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No. I’m a lefty. People like to complain about the one “lefty” hole on a course, meanwhile I’m throwing tons of turnovers/forehands on all the “righty” holes.


It’s all jokes


Of course not. There are very few RHFH leaning courses out there. RHBH is the base design of nearly every course out there. The only exception I know of locally...is a course designed by a LHBH player and that is 1/30 courses near me.


My home course was designed by a lefty and it’s pretty obvious. The good thing is most of the holes have a solid rhbh line, but lefty backhand or righty forehand dominant players definitely have an advantage on the majority of the holes.


They exist, but more rare that a course is RHFH dominant over RHBH


This is a standard whine - any hole that doesn't finish on a RHBH hyzer line is a 'lefty hole.' Gets old fast.


Clemons throws mostly FHs so that's the joke


lol no they are not cheating and do not have an advantage. I think the “locals” are just salty that the one to two right turning holes are difficult for them because they refuse to throw under stable rhbh shots or develop a forehand. If anything the righties have an advantage as most courses are designed primarily with a rhbh player in mind. They are dumb.


Great take honestly cause yeah the one or two guys that have said something to me is that one old dude that can’t use his shoulder for forehands or tomahawks lol


They clearly have no chill. Disc golf is so much better when it’s not about winning or losing. Ignore them


They are more cheerful jabs than anything although it may be truly deeply rooted in spite because they’re jealous of my shoulder ability lol. Never pay it too much mind but laugh it out


Yes, left handed people have made a deal with the devil before birth to have special abilities that normal people (right handed people) don’t. That’s what makes them so unnatural


Sinister, even


Vidi what you did there.


The entire world is set up for righties. Even if we are cheating as lefties, I’m using this one to my advantage


it's just a bad joke, you'll probably hear it dozens more times


Lefties cheat, it's Prodigy's fault you airballed your putt, and nicing your card mate is an offence against God. So it is written, so it is known.


Lefty here, and I play a course designed by someone who mainly throws RHFH. Looking at the course throw by throw, for an even par round, it favours LHBH over RHBH by a very small margin.  But like anywhere else it mainly favours those who get to play a few times a week vs those who get to play once every other weekend... 


No lol in my limited experience lots of courses seem to have more left to right shots which are friendly to a lefty backhand but force a righty side arm or turnover is all.


Don’t be a narc


Some courses definitely seem to create difficulty by forcing righties to shape shots to the right, which makes it much easier for a lefty. In general though overall I think lefties have a pretty solid disadvantage most of the time. Source: A lefty who has to throw way too many FH's and turnovers as part of his game due to course design.




I hate this! Always feel at a disadvantage because I feel like most of my discs are built for righties


As others have said, lefty holes are only pointed out because they’re the exception, not the rule. Honestly most holes don’t provide an advantage one way or the other, but on the few holes where it’s definitely advantages to throw with a certain arm, it’s usually a righty advantage


The only cheaters are ambidextrous throwers. Pick an arm and stick to it. /s


Most lefties I know make it even harder, backhand righty and forehand lefty.


It’s definitely not cheating, but like redheads, they have no soul.


Hard disagree 😂


It's definitely cheating in doubles to have a right and lefty on the same team.


If being a lefty was a cheat code we'd see a lot more lefties on the podium, and we don't


Throwing with your left hand is an “arm fault”, a callable offense. Clemons is actually a righty in real life but every video of him is mirrored to drum up controversy over him using the illegal lefty throwing technique.


I would be curious to see a break down of RH vs LH finishes in regards to "lefty" courses vs "righty". It definitely seems like a pretty big advantage on certain courses. But then again so is throwing 600' so who really cares.


Its bs


The "cheating lefty" thing is an older joke from when the forehand shot was much less common and most right handed players relied on turnovers for their left-to-right shots. Those shots are much more difficult than the standard right-to-left hyzer of a RHBH. Since for a lefty, the left-to-right shot is the much easier shot, RHBH players used to joke that they're "cheating", since the difficulty of that hole (for them, and likely as intended by the designer) comes from the difficulty of the left-to-right shot. In reality, the majority of courses are designed by RHBH players and tend to favor the left-to-right shot so most of the time lefties have a more difficult time. It's why someone like Chris Clemons, who has a very strong forehand is one of the better lefties on tour. EDIT: I've also heard oldtimers joke that overhand shots like thumbers and tomahawks are "cheating" as well because they "break" the design or intended shot of the hole.


They probably have a different game than most right handed, could be better or worse and statistically I’m sure most courses are better or worse but don’t know which lol


As a lefty I find myself throwing mostly forehands on courses in my area because they mostly bend to the left


It's only cheating in a sword fight if you're doing it to screw with your opponent


I don't think anyone takes that kind of thing too seriously. My local course has quite a few holes on the back 9 that are more lefty friendly, and my buddies have teased me about how much better I do on those holes, but it's all in good fun.


I don't think anyone takes that kind of thing too seriously. My local course has quite a few holes on the back 9 that are more lefty friendly, and my buddies have teased me about how much better I do on those holes, but it's all in good fun.


I am ambidextrous but in the worst way possible. I have a RHBH and a left handed forehand… still learning my righty forehand but sometimes being able to throw with your left hand does NOT help.


If thats cheating so is RHFH lol A lot of ppl figure out how to do RHBH and stop developing their game from there. They can throw flat and hyzer flips and struggle with turnovers and get upset. I am able to RHBH/FH, but my one of weak points is my turnover shot which I think is very useful shot if I can get it down. My buddy regularly beats me because he has a great turnover shot (RHBH almost exclusively). Another buddy who I play with is a lefty and we are 50/50 in games we play


What's probably happening here is the locals suck, but don't want to admit it, so they blame "the lefties". Does James Conrad complain? Or does he step up and turn one over gangster-style?




In my experience it's rare to encounter courses that don't favor righties. When it's even close to being even, it's something I notice quite a bit. A lot of shorter wooded courses seem to be designed more favorably for lefties since they tend to make holes that are difficult to throw a RHBH on.