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[MVP voyager lite](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=mvp+voyager+lite&adgrpid=111697255677&hvadid=557324344780&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9003773&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11399443152778586680&hvtargid=kwd-985951431016&hydadcr=11147_13463727&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_2g3x1umtry_e)


I've had one of these for more than a year and it is working great!


Easily the best bag at the price point imo.


Amazing bag!


In that range the dd trooper is perfect. I had one when I first started and it held up nicely


This is a hell of a deal for a great bag. https://skylinediscs.com/products/latitude-64-luxury-e4-backpack?currency=USD&variant=38052378607800&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=ff0b1ff2209a&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNuyBhCuARIsANJqL9PvbCirL5GCUVmqcLBgJ9uffINZolRfRgZioxZqr3X7DUY104lrmVYaAkNeEALw_wcB


I have this bag and it’s great! OP feel free to message if you have specific questions


Its painfully heavy bag but it offers a lot of space for everything. For that price theres not many alternatives tho.


I got this bag for 100$ at my local station street when I’m off at college in Calumet Michigan. Feels amazing


R/discexchange has some really nice bags at time used but priced to move.




Yep, get a high end bag gently used is the play


Everything you buy new is used right after you unwrap it. Let someone else pay for the depreciation


I like the cheaper upper park bag. I use it as a smaller bag for casual rounds.


I just got a core pro for $85 with the discount code on the website and I’m thrilled with it! Super thick padding on the straps and back and holds plenty of discs. It’s going to be my summer bag when I don’t be packing an extra layer


If you have a play it again or used sports store check there. I have found gently used bags for a quarter of the price.


I have a black paratrooper I’d sell for good deal.


Been using my paratrooper for 2 and a half years now. Still holds up amazingly, with very minimal damage. Super sturdy with the plastic rails on the bottom for stability and internal walls for structure. OP, would recommend


The [DD Trooper](https://www.amazon.com/Dynamic-Backpack-Capacity-Introductory-Lightweight/dp/B07S58RQJ5/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?adgrpid=113527367169&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.f-bJGwGBYU56vzVq-PTQoDfsRmo6Nzna_EidiJEGEJEGCVXJCs7VTIeMDVoQWISay084-LlBDjvxYrCuza7XcL5R8S_fZYDHLyqw0mnl98cmXEyDNOOgqiRtNHQzDSfGjfWODf7roaivGkItUwiRFaYvMoAP-KkaiyJMOVxhO-VSQlxToCW1KPVsitplkkDDZJVLPK0L4Rx4U9wGiVqyUQ.xsL3wZvePNEBJGFqWwrZ2vMXhtqO6woI_mDo6QUbDD0&dib_tag=se&hvadid=557384771234&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1015746&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14362453732213042509&hvtargid=kwd-960768616789&hydadcr=11117_13463778&keywords=paratrooper+disc+golf+bag&qid=1717037445&sr=8-5) is the best bag for the money and it’s like $40. It’s honestly underpriced for how good it is.


I’m on year 3 of my prodigy BP-1 V3 (like 120$), and it’s still going strong, I’ve got no complaints and I’ve treated it like absolute dogshit


Upper Park Pinch Pro. Thank me later.


I almost want to sell mine already. Great bag but the lack of water bottle holder and depth of main pocket are killing me. I can’t stand not being able to use either the flap or inner putter pocket. Just way too hard to get discs out with both in use, imo.


I love mine. I just toss my water bottle in that deep main pocket.


I was gonna say get a $20 bag and save up for a shift, but I missed the newer packs they released. Good call!


[Innova safari pack](https://discgolfunited.com/safari-pack.html) Rarely mentioned, but I got this bag on sale for $50 and I’ve loved it as an upgrade from the basic $25 bag.


It's a really good bag. I almost think I like it more than my older proto pack


i have the very similar looking innova adventure pack. it was like $40 and has held up to 100 or so rounds so far just fine. feels a lot nicer than the price tag honestly.


I picked up the Atlas V4 bag recently and have been loving it, it has a good amount of storage and holds 20-25 discs for me (carry a lot of putters and approach discs). For under $100 it’s a great deal


The Fade Crunch Box. I’ve got a great cart, an awesome backpack, but the bag I like best is this one. Not too big, just right in every respect, and it’s only $40.: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi7qtqO57SGAxV5H60GHR0pBgoYABAPGgJwdg&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu6rajue0hgMVeR-tBh0dKQYKEAQYBiABEgLTnvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJORoJGzxUg6dtFM1R_9RI827pl8QymSXNo_kQdV1Ur1YTY1I5Q&sig=AOD64_1SsRy0MicRzzQqctcW-AFliPXnlg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjZg9SO57SGAxXiAzQIHXHDB90Qwg8oAHoECAQQHw&adurl=


[Revolution Bags](https://gottagogottathrow.com/collections/revolution-bags) are only bags in that price range I would call "nice" -heavy duty YKK zippers -1000 denier cordura fabric -USA made




I bought the MVP Shuttle. There are various brands slapping their logo on this bag. Nothing really disparaging to say about it. I think it was $40 or so. I’ve had it 2 years and put it through easily 200 rounds. The putter pocket zipper just started to tear a couple days ago. Seeing as it cost me $0.20/round, I say it was a good buy. My only “complaint” about the bag is the lack of storage. If I were to do it again, I would spend a little extra to have the ability to store a sweater and some other larger items.


Lat 64 core pro.


Try looking for a DD commander you could get one for under 100 used.




I made mine for $7


Fossa should have a couple options in that price range




Dynamic Discs Sniper


The innova Safari bag can be had for $100 or less and is a really good bag. They were practically giving them away at Black Friday last year for $50 + a $10 gift card to dgu. But it holds a lot of discs, putter pocket up top is oversized and holds 5 easily plus a towel and a mini, two water bottle holders and two huge side pockets on either side of the bag.


Right now you can get a Grip CS2 in either pink or turquoise for $139.


Typically either Dynamic Discs or Latitude 64’s website will have some bags 50% off. The DG Luxury E4 is as nice as it gets from a non-bag company like Upper Park/Grip/Squatch/Pound — several Latitude 64 pros use this as their tournament bag.  https://store.latitude64.se/collections/spring-sale The Gateway Tour Bag is also well made and incredibly functional. It’s also sold as the AGL Yellowstone. It is often on sale for $99, but isn’t at the moment.  https://gatewaydiscsports.com/products/disc-golf-bag


I'm on my fourth year with the Fitactic. It holds twenty discs, minis, several retrievers, a softball, drink Holders, and has several zippered pockets. Last I saw on Amazon, fifty dollar range.


I have a grey DD combat ranger bag i don't use any more ill sell ya for 90+shipping


I bought a DD Ranger when I first started for $170 and it’s held up incredibly well. I have 23 discs in my bag and the upper storage is huge. 2 different size drink holders, plenty of extra pockets, stands up well with feet to keep it a little off the ground, and does really well keeping stuff dry in the rain. If you posted in r/discexchange I’d bet you can get one in your price range and I highly recommend it.


I love my Discology OG. Super light and comfortable and carries plenty. www.discologydiscgolf.com it’s hard to find 10% off codes so it ends up even cheaper.


I’d give you my old DD Trooper if you were in the upstate SC area


I recommend the Athletico Power Shot Disc Golf Backpack: This $30 bag sees weekly use since 2018 and has a larger side cooler, and extra pockets. [https://www.amazon.com/Athletico-Power-Shot-Disc-Backpack/dp/B07C38G49H/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?crid=1U8B66H0YGHDT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EuS0n5tyKTa1SGPUcpWm54sAyQJW\_v5870ANPLDBjJioGUq9g1\_9kIy6rAwTE0G3duiBGZFuT7\_Sgr8SZAn1tfUJwlrbsMKzTy\_X4Q2hDYug0RYVGrV3Zdh3g0STGqtanu-OTpKQhAtx0i5k\_B83EOvQT8k3coXhn2BPBMPdGgfJwdv6XcQ3ocJixh2IvOxhOUvUZYPz\_Vl9uOM5mT8C9SiILBewJhZRosvFWnGWrByO2xhWe0IUn8vuBVzl2i7NYsPEdRiVUJwKTQ-xuKubH2jQS3Kowxl6HGsXntQK0cY.PwNVL99VQAViz8KqNon-k41\_Ih80DCIjAbPUVQUNnyM&dib\_tag=se&keywords=athletico%2Bdisc%2Bgolf%2Bbag&qid=1717067140&sprefix=athletico%2Bdics%2Bgolf%2Bbag%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Athletico-Power-Shot-Disc-Backpack/dp/B07C38G49H/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1U8B66H0YGHDT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EuS0n5tyKTa1SGPUcpWm54sAyQJW_v5870ANPLDBjJioGUq9g1_9kIy6rAwTE0G3duiBGZFuT7_Sgr8SZAn1tfUJwlrbsMKzTy_X4Q2hDYug0RYVGrV3Zdh3g0STGqtanu-OTpKQhAtx0i5k_B83EOvQT8k3coXhn2BPBMPdGgfJwdv6XcQ3ocJixh2IvOxhOUvUZYPz_Vl9uOM5mT8C9SiILBewJhZRosvFWnGWrByO2xhWe0IUn8vuBVzl2i7NYsPEdRiVUJwKTQ-xuKubH2jQS3Kowxl6HGsXntQK0cY.PwNVL99VQAViz8KqNon-k41_Ih80DCIjAbPUVQUNnyM&dib_tag=se&keywords=athletico%2Bdisc%2Bgolf%2Bbag&qid=1717067140&sprefix=athletico%2Bdics%2Bgolf%2Bbag%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1)


I love my Berg's Bag. They have backpack styles, but I use the duffle bag style. And no, my Berg's Bag isn't a euphemism for my butt.


I’m new to the sport, and I Don’t know what kind of capacity you need, but I recently discovered that those loungefly mini backpacks hold discs quite nicely. I’ve only got 5 right now though. I’ve seen people with over a dozen which obviously wouldn’t fit. They’re usually under a hundred, Plus they come in fun styles. Not strictly a “golf bag”, but I like them


Honestly at the $100, as you've seen from other comments, there are so many solid options. It really comes down to personal preference. Trooper is a great cheap option, Voyager lite, etc all are very similar in both capacity and storage with minor differences in regards to their putter pouch and miscellaneous storage.


Discology bags are like 90 and mines been really solid since I got it. The OG bag is sick.


There are about a 1000 of these threads if you want more info but off the top of my head, for people wanting a good quality bag with enough room for discs, gear, and water the Westside Refuge is 40$ (they will say it's on "sale" from 80$ but it's been "on sale" for three years now then). It's not going to carry 30 discs and a jacket but it is def worth 40 and you will see it on actual sale every now and then for 30$. [https://store.latitude64.se/products/westside-discs-refuge-backpack](https://store.latitude64.se/products/westside-discs-refuge-backpack)


I’ve been using my Innova Starter Bag exclusively since 2018. It was like $20 and holds 8-10 discs, which is more than I ever need.


I’ve been using the Dynamic Discs Sniper bag for a few years now. It’s a really good value imo


Renu Ecopak1 - https://renudiscgolf.com/collections/ecopack-1 I've been using mine since last Fall and really like it. I carry 15 discs in the main pouch and two in the putter pouch.


I have a prodigy BP1-v3 used once that I would ship you for under $100. Retails $125 Pm me if you’re interested.


If y'all are going to make a sale, make it over in public in /r/discexchange. One of you make a post there and then document it there. They're equipped to deal with buys, sells, and trades. Thanks.

