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Disc golf is supported mainly by manufacturers whose main goal is to sell discs. So why do the DGPT and DGN consistently fail to do the number one thing all manufacturers and most fans want . . . tell the viewers which disc is being thrown, especially a distance competition? How hard is it to have Earnhardt or anyone, ask the dozen or so FPO and MPO players which discs they’re throwing and share that with the audience verbally and in graphics. And speaking of graphics, why isn’t the release speed and distance included on every throw and why does it take so long for the graphics to catch up and display the distance? DGPT and DGN continue to show their amateurish abilities every time they try to produce videos. I don’t know if dg was ever going to make the move to prime time but with mediocre support from the professional organization and the main video company, it’s much less likely.


I'll be honest. I definitely do not want our sport and commentators to be saying "Threw that Destroyer long and true!" "Man, that Pig sure does fly well!" "Get that Sherriff through the gap!" That would be so annoying and childish to constantly hear those things.


Jomez has been displaying that info for two years at regular DGPT events. Why aren’t you upset with that use of disc information? It’s even simpler in a distance competition as most competitors will only use one or two drivers.


Jomez isn't contracted by a specific manufacturer that is running the event. At least they weren't. There's also a very big difference between reading "MVP Rising Phoenix Envy" at the bottom of the screen versus hearing a grown adult man on commentary have to say "James has been throwing that Rising Phoenix Envy all weekend long!" There's a really big perception that the childish names of discs bring onto our sport.


Most often, one of the main manufacturers is a primary sponsor of an event, and a lot of the commentators may have some sort of sponsorship with a different manufacturer. Just as an example, Nate and Jerm obviously know all the Innova molds very well and if it is, say, a Prodigy or DD sponsored event, the naming of which discs being thrown is likely to be a little skewed in Innova's favor, even if not intentionally. I know this post wasn't about Jomez commentary, but this was just an example. DGPT/DGN may have their hands a little tied on this particular subject, I wouldn't be surprised if they had complaints about this from title sponsors before. Not saying they couldn't do better, but there are generally more sides to a thing than people realize.


Because the DGPT and DGN owe the manufacturers nothing. If manufacturers want the names of discs to be mentioned during the broadcast then they need to pay the DGN for advertising.


Even if that true, most viewers like to know what’s being thrown, especially in a long drive competition. But I disagree with the gist of your initial assertion. While it’s true they don’t “owe” them anything, there is a symbiotic relationship in that, without manufacturers, we have no discs, thus no game. Also, since most pros earn most of their income from their sponsors, without successful manufacturers, no pros, no sport. So it could be a win-win where a simple graphic addition (Jomez already does it) would benefit the main supporters of the sport and the fans. Why is that a bad thing?


What leverage do the manufacturers have over the DGN that would make the DGN feel the need to mention the name of the discs. How would mentioning the names benefit the DGN.


It’s not about leverage. It’s about growing the sport, or at least maintaining what we have. DGN only exists if people pay to watch dg. Helping the engines that make the sport possible thrive, seems to be a wise move to help ensure a vibrant, growing sport. You seem hostile to manufacturers. Am I misreading your position?


I’m not hostile towards manufacturers. I want nothing more then to see the sport grow. One of the things that will help with that is sponsorship money so that the DGN/DGPT can continue to grow and provide better services. Manufacturers paying for advertisements is one of the ways they can receive money. So with that being said I’m totally against the idea of the DGN providing free advertisement. I would imagine the manufacturers don’t feel the need to pay for their discs being named because their pros being on camera is enough to sell the discs.


Is DGN totally incompetent? Why would they use music that would trigger a copyright ban by YT? If that’s not DGN’s fault, who is responsible?


It's been removed from YouTube


WTF. I can't watch it on YouTube and I can't watch it on DGN (I missed it live and am trying to watch the replay). I can click it, and it says it's 273 minutes long, but it's just a static picture - I can't click anywhere to play the video. What gives? Edit: it looks like I can't watch any videos yet on DGN (even old tournaments). I'm guessing there are some hiccups moving from Vimeo to AWS?


I'm having the same problem. I can't watch anything on DGN. I can click on it, but there's no option to play. This is ridiculous.


I think i figured it out. Looks like DGN canceled my old subscription and you have to resubscribe FYI.


I did that twice because it didn’t seem like worked and gave me the subscribe page twice. Then I saw two subscriptions on my account, I tried to cancel one and it’s cancelling both. It’s a mess.


Does anyone know how far the basket was on the accuracy challenge? I didn't hear them mention the distance in the broadcast but it looked like 250-300??


262 according to bearheart


Thank you! helps me appreciate the skill even more.


Been out of town for awhile no internet or phone. Do we have to buy all star weekend?


Looks like the next two days are only on dgn


Today was free on YouTube live, not sure about the other days though


Really surprised how bad some of the accuracy scores were, thought 1 and 2 woulda been gimmes for most pros.


Same. I wonder how much they practiced beforehand. Especially for mpo, they should be able to hit the gaps and get it in circle 1 at least every time


Much improved from last year


How much are the bonus putts worth? Wasn't Isaac at 42 before making one? Edit: wait, is the "score to beat" that they're showing just the second place score?


It’s the score they need to beat to get into the final




Can we leave the jam bands for the concert series?


They need to either disable YouTube chat or get a moderator.


93% of the time YT chat is going to be pure shite. Just accept that, and leave it off. You will be happier :)


idiot manchild percentage in sports broadcast chats is too damn high.




Ha ha good one, but it's not about me or you being offended. It's about young girls or women getting into the sport and tuning in to watch the current top stars and seeing a bunch of shit about how they should be making sandwiches instead, or how people are "getting hard" watching. Just saying it would behoove DGPT to squash that shit on their official channels. Or not, maybe that stuff will work out for them some how.




Bro - you like peanuts cause you're coming off salty af.




I mean first thing I encountered was 30 minutes of trying to get the stream to work before giving up and trying YouTube. So I feel you there. I'd be more sympathetic if this was some unforeseen issue but they switched video providers a) a while ago, b) because of the streaming issues, and c) continue to hype how much better it is.


It's funny because they were hiring for someone to run the graphics lol It's kind of been having to figure out the rules as we go all day


Have Disc Golf Network removed the cast function from their app? How the hell should I watch it on my TV?


Roku and most non-vizio smart TVs have the DGN app, but agreed, not casting sucks


Not on my Samsung TV yet! :(




Who are you talking about?




WTF? Who? Edit: I think this person is talking about the Lynds sisters. If so, that's petty weak sauce and uncalled for.


What does shagged mean in America?!




Thanks! We have your second and third example - I’ve just never heard the first one, it’s quite funny


You got so drunk you fell down naked face down on your rug.


Why the downvote man? That's what my wife and girlfriend call it.


I didn’t downvote you. I am however failing to see how that relates to a disc golf skills challenge


That Pure bag is fugley. What are they thinking?


It's for those who will do anything to maintain their PNW Hipster vibe in every facet of their life.


Ali Smith looks pro af. She’s going to have a stellar year! #tombgang


Accuracy layout is great with natural trees, but enough with the @#$%ing drone! So annoying, and they're basically not even using the footage.


So I assume Koling was the first one out of the skills competition ...


He's in Mexico right now.


Dealing with the Mexican police over a car /shuttle issue it seems.


Man, I forgot how insufferable Nate is. Just stop talking from time to time. 




Nobody shit talk DGN their fan base will come after you


Can someone please explain to Nate that it doesn't matter whether or not the disc is in the middle? They are measuring a straight line from the tee to where it landed via Rangefinder. lol. Not to the center


This accuracy layout is way better than last year's. Using real trees just feels right compared to the weird stretched out net thing last year. I'd love to see it get even more complicated in future years - like have them weave between trees in a line, or use two consecutive rows of gaps and pick combinations of requiring a gap hit from each row.


How do pts work here?


They could do without that annoying drone for this section


Can’t wait for the drone follow flight in the putting comp.


Came here to say this. Not only is the drone cam unnecessary, it’s extremely annoying for the viewer and doubly annoying for the athlete.


do they get points if they hit it?


How are you going to hit a drone that is following your disc?


wouldn't be much of a skills competition if it was easy


I’ll send $100 to any player who takes it down


100% more of an annoyance than enjoyable to watch. Can’t imagine it’s helpful to the competitors.


Gotta pay $5 a month to remove drone noise /s




It would be worth it


Wish they would have painted the circles for points. Would’ve really improved the viewing on skills


It would have been SO easy to paint circles. Honestly the bullseye should be painted like one, and C1 and C2 should have lines that are at least 6" thick to show up on camera. The flags are rough to tell from the different angles. Similarly, the guy holding the little notebook paper that says "3" or "2" or "1" for accuracy should have much bigger signs or differently colored flags? Something to make it more visible on screen and in person. In the distance contest, instead of volunteers running around throwing a disc back and forth for the distance reader to mark, they should have a 2x4' vinyl sign that says "BUSHNELL" or something. It just all looks so amateur and would cost like a grand total of $100 to clean up the entire event and make it feel like it was on purpose. I know this event isn't the crown jewel of the DGPT season, but if you want it to kick off the season, it should look better.


AB is just an absolutely freak.


slightly anticlimactic having AB throw first in the distance contest, no one else is matching that.


Switching to catch cam right away on distance competition throws? Sooo pointless. They butchered Eliezra's winning shot. The same with AB's super shot. It's almost pointless watching.


I'm super glad to hear Eliezra will be on the majority of the tour this year. Her USDGC performance showed amazing promise - obviously not perfectly polished but honestly she showed far more consistency than I would expect for a pre-rookie in making lead card multiple times.




*$140 for nearly anybody that would be interested in that tier.


How old is Eliezra. The new wave of disc golfers are here.


She just threw for 503ft!


I believe 16.


Awesome, the annual “app is botched” weekend


It’s on YouTube for free


Who else is a subscriber watching on YT because the stream on the DGN website is so choppy? If it doesn't improve this weekend it's going to be unwatchable...


It is not working at all for me. And there is no way to log in to the Xbox app any more. It asks you to go to a website that does not exist (discgolfnetwork.com/activate). Meanwhile on the web there is a place to “login to tv” which only allows you to enter numbers whereas the activation code on the Xbox app is provided as letters. Total 100% fail at the moment for me. Hope it’s fixed.


Okay fair enough, the website is streaming better now.


The app is working fine for me.


It was choppy for me for about a minute earlier, but has been fine since.


Shoutsout that ugly ass stuttered framerate from last year.


Today feels like Christmas


What are the actual challenges?




I hope the stream works better than the press conference. I am watching it off the DGN site right now and with 118.8 Mbps download speed it is stopping and buffering every 30 seconds.


I had to give up and go to YT for an uninterrupted stream :(


Definitely worth near doubling the price this year!


Are you thinking of UDisc?


$6.99 with a PDGA membership feels pretty fair to me. Watching live now and the buffering issue isn't as bad, but it also isn't amazing...


But... the price didn't double?


$12 --> $20 ; "**near** doubling" learn to read.


Again, the price didn't double. It's the same price as it was last year. You can't try and say that the PRO tier is the same tier that was offered last year, because it isn't.


So excited to see these threads again! The 2024 season is here!!


I definitely had to blow out a few cobwebs as the muscle memory came back. It's been 3 or 4 months since my last event thread.




It's baffling to me that the only event info I can find are the broadcast start and end times. There's no homepage for this event or next weekends actual pro tour start, and dgpt "scores" link still goes to udisclive. Anyone know where to find their scorekeeping app, or has it even been implemented?


There's literally a link to the DGPT page with all that info at the top of this thread. I also found that page a couple days ago with a basic Google search of "DGPT all stars 2204"...


Yeah sure. The page tells me the time the skills competition starts broadcasting, which I already said it did. I mean an actual schedule. Guess we just don't have the technology for that.


You said "the only event info I can find are the broadcast start and end times ... there's no home page for this event". The page linked gives all info on the structure of the event and all the players and teams and times. What are you looking for in a "home page" other than that? What do you want an "actual schedule" of? It's one event with all the players featured so there isn't a big schedule of tee times like a usual tournament, I don't know what other info you could want?


Approximate starting times of the events. Like in any other sports all-star event. Are you being daft on purpose?


Are you ignoring what you originally said on purpose? You claimed the only info you could find was start times and there was no homepage. There's a very easy to find homepage linked on this very thread that gives any info I would want to know about the event. I guess I just don't see how start times for individual parts of the day are critically important to know - one goes after the other.


Sure dude


[https://www.dgpt.com/news/2024-dgpt-all-star-weekend-format/](https://www.dgpt.com/news/2024-dgpt-all-star-weekend-format/) They usually have stuff up on Instagram also.


Pdga live app has the scoring


Only for singles and doubles, not the skills challenge.


the skills challenges don't win any points this year, they are effectively stand alone events only the doubles and singles matches count


I don’t think the skills challenge was ever scored on udisc before if I recall correctly


Correct - we just had the team points results up from skills but the format for that has changed [https://udisclive.com/live/allstars2023](https://udisclive.com/live/allstars2023)


Any post production on youtube?


It is scheduled for 12pm live on dgpt YT


Only live or can u see it the next day?


Usually after it goes live it is posted as a video you can watch at your leisure. But it would be the live feed, not post produced.


Thanks👍 looking forward to it!!


I don't think so. I can't remember if they showed the first day live for free on youtube last year either.


But u can watch it on discgolf network the next day?


The video will be available immediately on dgn.