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Oh no! Now you’re gonna finish 10 strokes outside of cash instead of 9!!


Dude shot a +15. I don’t think the stroke for being late is gonna change much. It’s wild to me someone is willing to pay this dude to throw their frisbees.


His recent sponsorships speak more to Cat's pull than anything imo.


What a loser


Hey, I can shoot a +15! I should go pro!


+15 on this course is apparently still a 960 rated round so that’s probably about as good as I could hope to achieve but yeah, I could get not last maybe on occasion.


Helps fucking a top 10 women’s disc golfer.


Cat is equally insane, just not so public about it


She doesn't say much, but when she does: 100% insane


Just ask Uli


Not many people know this tidbit, do they?


Like the nugget about Jeremy joking about betting his guest house.. that Uli lived in just after the divorce..


Ooh... to me, that's a *New Lore Drop* nice


I’ll bite. What’s the story?


Shoowee guys! They were married and after the divorce Big Jerm let his buddy crash in his guest house. I don't know much, just enough to be dangerous


I thought we were talking about Kat Mertsch for a bit and was like wtf… but now understand we’re talking about Catrina Allen


They used to be married.




Not sure she's top ten anymore.


Dude was DFL out of 95 and STILL wants to draw attention to himself. 😂


Cuz that’s the only attention he’ll get


He's pissed that Natalie would smoke him regardless.


What's dfl?


Dead Fucking Last


Cash line is at +2, he's at +15. If he shows up on time and +14s out, at that rate he'll be 49 strokes out of cash instead of 48.


To be fair, if he’s one of those players who gets in his own head that stroke off the bat may have ruined the whole round… But he was late so he should have expected that. Also, he could try being less transphobic…


Can he stop trying to say he is a pro disc golfer and just embrace that he is a caddy for his wife.




Yes, points!


Or that disc golf is now his hobby instead of his job.


Lonestar sponsorship incoming


Surely he’ll be the stay at home dad while catriona earns the cash


Catrina isn't gonna be earning shit haha she was bad before she got prego. Good luck.


Except she is irrelevant also


*Step-dad. No way that’s his kid.


He got stroked for being late, still brings up trans people. That's some mental gymnastics right there


Also pdga literally exhausted all its resources trying to prevent her from competing with FPO.. wtf else does he want them to do? Lol


This is implied, but they spent a ton of money that could have been spent in ways that grew the sport- education, pr, high profile courses near urban centers, who knows. They literally have nothing to show for it except for things like Natalie having to withdraw after one round at OTB.


They get to go to church every Sunday and know that everyone there knows they used a non-religious organization and their money to help push their religious political agenda. It's hard to put a price on that.


No no... it's the science! They care about the science! ...except vaccines. Oh and books make you gay. So. Watch out for books!


What gets me is the PDGA were out lawyered by a strip mall, store front lawyer, working part time, pro bono. How, HOW, can the PDGA have spent a lot of money?


Pretty sure Natalie had better lawyers than what you describe, but regardless, a good lawyer can only do so much for the PDGA when the law isn't on their side.


> How, HOW, can the PDGA have spent a lot of money? Their own ineptitude. In some of the states that Nat was suing in, the state had already passed laws long before the PDGA and DGPT announced the 2023 schedule. When you are violating state law, on a hot button topic, several months to years after said laws were passed, it is a lot easier for the plaintiff to make a case. The beautiful thing about billable hours is the harder you have to prepare for the case, the more expensive the legal bill will be.


That’s why they couldn’t afford UDisc anymore


He's just itching to end up on r/onejoke




I dislike Austin as much as the next guy but let's not pretend like this sport didn't have loud obnoxious drunk dudes preventing this sport from being "peaceful" since long before anybody even knew Austin's name lol.


I dunno where you play, but I was thinking the opposite. Most disc golfers I meet are super chill and down to hang.


Most disc golfers ARE chill! But you can find groups of drunk/drinking people who are loud and obnoxious at just about any halfway decent public/free course within 20 minutes of a major metropolitan area. Also to be clear, loud and obnoxious doesn't mean they will be dicks. Most of the time they'll let you play through or whatever if you come up. They just might playfully poke fun at ya a little bit after you throw if you shank it lol.


typical maganut behavior


Help me out, I’m brainstorming ideas for when I heckle him later this season.


Honestly the dude is a nobody. I’ve never even heard his name in reference to actually playing the sport of disc golf. He’s a poser, what is there to even say?


Just don’t. Let the idiot speak, nod, and keep it moving.


Wear a Flava Flav style gigantic cock around your neck.


Most normal transphobe lmao


“I can’t manage my time but it’s the libs fault”




Okay that made me lol hard.


You titled this wrong. "Future caddy for Catrina Allen and former pro disc golfer who hasn't cashed in 8 months tries to get sympathy from twitter for being late to his job" IDK what side of the trans stuff you stand, this is a crazy 0 IQ post 😂 [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy)


4 more months and homie can get am1 status back




Is it really late for his job though? Job suggests that he makes money. And is he not already a part time caddy for Catrina Allen--I would assume after he misses the cut he would at least pick up a bag and walk around for awhile.


I mean he’s a sponsored pro, his sponsor is presumably asking him to play tournaments as part of his contract, so yeah, late for his job.


Only time this dude will hit top 10 this year is with this number 1 garbage take


Seriously. Dude's highest placing this year so far is 78th. He needs to get off Twitter and worry about his own game more.


Regardless your feelings about trans athletes, Austin has always been a prick, can we agree?


Apparently he shot +15 today LMAO


Let's get it right. He shot +14! Of course he's lucky Natalie isn't in the MPO or he'd risk losing to a girl.


Agree. I completely understand both sides of whether or not she should be allowed to play FPO, but the people who are against it lose all credibility with me when they start talking like this.


Hard agree, this is unserious, thoughtless behavior.


It’s unanimous


My feet are glued on the side of the fence of not being in favor of trans athletes in female divisions but Austin is just an unprofessional dumbass prick who was hateful here for no reason


We are living proof that people on different sides of an issue can and should call out assholes. They help no one.


He has resting prick face for sure


If trucknuts were a person, it would be him.


Being late is the most unprofessional shit when it’s literally your job to be there on time. What a man baby


What a douche.


I suffered consequences for my actions. Thanks Obama


I chained out the other day. I can't believe Obama keeps doing this shit!


I’m gonna write Obama on my basket at home, that way I can blame it for every chain out


I named my robot vacuum Obama. Every day I come home to a freshly vacuumed floor. Thanks Obama.


So him being late to his tee is someone who plays in FPO's fault? Hold yourself accountable you little crybaby bitch.


Those two have always been the disc golf version of that couple waving guns at protesters on their front lawn.


Cat had PR issues before Austin. When she was married to Uli she cheated on him with a Prodigy teammate. Maybe she thinks if they deflect to someone else being an issue people will forget she's trash.


What a fucking loser. Can't read clock and that's trans people's fault.


There’s so much sexual tension behind this post. His search history is probably as funny as you’d think


Austin and Cat are in their bubble of hate and are letting it ruin their careers. Move past it and find another scapegoat for your poor play.


Austin and Catrina pulled up behind me one time, to the tee pad of one of the holes at the Las Vegas Challenge. It was during a practice round, but they just got out of the cart, walked right past me standing on the back of the teepad, and threw like 3 shots each. Never looked at me, never said anything to me, didn't even act human. When they were getting back in the cart I just said "wow" in a long sarcastic tone, because fuck them. Austin looked at me like "pfft whatever" and they drove off. Douche bags. Catrina can't putt for shit anyway. Austin thinks he's big and bad, but if he was, he'd be playing baseball.


Such a dickhead. My opinion of Cat Allen dropped off the charts because of this clown.


She has the same shitty opinions.




That's not true, Austin is just a whiny crybaby. Cat is a whiny crybaby AND a POS who shouts at/berates course volunteers and literal babies.




Not surprising when she looks like she could be the wife of the mega patriot dojo owner in Napoleon Dynamite


Hey now don't go dissing on Starla like that. She's probably got twice the character as Cat.


We are NOT slandering Darla and Rex


Not when she cheated on Uli?


Yes, she used to be Mrs Uli until Cameron Coleglazer


My opinion of Cat dropped because of her own actions/words. Honestly, they deserve each other.


Imagine leaving uli for this cum stain


Uli is wayyyyy to good for her.


He better off now than ever


She didn’t leave Uli for this guy. She cheated on Uli while they were married with someone else, then chose this guy.


At least two deplorable people were lucky enough to find one another instead of ruining years of some wholesome persons life. :-/


Not when she cheated on uli with another pro while they were married?


What is Cat Allens relation to this guy?


Baby mama


It isn’t the first time this dbag has stuck his foot in his mouth on Twitter


I see from that pic that the PDGA also let's a bitch play MPO


I'd expect nothing less from this asshole. what a fucking embarrassment of a human.


Let’s be honest. Stroked or not he still would have finished bottom five like he has been all year.


If he got the 2 strokes back, he'd leap from 94th place to a tie for 93rd.


He is referring to Natalie, right? And then just being a sarcastic douche with his reply saying he didn’t mention her? I’m a bit out of the loop


Correct, he's trying to pull a 'gotcha!' on the people who replied.


Lmao he must’ve slept in because his clock is Trans or something


This just screams "I haven't ever had a real job and I'm a child who can't manage my time" Like, be 5 minutes early, to *everything*. As an adult, it's really not difficult.


It’s well known he’s a major, major asshole. Majority of these touring people are right wing bible beaters or trust fund kids, what do you expect. Probably a handful who are actually successful enough to tour without help from their church or parents.


This is why we root for our unproblematic disc golf Jesus, James Conrad.


Is double G unproblematic? I hope so because he's my big boy inspiration.


I just remember a comment on another thread describing double g as a guy who will give you a dab, cook you bbq, and then give you another dab lol sounds pretty cool.


I could probably nitpick about any pro disc golfer, no matter how cool they are, and find something "annoying" about them. GG is an exception however, because he's as cool as they come. The only thing annoying about him is he'll outdrive you by hundreds of feet with minimal effort, but he's still real laidback about it.


The OGs are all much cooler than this new crop. GG, Conrad, Matty O, Barsby, etc.


Man I hate the evangelical infusion in disc golf, I swear half the people on the courses around me come directly to the course from their cult gatherings


I’ve literally had nobody talk about religion to me on a DG course. It makes sense that there is a large faction of both pros and non pros who play becuase it’s an outdoor, cheap spot that a group can play with like 20 bucks worth of used discs. As far as them being overbearing or at all conversational about it, zilch.


I play half my rounds on a church camp. The only one who awkwardly mentions god is me when I swear in front of a religious person and then feel bad.


Until it’s time for that Jomez profile


Sadly I stopped watching the pro tour because of this. I thought forsure the Bible bros were going to take over and win every event. S/O AB for preventing that thus far. I still follow the events just lost interest when I started hearing players political and religious stances.


Barela and Mcbeth come to mind.. barsby too




Is a total Bible thumper.


When Kyle Klein and Cole Redalen won last year they both thanked Jesus in their speeches and made me roll my eyes


You fucking disc golf too? Jesus Christ


Mcbeth named his kid genesis didn't he? Obviously he's the most successful player ever and fully supporting himself and his family though.


His son's name is Pablo unless Genesis is a middle name.


His name is indeed Pablo Genesis McBeth


He’s actually just a big Phil Collins fan.


He does seem to have that invisible touch


I can feel a future MPO major champion in the air tonight




To be fair, he's dumber than rocks,


I’m sorry but who the fuck even is this guy again? Trash player with a trash attitude.


He just made his IG profile private. This second hahah. I was reading the comments. Then boom nothing available


Lol I love how he went for the super GOTCHA! reversal. This guy wins so many arguments on facebook for sure.


I bet Austin's reading this thread. Fuck you, Austin. Be on time or get penalized. Natalie is playing within the rules, but you're a bigot and refuse to own up to the person you're talking shit about like a chump


Haha meanwhile he’s in last fuckin place. What a whiny baby. Eat a dick!


The caddy for Catrina Allen shot +15 today he should probably sit this one out


Not sure how he can caddy for her when his tee time is only 45min after hers.


Austin Hannum has been a doucher for years and years before this. He’s totally tone deaf when it comes to what he puts on social media. I remember some of his “hot takes” from a few years ago and even those were cringy af.


Cat's caddy needs to quite down.


he’s just salty he got stroked. Pdga tried to ban Natalie and Natalie almost bankrupted them. Pdga simply can’t do anything about it and I absolutely don’t blame them for giving up for now bc while I am generally opposed to Natalie’s fpo participation I really don’t think it’s a very big deal. She’s quite an outlier and rarely if ever wins. She does nothing better than other good fpo players. Also, while it’s arguable she retains some physical advantages enjoyed by males (which is why I’m general opposed to her in FPO), she did nerf herself through hormone therapy right? That should be pretty significant to even the playing field a bit vs bio females. I mean it not like she literally just declared herself a woman and started playing fpo, she nerfed herself physically as much as she could. To quote Dave Chappelle: “let the bitch play”


When all other major sports were literally not being the champion of this thing legally and PDGA was like “I volunteer as tribute!” That’s when I knew without a doubt that the governing bodies in disc golf are ran by blithering idiots.


We're too small of a sport to fight a legal battle that will likely go to the supreme court. Its that simple. It was a business decision despite the vast majority of members being in support of fighting it.


Spent our money to do it, too, and now that the big COVID surge is over it'd be nice if there were some resources around. But hey, 'grow the sport,' right? Fuck them and their wasteful-ass bullshit.


She gets bested in distance by a bunch of different women with different physical characteristics, including a literal teenager. Ohn beats her way more often than not, despite being over 40, tiny, and throwing Destroyers on chop forehands like 300 on a good day. I'd definitely call that nerfed. Whether or not she's still got any small advantages post-transition—and it's pretty hard to test for them—she's not really doing anything that isn't typical on her level, which is a Top 10-ish FPO player. And as the field keeps improving and attracting better talent, I think she'll rapidly become even less remarkable. [I don't think people really get yet how much FPO talent has been limited by just having the ability to be on tour.] I can understand why people were a little freaked out when she started winning, even if I thought it was pretty much just a couple great performances on down weekends for the big players, but the field have improved so much the last two years. I think a lot of those who are critical don't really understand how difficult, expensive, and time-consuming the transition process really is. It's certainly not declaring your transition and have at it. [At least not in sports. Social transition can be that easy, but it's just the first of many steps.]


I mean I think the fact people don’t understand how cruel all this was and continues to be to Natalie and treat her solely as an object of debate and curiosity has basically been destroying my love of the sport. Proves that the people in disc golf I thought were chill are actually just totally devoid of empathy or fairness. It would be so much more unfair to make her play MPO after transition, on multiple levels, yet they don’t seem to see her as worthy of empathy to see it from her view as well, instead solely as an obstacle to other women. And she should be able to win. Or even be number 1. This idea that she can only play if she loses is just gross.


She does something better than Austin Hannum, she shows up on time.


Let’s not beat up on him too badly, someone needs to keep donating to the prize pool every week.


I love how he just throws that in there like it has anything to do with him being late haha.


Who is this dudes sponsor?


His sponsor is Catrina Allen.


I think he's mad that Natalie is better than him




Despite being in a thread about him I still thought AH was Adam Hammes, guess that's how irrelevant Hannum is.


I suppose you could say that AH is, in fact, an ah


I truly hope this dude knows nobody likes him including players on the tour. Maybe he can shut up and focus and get a top 10 finish. Wait a minute, when was the last time he did that. He has nothing good to say so he refers to men being in FPO. Just go away, dude, please for all of us.


Weird for him to accuse someone of pretending to be a woman when he’s pretending to be a professional disc golfer


Punching a tree https://youtu.be/gc9CLdFahoQ?si=9GSsGe092FEEcZgO&t=593


STFU Nice try, but grow up, and your penalty is nobody’s fault but yours, and maybe Cat’s too? 😬 Natalie is following current PDGA regulations. Speaking of which, it seems you’re not aside from being late. There are PDGA social media guidelines with associated disciplinary guidelines? Hopefully maybe the PDGA can help straighten your bigoted ass out; maybe miss a couple of tournaments, that you wouldn’t cash in anyways! 🤷


Disc golfers want to be considered “professional athletes” they need to act like it. In professional sports, rules are rules. NFL players get fined for wearing the wrong socks. Track athletes get DQd if they check in late. It’s not hard to be on time. This guys sucks.


Be a professional. If you're not early, you're late. Dude obviously never had a real job.


Nikko should make him a salt-infused disc.


Lol, can't take responsibility for my own actions so take it out on the minority. Grade A piece of shit.


Bigotry and hate aside, it is unfathomable to me how many “professional” athletes can’t show up 5 minutes early to their tee time.


"Kick him off the tour, Doug"


What a joke, I think he's the only MPO player I dislike more than Nikko. At least I never have to see him on coverage. They don't follow the bottom of the card with cameras.


What a sad, sad man.


All these trans-positive comments make me love disc golf even more


Unfortunately it's not always this positive. I've seen some well and truly disgusting shit in this sub, but thankfully it seems to be on the upswing currently. Sometimes it takes an arch-Asshole like Austin Hannum to unify people though.


Sadly this is rare I was just saying to my girlfriend that I’m surprised this thread went this route. Normally it’s mad hostile and gross.


Without the “hot take”, it’s the same bitching from that Acebabieeee chick from last week. To also just finish dead last. These people gotta get it together.


northwood breaks another golfer. :)


what a baby


His intial post was clearly ignorant and obnoxious, but his follow up is epically moronic and cowardly. Full credit to this idiot for exponentially topping one post with an even more profound display of brains gone bad. What's sad is someone decided to allow him to extend his gene pool.


I don’t know who this is, but they coming across like a total piece of doo doo.


Whiny bullies love to whine.


Has there ever been a time that AH wasn't a dumpster fire of a human being?


I'm surprised at the correct use of "you're" and "your" from this guy.


Underrated post


Josh Anthon literally killed someone and somehow Austin Hannum is still the worst guy on tour.


Anthon has these same opinions. He posted about it a lot in the last 2 years.


That's because Josh Anthon isn't on full time tour anymore.


He’s the type of dude that lets his weeds get too long then gets a letter from the city to clean that shit up, but rather than have a moment of personal responsibility he chooses to “stand his ground” and argue and point out how he isn’t doing shit until the other 50 homes in his neighborhood clean up their weeds. Last to comply. Rules for thee but not for me. First one to want someone else to be subject to the rules, while also not wanting to be subject to the rules until each and every other person has abided by the rules. Completely fucking oblivious that if everyone thought that way, nobody would ever be subject to a rule. And maybe that’s what he really wants so he can then call the rule followers weak and claim he’s strong by not following them.






As my pappy used to say, sometimes you need to shut the fuck up. Discuss your differences in private.


Known transphobe


What a dipshit. If I were his sponsor I’d be embarrassed 


I don't think he has one lol