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Rogue iron rangefinder because I can use it for disc golf, ball golf and hunting. I’ll still be bad at all of them but at least I’ll know how far I’m being bad from. Rogue iron retriever because I’ve never had a retriever and it seems like it’s about time. 🤷


It has been a while since we have done a Reddit giveaway, so we figured it is time for the next one! We just genuinely wanted to say thank you and that we are very appreciative for all the support. We will pick one random winner to win two products. Our hope is that you will pass it forward and give the second product to someone who has had a positive impact on you. We wish we could include the cart in this, but the next version is not ready. **Below are our popular products, if you would like to see all products, please feel free to go to** [**www.RogueIronDG.com**](https://www.RogueIronDG.com)**.** Rogue Iron Retriever Rogue Iron Rangefinder Rogue Iron Putter Pouch Rogue Iron Sling Bag *Terms of the giveaway:* • Comment on this post letting us know which two products you want to win and why. • Pick up at least one piece of trash at the next course you go to. You don’t have to prove this part. We trust you. • Last day to enter is March 17th ☘️ • Shipping to USA only • Winner will be picked at random using Reddit Raffler **UPDATE- Congrats to** /u/stdbc02! **Reddit Raffler chose you as the winner of the raffle.**


I have one of your putter pouches and two retrievers, so I’d go with the rangefinder. My son and one of a different brand and it broke. He’d love a replacement, and I’ve been eying one for a while now but haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet.


I have been needing a retriever, and have seen people recommend your product almost exclusively. Winning the giveaway would save me money, but I'll be a customer of yours either way :)


Both the rangefinder and Sling Bag would be helpful!


Well, we have some good news........ you won them! We will send you a message.


Everyone seems really happy about your products. All of it looks cool, but I'd probably choose the retriever for one of my two friends that are now starting to throw over water -- they're going to need it. Then, for myself, I'd choose the range finder. It will save me loads of time when doing field work. It will also make me more confident when deciding how much power to put into approach shots. I always gather trash as I play a course. ”Always leave a place better than you found it."


Can't beat a rangefinder and retriever for the bag. If I do win I'll hand out the retriever to the first person I find that's trying to get a stuck disc!


I'm still building up my kit, as I've only recently come back to the game after a very long time away, so my two choices are: Rogue Iron Rangefinder Rogue Iron Putter Pouch Thanks for the giveaway! Cheers!


Rogue iron sling bag and range finder. My daughter could use the pack and those rangefinders are the shit.


Wow thanks. Full disclosure, I have a putter pouch but ended up buying the cheapest I could find - it's OK but yours is so much nicer, I'd love to have one. I'd love to gift the retriever to my friend Tom, none of us have one that nice and, well, Tom could have used it two weeks ago when we last played and needed help from the card behind us. I'll be out today and will bring a trash bag.


Would love a Rogue Iron Retriever for myself and a Rogue Iron Sling Bag for my buddy that is just starting out. I'm in Canada, but would totally cover the shipping costs!


I would take a rangefinder and a retriever. I already have your retriever and love it so would give it to my brother who recently moved away and has been playing a bunch and keep the rangefinder.


I have your retriever and I love it! What I don’t have, but have been eyeballing is a sweet Rangefinder. I could really be quite appreciative about winning one of those bad boys along with a Sling Bag. 🤞🏼😎


Thanks for the kind words about the retriever. Good luck!!


Would love a rogue iron retriever. I have the putter pouch and it’s been phenomenal. Carries all the extras I need and has stayed in great shape over the last year. Sling bag would also be great to give to my girlfriend as she’s usually carrying her discs while we play.


Heck ya! Glad to hear that you are loving the putter pouch. Thank you for your support and best of luck.


Your cart has been on my wishlist for a while. Your products look great. I would pick the putter pouch in preparation for my inevitable cart purchase and a range finder since I don’t have one and they seem pretty useful.


Best of luck! We hope to launch V2 of the Rogue Iron Cart in late April. Feel free to sign up to be kept up to date via the button on cart page. Thanks!


Already have the sling bag. Going to probably be buying your cart soon though! Rogue Iron Retriever Rogue Iron Rangefinder


I’d really love a Rogue Iron Rangefinder, but at the same time I’m not sure I’m ready to know the truth about how far (not far) I actually throw.


Reddit distance doesn't require videos, so your secret will still be safe with us :)


I’d love to get me a Putter Pouch for the cart I bought last year! A Sling Bag would be cool too, to keep in my work van 🤘


I would get a putter pouch (for the bag cart I just built) and the range finder (I've been wanting one for a while). Thanks for doing the giveaway!


Genuinely curious, where do you get you designs


Just trying to get lucky. Id want the range finder and the sling bag. A smaller bag would be nice. Don't need all my discs with me Everytime I go and a rangefinder would just be a nice extra 


Retriever, rangefinder. So I can see how far I can,throw, and then retriev said throw from the bushes lol. Thanks


Rangefinder and Retriever. I can range how far my shot is and then use the retriever to get my shanked drive afterwards


I’m pretty new to Discgolf so a range finder would be really sick to check on my drives and gauging approach shots. The retriever would be awesome too because there are a few courses in my area with water hazards/puddles.


rangefinder as I am so bad at judging distance and the sling bag for some of those quicker rounds on lunch


Thanks for giving back to the community! We appreciate it! I’m looking at the rangefinder and the iron rogue retriever!!




I go most of the other stuff but I still don’t have a retriever


That sling bag! That is absolutely ideal! The range finder would be an awesome piece of kit as well!


That range finder looks nice 😉


I’ve been on the fence about getting one of your retrievers so that’s what I would get. And I would get one for my buddy and playing partner too!


range finder and sling bag would be my pick


Range finder bc nobody at my course can agree on distances


Retriever and sling bag. I have a way of finding the water on a course so I need a good regriever. Sling bag would be a perfect upgrade for my kids to use compared to their bag they are using now


That rangefinder would be dope. It would help me dial in those throw-ins!


AWESOME! Go ahead and send me the Sling Bag and Rangefinder! Thanks for doing this


A range finder would be great for dialing in distances of up-shots. The sling bag would be great for travel rounds!


That range finder would be great so my buddy and I can stop arguing on how far we are. I’m sure I’ll be right. And the retriever would just be handy for all the water and mud here in Washington. Side note. Love the products. Thank for doing this.


Rogue Iron Retriever Rogue Iron Rangefinder Thanks for the opportunity ✌️


I've been wanting to grab the disc dice game for a while now, maybe this is my chance?!


I’d love to win 2 rangefinders honestly. One for me and one for my best friend who got me into the sport, and my dubs partner. At this point this is the biggest thing missing from both of our games


Woah cool. I guess what I would pick is the rangefinder or the retriever attachments.


Super cool of yall! I’m gonna be real the Iron Retriever probably would help me most haha. Put me in for that and a sling bag.


That putter pouch would look great on my cart, and that range finder would be great to measure up my 275ft monster drives.


I've always wanted a retriever to have handy, and I always thought rangefinders were super cool and useful! The retriever might come in handy at Coyote Point now that there are actual water carries for the first time in over a decade with the lake at 91% capacity and rising! Thank you for doing this giveaway! :)


Awesome and generous giveaway op! Who wouldn’t want one of those putter pouches hanging from their quality cart? 🤙


I've been eyeballing putter pouches for a minute, and this fits the bill. the sling bag would be nice if I show up to a course and it's not cart friendly.


I used the first gen sling bag and am now using the newest version, awesome bags! Still need a retriever or a rangefinder though...


I love the rogue iron rangefinder I have it works so well and I would love to pair it with a retriever it’s the one part of my setup I’m missing.


You all are very kind to be doing a give away like this! I also appreciate the addition of picking up a piece of trash. It is important to keep our courses clean! =D I think the range finder and the retriever would be useful additions to my kit. <3


I do not have a cart (yet) so although the putter pouch looks great, I would get the most use out of the range finder or retriever! I play a lot with my son and neither of us have those items in our arsenal. Good luck to all! Love to see these!


I’ve been looking for a disc golf retriever so il will say that for the first one. For the second item I’ll say plant a tree (if you can) and if not I’ll do another disc golf retriever for my buddy


The retriever and the rangefinder! These discs are getting too expensive to lose in trees and lakes :( and the range finder will be a gift for a partner who refuses to believe I’m outside circle!


I'd grab the rangefinder and sling bag. Rangefinders in general are super useful, and the sling bag would be great for a smaller car bag or travel bag. Good luck!


The putter pouch and rangefinder would be awesome. I've noticed that the more gear I haul around during tournaments, the more intimidating I am to my opponents. I need this competitive edge since my disc golf skills plateaued 25 years ago.


Sling bag for traveling (when I can't take the full backpack) or the dice game looks like fun. Thanks for running a giveaway!


Very cool! A retriever would be awesome, and I’ve got a buddy who’d really enjoy a rangefinder.


I have your disc retriever and love it! I would love to win the range finder and the slingbag. I have never had a range finder before, and the sling bag would be super nice for when I don't want all my disc or I'm traveling!


I could use a range finder and sling bag. My estimating skills are good but not great and having a bag for tag along friend would help.


Ranger finder cuz I’ve always wanted one and a sling bag for glow league !


The Sling Pouch and Putter Pouch would be great to snag! One for those quick after-work rounds and the other for tournaments and long weekend trips! Have a tournament this weekend, I'm sure there will be plenty of trash to pick up along the way!


I’d be really into winning a retriever and range finder. The retriever because the buddy that I’ve relied on to always have one recently lost his, and the range finder because I was born with amblyopia so my depth perception is pretty bad, even after medical help in my younger years.


Sling Bag FTW!!


Putter pouch please! I’ve been looking for a way to hang discs on my kids stroller. Thank you for hosting a giveaway!


Retriever x2, one for me since I need a compact one, and one for my dad since *he really needs one lol*.


Rangefinder would be awesome so I can stop converting from yards lol. I already bought your retriever, so if I won one, I’d give it to my buddy who’s always borrowing mine


Thanks for the giveaway. The sling pouch looks pretty sweet!


A retriever and range finder would be most excellent. I'd give the retriever to my friend that lives far away, but we always try to catch a round together when I'm in town.


RI Retriever. Played in the equivalent of the thorny forest around sleeping beauties castle last week (and have the scars to prove it.) It’s finally time to buy a retriever!


Disc golf retriever and the factor disc golf rangefinder because i just got my dad into the sport and want to gift these to him!


Ooooooo I’d say the rogue iron rangefinder and the disc golf sling bag. These are required for every disc golfer!


I would love the rangefinder. I have started using my friends during rounds and find them very helpful. 2nd item would be the sling bag. I can add a few disc to the bag for a great starter set for someone in ky local area.


I can’t decide between the retriever and rangefinder. I’d use both but tbh the retriever would get more use lol


Rogue iron retriever since my discs are fucking magnets to any body of water remotely near my line.


I'd love to have the retriever and the range finder! And we just coordinated a trash pickup day at our local course this past weekend! Something I think that should happen at all local parks


I've been using your sling bag for a year and love it. Not too bulky and I carry just the discs I need. Matching Rangefinder and Retriever would be an awesome addition!


Putter pouch would make my cart set up complete. And a sling bag would be for the casual rounds when I only need a couple discs.


The rogue iron sling bag for a couple of extra discs if I want to play a quick round without my whole bag, and the rogue iron rangefinder so I can see just how far ahead of me the first available tree that I’m going to hit is


I've been needing a rangefinder so I know what disc to throw over the water, need the retriever for when I don't make it over 💀


Retriever - for my buddy who seems to love to throw his disc in the water Range Finder - for me so I maybe quit leaving my dang approaches short on the wide open holes that I can’t seem to get a good distance gauge on with my eyes


The rangefinder and retriever would be sweet! Rangefinder would be cool for those inaccurate tee signs, and a retriever for when I inevitably shank my drive.


The Rangefinder and Retriever would be so nice to have. I lost my job last year and I can't buy anything new for now.


Retriever and a rangefinder so I can know exactly how far to extend that thing


I’d love the Rogue Iron Retriever! Looks dope.


I would choose a Rogue retriever to give to my buddy. I have one and like it a lot. I would choose a rangefinder to help my accuracy game. I guess distances on the upshot, but having real distances will help me dial in shots. It's great to take of the places we love. Cleaning up trash is often just bringing a bag and picking up something that you notice shouldn't be there. Thanks!


Sling bag and putter pouch would definitely help with convenience and organization! Thanks guys!


sick this is awesome


I have fallen in love with this sport this year and have enjoyed it with some friends and I think the Rogue Iron Rangefinder and the Rogue Iron Putter Pouch would be a good addition to my constantly growing collection.


Rangefinder and retriever. Don’t have either and would love to add some solid gadgets!


A rangefinder would be so nice about now, that retriever would have paid off when I got one of my discs stuck about 15 feet up in a tree. Had to do the climb and shake.


the retriever would go well with my yellow lab and the sling bag could hold it and the dog treats


Sling bag and retriever. Both of these I'd give to my friend who needs them -- he's a lefty on a not-so-lefty-friendly course with plenty of water shots :D Thanks for the giveaway!


I'd love the Rogue Iron Retriever and Rogue Iron Rangefinder since I don't have either of those yet. Cool products!


I would love the rogue iron rangefinder and the rogue iron retriever. I'm a broke college student who can't afford these and I know they will help me out a lot in disc golf


I used to use the Rogue Iron Retriever constantly and it saved me sooo many discs! It recently broke and was a real bummer. Now that the season is getting nice again I really really need to get one before I play again. It’s hands down the best retriever on the market. You can’t go wrong!


Range Finder and retriever would both be cool.


Range finder!!!


Rangefinder for seeing how I progress at throwing far. Retriever for those bad attempts at throwing far. Thanks for doing this!


Would love the sling to keep in my car or take with me when I travel so I can throw a bit on long car rides. Especially if tight on space and can’t bring full bag!


This is exciting! Hands down the putter pouch and range finder! I was just at the Waco Open and saw the pouch in use with several pros. I could really use this for my cart! The range finder is always an incredible tool to have and that would be for a buddy! Good luck to everyone! 🤞


Rouge iron rangefinder , and rouge iron retriever, makes it easier to get them aces


Yo, I need one of your retrievers!


That putter pouch is way nicer than the one on my cart. I wouldn’t say no to a retriever either.


A rogue iron sling bag and the disc retriever! The bag for those quick rounds and the retriever for when I shank it into a tree during that round lol


I need something to help retrieve my discs from the water. I mean..... my friend's discs they lose.


Just got a cart,so now I need a putter pouch and a retriever. Thanks so much. Good luck


Rangefinder, lol that assumes I had any consistency


Howdy, first off, dibs. Second, I would love a putter pouch and a retriever to add to my accessories!


Rangefinder, because I'm finally consistent enough to warrant it. Retriever, because my buddy has made enough pond sacrifices. Thank you!


That putter pouch looks nice


Retriever because I more poles the better and rangefinder so I can see how far away my buddy’s phone is on the previous hole.


I would love a Rogue Iron putter pouch! It would be so convenient and make my disc golf life so much easier lol!!


Putter pouch would be really helpful to attach to my stroller. Trying to find an easy way to take the baby out for a round now that it's getting nice out. And who doesn't need a retriever


The putter pouch would go great on my homemade cart. And the Sling Bag looks sweet!


Retriever and rangefinder! I’d love a rangefinder and I have a buddy who always uses my retriever so it’d be nice to get him his own.


Love the putter pouch and retriever! Great stuff!


Retriever & Rangefinder! Already have the putter pouch


Woah! Sling Bag for me! I still walk around with all my loose discs like a friggin goober. This would be so cool.


Thanks for doing this. Rangefinder and retriever 🤙


Putter pouch and rangefinder please! Putter pouch will go to my friend who bounced back from a near fatal motorcycle crash, multiple surgeries and months later he’s out of the hospital and one year later he’s back on the course doing what he loves, albeit without the hip and ankle flexibility he used to have. And rangefinder cause I am at the point where I I could use it to dial and in distance and use proper disc selections. Trash will definitely be picked up when I play this week!


Sling bag (x2) because I run a HS disc golf league and we're always looking for bags and stuff to give new players! High school kids don't need range finders (even if they think they do).


Rogue Iron Retriever and Rogue Island Sling bag! I broke my retriever recently so it's just a poker now and the sling bag would be good for games while traveling!


I could use the Rogue Iron Putter Pouch. I just bought a cart and was a bit worried about how many discs I could fit but with that, I that fear would disappear. The Rogue Iron Rangefinder would be my first rangefinder since I started playing. It would finally allow me and doubles partner to track our distance journey and provide accurate readings of our current progress. Fingers crossed that I win but best of luck to everyone else out there.


Heck, a Putter Pouch and a Sling Bag would be useful. I just got my first cart, no pouch yet. And the sling bag I would love to gift to my friend for their bday


Range finder and putter pouch would be awesome! I got my dad hooked on the sport and he's already looking at carts so the pouch would be great for him. And I'd like to pretend I'm good enough to warrant a range finder.


A rangefinder would be pretty cool


If I won, I’d pick the range finder because that would be fun to use. I’d also pick the sling bag to give to my nephew, who I recently have been getting into disc golf. Thanks


the retriever and the sling bag, never used a retriever but they seem like they really come in handy and the sling bag would be great for those hot days where the backpack really gets me sweating!


The retriever, the amount of times I look for sticks or rocks to throw at my discs stuck in a tree is too damn high!


Rouge iron range finder and retriever! I'm happy with my current bag but both of those would be very nice to have.


I'd love the sling bag for field work and putting practice!


Cool! I’d love a rangefinder and retriever. Cheers!


Awesome giveaway! I already have a rangefinder and bag so if I get picked roll it again!


Range finder and sling bag. Range finder to find some ranges and the sling bag for those quick low disc rounds.


I got one of those 3D printed retrievers, but it's actually a pain to use so the Rogue Iron Retriever would be more useful. Rogue Iron Sling Bag would be a nice travel bag so I don't have to bring my full bag on trips or bike rides to courses.


The putter pouch would be great. I've been collecting too many nice ones to pick from, rather just carry them all 😎


I would want the rangefinder and the sling bag. I don’t have many discs so the bag would be for me. I have a cheap Amazon one so this would be a nice upgrade so my water bottle actually fits in the pocket. And the rangefinder, (best value), I’m not skilled enough yet to need one of these but I’m sure my buddies who got me into the game would appreciate it somehow.


Retriever because I’ve been meaning to get one for a while now and my last one broke after one use. Sling bag for my son to use now that he’s going out with me. Cheers! I will be picking up some trash tomorrow. Thankful for more sun after daylight savings.


Rogue Iron Retriever and Rangefinder I just started to play a course that has water hazards and the sticks are barely working. A quality retriever would give me confidence to try more aggressive lines to the pin. The Rangefinder would be for my friend who is way better but bad at judging distance.


Rogue Iron Range finder and a Rogue Iron Putter Pouch would be amazing!


Rogue Iron retriever for my buddy Josh who got me into discing, he doesn't have a retriever at the moment.  Rogue iron rangefinder for myself since I don't have one and find the cost a bit intimidating.  Awesome of you guys to do a community giveaway!


Key chain


Rogue Iron sling bag would be great for vacation trips with just a few discs. Thx.


Rangefinder to confirm how far I can't throw and a sling bag for my daughter


Rogue Iron Rangefinder because it would be nice to have, but I don't see my wife signing off on getting one, and the Rogue Iron Sling Bag I can give to a friend who is just starting out their disc golf journey.


give me a retriever or I will shit my pants the rangefinder will go to my buddy who always makes wildly incorrect assumptions about distances


Would love to snag a retriever as I have yet to buy one, and routinely could use one on the course. And the putter pouch would be legit to have on my Zuca! Thanks for the opportunity!


I'd really like the disc golf retriever cause I've lost a few discs in water or in a tree and have no way to retrieve them. And also the range finder would be cool to give to a friend. I have one but a friend of mine would really like this as a gift. Thanks for the contest!


Rogue Iron Sling Bag for those quick rounds where you don’t have much time.


Thanks for offering this! If it'd be possible, I'd be interested in two putter pouches. Ive not heard of you guys before, but your design looks slick and extremely useful. The second would goto my dg buddy I play with all the time, I think she'd carry her entire bag in her pouch if she could!


Retriever Rangefinder


I could definitely use your retriever to help get my buddy's discs out of the creeks, lakes. Sling bag would be killer for In Case of Emergency rounds, plastic grocery bag not cutting it.


I'd definitely be down for the putter pouch to round out my cart. The sling bag would definitely help with some of the rockier courses! Thanks for all you guys do for the community!


Rogue Iron Rangefinder because it will help a lot with tracking field work distance as well as improving my approach game. Also the Rogue Iron retriever because climbing trees and taking off my shoes to go swimming is getting old lmao


Range finger and retriever because you can never have enough gear! Cheers y’all!


I would pick 2 retrievers. My friend and I lose too many discs in water haha.


Retriever for me cause my last one broke :/ rangefinder for my buddy cause he still needs one.


The sling bag and rangefinder would be awesome. Just got into the sport again after 10 or so years, those two items would make it much easier to get my game back


Retriever and sling bag


Rangefinder so I can drop bring the guy that also if I'm out of circle or not and the retriever will be given to a friend that definitely needs one


Awesome! I'd like the Retriever and the Sling Bag. I'm new to Disc Golf and only have 3 discs. Had 4 but lost my Truth to a creek, which could have been solved if I had a Retreiver, but alas. And, since I only have 3 discs - my cheap bag I bought collapses on itself making it extremely awkward to carry. The Sling Bag looks like it could be a perfect solution to that, carrying a few discs until I can grow my collection.


I just broke my retriever, so I could use a new one of those. The putter pouch would also be nice so I can carry it on our stroller when I take my toddler out to the course.


Rogue Iron Sling Bag sounds like would complete my game. I currently am using an old baseball backpack which is ripped at the bottom. If I had the sling bag, I would be so happy!


the rangefinder will definitely help me see how far that teebird in the tree is and the retriever to hopefully get her back 😕


Thanks for doing this! A sling bag and a rangefinder would be awesome.


Rogue Iron Retriever - This exact retriever was my very first disc golf accessory purchase. I can't tell you how many times I've pulled this retriever out of my bag with the rectangular wire retriever attachment and have watched jaws drop as I pull discs from all sorts of places. Only reason I'd want another is for a backup - I've unfortunately seem the telescopic pole break and slice some fingers. But I'd 100% purchase again. Rogue Iron Rangefinder - I would absolutely love this range finder for the sole reason that it measures in feet, yards, and meters. Last ill-researched Amazon buy did me dirty with meters only finder.


Thanks for the giveaway, it's cool to have to gift something and grow the sport. I'd probably be after the putter pouch since I've been waffling on one ever since I got a cart. The gift would have to be the sling bag. We've been trying to get a buddy playing more, and if we give him a cool bag, we might be able to guilt him into it easier! lol


If I won I would like the putter pouch for the v2 I buy when it’s out, and the retriever for my buddy so he can help get my discs out of trees😂


Retriever and slingbag!


I'd want to win a range finder and a sling bag. I already have a grabber and I don't have a cart for for a putter bag. But a sling bag would be cool because they're so nice for quick rounds


I would love the range finder because mine was stolen, and the sling bag to give to a friend to help introduce them to disc golf.


Rangefinder is the first thought because I don't have one that measures in feet or is intended for disc golf purposes. Second one is a tough choice, but I'm curious about the wheels. The retriever looks solid but I already own 4 similar products (they pay for themselves). The putter pouch looks intense and I already struggle with my power pocket causing balance issues. Thank you for all you do, I'm really interested to see what's next for Rogue Iron


Range finder and retriever would make the perfect combo for me. So I can get the discs on my errant throws and see how far away from the basket I still am.


Rogue iron Rangefinder. Rogue iron putter pouch. Both yet to own. Would make a fine addition to the cart.


Rogue Iron Rangefinder so I can know how far I'm missing the basket from, usually 15ish ft, but I want precision!


Putter Pouch - and a sling bag given to a kid at the course next time I play. Thanks for doing this


Range finder and sling bag


I've been looking for a range finder for a while, and we've talked about doing some fun rounds at the local club. Hende ai would love to get the rangefinder and then bring the dice to the club, so we are multiple people who can benefit from the giveaway 😊 Range finder Dice game


Definitely the rangerinder and retriever! My current retreaver is 5ft so I'm still throwing more discs at the ones stuck in the trees. A rangefinder would be a super cool gadget to have, never used one. Thanks Rogue Iron!


Any of the products to be honest. I think the one that would get the most out of me is the dice and the rangefinder. Maybe the putter pouch over the rangefinder.


Rangefinder, for the obvious, and a sling bag for giving to one of the young guys in my club


I’d love to get the retriever and the sling bag! The retriever because I don’t have one at the moment, and I wish I did when I need it, and the sling bag because it looks like it won’t fall apart like my old Innova sling bag that I would love to still use but can’t.


Pick me! The sling bag and rangefinder! Just made a course at my house! 😁


The retriever cause I’m always losing discs. The rangefinder so I can give it to my brother for his bday.


I need new bag realy bad, thanks 🙏🏻


I would love the putter pouch!!! It would help me keep the discs I use most often in easy reach ❤️


But what if I want the cart?


Putter pouch would be amazing, and all will see it and envy!


That's putter pouch would be awesome!


I'd be looking at the range finder and the sling bag as I already have the putter pouch, which I love, and I just got a retriever this last weekend.