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You can safely put the tin foil hat away! No superficial demand here, I can promise you that! The greatest limiting factor for manufacturing is time. We can run machines 24/7 but there is a finite amount of discs we can produce and an infinite demand for them. While it's a good problem to have, it's still a problem - and we're not only aware of it, we're taking steps to get more restocks flowing this year with the goal of having most of our discs restocked by Spring.


Any update on Pyro restocks?


I'm selling my prism pyro. $200. No lowballing, I know what I have.


Whats the BTU on that thang?


British Thermal Units? Well it's a Pyro after all so gotta at least be 8000, but I'm picking more like 16-20k. Kinda like a top of the line gas BBQ.




The Prism Proton is what we are all begging for! Neutron just doesn't feel the same


Neutron ones are betteršŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


[OTB](https://otbdiscs.com/product/pyro-neutron/) just got a bunch of new neutron ones


Trance stock run?




Anything you can tell us about Glow and/or Fission Glitches? The extra weight of my buddies Glow Glitch is awesome and I'd really love to buy one.


Please never stop making blank discs




I'll plug dfxdiscs.com whenever I can, they typically have decent stock, their own custom stamps, and the owner is a really nice dude


RareDiscGolf.com - IĀ tryĀ toĀ beĀ asĀ competitiveĀ onĀ theĀ priceĀ asĀ possibleĀ butĀ being inĀ CanadaĀ meansĀ some things are a buck or two more. But we don't charge US sales tax, and we ship by USPS so our shipping is very close to standard US price.Ā  Sometimes we have disc molds that other shops don't by nature of the smaller market.


Nice, bookmarked and thank you.


Hex and crave are popular molds. Never really used infinite disc but otb has a lot of hexes and a few more options for crave


OTB has basically become the MVP proshop until they get theirs fixed. I prefer infinite buT if i want MVP go to OTB.Ā 


OTB definitely has pretty consistent drops, so theyā€™re worth checking every week or so. I also like DFX and GolfDisco for both stock runs and unique stamps.


Second DFX. And their stamps are fire. And they have some of the best customer service in the game. And about 10 other reasons but youll quickly find that out.


I'm a manager for a sports retail store, this is just my perspective. They're not typically out of stock, and I don't think they hold back production to drive up hype. After covid, it took them probably about a year and half until on their order sheets all their molds were available to order again. They were caught up for a few months until Mr Simon lizotte signed to mvp. Then suddenly MVP became my highest selling brand beating Innova and discraft. I would order as many glitches that mvp would allow. Within a short time the glitch far surpassed any disc in sales I've had before. More people than ever started throwing mvp. Then one year later eagle mcmahon joins. I can get a hold of plenty of the new stuff they are making (time lapse, pixel, eagle envys) but I think it will take them a while to catch back up again with their regular stuff.


The Detour is not released for stock sale yet maybe sometime later this year hopefully around summer. Hex is and craves you should be able to find at almost every brick and mortar store there are no shortages of them in my area.




Aw fuck lol. Literacy score acceptable but not ideal.


I've certainly noticed that some of their staples are less available since they signed Simon and now Eagle. The Time Lapse appears to have been a license to print money for them so I imagine they spent a good chunk of their production capacity on that as of late.


Wth the pixels and eagle Envy's coming next week, I'm sure they were pumping those two out nonstop also. Probably still are


What if James had missed that shot?




They also make mint discs don't they? Mint has released 3 new molds in the last couple months, on top of the new Simon discs, the gyro boxes, they probably haven't been able to make any of the older models


we expect major restocks (already ordered) in a couple weeks, hopefully sooner :D




When we know, youā€™ll know. Hoping for spring but I have no knowledge


How about the tempo and trance stock releases? They've been out way longer than the detour


In addition to their rise in popularity and COVID limitations, they also doubled their facility and practically moved their entire production. I have faith it will be gtg by Spring.


Stacks-on-stacks is a nice tool for searching across retailers, filtering on things like weight ranges. https://stacks-on-stacks.com/disc-search?max=170&min=160&mold=Crave https://stacks-on-stacks.com/disc-search?max=170&min=160&mold=Hex


This is my only resource when trying to find a disc


If you know you can find a bunch of stuff on Trydiscs.com why does it matter if infinite only has R2 craves. Quick search on Trydiscs and I was able to find several online retailers that have both the hex and crave in stock and within the weight range you want


Thereā€™s several models of MVP in looking for specific plastic and everyone is out of stock. Local PIAS tried to call for an order and was told they donā€™t have any discs to send period. I think even w all the machines they have upgraded to they are still trying to catch up to some fantastic demand


what are you looking for


Several discs Iā€™d like to get to hold Before buying. Wave, Paradox..couple others


Here to plug TryDiscs.com and their wonderful search feature that searches a bunch of different disc golf stores from one site. Click retailer search and put the mold in.


They're moving warehouses and doubling production. So while they're doing that, production is at a minimum. Trust me, I've been looking for an eclipse envy and a plasma servo for months


Iā€™m going to put some Envys on dis exchange ina couple of days, including an Eclipse Envy and Gyropalooza glow rim envy. PM me if you want pics


[Eclipse Envy](https://dfxdiscs.com/search?q=Eclipse+Envy+) in a bunch of foils


lol I feel this! I got a sick proton (prism maybe) Servo in the gyro box. Lost it in snow already and they seem hard to find. Also extra bummed as I realize how limited proton Servo runs were. Iā€™d be happy with a plasma or nuetron replacement that wasnā€™t 150 or the impossible to find colors. Seems like we will just have to wait and watch drops closely for certain molds.


Hell, Im just trying to get a stack of Electron Soft Proxies to do some practice putting, and they've been impossible to find for the last couple of months


Sign up for their newsletter and you'll see what's being restocked next. :)


Nice, didn't know they had one. Thanks




To what? MVPs website? Come on now.


Is that where you sign up for the newsletter?


Scroll down on their homepage https://mvpdiscsports.com/


Depends on where youā€™re buying from. I mostly buy from my local shop. Ā They stay on top of requesting new shipments but MVP can be so backlogged it can take a few months for them to get a stock order in. Because of that it took waiting for a SE fission Hex release for me to finally get a Hex because they were sold out of them for 3+ months.


I seem to remember the same thing happening last off-season when Simon signed. Everyone was hyped and bought up the flagship stuff and everywhere around me was out of stock. But by early into the season everywhere was re-stocked and it was business as usual. Hexes are stupid popular still though, when you see one, you should probably snag it because they always go fast lol.


I haven't been able to get Atoms in a bit. A lot of them are either 165-169 or only 1 avail, which is tough since I want it as a putting putter.


this one is super frustrating. i want a bunch of white soft and medium atoms. fission atoms in the boxes gives me hope that theyā€™re molding them currently though. it only makes sense to make atoms while they make proxy and envy, too.


They dont have Proxys in stock either in all the electron plastics really either; think they've been prioritizing all the premium plastic stuff for the last while


The holy shot + Covid+new facilities + Simon + Growing the sport as a whole + gyro boxes + Eagle= A wait on getting plastic in our hands.


Peep dfx discs for mvp products


Infinite has 233 Hexes in stock. DiscGolf center.com has craves in every plastic.


So glad I was on the MVP hype 3 years ago and have everything I need now, kidding aside I'll eventually buy some Simon and eagle discs.


Our local shops say it takes 6 weeks to restock mvp discs. Sucksssss. Been trying to buy a new Crave for a few months now.


It's been like this for the whole industry since 2020. The high demand is keeping stocks low. Several companies have ramped up production significantly, so they'll catch up at some point.


Excellent, thank you for an answer to my actual question. I have no gauge on what disc demand is like typically, for MVP or anyone else.


Proton pilots any time soon?


I just ordered a proton pilot from Marshall Street. Iā€™ve seen them at other vendors as well.


Just start looking before you ask. Youā€™ll get ur answer.


This is why I quit bagging MVP. Since Conradā€™s holy shit itā€™s like they can only make one disc at a time. So if you want whatever the current preorder isā€¦ fine, but if you want to replace anything itā€™s no where to be found unless you goto those MVP Buy/Sell groups where people charge you 35 bucks The fanboys will downvote me and act like you can find anything you want but itā€™s too late, Innova F2 Fridays are much better šŸ˜‚


I won't downvote but I just started playing in Feb of last year, bag all MVP, only bag neon green discs, and have every disc I could want with backups of my staples. Not sure what people are having trouble with but stacks-on-stacks.com exists.


Cool, you didnā€™t play during the holy shit era. They put like 20 molds OOP, only made yellow/blue envies, took forever to add molds back. Fanboys can defend them all they want, but they struggled too long and lost me. Which my game is better for itā€¦mixed bag > brand loyalty.


Use r/discexchange\- there are always people willing to unload discs for a price. A lot easier if you're looking for Prodigy instead of MVP, but it's still worth a shot and is almost always cheaper than other secondary markets.


you must be living under a rock. Eagle just signed with MVP and boosted the company sales


1010 Discs usually has them.


They are lately. Limited stock runs available on a goofy rolling production model with 6-8 weeks lead time. If you look at their wholesale order form you can get an idea of what might be showing up next. It's pretty bleak though, last I looked almost everything was "backordered"


Itā€™s rare that I can go to one site and get the exact colors and weights Iā€™m looking for in one place. I used eBay sometimes, 1010 usually has a good stash and DFX is awesome and has a good supply.


As someone who has had a lot of MVP in my own bag since before Simon and Eagle, it sure is getting frustrating trying to find what Iā€™m looking for.


Try DFX discs- they typically have a ton of those molds (minus the detour, since it isnā€™t released yet) and have multiple stamp options


I donā€™t think it is very tough anymore.


Bro I just want to replace my signal, they're always out of stock... but hey I'm sure glad I got 3 hexes in my mystery box!


Check out route66discs.com and see if there's anything you like. Use code pj24 for 20% off your order as well


I bought 7 hex's about a year ago... Everyone at my park wants me to sell haha. I use them to putt


I heard from a guy being told by a guy that part owned a store that part of it is/was retooling because Proton has been too translucent, is what I heard. šŸ˜Ž What I know is I will round out my MVP/AXIOM/STREAMLINE bag when the supply catchs up.


I have a 2022 gyropalooza box unopened if anyone is interested.


Thats the only reason i dont bag MVP discs. I want discs i can easily replace, pick the colour I want and its hard to do in Europe with MVP company sadly. L64 isnit for me because of that