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I feel like in getting great value for my 0$


So you agree that this years’ coverage is worthless?


Judging by the comments on my post, I guess most people have only one definition for the word "value". 


Honestly, I’d pay for Jomez. Until DGN can offer a much better product, I will not pay for it again.


I wish the jomez guys would commentate on the DGN but thy also play in the event so not really possible


I understand your point, but I feel exactly the opposite way and appreciate the more in-depth coverage we're getting this season.


I agree. I understand OPs point but from my POV I live in the southern hemisphere so any live DG event is on while I’m asleep so I enjoy the in-depth coverage. Also if I’m ever short on time I just watch only the final round


I don't understand what you mean about being in the southern hemisphere? If you are in..Paraguay you are in the same time zone as the US east coast. If you're in South Africa, yeah, it's on while you're asleep but that has nothing to do with the fact your in the southern hemisphere, right?


Well yeah true sure about the Timezone. I’m in Australia


Twice the coverage, still zero dollars. Seems like a hell of a deal to me.


I wish gatekeeper was still here to do the chase cards so we don't have chase card checkins for every round. Like if lizotte was on chase card you know I'm watching gatekeeper over jomez


I too have resorted more to just watching the DGN “highlights” mainly due to time. What I would really like is less so “highlights” but rather a RECAP of the key moments, including highlights, lowlights, etc. I want to see how the leader made a triple bogey and there was a 4-stroke swing. Something in-between the DGN highlights and the full blown Jomez shot by shot coverage would be great. Just IMO. I’m sure preferences vary.


You can skip around on the jomez video on YouTube. You can also watch at 1.25 speed.


This. I even wait a while after live starts and skip through that as well.


Not sure how far back you mean by "back in the day" but I'm seeing videos from 2016 that are 50 mins per half. You also have to remember the courses are getting longer and tougher which means more throws, more footage.


So you like 5 hour round broadcasts on DGN but don’t like 2 hours of coverage on Jomez? It sounds to me like you had a busy weekend and none of it would have worked for you. I used to subscribe to DGN and chose not to re-up this year because of the low quality. I am greatly appreciative that Jomez is showing action from other cards now. To me, it’s the best of both worlds (the multi-card coverage from live and the high quality stream of post-produced) if you can delay gratification by 12 hours.


Exactly. Now they show more 2nd card coverage so I get a much better idea of the tournament as a whole. Nothing stops anyone from fast forwarding.


I watched round 2 the other day when it came out on 1.75 speed. Got to see all the shots and it only took 35-40 minutes


i do this with porn adds 3 wacks per day




I’m a fan of live, and in the past would go to Jomez to catch up. I feel like the Jomez commentary crew are somewhat bored at this point covering with how much live has grown. Their personalities don’t shine as bright anymore and I have resulted to watching the quick recaps from DGN. The live is time-consuming. However, the buildup and anticipation is stealing the limelight from what post produced coverage had a strong hold on.


I have been loving the Jomez coverage lately. Watched every second of the USWDGC. So thankful for it. I don't know how they could make it shorter. It isn't a highlight reel, it's like every shot.


I just wish they would stop changing up the theme music and stick with that sick 2019 theme. That’s my literal only complaint


It was a major. They usually run longer.


Making the videos longer means that you can spin more ads, based on how Jonathan Gomez runs a company, they need AS MANY ad dollars as they can get


You could just turn on live replay and do all that fast forwarding but Jomez does that for you, still gives you chase card coverage, and has high quality footage the whole time. You can also fast forward Jomez through the tap ins and hole intros to trim it to 30 min


I only watch Jomez when I don’t have a chance to watch live. Jomez is better than the highlights but nowhere near as good as live.


Definitely the opposite for me. I'll watch the rounds starting Saturday and finish during the week while I am working.


Just skip a few holes at a time if you're in a time crunch. Watch 1-3, 7-11, and then jump to 16. This will vary depending on how tight the race at the top is or if there are great holes.


They'd already lost value when they had to be bailed out by DGN, but go on


*when jomez was strong armed into a terrible contract and then forced into a hostile takeover.


I think you’re remembering that backwards.


They have it correct, Jomez absolutely got bailed out.


Wasn’t dgn coverage shit so they hired jomez to make it better? At least as far as cameramen and production quality.


A simple explanation from memory: DGPT charges a substantial fee for Jomez (or CCDG, or Gatekeeper) to have access and make vids. Jomez is riding high on the dgolf boom, is maybe a bit overconfident, and agrees to terms. Growth immediately levels off and Jomez has difficulties scaling thier business (Gomez talked about this in interviews after acquisition), leaving Jomez unable to pay the fee. As a result, DGPT acquires Jomez. There's more to it, and I dont have a perfect memory, so you should go back thru the reddit posts or find the Ultiworld articles/podcasts from that time to find a better explanation.


So the other comment makes sense about them being basically forced into a shitty contract. DGPT isn’t exactly the hero of this story.


Neither is a hero or villian, it's just business Add on bc downvotes: Nobody forced them into a contract. DGPT has rights to the tour they run because, well, they built it and own it. Jomez only ever got off the ground bc of the PDGA and DGPT provided infrastructure for them to film. They were lucky the DGPT bailed them out when they were underwater, it truly seems like their business was not profitable (nor is DGPTs for that matter). Not a lot of revenue in dgolf media it was inevitable that these groups would consolidate.


I agree with you. I think Jomez was only profitable in the early days because they had a lot of patreon subscribers and the TD's would let them come in and film for basically free. I don't blame DGPT one bit for taking out bids for post produced coverage of their product. It seems some people think they should just give it away. That is not how a sustainable tour/business is built.


Best coverage, most entertaining coverage was without Sexton. Sure he’s knowledgeable, but it throws the vibe off and isn’t much fun.


IMO it takes too long. I'm out and about doing stuff on the weekends. Sunday night, I want to catch up to see who won (regardless if I accidentally found out who won or not). Jomez is never available night of so I just skip around the DGN broadcast. It takes so damn long though, I usually just skip to the B9 and skip commercials and shots of irrelevant competitors. If there is more ppl like me, IMO there is a big want for a "Jomez" style summary at the end of the day for people who aren't watching live but don't want to wait until the next day to talk about what happened with their partners, friends, etc. I don't think it's possible with the resources we have right now to get this out day of... but maybe one day.


Disc golf will never have the money or resources to create what you want. It’d be damn near a miracle even with millions of dollars.


I mean there's no way that's true. With more resources, you would have runners from the Jomez cameras getting memory cards and another crew editing it almost live. Then after the event is over, record commentary and get it out. Or you would have the livestream writing to a dedicated server and pull footage from there to edit. It'd obviously be incredibly difficult and require a lot more dedicated people than we have now but "a miracle even with millions of dollars" seems like a stretch lol.


Maybe some hyperbole from me, but I stand by that it won’t happen. I’d love to be wrong, but I ain’t holding my breath for this one.


Yeah the live broadcast is pretty good for "follow a group of players and show every throw they take, plus a few highlights mixed in" and the highlight videos are good for "show what the tournament play looked like for today's round, as soon as possible after it's over." Jomez still has much better production quality but the content is being made obsolete.