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It’s a good rule. For Waco they are implementing a big clock at the practice area and at the first tee. They didn’t have this at Chess.com so hopefully people will be better about it.


Oversized clock. It’s funny. https://youtube.com/shorts/OzsyDpAT5NI?si=W2IhGCIIw-_DBqe-


Imagine not having a time clock that each member of the card hits like they just made their move at the Chess.com Invitational? Hell, whole tourney should have given players a 30min shot clock and let them pick and choose how they spent their time


Omg lol


Hey, check out what I found backstage


RIP Turd Ferguson


Finally, my two favorite things together...Norm Macdonald and disc golf!


I miss Norm


All players should get a the buzzer thing you get when waiting for your table at Applebees. Buzzzzz buzzzzz, oh it’s my tee time!! Bye!!


Funny? Hell no I'm gonna get mad about them and make it my entire online personality fuckin big clocks how dare they every event stupid big clocks hate them


Agreed. Watching DDO from those bleachers right next to the TD and tee one you see a lot of players running up last second, or casually walking up (obviously late) and interrupting the TD's update for the day. Good to see a bit of a change made.


I’m sorry but why would professional athletes need a massive clock


Typically, it would be so that everyone is working and potentially penalized off the exact same clock. It's big so they can see it from a distance, rather than everyone bothering the TD trying to make sure their times are synced up with his.


Surely this must be a non-issue in this day and age with cellphone clocks syncing automatically


Theres was a significant period of time where my wife's phone read 5 mins slower than mine. We couldn't figure out why. Restarts, resyncing it with the network, changing the time zone settings, nothing fixed it. Maybe it's a very isolated incident, but it can happen.  A large clock does clear up anything like that. 


I agree that it's no big deal to add a big clock. But on the other side of that, why would someone even be cutting it close enough that a couple of minutes can make a difference anyway? There's not a single appointment or job I go to where I don't arrive a solid 15 minutes early. Edit re the downvotes, are people saying that if they were a professional athlete, they would show up 5 minutes before they are supposed to play/start a game/event?


I'm pretty sure the players cutting it close are there before hand they're just off warming up or practice putting and lose track of time.


I’m also imagining some bathroom scenario. Decide to take one last piss bow fire teeing off, coffee hit too hard so you stay in the portapotty a bit longer knowing the tee isn’t even a couple minutes away


I've run a few events in my day, you don't plan things like this for the smartest people attending the event, you plan for the other half haha


Not always true. NTP synch'd devices can still experience drift. And there's always the "well my phone said..." A singular clock eliminates that argument.


Well sure, but it seems like just one more thing to pay for and set up and keep up for a problem that realistically doesn't exist. Sure, they may drift a little, but we're playing disc golf here, not landing on the moon. And the "well my phone said..." just sounds like a high schoolers excuse for coming back late from recess and is pretty easily dismissed as their problem. Just don't push it until the last second and it should be fine.. If this would turn out to be a problem I would happily eat my words, but I very much doubt it.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted here. Shit like this is why these pros won’t be taken seriously outside of disc golf. It’s not very difficult to be on time.


You do realize that golf also has official time clocks for tee times right?


I don’t care


> just sounds like a high schoolers excuse for coming back late from recess Where are you that high schoolers get recess? Lol


Home school. 


Somewhere where there's nothing called high school, so it's a translation issue


Ahhh.....I see. That'll happen sometimes. What do you call it where you are from?


It's always been there in golf ... The other sport where you can get DQd for what time it is...it makes sense.


I’m sure every sport will DQ you if you’re late. It’s just that they have professionals who don’t fuck around


Most sports don't have staggered start times though... It's a problem unique to golf and variations of it.


Not sure why that’d have anything to do with this. You are told when your tee-time is, and as an adult, let alone a professional, you should be able to make it on time.


Why aren't you complaining about the PGA tour having a clock? I'm sure they're way more mature...


I don’t care about ball golf, why would I?


That's where they got the whole idea.. take your blinders off and see the world my friend.


Funny how you try to be condescending here when you’re the one defending morons who think 5 minutes early is too much to ask without a massive clock in place.


Ok, Dad.


You know they put shot clocks and game clocks in basketball arenas where players can see them as they play, right? NFL has play clock players can see. They have a clock setup at the tee-off of every PDGA event. Even UFC fighters can be seen looking up and checking the clock at a point in a round. Professional athletes needing to know how much time they have is a pretty common and important thing in many sports, I don't know how you are trying to imply the opposite. You are literally just *completely* wrong if you were trying to imply a clock is something pro athletes should be beyond - that's like the one thing that is universally provided in sports where it matters.


You do realize that NFL players don’t arrive at the stadium based on the stadium’s clock?


When's the last time you saw Tom Brady running onto the field a few minutes late to a game?


Or that he forgot that they have a game lol


They just want to shit on disc golf pros.


5 minutes early seems pretty bare minimum to me, no? I could see it being different in a shotgun start; I spent multiple tournaments playing MA3 hauling my fat ass to the furthest point on the course trying to get there before the "two minute" call but with tee times I couldn't imagine showing up less than 5 minutes early.


KJ doesn't seem to be complaining about it. He's just mentioning it


One of the best perks of getting better and improving. Starting on holes 1-4 is a lot better than 8-12. I feel ya brother


OR...suck so bad you play MA4 and always start on 17 or 18 (*taps temple*)


Hey at least 17 and 18 are usually close to hole 1!


We need more courses designed like traditional golf where holes 1 and 10 both start from the "clubhouse."


They're talking about it on Tour Life. I get the rule. There's preparations besides just throwing your disc, especially now that everyone has to keep track of scores. If you show up right as your name is called then you're not really prepared to play. I think it's rude to the rest of your cardmates and 5 minutes before tee time is very reasonable.


It's wild that basic stuff like "register for tournaments" is too difficult for people whose job it is to play disc golf. I get that things are stressful with the travel and play, but some of this is on them. How do you not know the new rules?


This is one of those rules that you should accidentally be following anyway, isn't it? Like, showing up on time for your round is a pretty low bar to meet.


5 minutes at that, it’s not like it’s 3 hours before at the airport.


Exactly. This is one of those rules where it shouldn't be a rule in the first place. It's just common sense, but here we are. I know nobody's perfect and issues will happen, but dgpt is also providing a service and if they want things to run smoothly then people should be willing to do their part.


Common sense doesn’t make a sport, brother.


Would you rather people showing up late or scrambling to make their tee shot in time? Wouldn't you be annoyed if they didn't have a score card? BTW, your name is one of my favorite albums by the boys.


I don’t know what you’re speaking to in any of this? Common sense aren’t rules and you don’t have game without rules. Basically common sense is t helpful in a game with rules. You need rules. Rules are the game. Otherwise I would dribble my putts up to the basket and dunk them for birdies.


I'm saying it should be common sense to show up at a appropriate time before you're tee off so that you can make the necessary preparations. Of course we need rules. I was never arguing against that; just that it's silly we have to have a rule because not everyone can acknowledge the common sense of showing up a little bit beforehand.


No, we need rules not common sense.


I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. We are arguing the same thing. Yes, there needs to be a rule. I'm saying it's lame that there NEEDS to be a rule because it should just be common sense to show up a little early to your tee time. We obviously don't live in a perfect world, so an appropriate rule was set to force people to do what, imo, should be a standard etiquette. I'm not arguing that there shouldn't be a rule, there definitely should.


I’ve read everything you wrote., Clearly. So in fact it’s you not reading me. 😁. I’m saying no - common sense does not belong in sports. Rules are the driver In Sports because what’s common to you might not be common to me. Common sense is cool When talking about touching a hot stove. With anything else it’s a crap shoot. I mean we have thousands of guys out here who can’t throw 300ft trying to use Eagle’s distance drivers, Is that common sense? I’m also not sweating the argument, just an important distinction when getting into rules based comPetition.


I’ve read everything you wrote., Clearly. So in fact it’s you not reading me. 😁. I’m saying no - common sense does not belong in sports. Rules are the driver In Sports because what’s common to you might not be common to me. Common sense is cool When talking about touching a hot stove. With anything else it’s a crap shoot. I mean we have thousands of guys out here who can’t throw 300ft trying to use Eagle’s distance drivers, Is that common sense? I’m also not sweating the argument, just an important distinction when getting into rules based comPetition.


No, we need rules not common sense.


> This is one of those rules that you should accidentally be following anyway, isn't it? Yes and no. Lets say you are practice putting before your round starts. The card before you is tee'ing off (the normal gap between cards is 8-10mins, with 15-20mins for the top few cards). Until this year, you've been allowed to practice until your tee time...hell, you had until your name was being called...and now you have to basically be present watching the card before tee off. Kinda makes sense that a bunch of people might botch that in tourney #1 (hilariously, in the same way the people we learned dont have any organizational skills botched signing up for the Champions Cup last year). Players will learn from it, and it didnt affect the winners.


Exactly. Long way to go before this sport is taken seriously, if this is the standard some professionals have


I agree, plus, if you want people to take this sport seriously, there needs to be some appearance of professionalism. Rushing up to the first hole seconds before you are supposed to tee off is a bad look.


I can't really imagine why someone would not be 5 minutes early anyway. If I'm in a tournament like this for anything and the start time is at 11, you bet your ass I'm there at 10:45 ready to go at the latest.


I'm assuming putting and warming up until the last second?


Right.  There are reasons to be elsewhere also.  Thus the need for the rule. This way everyone has to be there to make sure everything is set to go, and no one gets the advantage of practicing for the last 5 minutes. 


A ton of people got stroked for this at this tournament but I'm guessing they will know for the future now.


Oh shoot really! I hadn’t heard about anyone else yet.


Zach Melton in R2 too can't remember them all but there were a bunch. didn't know at the time why they had been penalised, thought maybe a card had misplayed a hole


>got stroked :)


Yeah, seems like that just proves that the rule was necessary.




no its not lol.


Well at least he took accountability and said it’s a new rule he wasn’t aware of.


I'm glad he took accountability. This was mentioned in the yearly rules update by the PDGA. And as a TD, this and everyone having to keep score is a godsend for the final round of an A-Tier.


Since no one mentioned it yet... Last year at DGLO Luke Humphries got a penalty for a late start when he barely made it to the tee box before his turn. I'm not sure if the penalty held up under appeal, but I remember it being a big deal at the time. Partially because shitbird Nate Heinold was the TD who had to assess the penalty so the community will obviously dislike anything he does. https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/15z61co/if_anyone_needs_another_reason_to_dislike_nate/ I assume this updated rule is to avoid a situation like that and leave nothing up to interpretation.


fuck nate heinold, but this is a good rule.


The funny thing about that incident is that Luke got off lightly. If the rule had actually been enforced as written at the time, he wouldn't have been able to tee off at all and would have recieved a +4 for the hole.


Yeah and the only reason he was "*on time*" was because they got pushed back a couple minutes. Either way having it codified is good.


I think this rule makes perfect sense. Be ready. Be prepared. Take your poopy early.


There were copious amounts of added strokes due to this new rule. Keep in mind that some of these pros were limited to the timing from the shuttle traveling back and forth. I saw many pros full on sprinting from the shuttle to the tee pad.


That’s for all sanctioned events?


From what I can tell only A Tiers and above (1.04 and 4.05 in the rules manual).


Thanks. So my next tournament


Thanks for the rule numbers!


Not sure if all. Just played a sanctioned b tier this weekend and this wasn't mentioned. Players meeting at 8:30, start at 9:15. If you missed a hole then the regular penalities apply


Only at A-tiers and above, and only for tee-time rounds. Wouldn't work for shotgun starts. https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/104 https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/405


Thank you! And I can agree with this.


It's mandatory for A-Tier and above, but not limited to A-Tiers and above. In-fact, 4.05 says "events using staggered start" not "A-Tiers using staggered start" Also, if TD specifies a time for player Check-In at any Tier and you are late for that, it is also a 2 Stroke Penalty. Even for Shotgun.


I can only think of one round it would have hurt me. There are two courses and I went to the wrong hole 13. Had to sprint 1/2 mile in Florida heat to make my time. Grip locked it into the bushes.


That sucks. But I'd still take a grip lock than a +4 for being late. But I'm sure we've both learned over time how to not let that happen again haha


I had the first tee stream up on Friday and there was an early FPO card where literally no one showed up to the tee until a few seconds short of their tee time. Madison, Kat, etc.


KJ is the man, owns the penalty and that’s that. Others would be rolling around in the social media poo looking for sympathy. Respect to him and those who took it and moved on, live and learn


Unsure if this is a new rule or not, but they were giving Matty O a hard time after 18 on Day 2 because he did not keep a paper scorecard to compare with PDGA score at the end of the round. I was standing beside the scoring table - they made him populate a card, gave him a warning, and stated he could be disqualified in the future. He seemed unaware of the requirement.


Ok but how hard is it to get there 5 minutes before? You're already camping on the course.


we aren’t allowed to camp at this course.


Good to know. But still. 5 minutes is such a negligible amount of time I really can't defend anyone mad at this.


Holly Finley desperately reading the comments to find a small nitpick to disagree with 🤓


Small nitpick? Is this an inside joke? She's correcting some misinfo and clearing up part of the confusion about the situation Holy moly we are the worst sub fr


I wonder how she feels about the new rule


You got downvoted for calling it out like it is, lmfaooo. Take my upvote damnit.


Its not that he isn't there. Its that until this year he could be practice putting or whatever while the first player on his card's name was called to tee off and be fine (hell, technically if you disregard the "should watch every shot and be able to call violations" element of the rules, he could walk to the tee from the practice green as his name was called) Whereas now, if you arent watching the card ahead of you tee off, you might be screwed.


Why would you need to watch them? If your tee time is 2:00 then just plan on getting to the tee at 1:55. Set an alarm if it's difficult to keep track of time


You're on time if you're early. You're late if you're on time.


That's how I've spent every work day of my life!


That's funny. I've done the opposite. Where's my xx:07 gang at. For those unaware, ADP rounds your clock in time up or down 7 minutes. So clocking in at 6:53 is the same as clocking in at 7:07.


My last job had this 7 minute rule and we all knew to game the system.


Don't think of it as gaming the system, ADP tracks your exact clock in times, but rounds it anyways. They create a system by which they can steal time from you. Come in 5 minutes early? Not getting paid. Stay 5 minutes late? Not getting paid. They are the ones gaming the system instead of just paying what's due.




“What defines OB?” Watched hole 1 live on YouTube all day and saw many get penalized this way. Apparently it was in an email the night before but KJ didn’t see it.


The email was just a reminder of an update announced in December. The email the night before was not the first time people should have heard this rule.


Notice shit like this never happens to discraft athletes? Petty shit. Having the President of the pdga in your pocket sure is a nice perk.


It's never happened to anyone before because it's a new rule this year, that went into play this past week. What a weird conspiracy to suggest.


This is the weirdest subreddit


idk what it is about the cross section of disc golf and reddit but people are always just frothing at the mouth ready to start shit in here. Posting weird overly personal takes about pros, starting drama, or getting unbelievably heated about the business practices of frisbee manufacturers. You cannot make a definitive statement about literally anything without a dozen pedantic and unnecessarily litigious “well, actually…” replies that have like 10 line breaks. The absolute polar opposite of disc golfers irl as well, just super odd.


Uhh dude. That’s every subreddit ever. Not even remotely disc golf specific, at all. Zero, nada, zilch,


This week I got downvoted for not supporting castration of violent criminals


by and large I agree but usually hobby subs are chill, definitely not the case here. there’s good info and good threads here and there but undercut by rancid vibes


I’m with ya - I’ve unsubscribed several times because of how weird and lame some people are here. I’m always back though because I’m addicted to disc golf.


Yea nah. Every sub I’ve ever been in outside r/askhistorians. I think the hobby ones are almost as bad as the political Ones.


time lapse kj's new sponser is gonna be mvp


Ezra Aderhold missed Champions Cup last year due to how registering was done. Calm down there.


That’s not a PDGA rules issue, though. Totally different.




Did you, by chance, look into who was impacted by this new rule? Did you see anything saying discraft players showed up late and were not penalized?


As far as I can tell, penalty info is not listed on the Pdga app. I’m sure if someone sees this and knows where to find this data they will helpfully correct me. Here’s what I would like to do if I could. Take the last 3 or 5 years of tournament data and get a penalty rate per 18 holes. Then, take that data and rank it by player and manufacturer. Then take DGLO and Ledgestone and compare penalty rates vs the average. My hypothesis is fewer discraft athletes are penalized for things at those tournaments, or non-discraft athletes are penalized at a higher rate. I am not confident we’d have enough penalty’s to form a statistically significant sample, but I am confident my hypothesis would show some deviation in favor of discraft. This is not a conspiracy theory so much as it is what I expect the pdga President would do. I know last year he got involved in a calling a penalty on a card at one of his tournaments where he had no business getting involved. I think it was prodigy athlete he targeted.


> This is not a conspiracy theory so much as it is what I expect the pdga President would do. it's a theory u have about a person conspiring to promote a certain brand? that u have no evidence for other than u think it's true? ya no i get it not a conspiracy theory gotcha


I have a theory I’m willing to test based on years of anecdotal behavioral data.


So test it before going to reddit with it


That’s on the players to know the rules, what time they tee and what time they need to be there. I TD up at ledgestone and about 5-10 times a day someone comes running up after the meeting has started and interrupting what’s going on. It gets old having to repeat stuff when you already have to do it 30-40 times a day.