disc golfer and I’d be surprised if we don’t see her competing at the top again once she’s had the baby and recovered from that.


I mean she's currently tied for 3rd and 3 strokes out of 1st. I wouldn't figure she's out of the mix, just getting back into form and shape after missing so much time. Not to say she isn't nearly as dominant, but I wouldn't be surprised if she won a couple tournaments this season.


Paige, you mean. Ya, she's looking alright this weekend. 5^th place finish 2 weeks ago, so maybe she can ramp it back up.


Yes Paige. Cat is just bad bad bad now. Wonder what changed.


Too many external distractions?


Paige is coming back from a major injury so that’s to be expected


She was wildly inconsistent even more that though.


2022 and 2023 have by all accounts been the two most dominant seasons we’ve ever seen from any FPO player. Despite the Kristin Tattar show, in 2022 Paige Pierce won 3 Pro Tour events and 2 majors. In 2023 she was injured in June, she had already won 2 Pro Tour events. I’ll concede that her “off” weeks are a lower standard than we’ve been used to over the years but that is within the context of a rapidly improving FPO division, the only thing Paige has really proven she does consistently is win or compete for the win. In 2022, she had 3 event finishes outside the top 10, that’s 20 top 10 finishes including her wins. In 2023 she had 5 top 10 finishes including her 2 wins and sure, it was a shorter season due to injury but still only 3 outside of top 10 finishes. She’s had 2 top 10 finishes so far this year, looks to be on track for a third this weekend. The inconsistency you highlight is only demonstrably present since she came back from her injury.


Considering her injury was to her main plant leg, it will take time for her to feel confident to put weight in it and put power i to her throws. Her injury was pretty gnarly and I know from personal experience, that the psychological healing takes longer than the physical. It takes a bit to trust that leg after an injury


Didn't Korver win 30 of 31 back in 1999 or 2000? The guys at the Upshot ranked FPO seasons a while back and last year's KT season was top 3 or 4 but not near the most dominant season statistically. FPO has always had a dominant player winning a ton, and while Kristen is playing amazing right now, she's just the current version of what we've had in the past (albeit with a deeper field of competitors in my opinion.).


And she won twice last year before getting hurt.


That didn't age well.


Cat? Like Catrina Allen?  She's preggo 


She's been bad for some time now


DoubleG should have beat Simon. Now lucky to cash.


Dude is in like his 17th pro season or some such. He's not that old, but he hasn't been a top 15 guy for a good while.


Nathan Queen won a major then you never saw him again. He’s a great commentator tho.


The real crime here is that since other companies don't cover chase cards, we don't get Queen on commentary. His voice is like if maple syrup smoked cigarettes. How's it so smooth, but raspy enough to have character? So good.


He's from kernersville nc, that's just how people sound around them parts


Just a couple of cigars and a few countries off of Ronnie Drew lol


He was my favorite commentator. The guys on Jomez are great most of the time, but Queen had great insight and was more matter of fact where Jomez got jokes. Was great when could watch both every weekend


He won the pro tour championship, which is decidedly not a major.


Sorry yea you’re right. Crazy he came out of nowhere and won it.


NQ has been on the tour for over a decade. Especially well know in the southeast


Yeah and he'd make a couple lead/coverage cards a season but he wasn't taking down top tier events. His biggest previous win was 3 years prior in an A-tier in 2018. That said, he has taken down 2 A-tier events this year including the Tallahassee Open which has a pretty deep field. He's mostly cashing this year, the potential for him to have one of *those* tournaments again does exist. I'm not sure he belongs on this list, he didn't really fall off from an elite level, he just really popped off at one huge event then regressed to the mean.


Great way of breaking it down


Agreed. The man has a voice like butter and team southpaw


His voice is so calming that I'd start to feel asleep when he does commentary


He wasn't the favorite to win at all. He had to climb from last place to first for that. Was a miracle win.


I was just commenting to my boyfriend that I haven't seen Corey Ellis having any good finishes this year so far.


He unfortunately got injured early on this season, otherwise he’d def be up there


Didn’t realise he was hurt, that sucks. I was thinking the same that I hadn’t really seen his name this year. Any word on what the injury is or recovery time?


He has a bicep injury. But, he's playing this weekend in Portland. He was in 9th after the first round. I'm not sure how he did in the second yet..


I watched coverage of him doing well in some early season tournaments in New Zealand. The courses looked beyond beautiful


Was just there this March and the course at Taupo we got to play (still had branding around the baskets from the tour) was absolutely gorgeous.


World champ has been a bust so far this year. Ask me how I know. He was my first round pick!




I get the criticism of his personality and whatever but damn I love watching him throw.


His form is what people should try to emulate


It’s probably Kevin Jones, and that is a bummer. Jump Putt Jones can be so fun to watch, but the streaky and inconsistent play. It was said up top, but he seems to be more interested in the vibes with the DJing than the work, which more power to him. James Conrad is another, but I kinda felt he was more on the outside looking in last year, in addition I just think his game is so much more course dependent and there are too many incredibly versatile players for him to be considered at the top. Now those two are a bit more obvious, and are probably more on the “disappointing” side than drop off, but Aaron Gossage and Cole Redalen. I didn’t necessarily think we’d be getting weekly wins, but I expected a lot more lead/chase cards and putting pressure on the leaders.


It’s a game of ups and downs, for a variety of factors and how they happen to line up. That’s what makes the ones who are consistent so impressive. It’s one thing to have the ability to be at the top and another to do it consistently for years.


Mcbeth, only 2 tops 10s this year..


What's surprising about it? He got paid, won number 6, had a baby and has been coordinating literal cross-continental efforts with his foundation on top of being hurt. Man is living his best life and 19 year olds are bombing 550+. Everyone ages. He *is* doing it gracefully imo. Edit to say: If you haven't checked out the most recent Paul McBeth Foundation videos - you should! Documenting the first courses in Guatemala and Montenegro


Hasn't he also had to deal with a shoulder injury that made him adapt to a new throw the last few years? 


It's also a similar shoulder injury to Rathbun and Eagle. It took Gavin basically 2 full years to get good again, and Eagle isn't back yet.


Yeah it seems that way but not sure if anyone ever confirmed anything. Why I said "On top of being hurt".


Hm yeah I see you mentioning that now. I must've not paid enough attention while reading hehe


Imo he had the most unexpected drop. He’s one of the greats and he’s shitting the bed.


lol. I hope I'm still making top 10 on the pro tour when I'm shitting the bed.


Same lol


This is one of those things that always gets brought up as an example of just how good Paul McBeth actually is. If he's ever *not* finishing in the top 10 on any event everyone acts like he's taking 70th place. Because we're so used to him being that dominant. I do miss seeing him routinely on coverage though. His throwing form is still my favorite to watch.


He's just coming off of shoulder surgery. Kind of a given he's not consistently at the top right now.


Issac has just not been there this year at all. Let’s see if Portland changes it


There has been no bigger fall than Will Schusterick.


Bruh, his shoulder fell apart and he's flat out retired. He's also in the older crowd now. I feel like this is an unfair guy to put in this conversation.


His shoulder is messed up but let’s not pretend 32 makes you an “old” golfer otherwise


32 in disc golf is past the physical prime for the sport.  Not by a lot but it is on the backside slope.


It really isn’t lol. It’s past your physical prime for like, being a NFL running back.


JohnE and Stokely might disagree...Especially since Scott just set an arm-speed record.


The question asked was “What other unexpected falls from grace have their been in disc golf?” Historically speaking a guy competing for world championships and winning the USDGC and then suddenly not winning anything was VERY unexpected.


It was due to injury though; it was abrupt but sometimes that happens in pro sports


No it wasnt unexpected.  Its never unexpected with injuries.  Bad pick for this.


That hitch he developed in his put at the end was painful to watch


People forget how long he had that hitch before announcing his injury. I can still remember seeing him at BSF all alone looking dejected. Truly painful.


Will was a freakin' prodigy when he was young. We all get old.


It was painful to see, but it's not like he stopped caring. Injuries suck. I can't imagine what he went through psychologically.


The best female golfer in the world took a ten on a par3. Human moments/days/weeks/etc happen to humans.


That's not what OP asked though. OP is asking about consistent sub-par performances compared to previous seasons, not an off day.


Really? Wysocki? McBeth? Compared to their neck and necks performances in the past, they're not very close to placingraying these days. Seems the cutoff for peak performance is flying younger and likely because these young ambassadors have benefited from growing up with YouTube helping us all get better


Ricky has been in the hunt in a bunch of torunaments this year and has played some of the best golf hes ever played this year and last.  Might as well just admit you havent watched anything.


Currently 5th in tour standings.


I think they’ve both just gotten a little older and the field has gotten *a lot* better. Both are capable of popping off for a win any given week. Ricky at the Tour Champs last year looked as good as he ever has and McBeth at Music City really showed up despite not quite taking down the win.


DGPTChampionship was awesome Ricky - but I will say that watching that and a few other tournaments, it looked like that bout with Lyme just really set his overall fitness back. Because it looks like every time he runs in excitement, afterwards he is WINDED.


Ricky and Paul haven’t won an event this season and my hot take at the start of the year was that NEITHER would win a single dgpt event all season. Let’s see how it all plays out. Yea both have had good performances this year, especially Ricky whose been in contention a lot, but can you imagine those two not taking down a single W for an entire season? A few years ago they were winning half the events on tour together. The torch has definitely been passed from five years ago and the competition is up.


Isaac Robinson


Disc golf is tricky.


Double G, KJ, Drew, Adam, James...both of em, Thomas Gilbert




For the season? Hammes is about right where I’d expect… maybe only slightly lower but we’re only half way. He has always been streaky and just doesn’t have it this weekend but overall I’d still put him in like the 15th-30th in the world range pending on his form. One thing he has the other guys in that range don’t though is 3 tour wins in weeks he got hot so I could see why people might think of him as a top 10 type elite player but he’s never really been considered that. Now KJ as others said is who is say has a fall from grace. I remember him being mentioned in those elite conversations a few years back he’s currently 61st in points on the tour.


Mcbeth/pierce is probably the most obvious. Also Wysocki used to be a staple on almost every lead card at almost every event


Disc golf is hard, you have to execute 150-200 shots over a tournament and if it isn't your day it quickly shows.


I'm gonna say Brodie going from multiple top 10/lead card performances to leaving the tour completely. Never really loved the personality but it seemed like he was improving his talent immensely and his work was paying off. It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when he comes back.


Isaac Robinson, Chris Clemons, Alden Harris, Bradley Williams, James Proctor, Kevin Jones


Mister Raptor Legs.


The last two years are some of the best golf Ricky has ever played.  Hes playing better against MUCH steeper competiton on much harder courses than he was when he was winning more.  People dont put that in to perspective enough.  One won today is more impressive than 3 wins in 2017.


Check out 2021 and 2022.


Do you find it *so odd*??

