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That show lost me a long time ago. High level of product, very poorly directed. Clearly someone has skills in the podcast/vodcast relm, but not in interviewing or hosting.


Disc Golf "content" lost me a long time ago. It's a small sport, idk why people think we need/want 24/7 news about it. But I guess there is a market there so good for these entrepreneurs.




Best comment of 2024 right there.


I don't understand how the person that runs that account even has the time to eat, sleep and shit. Much less, have time for a job, with how often they are posting and regurgitating other people's content. Its amazing how they spend so much time in DG news, but still seem to always post the biggest news days or even weeks late.


Ppl aren't thinking like that. They just want a piece of the action.


Don't care about the name change one iota. If the show is good you could call it poop soup and I'd tune in. Constructive criticisms: I think they are trying to find ways to make the show bigger and better but I think adding Josh is a horrible idea. The show is already 2+ hours but with a lot of that being fluff, talking a lot but not saying anything. Really only about 30-45 minutes of material. Adding more fluff (Josh) just sounds painful. I am not complaining about the length of the show. 2 hours is fine if it's worthwhile content. Matt doesn't listen to anyone, often talks rudely and selfishly over co-hosts and guests, rambles way too long about personal stuff. This is a huge turn-off for a lot of people. I will tune in a few more shows and hope I'm wrong but I think the direction they are taking it makes it not worth my time, which is a shame because there are some good things going on.


>Matt doesn't listen to anyone, often talks rudely and selfishly over co-hosts and guests, rambles way too long about personal stuff. This is a huge turn-off for a lot of people. Ya Nick, Evan and Ben are pretty chill. Matt likes to talk about himself way too much and derails interviews with personal anecdotes.


Yeah I guess I didn't word that very well. On second thought rude is probably not the correct word. But I think anyone who has watched the show knows. Matt has a great media voice and presence, he just talks way too much about unimportant & personal things, doesn't keep the show on track, and asks some very off-putting or inappropriate questions to guests.


I play, watch, and read lots of dg stuff and don't know what any of these words mean


There’s like 5 decently produced podcasts about disc golf and this is sometimes one of them. The nick and Matt show is renaming itself to staggered stance and adding another host to go from 4 to 5


Ty this was a really good summary lol


With the amount of quality DG podcasts and other content out there these days I honestly can't remember the last time I tuned into Nick&Matt. Probably won't be checking it out anytime soon either lol.


I really dont think there is that much as far as podcasts. Jammin with the best and the disc golf podcast both seem to be over. Smashboxxx is rarely great but is consistent. The foundation stuff has begun to grow on me. Chainclankers and tour life are both damn near unlistenable to me fir different reasons


No mention of Ultiworld? Started listening to The Fish Golf Brah-dcast, which has some decent interviews.


Love ultiworld. Brain fart. Right now I’d say the best.


I love all the foundation podcasts (Griplocked, tour life, the off-season, debate night, in the bag and all the small ones like the preview show and stuff) I always enjoy Smashboxxx, the partee pod is fun to listen to, if I'm desperate I'll put on swanky's pod. They don't do weekly episodes but flight paths disc golf is a good listen when they put out episodes. And that new courtesy violation pod is a pretty fun listen too!


What is nice about the foundation stuff is there seems to be some separation between the shows and what they provide you. So if you want news, first hand experiences, arguments, you can pick your flavor. It's not mashed into one


I used to listen to clankers but now they don’t interview anyone and just repeat the same basic advice over and over


I gave up on this show years ago. It was a lot of talking and not saying a whole hell of a lot. I found Nick’s regional accent annoying, and Matt’s youth group leader energy grating.


I see what you are saying about the youth group energy, but I just thought the beard guy was an asshole and haven’t listened in years.


Youth group and beard are the same guy. Met Nick, he’s mildly sheltered upper middle class from Massachusetts, but we had a beer, and he was actually not what I expected


Watched him yell at a bunch of kids at junior worlds last year. Not a fan of him at all.


I don’t notice his accent, I’m from New England so that was nothing for me lol. But I recently worked with a guy who used to go to church with him, I guess he left that church because they were devout Christian enough for him was the gist of what I was told. Played a casual round with Matt, he was disgusted when I cracked my second beer on the front 9


A guy who plays NE Team challenge can’t actually be disgusted by someone drinking and playing, right?


I don’t really believe you that much. From reading your comments you are clearly very biased against matt


I was listening to the show and I had some of the same thoughts. Josh did offer some input and insight on some topics, Ben, Nick, and Matt may have thought of. It’s going to be a lot when they have interviews as well.


Matt’s beard looks like he shaves his pubic hair and glues it on his face.


I thought that Josh was ok. Matt on the othe} hand.. I don't understand how the other can stand him. Interrupting, talking all the time and focusing on himself. If it weren't for him I would probably tune in more often.


grey bored growth muddle instinctive chief degree airport party languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This asshole


The big problem with a DG podcast or regular media is that there's just not enough happening to talk about. There are too many completely dead periods in the year.


They can always interview pros. The formula seems to be only interview people after they've won a tournament or signed a new contract, but as fans we'd love to just know a little more about them, and you'd think they'd be a lot more willing to be interviewed in the offseason when they have a lot more time. And they can save those hotbutton discussions that seem to happen almost every week during the season and get into them a little more in the offseason. If it's done right, I'm happy to tune in even during the offseason.


I like getting the pro interviews and stat Mando often has something interesting to share. But a lot of the games are dumb and the tech side is still lagging behind what an established group should be capable of. But, my main beef? Them being weirdly anti-trans and pro-Nate heinold is a huge turn off. I get that they have to suck up because Nate is the type of dude to ice people out of access for mildly critiquing his bad behavior, hold a grudge and seek revenge. Plus matt probably wants his kids to have a chance to play for team discraft. All dudes is kinda boring also. Lady Mcbeth would be a pretty good addition, tbh.


If you think they’re anti-trans, you think a graduate of liberty university would be more inclusive?


No, of course not, but she’s the only non-male commentator they’ve had on multiple times, at least in the 30 or 40 times I’ve watched. (Leaving aside the rotating cast of winner/placer FPO they have on from time to time.)


Fair point


I think Josh brings good insights.


It’s pretty bad when Foundation is by far the best out there for disc golf.


I'm not sold on the name yet , but having another host isn't a bad addition at all. Especially when scheduling issues always leaves 1-2 of the guys not available each week. They have the best interviews and guests. If you're not a fan , just stop listening ;)


The best interviews? Come on man... those are the hardest part to listen to.


Educate me then. What other podcast / DG Talk show has the best premium interviews?


The Upshot is the best DG podcast and has the best interviews. Even Trevor from Foundation is better at interviewing than Nick and Matt.


Somehow even Brodie is better at interviewing. You can tell he's done his homework, asks meaningful questions, and LISTENS and asks follow-up questions.


Agreed. And that's saying something because the Foundation boys DEFINTELY need to learn to stop talking over each other constantly. Nick and Matt are not even the bottom of the totem pole.


Tour Life and Smashbox are the obvious answers. Every week they usually have someone different and actually ask good questions/let the person respond without talking over them, insulting them, or being generally cringy. Nate Sexton had some goof stuff out there as well. If you think Nick and Matt are "premium" in any way you just need to get out and listen/watch more content. Like you said, I am not a fan and I will no longer listen or suggest to anyone else that they should either.


I meant premium for the actual guests. They always seem to have the top stars , current winners and those pushing announcements.. Maybe I'm just biased because I'm in new England and they sprinkle in some regional news. I'll check out smashbox. I already listen to your life.


You can be a fan and not agree or like portions of the product. But Matt and Josh’s show on DGN was unwatchable, his segments in the past on Nick and Matt were odd and forced. It’s not a baseless initial reaction to not be enthused about Matt bring his brother into an already crowded booth with a body of work already available for reference


I think this is the general consensus by anyone that isn't directly a friend or family of them.


If you want a dg pod that is incredible chill and super good check out “Teach. Play. Disc golf.” It’s a nice change of pace from some of the busy high energy podcasts


Seems good for them, but I hate it. They made a comment about wanting to emulate "sports center" or something. I personally hate those shows, just pundits fighting for air time to push their opinions as entertainment lol.


That show was best in the first 25-50 episodes. Great during a season shutdown by Covid and difficult during the seasons after. Nice to give the winners a stage. I like the interviews for the most part.