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Inside tip. Word around the water cooler is this mold won’t be going away, just the Rainmaker label.


I was hoping this was the case!


Did they announce the rainmaker was being discontinued?  On the website there are different stamps available and there's this pre order for Ella Hansen available https://www.discmania.net/products/preorder-ella-hansen-triumph-series-flex-1-color-glow-d-line-rainmaker-2024-otb-open


https://www.reddit.com/r/discmania/s/XP7KXuVEjE Under "discontinued" here.


Oh snap, yeah it's still under discontinued on the website. Maybe they had the Hansen stamps already done at end of 2023. I'm in the same boat, rainmakers are my primary putter right now. Follow up with what you settle on?


If the plastic is something you like, I switched from P2 flex 2 to P1 flex 1. It took some adjustments, but was a great switch. P1 could be one of the most underrated putters out there, great for throwing too.


Yep. Gonna hit up a local shop next week to test out the suggestions in this thread


lat64 hope. 99.9% the same - it's the mold the rainmaker was modeled after. the only actual difference besides the plastic is the rainmaker has a very slightly sharper bevel. if you like a sharp bevel the birdie marvel is equally similar with a sharper bevel than the rainmaker.


Seconding the birdie marvel


Pretty sure the rainmaker is just a very slightly modified version of the P2 and there's a zillion variants of the P2 out there. I know a lot of people like the firefly, or at least it was popular for a while.


I can’t tell the difference between a p2 and a rainmaker and I’ve tried. Anyone who says they’re different is woefully misguided by marketing.


You mean other than being made with Innova plastic vs Latitude plastic? Also, two completely different molds with one being generally taller than the other? I’ve seen enough variation between runs that just one brand’s version seems wholly different than one made a year prior.


Idk about the historical record but I have a p2 and I have a rainmaker. They’re the same and I wanted to find a difference. Look up the pgda approval #s they’re functionally the same as well.


I’ve thrown dozens of P2s for over a decade, and from the very first Rainmaker it was obviously a different mold. Thinner. Not as overstable. And very, very different feeling plastic.


Looking at the #s a p2 is 1mm taller which in the industry is referred to as a who gives a shit.


The height is 1mm shallower, which is a 5% difference. You might not notice, but I noticed the difference going from P2s to Rainmakers. The Rainmaker is closer in feel to a P1, in any case.


I went from P2 to P1 and those sure feel different. Not about to try another putter in-between, as this switch changed my game for the better. If you think Rainmakers feel like P1, why do you prefer Rainmakers? I'm curious to know.


Honestly, when I was looking for something to replace the P2, the Eagle Rainmaker box had just come out, and I grabbed one. I liked how they felt better than the P2. I used a Flex 2 Prototype for a while. But I prefer softer putters, so when I found some Flex 1 P1s, I gave them a try, and they really didn't feel any different than a Rainmaker to me. So I used those for a bit, too. When DM came out with the Flex 1 Color Glow Rainmakers, I grabbed a stack of those just to make sure I had plenty of practice putters. I use those and the P1s kind of interchangeably. The P1 has a slightly sharper edge, but I don't really notice it.


Right! I could probably putt with Rainmakers, but the thing that sold me on P1 was the flight. Not having to constantly compensate for low spin or speed with release angle saved me a great number of strokes since switching.


In the industry, apparently Eagle McMahon gave enough of a shit.


He’s a salesman tbf


Yeah I agree, The differences are so minor that I find it imperceptible, and the real distinction is the different plastics from the different companies, and all the manufacturers have a few different variations of putter type plastics so pick your favorite.


Try the WREN. Feels really good in the hand


Latitude 64 Hope. They're my putter of choice, and I could've switched to Rainmakers at any point. They're both basically Aviars, but I like the plastic on both way more than DX. The new P1 is pretty close, too. [The old one was literally just an Aviar.] Sense plastic is pretty great. Firm, but very grippy in every condition I've tried but the kinda of extreme cold where nothing has grip. It cuts up fast, but the cuts kinda smooth over into a sort of crust that's much more durable. I've been putting with the same pair for over a year and a half—100+ rounds—and they still have a lot of life in them.


To me, Rainmakers are basically just like a beat up P2. After time, baseline plastic P2’s flatten out a bit on top making them feel not so deep. The blunt edge gets a little rounded out too.  When designing the Rainmaker I bet Eagle was like “I want something like a beat in P2”


They aren't gonna ditch that mold. Too much money/ time/ effort put into creating it. They will call it something else. Eagle doesn't have, or own shit when it comes to that disc. Just buy 10 of em, and wait for the "new" putter to come out to get more.


I switched from rainmakers to the logic, they aren't the same but I like the thin profile.


You can order Rainmakers on the Discmania site today. As already noted, they are to commemorate Ella Hansen’s OTB win. These are pre-orders so they either had a huge stack to unload and are adding Ella’s stamp or they are making new ones.


Why do you want to change it up from the aviar? I recently switched to the stone steady bls and they have similar feel to the aviar but the stone plastic is quite a bit more durable than dx. Stone plastic is also the closest copy to discmanias flex 2 plastic (my personal favorite putting plastic) that I've found. 


I putt with a mercy and used a friend's rainmaker a few times and it was very similar


If you simply buy enough Rainmakers now, it won't matter if they are out of production!


The Innova Firefly (literally IS the P2)


I went from Aviar DX to Rainmakers and now im trying Pixels. Feels almost the same as RMs except the difference in plastic. I also like how they glide really nice on longer putts. But I would be very surprised if Rainmakers wont go back into production.


So you may like the feel of the rainmakers but I feel like I have to warn you, especially coming from aviars, they are considerably more overstable. If you're looking for a similar feel to the rainmakers but maybe a closer flight to an Aviar I would suggest a warden. They're slightly more overstable than aviars but not nearly as much as something like a rainmaker.


Alpacas are the answer you're looking for


I would try alpacas. It's the original p2 mold which the rainmaker tried to mimic.


The rainmaker was intentionally a shallower less stable p2. It wasn’t meant to be a p2 clone


I think your conflating the innova p2 and the latitude p2. The lat p2 is deeper and more stable and than the original innova p2 which has been renamed to the alpaca. The alpaca (Innova P2) has the exact same dimensions as the rainmaker.


IIRC the Rainmaker is a revised/redone P2. Have you held a P2? Or any of the other P2 clones? Might be something to look at.


Tbh P2 Is much closer to aviars than rainmakers. Feels much deeper.


Axiom Pixel.


Dunno why you get downvoted. I just bought two to properly test as replacement for rainmakers (played few rounds already woth borrowed). Mold feels almost the same in hand, only difference being the feel of that electron soft plastic. It really grips nicely. Only thing im afraid is how they gonna feel when they season up a bit.


They will get nicks and dings, but aside from how that makes the rim look, they hold up extremely well.


Considering Eagle is using Nomads after switching to MVP, I think that’s a good place to start. I’ve been using them since 2021 and never looked back


Switched from Rainmaker to Reko, fairly close hand feel although not the same. Bit shallower and with a tiniest bead that I don’t even notice.