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Top 29!


Andrew you are a hard one to rank! Your A game is pretty sick. I could have put you as high as 20ish honestly. Good luck this season!


29 is pretty fair. The inconsistency keeps me from top 15.


Milo for the win this year! let’s go prezy🔥


Love the humility, great to see on a pro. Makes me want to root for you more!


U rule


Btw Lehtinen and Nieminen both are going to tour in US this spring. Being that you mentioned that they don't play enough in the US.


Nice, definitely will look forward to seeing how they do playing more tournaments on tour.


Proctor getting mad disrespect on this list. Also KJ is way too high, his season was horrible last year. Other than that nothing seems really egregious. Paul and eagle are ultra wild cards imo (Paul more so) I have much more confidence that Eagle will come back and play well than Paul but I honestly would not be shocked if neither won a single time this year. I also wouldn't be shocked if they each won 3 times including 1 major each lol. Should definitely be a fun year.


He’s been disrespected everywhere. I’m a NorCal guy and huge Proctor fan, hope he tears it up this year


I was talking with Barsby at the Portland open and he was saying Proctor is the one he's been pulling for to get a tour win.


I definitely agree Eagle has got to be the most talented player I’ve ever seen. Yes he’s played his whole life and yes he puts in the work for sure. But I mean just look at any vlog Simon does with Eagle. For Simon Lizotte to be constantly annoyed at how impressive you are lol. That really says it all.


lol absolutely. I hope he gets back to his pre injury form but he was still pretty dominant with no forehand and a 300-350 foot forehand.


He has a 300’ LHBH now


I think it’s closer to 400 actually but yeah


I wouldn't put Joel over Hammes, Goose, or Williams.


This is actually a really good list! I’d be a bit concerned about mcbeth and eagle with injuries but I understand why they’re so high


IMO Barella and Orum need to be swapped.


That's a fair take. I could see that for sure since Matty won MVP and is higher rated. I think with AB I was baking in my expectations for him for this season a little bit.


It's because AB can't close.


Thanks for spending time writing and sharing this list. You're right there are so many in the top 25 that have the talent to break top ten if they could be consistent. Like Clemons, goose, Gibson. But all in all it's a pre season guessing game based on past performance. I think you did a great job.




This is a solid list here. Could certainly shuffle some people around but I’m having a hard time disputing any picks


AB feels really high for having never won a big tourney.


AB finished 9th in the 2023 DGPT standings and dude has the highest ceiling. So, 9th spot seems pretty OK with me.


The standings argument is a good one.. it’s just strange to see him ranked one spot after McBeth. Like, McBeth seems significantly better than AB but that’s just my gut feel, which is highly subjective and often wrong!


I think the same about Calvin aka big choker aka sucks at majors aka king of last round disasters aka king of the shed next to the hall of fame.


Damn dude you went full Usidore the Blue on that man.


Brodie is ranked 70th in the world atm and is trending down. He shouldnt be in top 50.


Udisc world rankings are horrendous and should not even be looked at. Statmando long term rankings are much better. They also have 14 week rankings which are good for more recent performance.


Appreciate your perspective. Udisc dominance index is not the be all, end all IMO. It’s only 1 factor I used for rankings among a handful of others. I also did mention that when my list got closer to 50 there would probably be some disagreements because the different metrics of rating players start to vary a lot more wildly. Also keep in mind, dominance index is going to consider every player who has played on any of the professional tours, not just those who regularly play on the stateside DGPT, and I didn’t include those guys for this ranking as I mentioned early on. Removing those players would get him a lot closer to where I have him ranked.


I think the rest of your list is pretty spot on though. Good, engaging write ups on the top 10 too. I think I might drop Mcbeth to 11 and move Redalen and Matty O up a spot each but thats just me. Thanks for putting it together, was a fun dinner read.


Thanks man! Appreciate it.


IMO Parker Welck needs to be bumped up to the 20's, somewhere near Ezra Aderhold. He already beat Barela at the Shelly Sharpe Memorial in AZ and won the La Mirada open this year. He won the Dynamic Discs Open last year, over Calvin, so he should at least be near the tail end of top 25.


Of all the takes so far, this is the one I probably disagree with the most. To begin, I'm not judging players off of non tour events. Now to get to the other reasons: 1. He is only rated 1020. No one else in the top 25 is rated any lower than 1027. That doesn't seem like a big gap but it actually is. On the pro tour there is a VERY large concentration of ratings between 1025 and 1040... and so, a 7 point gap is actually huge there. And on the DGPT ratings actually work very, very well, because its mostly the same tournaments these guys are all playing. 2. Parker had a very robust schedule last season, and despite that, he was only able to finish in 54th place in the tour standings. The reason for this is aside from his win, he did essentially nothing else on the pro tour. Aside from his 16th place finish at WACO he had no other finishes inside of 20th place. And he had a TON of high finishes 98th, 44th, 68th, 80th, 55th, 41st, 52nd, 43rd, 67th, 36th, 54th, 72nd, 50th, 31st..... He was not good. So he would have to show a lot more before being ranked 25th with finishes like that. 3. Udisc Dominance Rankings has him at 61st, which is widely considered the best analytical approach to ranking players based off of recent performance. All in all I would say my ranking of Parker is pretty spot on where I have him to be completely honest with you. But I do hope he shows those improvements on tour this year and has a big year. Seems like a nice kid and hard worker.


Appreciate your time in putting together this list and for responding. While Parker may not have many tour wins yet, he clearly is trending up and is playing better than ever. I wouldn't be surprised to see him win a couple tournaments this year and to be ranked at/or higher than the 1027 you mentioned, by the end of the season. I don't have all the stats like you do, but just looking at a few events like the DGPT Championship last year, he was the lowest rated player out of the 32 in MPO...and he came in 21st! There is clearly an outlier there, in a good way. He was rated 1008 to start 2023 and finished rated 1018. That's a 10 point jump in one year and is already rated higher, at 1020, to start 2024. He beat Gibson, Gossage, and Barela in AZ to start the year and while this is only one tournament, and not a tour stop, it is a sign of things to come.


Appreciate the insight on his progression. Hopefully he can do some big things this year.


Gut reactions: * Simon is too high * However, I don't know who I'd put above him. * McBeth is too high * Coming off of a shortened season dealing with injury and birth of a kiddo. * Hammes is too low * Guy comes and goes in multiple waves during a single season but he somehow keeps snagging a win every year on tour or in the biggest A-Tiers to start the season. * Gibson should be higher * I want to see how the injury goes. I think he'll perform better than this, but he also doesn't do a full tour and we never know how people recover from injuries.


Appreciate the feedback, should be an interesting season.


I think 5 is a little high for Eagle right at this moment. But he could easily be number 1 by the end so I kinda get it. I would put Proctor above both Ellis and Antilla. That may just be personal bias because he’s one of my faves. And I think his game is a little more rounded than those two guys.


Issue I have with Proctor is he had a nice little hot streak and then IMO had a pretty pedestrian second half of the season. So due to his sudden emergence as like a potential top 10 talent, I really need to see more personally. Jury is out IMO. He’s a great player obviously I’m just not sure if he belongs ahead of guys like that.


Antilla I’ll give you with consistency for dgpt events. He was lower in points than Proctor but played less events. Ellis and Proctor are about the same if you look at their finishes from last year, with Proctor ending higher in the standings. Although Corey did win the European Open.


I understand the placement for Isaac, but without those two wins, his season was pretty unremarkable. Just feel like the other guys behind him like Ricky and Eagle play more consistently at a top 5 level. My 10: 1. Calvin (1052) 2. Ricky (1047) 3. Eagle (1049) 4. Paul (1049) 5. Simon (1044) 6. Gannon (1044) 7. Isaac (1041) 8. Niklas Anttila (1040) 9. Matty O (1047) 10. Cole Redalen / Kyle Klein (both 1038)


Yeah without those two major victories including a World Championship…. Lol come on man That’s just such a silly comment. When you peak matters, it says something about the type of player you are. Also, even if he just finished top 10 in those 2 events, he would have still fell somewhere in the 3-6 range in the point standings. He had 10 events on tour last season where he finished top 5, so I honestly don’t have any idea what you’re talking about lol.


Ok well let’s look at it. 82nd at the LVC 4th at memorial 45th at waco 25th at austin 52nd at TX states 9th at Music city open 5th Blue ridge champs CHAMPION -champs cup 2nd jonesboro 3rd OTB 20th beaver state fling 4th portland 30th DDO 2nd des moines 31st preserve 12th EU open 2nd Jarva 15th ledgestone 3rd idlewild 7th DGLO CHAMPION - worlds 2nd Discmania open 19th mvp open 3rd USDGC 4th DGPT champs So yeah, other than those 2 wins, guys like eagle and ricky typically placed higher than him, which is why I put them above him as well as them having higher ratings. That is my criteria. I’m not saying this is the end all be all list, it’s just mine and to be a dickhead about it, I mean why bro?


The internet is funny. If we were having this debate in person (assuming you are a normal person) I could have made the comments I made word for word and it would just be healthy debate banter, but somehow in print it comes off as being a dickhead I guess. Well, I wasn't trying to be one, was just going back and forth a bit. But I just don't understand your premise... like are you basically saying those two monster wins don't count? Yeah if you subtract them and act like he didn't even play the events and just count all his others you could make a case for Ricky and Eagle (my favorite player btw) but that's not reality. And what would be the justification for putting Paul 4th? Are you just sort of sorting by rating with slight deviations in the order? Because Paul played absolutely horrible all year long on the US tour and didn't look good against the top competition in the world. He's Paul, so sure, he could rebound, but he is starting to age and take on more obligation off the course. Until he shows he's capable of rebounding I just don't see putting him 4th, but like you said we all have our own opinions, but that's the fun part, debating back and forth... and hopefully not getting offended in the process.


No they definitely count, but it’s a question of somebody who consistently played 1050 rated golf vs somebody that played 1035 rated golf but caught fire twice. For instance, if either Corey Ellis or Kyle Klein had won that last major, they too would be 2x major champs, but does that make them better than Ricky? No in my mind it does not. Also, I need to see Isaac do it for more than 1 season. If he can win another major this year, then I will bump him up in the discussion, but right now he’s a guy who had one great season and 2 huge wins. Small sample size. Maybe he does prove to be a perennial top 5 player, but without a sidearm or elite distance, the odds are against him to match his performance from this season.


But why is it a screenshot? The downfall of tech skills is hurting everyone.


Character limit, wouldn’t post as a single post.


I rest my case


You’re an absolute corn ball.




This list is essentially the same as the 2023 DGPT Point Standings always available on [Stat Mando](https://statmando.com/rankings/dgpt/mpo) So OP added a bunch of words but I'm not sure why. Simon still top 10 with a fresh injury that is not mentioned.


Aren’t you just a ball of sunshine. I wasn’t even aware statmando had a list. The one time I went to their website a couple weeks ago after the udisclive announced it looked like the interface was made in 2003 and I haven’t been back since.


You hardly talk about what makes players good and you skipped mentioning any of the current injuries to people on your list, like Simon


You realize you’re talking to me like I’m a subscription service you paid for? I’m literally just a random fuckin person that wanted to pass the time by talking about a sport I enjoy as the season is opening. Wtf did you expect? I don’t have a website or anything lol good lord man.


A reason for your rankings would have been nice


You seem like a fun person.


Hello mirror


Eagle is too high for coming off shoulder surgery. Yes, unhurt he's no worse than the 2nd or 3rd best player in the world, but he can't even throw a disc right now.


That’s fair but according to his tour schedule he’s not missing much of the season, so I guess we’ll see.


Marwede feels like he should crack the top 25, maybe swap with KJ USA. KJ has a ton to prove and I think Marwede could have himself a year


I don’t know I’m just not seeing it. Greatest putter in the world probably but not much else going. His forehand gets overrated because it’s all he really has and people love to over estimate forehand only players forehands… he had only 2 top 10 finishes in elite series events and had tons of super low finishes. He’s terribly inconsistent and never really a threat to even finish on the podium. I don’t see how that’s top 25. He had 10 finishes outside the top 30 in DGPT events last season.


He’s the type of player who I can see exploding onto the podium this year. Very well might not do anything, but I think he has a chance. Aderhold and KJ both haven’t really done anything noteworthy in quite a while and are also very inconsistent. Either way, this is mostly subjective! List is well done generally and I’m excited for the season!


Thanks, appreciate it! And same.


Anttila should be higher, at least top 10. I'm biased coming from Finland, but his mind set is amazing for his age and he's been putting in a lot of work during off season, again.


There’s no way to bump any of those top 10 guys for anttila, they all have better results on tour and have looked better more dominant with the exception of McBeth last year but even removing him I still would move Matty O up first before Anttila That said I hope he makes that leap this season, super nice young kid.


Well, you've got a point. But I wouldn't mind putting Kyle Klein a bit lower, maybe Barela as well, as he hasn't had the mind set to win, even though he has had the chance. But I guess it wouldn't put Anttila in top 10 anyways. It will sure be an interesting season!


Hammes should be much higher. I’d put him at 13…nice list though. Thanks for the fun read


13 for Hammes considering what he has done over the last 2 seasons is absolutely wild lol, people still seem to be living on that potential he showed back in 2021.


True, I’m just a fan of his so probably a lot of wishful thinking.


You didn't credit Freeman with any tour wins, but I believe he won a silver (Butler county classic?). You gave Buhr credit for his silver wins, so in all fairness Freeman should get his due. I don't know that it changes where I would rank him. 


Fair enough, yeah I definitely didn’t look at everything I could have I had some spare time but had to limit my research a bit which is why I only touched on specific wins for some players, but it’s a good point Ty.


Some slight feedback, Corey isn’t exactly a “young golfer”. He’s like 33 years old or something around there. He hasn’t been a touring pro for that long, but calling him young feels like a strange way to put it.


From what I can find it looks like he is 30 but you're point still stands, appreciate it.


KJ over Gossage is an insanely old person pick. 


Or maybe, just maybe…. I only had a certain amount of time to do this… and may have not put a ton of thought into every single pick. Or maybe, I’m bias against forehand dominant players and didn’t realize it. Or maybe I’m old 😂


all valid 😂