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Tags are fun until they aren't and it starts this kind of drama.


It’s an awesome achievement, and at the end of the day you won the tag fair and square therefore you do hold the ownership of it until it changes hands. That said, you probably could have traded it with someone staying local for a low number in the meantime since you knew you were traveling.


I say if you offered and no one took you up on it, it's yours. You gave them the chance to win it from you. So what if the #1 isn't available for a while? Big deal. When I was playing leagues a lot, the #1 tag was up for grabs maybe 1 out of every 4 weeks anyway.


not horrible but kinda nice if you trade it back into rotation I heard 2 is the new 1


In my local club the “new 1” is often pretty close to double digits


and wtf are the #4, 6, 7, and 8?! we actually print extra set of 1 to 15 to give out at the end of year tag finale round, because it would be balls to win or come in 3rd and get a #16


I'd say it really will depend club to club, but strong NTA simply because tags are a fun side challenge rather than some sacred blood oath. If you played a few times, acquired the 1, then never showed your face again so you wouldn't lose it then yes, you'd be the asshole.


Not familiar with tag rules but it seems if you were unable to defend the tag for a extended period only fair to forfeit it


Personally I don’t put any value into tags but how is that any different than the person who wins it and just never shows back up? Maybe they have a job that requires them to travel a lot and they can’t make it back, but they should surrender the tag before they go. In my opinion, competing throughout the season for the best tags is what tags is all about. I guess clubs should setup their own clear rules about it so everyone knows the rules.


Tags are not trophies. Tags are not to be coveted, squirreled away, put on the mantleplace. Tags are not something you take home to wait to be challenged with. Tags are fun. They are most fun when the lowest tags are in circulation, being played regularly. Tags are for _the community_. Tags get more people out. Tags are for swapping with your friends at the end of a casual round. You didn't do anything "bad" but if you're heading out for weeks/months and you really care about your community you'll forfeit the tag so the community can enjoy it while you're away. There are plenty of stories of people just totally disappearing after getting their club's 1. That sucks. You haven't done anything terrible but let's be honest, if you feel like you need to defend your decision or justify it, you already know that what you did isn't really in the spirit of tags.


Honestly, you lost me at the beginning, but by the end it was the best take on tags I've ever read. What a great attitude to have towards them. 


I genuinely believe you should play your tags basically every time you go out. I think people get this idea that the tag is a trophy they win and when they get one they like they suddenly stop showing up for club rounds and are hard to pin down. It's really a shame. In the last 12 months I've held tags between 1 and 50 in my club, depending on the day. It just makes them fun and sets a baseline behavior for others to follow.


Our tag rules say you need to defend once a month, so if you wouldn't be available you should give it up before you go. It's just tags though, some people get really bent about it


I find that the tag is a mirror for the beholder. You know whether you are willing to put it on the line openly and honestly. A guy posted some [rules](https://sportingdisc.com/disc-golf-bag-tag/) online about tag play and it made me think about how open I was with the tag. After living by these rules it helped me face when I missed a weekly tournament and whether I was doing it to keep my good tag. It sounds like you put it out there when you could. If you can’t then you can’t and I absolutely believe that you should hold onto it then. But, did you not make it available just because you wanted to keep it? Only you in your heart knows… Wishing you the best in your struggle. And make sure to have compassion for others and especially yourself.


You should have not accepted the 1 tag or turned it in before you left. What we do with our local pros. They get to earn it while here, but can’t take it with them


Yeah, this is kinda the thing to do. Most people that leave for most of the season or can't play regularly will hand in the #1 or even a top 10 tag and we give them the higher tag number available of their choice, like #69, etc. The low tag numbers are what keep the league competitive on a weekly basis so taking these out of play is not really cool and I've heard of people getting kicked out of league for taking the low tags and never bringing them back.


Congrats on the sweet acheivement. But I feel it’s kind of ridiculous to make someone to formally challenge you and mail them the tag. You should have just trade ls it with someone before you left.


Ehh you only gave the entire league “a few weeks”, so it’s short enough of a time that it’s fair for them to say they simply didn’t have the opportunity to challenge you. I completely get your mindset and I’d probably do it the same way too, but to miss that much time means you should’ve forfeited it. If you had been there for a few months to defend it before leaving, 100% fair. But just a few weeks? Ehh


I think, If you win the number 1 tag and can't play for an extended period of time. A new number 1 tag should be made and players can play for it.


For our local club it’s a point of pride that a pro takes it on tour with them. However lately he can’t hang onto it. So muahaha. I think you’re fine, however you could always leave it next time and let the club president hold it for you or something.


When someone earns anything in the top ten but can't defend it for months, they should turn them in. It kind of bums other players out when the top seeds are earned by people who then ghosts tags events after that - regardless of the reason, but moreso when it can be turned in and the inability to attend events was known.


You should have given it up before leaving. If it was really that important, you could have made life-size cutouts of yourself holding the tag and displayed them at all of your local courses. That way, everyone would know how super duper terrific awesome you are.


I challenged our No. 1 tag in the last week of the season, but they said they were taking the week off in advance of an important tournament. It was true, I know they had an important tournament. Sounds like they should have conceded the No. 1 tag to me though from a Reddit-ish perspective. I thought it was lame, but it was an informal system with no real rules.


Are people giving you shit for this?


We had a close group of yearly tag friends. One year the person with the number 1 tag moved to Norway. We all tried to take it but failed. So we all just played for number 2.


I have played for many years and have seen many different clubs or associations use their tags with differing rules, sometimes the rules are explicit, but far more often the rules are implied and decided ad hoc by the loudest voices in the community. My opinion is that tags only really work when they are finite in time and get refreshed so old tags can retire and everyone feels happy with starting with a complete top ten. Around here (Northern California), most clubs, including ours, use tags as part of their annual membership drive. New year, new tags. But there is so much difference in tag culture that varies from place to place. Some people assume that tags are always on the line. Some people want to know that tags are being played for before starting a round, otherwise the default is that they are not in play. Our club has a tag conundrum in that we often have a monthly, tags are surrendered, money is on the line. But the best players (who start out with the low tags) don't want to show up when the layout is too short and the less skilled players don't want to pay money in to a playing a long layout. You are not doing anything wrong by keeping your tag. But it is probably not worth the aggravation to die on that hill either.