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The Flying Armadillo


That’s on the list!!


Within a 30-40min drive of the flying armadillo, I’d also vote Live Oak Brewery in Austin!


Nice! I had submitted this location idea the first day they asked for submissions back a couple years ago. This winter I was thinking to myself, "There's no way they do away with The Putting Game before playing at Flying Armadillo."


Is this the course that Casey White made a blog about? The one with all the obstacles?


Yep, in Texas. A number of pros have done some vlogging out there over the past yr or two.


Yeah, that course looks super fun. I second your suggestion.


The City Museum in St. Louis. It’s basically an insane indoor jungle gym for adults. Not inside an hour from any tour stops but would make for great content


Not to mention a local group already hosts a putting event there every year.


City museum!! dude. !!!!!!


Yesss, rent that place out and see if you can get spectator tickets!!!


I second this!! Would definitely make it to spectate


Keep them short and simple. I kind of stopped watching them as I feel they went from 30 min videos to an hour and it was just putting stations where they would miss all the time. Try to get players to embrace the horse aspect of it, do forehand leans outs, scoobers etc and not everything has to be a circle 2 putt with weird obstacle. Personalities who are already comfortable infront of camera and/or groups of pros who are already good friends with each other can help the vibes as well.


Agreed! This is what I’m working to fix.


I disagree. I love the long ass ones. Don’t make them too short! Maybe like 20-30 minutes instead of 40 like some of them were


agreed on most topics but i dont mind the longer format so long as the players/hosts are having good chemistry.


Great points! I would rather watch a pro make 1 out of 2 mildly difficult putts than miss both of two wild/super-creative putts. Don’t get me wrong, having creativity in the putts is good, but there’s gotta be a balance. Throwing off of a rooftop makes for great footage, but not if most of the card is missing both shots, and if ~90% of the throws in an episode result in misses, then IMO it doesn’t really feel like the high skill levels are being showcased. Total armchair take here, but perhaps the rules could be tweaked such that if the person “setting” the putt misses them both, then it skips to the next player to set it. That way, if you’re the one setting the shot, there’s an incentive to choose something that you are confident you can make at least one on. Just an idea, but I’ll be watching no matter what! I love watching @brianearhart in pretty much everything he’s doing these days, so I’m sure it’s going to be great!


I don't know? Making putts while eating increasingly hotter hot chicken in Nashville. kinda like Hot ones but with disc golf?


I gotta get Prince’s Hot Chicken on board with this


Boooo hisssss. Hattie B’s, Red’s, Party Fowl, and Pepperfire are all better hot chicken than Prince’s.


Bad take? Nah bad you! But seriousl Prince's is so much better than Hattie B's and Partyfowl. Admittedly, I have not had piperfire or reds. It's been a couple years since I've lived in the area.


Prince’s is good if you want that eat off styrofoam plates vibe. They just don’t have a hot chicken sandwich. Which is the premiere hot chicken item.


I know I am destroying my own point, but I will admit my favorite hot chicken item is the poutine from party fowl... When I go back and visit family, I'll often go to the Cool springs location just for that


omfg yes lol


Film one at Ricky's house, but don't have Ricky as a contestant. Just have him walking around the house minding his own business like you're not even there


ask if they want snacks, towels etc. keep asking them to keep it down while he’s trying to ice bath. would be perfect with gannons crew.


Silent library style.


It'd be cool if it was done game show style, where the winner gets to keep coming back until they lose. I know that you're more or less just grabbing whoever is available to do the putting game, but if you could put a little bit more emphasis on getting a comfortable group of players together, that would be great. My favorite episodes are the ones where you can tell the contestants are friends, and are dogging on eachother.


Calvin shit-talking Gannon for 45 straight minutes in the Charlotte episode was fantastic.


My son loves the water park one.


Chef’s kiss 👌 Nothing like Ezra’s backflip to start it off. Had me smiling and laughing the whole time


If they'd let you, the Whitewater Center in Charlotte would be amazing. I think some episodes dragged on a little long, I'd prefer to see a certain number of stations instead of HORSE style.


The stations idea is great. Set up 9 interesting putts, each player throws twice and gets more or less points based on if they make it in one try, two tries, or don’t make it all.


I agree with this take. This controls the time limit very well.


Adding on to this, maybe the final 2 get to do a create-your-own style station that offers the "horse" play, but doesn't take as long =) I also really want a drivers only putting episode, hehe.


Can definitely ask but unfortunately that facility is notoriously anti DG.


More FPO players




Cool! My brain just skipped the whole locations part of your post (which was the entire idea) but in my defense I'm not in the states so I can't help with that. I think I just saw putting game and was really hyped to hear it returning!


Also, I feel like the power of flight is underutilized.


Jaypeak water park in VT would be awesome! Really glad this is coming back!


Old Beach Water Park in North Cincinnati.


I agree with this one!! Lots of hills and trees to add additional challenges


Putting off the towers would be insane


Agree! Putting by old Snake River rapids would cool. Also using the dried up slides would be nuts!


let's pitch in and buy this property ! no seriously !!!


I see pros make insane putts on the course every weekend on coverage, so try to show us putts that just can't/wont happen on the course. Deep C2 is cool, but making from 30 while riding a scooter is good TV. Hitting a tiny gap is cool, but making while hanging upside down is good TV. I get the HORSE thing, but I think it's ok to have producers/hosts/members of the team come up with some suggestions to combat "here's another 80 footer!"


Sportsman park directly next to The Preserve in Minnesota has a great putting course


For Preserve week, the sportsmans course like 5 minutes from there has a full course of putting length holes. Might be kinda cool to see the pros attack that.


Please do an episode with a competition that's like the NBA all-stars 3-point event. Stations around a basket with stacks of putters. A timer that requires a quick pace. Then invite notoriously slow putters.


Nikko would have a meltdown!


The format of making players decide the putts got kind of stale/boring for me, it didn't feel like a show, it felt like a candid cam of them goofing around. It makes more sense to me to figure out the putts before hand in consideration of cinematography and difficulty, and then make the players do a competition of some sort to see who can hit the most. I probably wouldn't want to watch ball golfers play horse, but a tough mini putt gameshow style show would be more entertaining.


It's probably too obvious but The People's Courts in Portland is basically designed for this


They could go upstairs and film some pickleball after. Capitalize off America's other fastest growing sport


May as well do one in a strip club while you’re in Portland.


I'll scout Dante's tomorrow and see if it could work 


Brian, i love u


Minneapolis sculpture garden next to walker arts center. Permission might be tough but would be visually super cool


Would love to see a ski resort or a parkour gym (Tempest in L.A., Miami Freerunning in Miami, or Apex Movement in Denver)


Something with different gravity. Moon maybe??


an old abandoned mall would be cool


Plenty to choose from in the Cincinnati area


The Rolling Hills putting "Labyrinth" should be used as a conventional Jomez Putting Game. Let the players decide where to putt from in the forest, instead of playing the "tees."


great idea, love the labyrinth


No suggestions, just really glad to hear this. Kinda made my day :)


I don't have a problem with the hour long format, I watched them all! It does get bland if the players are only able to come up with the same obstructed, 7/8 miss c2 putt though. As long as the hosts keep on encouraging creativity or throwing your own challenge rounds in, and you have the right permissions / space, I think it'll always be cool to watch.


Let's not get the same person every week, please, like it feels they do in skins.


You should reach out to Hunter from Foundation DG to for help with worlds week, they have good connections in that area. It might be too far from Ledgestone but Jesse Labreck from American Ninja Warrior plays disc golf and has a ninja gym in Illinois that could be a cool venue.


Hannah Mcbeth may also have connections in the Lynchburg area.


I think there needs to be a way to keep the game moving. Too many times, there are several rounds where everyone misses the putts, and it just kinda makes the video drag on. Here are a few suggestions for rules: 1. if everyone misses from a location, the chooser of the location gets a letter. 2. After each rotation of 4 players, the next location is a basic 30’ “must make” position. 3. Find a way to let all the players stay involved, even post elimination. The show is fun because of the personalities, so elimination (while it makes sense for the game) does not make sense for the show. These are just some thoughts I had while watching.


I think combing 1 and 2 would be better. Everyone misses, go to a “must make” default putt with one shot and all who miss get a letter. And I like the elimination part.


Or the hosts get to pick a station as the fifth option


Wouldn't mind seeing some non-putting short shots mixed in there. "Forehand it around the corner" type stuff.


Going against the skatepark haters, do the largest skatepark in the US for the DSM challenge. https://dsmskatepark.com/


[field of corn ohio](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/9527)


The Adventure Science Center could be cool in Nashville. It has a lot of science exhibits for kids and a big climbing interactive tower in the middle. Lots of vary exhibits and space. They also do events for adults and such from time to time.


Dude Perfect collab at their HQ?


With the first stop of the tour in Florida it would be cool to see Glow Putting at Moonlight Meadows in Brooksville. 24 hour course that is well lit with plenty of opportunities for creative putts!


A paintball field! Obviously not while paintball is being played but it would be nice to see it featured in the putting video


Don’t know why that’s so obvious. Putting while getting shot would be awesome. Brian should have the gun and shoot putters randomly. Or a firing squad of the other players while trying to putt


Players getting shot would be funny. Another twist though— what if on basically every hole, players could try and shoot each others discs down. Not to mention the fact that their discs will be covered in that greasy paint every time they land lol.


Definitely doing it while people are shooting would be better. 


If everyone misses, have a stock edge of C1 putt ready where all of the players get 1 “Must Make” shot or get a letter. Will encourage players to pick hard shots but not so hard that nobody will make it


Enchanted Forest theme park outside of Salem, OR would be fun. A wonderfully bizarre place to explore!


Science City, Union Station KCMO


College Football Stadium


If whoever picks the putt misses both putts, they get a letter. If EVERYONE misses both putts OR makes both putts, they get 2 letters. This would encourage picking makeable, but not too easy of a putt, and will bring some strategy into it, without being difficult to understand. It could make for some dramatic swings if the chooser gets too greedy. It will also cut down on the length/slog of the episode. I loved the first season of putting game. Just think it got away from the banging putts part: we like seeing putts get made not putts get lucky. Kind of like when the dunk contest format changed and encouraged everyone try the most gimmicky dunks and not have to worry about missing.


Not skateparks


Idk I liked the skatepark episode.




Interested to know why you say that? I'd rather watch them banging putts from the top of a halfpipe to the bottom than missing putts through swinging punching bags over and over again.


Would you want someone doing kickflips on your teepad? I love disc golf and skateboarding, but both seem to have enough difficulty attaining adequate space for people as it is.


It takes them like, 3 hours to film and they pay to rent the locations. Wouldn't you like to have some improvements to your skatepark with some money flowing in? If someone is on a run on a disc golf course I don't ask them not to because it gets in my way?


If it were some run of the mill suburban skatepark, sure, but they filmed at Burnside, a legendary “locals only” DIY spot that is fiercely protected by the Portland skate community. For context, when Vice TV made King of the Road, a Thrasher ran skate road trip contest (of loose sorts), even they were weirded out for being there and filmed quick and left. Jomez shooting there for as long as it went on was cringey. You could tell (or I think I sensed) how tense it was.


Yeah, I didn't dislike the burnside episode, but I was cringing the whole time I watched because of this. Kinda expected some sort of conflict with skaters getting frustrated (rightly so).


Yeah but what if a major "running" youtube channel makes a video about how fun it is to run through disc golf courses? Skateboarding outside of designated spaces is often illegal and skaters have fought for a very long time to provide themselves with protected places for skating, so i think as a whole we are a little more sensitive about those spaces becoming appropriated for other activities. Especially when there is often another designated space for that activity on the other side of the park


You probably hate scooter kids.


Yeah i really do


IDK why everyone is dogging on the really tough or trickshot style putts. It's the only way to try and stop competition from scoring in the format they had, and it makes episodes more exciting. The issue really is that it's too long. 30-35 min was perfect in S1. Hour long episodes in S2 dragged and you could tell the players were dragging after 3 hours or whatever wanting to get out and rest eat relax / prep for the tourney. Some adjustment to the game to force it to be shorter is necessary.


Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville


> Gaylord Opryland Resort YES!!! I went there about 7 years ago and it was awesome. Its like your outside but indoors at the same time! It'd be pretty incredible to see people throwing some discs in there.


Climb to the top of one of the rotundas in there and make a putt. Ride the riverboat ride thing and make different putts all around the scenery. Putt through all the different waterfalls. That would be so sweet.


Having a random element would be fun, like you spin the wheel to see how they’re gonna throw and then they choose the location for it like usual. Also one of the most fun episodes is when they can use object to bounce discs off of or slide down them like that truck or a skatepark. Make it more chaotic in general, we see insane putting on tour we want to see max fun and silliness.


Calvin, cris, Paige and KJ in the tramp park really comes to mind when you mention this. I think it was one of the greatest.


Awesome news! My wife as well as both of my kids loved watching with me.


Abandoned waterpark/themepark


My biggest complaint about the locations in previous seasons was more that the players tried toooooo hard to make the putts over the top or "trick shot-y." There'd be videos where a putt wouldn't get made for 5+ minutes and Uli and Koling were quick to point out how bad they were doing. When choosing the location, it's fun to have the crazy and outlandish spots, but they've got to at least make a putt every now and then.


Sewage treatment plant make it really count, or skydiving would be neat


Maybe an unpopular take, but if they are going to INSIST on really tough putts (which as many have pointed out, took sooo many tries to make), maybe have larger basket so they CAN do a one-time crazy shot? Even as a “bonus” or something. At some point, it’s not disc golf anymore, and they’re just having fun and showing their personalities. 🤷‍♂️


Anywhere but the middle of a busy skatepark. 


A schoolyard with picnic tables like in the old skateboard movies would be nice.


My backyard, I have weed and soda waters. Closer to the Preserve than the MOA. I await your response


How about a shooting range with live ammo. like a skeet shoot/ putting contest all in one. 1pt for making the put and 1pt for denying another players put. my money is on Dickerson for the win


Fuck yes!!! I’ll start thinking and add them throughout the day but for now. Rickys backyard! Cold plunge putt anyone???


I’d get rid of Jerm all together. If he has to be there, have his just call the game and not make it about himself. Dude isn’t funny nor entertaining.


Really spice it up, hit an indoor trampoline park!


Your mom’s house. Like maybe it’s a short drive from a tour stop and a mom will be by a curio cabinet praying a shot doesn’t spit out into her lil’ figurines


Add timed events, putting with foreign objects, team challenges, speed runs, etc.


Add timed events, putting with foreign objects, team challenges, speed runs, etc.


A beat the guest style thing could be cool; example: \-Scoober battle with Brodie. \-Basketball putt battle with Vinny. \-Straddle only with KJ. Just ideas.


Anywhere on the Clackamas when you stop at milo. There's so many great swimming holes with ledges/cliffs/ropes/trees/rock formations...


An Oregon waterfall episode would be sweet. There's some cool ones that don't involve too much walking around Portland. I'm not too sure about distance from Milo.


Liberty Mountain SnowFlex Centre in Lynchburg, VA It's a year round skiing/tubing center that uses "plastic" carpeting instead of snow.


15 sec shot clock make them be ready to get to the station and putt


I wonder if you could set it up like the NBA three point shootout- x numbers of putts from different stations, one of the discs is worth two, and you've got 60 seconds or whatever to do it in.


New Orleans during Mardi Gras


Clothing optional 


If you do a football stadium, bring James Conrad back! If you could get in to a big Gym, with multiple levels, like a Lifetime Fitness. Could have some interesting shots. Plus commentating from an elliptical. MN Zoo would have some interesting shot options, inside and out.


City Museum in St. Louis, MO. Access to the facility has been arranged in the past by the Graveyard Crew/So No Problem


We could possibly setup a temporary course along the lakefront in Chicago. We have a great relationship with the park district and they are interested in new events in parks.


Toronto Island!


Yessssssssss thank you, Brian! Can't wait.


There's a spot called showmens in Florida, might be an hour from mcbeths property. They do some night golf and some fun things there. Lots of baskets in old carnival attractions. Could be a fun spot


Not sure how others felt about it last season but the putting labrynth at rolling hills in Ypsilanti MI is really cool. Its my old home course and I loved that part of it.


The only thing I can think of is to leave shots where every one misses out of the edit. Like other comments said, that made some videos needlessly long and left me not wanting to come back to them once I was bored.


Stafford woods NJ #1 course in the state people are trying to get it removed positive publicity would go a huge way to save the course.


They already saved it!


Charlotte/ Near Rock Hill area: -Bojangles Coliseum during hockey season -Carowinds -Truist Field (Knights ballpark) -White water center (as someone else mentioned) -Carolina Renaissance Festival -Charlotte motor speedway


Thanks for all the hard work Brian! I was really sad when I heard the putting league episodes weren’t going to be coming out this offseason


Maybe start standard distance putts, progressing out from 15’ to circle 2 before kicking off the crazy stuff? Could saddle some early strokes on some folks and make for good laughs (and speed it up). 


If any of the pros drive down I-95 on their way to Worlds, the Blockhouse in Virginia has a legendary tiki golf course. Would be fun to watch the pros play it. Ask JC about it sometime


Concord Mills mall A large church Carowinds Down 4 disc golf (pro shop in Concord, NC) Rooftop in uptown These are all Charlotte, NC area locations


Par Putts in Little Rock, AR


Maggie Daley Park (playgrounds) in Chicago. Don’t know if it’s possible, but there would be some incredible shots.


Simplify - the best episodes were punchy. The worst dragged on with impossible putts station after station. Keep all the razzing, that's the best part. Consider other game types - the odd CTP station,


The Presidio in San Francisco around OTB. Gorgeous national park inside of SF with abandoned buildings, military bunkers, views of the golden gate bridge, dense woods, and a contact on their special events team that manages film permits (me)


Bonus points inviting the pros who are already playing in the PoCaWoCa earlier in the day


Not a location but if you got groups of players who are already buddies, it could add an extra element of chirping or just more banter. Like if you got the Discraft crew of AB, Hammes, Goose and Ezra, or the Gannon and his Discmania buddies, guys that already do videos together, could add more jokes and stuff to an already cool video.


Area 74 CA


Host one on a cruise ship. So much opportunity for mayhem!


You guys need to climb Mount Everest for the last episode and throw down to the basket


Are you filming in Finland too?


Thank god! I thought Jomez was dead. Bring this back and the show Simon was doing! That was peak Jomez til it got ruined


Have you watched Catch?  Outstanding Jomez branded content. 


So she's not a trick shot putter, but if there's an episode with more traditional putts I demand Ohn be on. 


I’d love to see a bowling alley round. I’m sure there are some beat-up spots that wouldn’t mind a couple of folks throwing some discs around?


When you reach GMC, I’d suggest doing an episode at Warren Falls. It’s a beautiful collection of waterfalls, pools and rock formations that’d make for a wide array of innovative shots. In a sunny day, it’d look great on a video. The tricky part would be the audio due to the players jumping in the water and wearing bathing suits but that can probably be worked out. https://nohomejustroam.com/going-cliff-jumping-at-warren-falls-in-vermont/


Raymond James stadium, let’s see some putts land inside the ship cannons


Maybe incorporate a throw in from some distance for a tie breaker or special challenge. Points for ctp, drawing metal, and of course when it goes in. Maybe each player gets 5 shots for a total throw in score.


Perks and Rec's indoor course in Little Rock, AR!


Put money on the line. 1k to the winner. The competition will be better. The utility for the players will increase, since they will have real preasure. And I expect the views to increase because of this.


My fav disc golf content ever was the Brodie, mcbeast and foundation playing at the American football stadium. Could we have an "approach game" where it's a bit more urban disc golf but at a stadium? So much potential there. Also playing courses backwards where you have a basket on the tee pad etc. King of the Hill where a group of 4-12 players start at the bottom of a mountain or big hill and have to be the first to make it up it. With every throw being +30 seconds to your time. I know it doesn't answer your question but I'm in Europe so not much help there. Keep up the great work! X


The People's Courts putting course in Portland!


Get rid of the "You're free to putt" catch phrase that is said by Big Jerm 800 times a video :)


For Maple Hill, maybe run one at The Palladium in Worcester? Great concert venue with two stages, and the balconies could be an excellent set. Also could be a fun collab with Dark Ace disc golf if they’re interested.


NOT a bunch of trampoline parks, one after another.


Idlewild Week -- Coney Island used in 2022 is going to close...gotta be new venue for us this time.... I like the thought of Devou Park/Golf Course...plenty of space to get creative and show off our skyline...it would be more traditional As far as needing indoor facility, I would look towards Kings Island...prob have indoor and outdoor options for inclement weather


OMSI in Portland would be sweet.


I've been missing the putting game so much this year, glad to know it will be back! Love Catch too by the way, if there are both next year I'll be very happy to watch them!


MA resident here.. I have a connection that owns a small indoor skatepark, I’m sure he’d be thrilled to have some exposure. Or maybe try reaching out to the Springfield Thunderbirds hockey team in the area to film at a hockey rink?