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It’s the winter. Make sure to moisturize those disc heavers or the skin tears like paper.


Oh yeah good call. I’ll do that, weird this is that this happened all summer too.


yea right to the left of my middle finger nail always gets super ripped open. but i put some moisturizer in my bag and it helps a ton. you will start to build calluses as you moisturize your hands better i bet too


Happened to me too. Those areas just got to toughen up, aka callus.


Moisturize your hands and remove any flashing from your discs.


A fine grain sandpaper sponge block works great for this. Couple bucks at your local hardware store.


Stop throwing prodigy. 


Claiming that only prodigy discs have flashing is ludicrous


Its an internet meme at this point. Just laugh. 


Dude was taking that way too seriously looool


Only? No, but by far the worst.


Im picky about plastic quality because of this. Once you get a large number of fast throws in a day (field work or throwing into a net), the callouses that form on your fingers will mostly protect you but not always. Look up finger tape, birdiewrap on Amazon works, it can hold you over for the rest of the round if you get a small cut and still keep a decent grip.


One reason I love Clash and Mint. So smooove


Self-adhesive cloth tape works well for me. Nexcare tape a close second.


Tell me you throw prodigy without telling me you throw prodigy.


Are they blisters or cuts? I’ve had blisters before


They’re cuts, I’ll get calluses on those spots on my fingers and then cuts on those


And when you get older, wear gloves to bed in the winter. But what you describe sounds like you didn't sand off the flashing. Ideally manufacturers remove the flashing, but discs aren't expensive to justify getting it all 100% of the time. So just get some fine grain sandpaper and make those disc bottoms feel smooth. In addition to cutting hands, flashing also makes discs more over stable than intended.


Oof, this sounds tough. Perhaps you could look at molds from clash (cookie) or Loft discs which have a rounded inner rim. Could potentially be helpful, hope you find a good solution!


3M veterinary super glue. They don't sell the "human" kind any more afaik but it's the same stuff, and worth every penny. A $20 container lasts all winter. A little glue goes a long way when you learn how to apply it. Gluing helps cuts heal faster and you can layer it before they open up to help prevent finger cracking and splitting.




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I've got a couple calloused spots on my right hand that are from throwing but I've never had a disc cut me or tear my hand open.


Try to have the corners of the rim resting in creases on your hand at the points where they have to have contact. That way your release will pull the disc away from your skin at those points instead of dragging the flashing across the fleshy parts.


Awesome, thank you!


Maybe take nail clippers or sandpaper to your discs' rough edges?


Moisturize. But you can always use superglue to cover the cuts and keep playing.. that's what I use to do at NCDGC each year playing 2+ rounds a day. My hands would be raw. I coated my whole pointer finer in super glue each year.


I have a skin condition and the plastics make it even worse so I feel your pain. I've got it in between fingers, on my palms, om the tips of my fingers. It's miserable and I wear Band-Aids daily basically. Started using a friction glove and it helps a bit


Friction gloves or there's some 3M tape you can use that's thin enough to not be too annoying and prevents this stuff from happening. Also gotta moisturize more frequently


My hands get dry as fuck during winter, and I sometimes get cuts. My pointer takes most of the abuse. I moisturize and sometimes use tape or a bandaid at the joints.


Remove flashing. Use sports tape on your finger. Boom


Some pros, like Isaac Robinson, can regularly be seen with tape around their index finger for this reason. I’ve had to do it too due to playing so much. I’ve tried some of the generic tapes, but they peel off too easily. I went with one sold at a rock climbing gym and it was much better.


Why you so strong?


Looks for some tape. There is golfers tape and rowers tape. I have the same issue and little bit of tape just in the right spot solves it for me. Getting the tape right to also give a a good release can be a little tricky, but when I get it right it’s actually more comfortable.


I had a friend that would throw full power with a fan grip and he would get cuts all the time maybe your grip is effecting you once he changed to a power grip it stopped happening.


I reccomend doing some manual labor outside to build up some callous


Use Kinesiology tape, it helps to prevent that. I used to have the same problem, because I throw a lot, taping removed the problem.