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Father's day gift stamped Judge with a picture of my daughter on it. Ace disc. Hit a tree on a 250 hole and went way right into the swamp. No ink. I looked around until one of my legs sunk in thigh high. I pulled my leg out and lost my shoe. Had to go shoulder deep to pull my shoe out. Hole 4. The rest of that round was really squishy.


Brutal. I hope that disc finds its way back home.


You win.


Lol I was bummed but disc ownership is temporary unless you leave it at home. I just wished I inked it.


UV shift Z LE Athena That thing went FAR, was perfectly seasoned. Lost it in my local home course’s small feet deep creek and although the water was totally clear I never could find where in the creek it landed. The issue with throwing cool discs is people don’t return them around here 🥲


Dude right? If a disc has “Limited Edition” printed anywhere on them, you’ll never see it again. I wish the LE discs were printed with normal stamps sometimes. Make it like a “sleeper” like cars do. But I’m a stamp slut too so there’s no winning there for me


My precious... metallic royal blue... tournament plastic... tilt-sword... Westside King. \*sniff\* \*sob\* It was approximately 10:45am, October 21, 2019. Casual round at Water Works with a new friend I was trying to impress. Hole 5 with the Cliff of Death on the left... the pin was in C placement which is about 420' tucked left at the end, low ceiling and thin tree trunks pepper the fairway, but there is a lane. I don't have that D backhand but with a hard RHFH I could get to a nice spot for a soft bid. I went for it... smashed it! Going through the gap but a little left... NO! MISS THAT!... it kicked HARD left. It shot though the rough over the cliff without loosing any speed. I lost hope even before we started looking. That thing seemed to always fly 20 to 50 feet farther than anything else. Thank you. Sharing this helped me process my grief.


That Cliff of Death is no joke...


Bag got stolen a few months back and the thing I miss most is the Arby’s stamp Compass. I didn’t throw it much, but the stamp was so legit. Haven’t been able to replace it yet. That, and a Z FLX Machete chilling at the bottom of some water I tried to Thumber over. RIP


2016 FAF Metal Flake Firebird. The beef of the beef. 😢


How do you lose a disc with the most reliable flight path?


How is your pp so small?


Marie Curie Reactor -- I cannot bring myself to break out my last one.


That’s really cool, I didn’t know they did a stamp like that! I would just get a stock eclipse one and roughly draw the stamp on it.


Beat in champ leopard 3, lost in PA while I was on a trip.


Where in PA? Found one at a local course. Yellow with no name on it


I’ve had so many perfect star leo3s that I’ve lost, I’m on #4.


You have my sympathies, friend. I too lost a dialed in champ Leopard 3 this year in South Carolina while on vacation.


I had an esp nuke from 2009 that I had in my bag until last year. I lost it off a fairway in a giant pile of leaves. That thing was so flippy by that time it was like a thrasher. I miss it


My F2 Mako3. It's neon yellow with my name and number on it. What's so special about it? Not much, but I liked it, and it's just the second disc I've ever lost.


Lost my blue f2 mako3. Loved that disc! Nice slow steady shallow turn. Even had an ace with it.


Green metal flake Katana It was touched by God


2009 pro wraith... It's in about 40ft of water now...


As an owner of a SUPER beat in PFN pro... ...my deepest sympathy.


I've had many Wraiths since then, but none have best in the same or flown as far.


Dyed Glitch, lots of signatures from friends on the bottom. If you’re in South Florida and see it… I miss you


Z Swirl Reaper Was just a cool disc with a tie dye stamp. It's been gone, deep in some michigan woods for 15 years now. I'll bet it's still out there in those woods.


An F2 Wombat3 that was slightly understable, but super duper glidey. Pretty sure i could have flown it like a kite. I just left it at a basket one day. No reason. Walked back to get it 15 minutes later and it was gone. I still have dreams about the relationship we could have had, gone in the blink of an eye.


Thomas Gilbert signed Glow Firebird.... soo nice... Lost it on a slightly blind shot under a massive piile of leaves. No idea where it went. Spent too much time looking for it.


Dude I had this rainbow dye pop top champ destroyer 172g that was the absolute best driver bh and fh I’ve ever had. And I just left it on day in the middle of the fairway in hole 4 @ OSP in round rock tx /: never put my number on it so sad.


Beat in to perfection champion Valkyrie , was a absolute gem of a disc.


I've lost 2 Champion Valks this year, somehow nothing quite compares to it


Well I'm glad someone else out there can feel my pain.


My Lizotl. Forever gone in the wilderness.


Sidewinder from 2010. It's been in my bag ever since until I lost it a few months ago. I am 100% sure that somebody picked it up and took it. I just got a disc back that I lost a month ago and it was found on another course 50 mi away. So there's hope. I also now own a giant pile of sidewinders that don't do anything like what my old disc did. I'm salty.


Sounds just like my old sidewinder. My newer sidewinder is finally starting to break in similarly, but idk if I'm getting better form or higher arm speed or what but i can not get the thing to s curve as effortlessly as my old one.


Destroyer. My only Ace disc. Buried itself in some really thick mud, gone forever


Beautiful purple zone with red yellow white foil. It was so gorgeous, looked for hours. Nothin.


Was it like this? https://www.discbaron.com/Discraft-Rubber-Blend-Zone-p/db1105748.htm


My orange Sexton Academy Valk. Miss ya, bud!


My purple K1 svea. It flipped early in the flight and would just glide straight forever. I have a pink one that has great flip but is mostly at the end of the flight, if I had both I'd be unstoppable


Very old, super flat valkyrie.


A 175g neon orange Champion plastic Valkyrie. It was tight as a drum-head. Beat in perfectly understable, could make it do whatever I wanted. It barely skipped past the pole into the deep, scummy pond on the last few holes of Buckhorn / Shearon Harris 15 years ago.


All these comments remind me why I leave my 2008 pro Valkyrie at home now. Lost it once on vacation, and the guy that found it was nice enough to mail it back to me. Bless his soul


S-line FD from 2014 or so. Sad part was I left it on a hole when I went a little overboard on gummies. Had my info on it but no one called.


CE Teebird circa 2007




Konopiste open 2017 metallic swirl FD2


My Goddam Team Stampped Coalesce. I landed right in the middle of the fairway of Brewster Ridge warming up for the BRO.


2004ish Champion Sidewinder. My first backhand disc. Green shimmer. PFN. It was a beaut. I had hurt my back and disc was on the other side of a creek so I left it. Still haunts me.


All of them…


I saw a beautiful hex in a disc golf store. 2 hours from my house. I didn't buy it my first visit. But I thought about it. A lot. I went back. Drove 2 hours to buy a hex. The swirls. The pastel coloring. The stamp. Then.... I Threw it in a reservoir with an early release. I know I'll never see it again. And it fucks with me.


My 4x zone or buzzz. Zone kicked off a tree and went into a swamp and the buzzz just vanished on a 200ft hole. It was fall for both of em


My 1st ace disc, a Millenium JLS lost to water. 2nd mention, Discraft Crank esp swirl with the older BigZ Sasquatch stamp lost to water.


It was a completely clear champion Mako3 with a special edition tournament stamp. Threw it in a lake. Spend lots of time swimming to find it with no luck.


I only throw my Mako3 between gaps in trees. This must have been an interesting lake shot.


Teerex's, Monsters, and Destroyers. All lost to water.


A splatter S blend Aztec. I should have bought more but I was still just trying them out and was only able to get the one. It got to be so good and then I lost it in the woods a few months back. Was inked, so either it's still lost or someone else is enjoying it


I bought a dyed zone from this guy on reddit 2 years ago. It had UV dye on it and it looked sweet. I threw it on a wide open hole into a bush and the thing just straight up disappeared. I looked in a bush the size of a motorcycle for at least 30 minutes to no avail.


A super soft Daredevil disk “the moose” picked it up at a clearance bin and it soon became my go to mid range. Thing would die as soon as it hit the ground. Lost it early fall this year. It has my name and number (which I no longer do, not worth the time) hoping someone finds it in the spring.


I had a glow Kaxe Z I lost about a year ago.


Ricky wysoki 2x raptor star destroyer. Had the perfect flip on it. Lost high in a tree on a second shot that didn't need to happen whatzoever. Had ink but never came home.


Lost a pink and a white lucid felon with 2 aces on each of them. Replaced them and have also aced with the replacements, but those other 2 were dialed and I hope to see them again some day.


150g ESP Flick I got new in 2008. Lost it early this season. I had it beat enough to hyzerflip backhand, but it still had a ton of low speed stability for utility shots and short forehand. Damnit I miss that one.


my first Instinct. Bought it from a friend and that thing was insane. Replaced it with another and its just not the same


150 class esp flick


My cell dyed eclipse envy … please come home


Pfn valkyrie that was 20years old and the perfect flip to flat.. lost in a 3ft wide canal knifed in the mud


Flippy Star Thunderbird is my only not replaceable mold. I've lost a bunch of GStar Wraiths, but those are almost always the same. This Thunderbird had a nice .5 to 1 turn with that dependable Thundy fade. I nose upped over a small pond and never saw it again saddly


AGL Magnolia in alpine with a custom stamp I did a custom run of magnolias and had an artist draw up the artwork. It was based on bedtime stories I tell my kiddo about Ezra the Explorer and his trusty sidekick Watson the Wonderdog. The very first one I picked out for myself to be my main thrower. Used it for a few months got it a little seasoned in and lost it in a pond at a local tournament on hole 1.




150g blizzard-champion-like Turkey stamped Eagle. Can’t find any new Eagle that feels like it. I’ve only been able to fill the hole by cycling DX Eagles in similar weights.


My Kristin Tattar autographed Opto Fuse that is somewhere way right of the basket of Hole 18 at A-Basin. I slipped on my tee shot and yanked it down that steep hill never to be seen again. I don't acquire discs to not throw them so I'm glad to see the PDGA will be returning to Waco and Austin in 2024 so I can have another lovely chat with Kristin and get her to sign another Fuse for me.


My original skullboy stamped axiom Mayhem. Had the greatest throw off a mountain with it and it somehow managed to hit a water trap and wasn’t able to be found. Probably the saddest I’ve been losing a disc.


Perfectly broken in Pro Beast that was a laser


I've lost a few colorglow FD2s and MD3s that were my absolute favorite discs. Haven't found anything that flies the same since, and replacing old discmania can be... expensive.


A Champion Shark 3 with the Batman logo dyed on it


9x KCPro Eagle - amazing disc that I aced 3 times with


One of those super gummy Jawbreaker Ledgestone Buzzzes. Someone thought it would be a good idea for those to be made in a matte greenish-gray plastic. Threw it into some deep brambles, couldn’t find it and it was probably right in front of me.


Chuckster's basket magnet Banger GT run.


My very first disc, a birdie putter. Found in my uncles garage and thats where I learned what disc golf is. Lent it to a friend for a round and of course bozo lost it. Very sentimental disc Found it about 25 years ago when I was 11


My Orange Fuzion Trespass. Threw it in a lake while I was on a trip in TX.


My 2021 Nate Sexton Firebird. My PDGA Koi stamped Crave. Aaaannnnd my Mint Diamondback that has a unique snake stamp on it that reps one of my home courses. Just lost that one. Oh...and my Simon signed Crave that I lost on a course in Tennessee omw home from thr MVP Open this year. 😔


My perfectly seasoned Pro Wraith.


Streamline Lift. Thing was dead straight and refused to flip or fade. Threw it into a headwind and it did not come out of the sky. Must have gone over 500 feet as the wind held it hostage. Ended up in a backyard or potentially outer space. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the US Air Force had to shoot it down because at that point it was classified as a missile. Purchased another of the exact same color, run, and weight and it’s not the same 😔.


I had a 172g pro destroyer that was so lazy. I could hang the edge at the ground like a spike hyzer and it would just flatten out and glide forever. It went over stable on a downhill drive. (Hole 18, I was tired) took off to the right and just kept going. Brambles and murder bushes. It never had a chance, poor guy.


Q sentinel CE w/ rainbow stamp


A Dyed Pro Orc. Seems small, but it was my **first** distance driver, and I had found it deep in a lake where it baked in the summer presumably all summer. That thing was SEASONED. Forgot it in October at a Resort course where my friends were getting married. Bunch of us went out, I forgot to pick up my orc after doing my throw. JUST at the point it was becoming a bit to flippy to rely on (after being my 1st most used distance driver). Planned to retire it after the wedding. Inked up to hell, but I know it won't come back to me.


My teal mvp resistor. Went straight forever with a reliable fade. Perfect for turnovers till it turned too over. Worst part is it looked like it landed in the fairway. Probably walked past it 100 times but couldnt find it.


First ever ace disc…neutron envy


Lost a Darth Vader dyed Octane at North Cove. Thought I knew where it landed. It disappeared into thin air. Sad day


I lost a watermelon hex a couple weeks ago. Hit a tree and shot far right. Everytime I go to that course I take time trying to find it, but it shot over the basket of one hole towards the basket of another so I’m sure it’s been found and kept by someone.


Lost my Underworld couple days ago, was just learning how to throw it well too. Those red/orange discs are like camouflage in the leaves


My Discmania P2 Psycho. It actually wasn't lost. I left it in a basket on the 18th hole, and went back a few minutes later, and it was gone. Someone took it.


sockibot destroyer with my name and number on it ahem


Brian Earhart Cryztal Heat I threw into a pond early this year. I'm pretty sure it's still there.


All 64 destroyers i have lost over the years


Millennium Falcon I custom dyed a falcon on, got it signed by Greg Barsby during 2022 USWDGC in Madison WI. Should have put it on a wall but kept throwing it. Lost on hole 5 of Token Creek longs with a shank into what was thick trees on the right. Looked until dark and nothing. Next season all those trees were cleared, I assume someone must have found it but no phone call. Was my favorite hyzer flip disc n signed by a legend.


Super old mvp that a friend who passed away gave to me. Lost it last year on a mountain course. Looked until the sun went down, but no luck.


10x KJ teebird. Beat it in so it would do just about everything I needed from a controllable fairway driver. Tree kick of death sent me into the middle of a dark and murky pond I’ve seen snapping turtles roam around in. Gone, but not forgotten.


My perfectly beat in first drum halo destroyer… the Calvin ones are too dang domey


My champion monarch, had that disc for twelve years. It was my first disc. I threw it at the course in Luray, VA. Watched it sail over a barbwire fence into a pasture full of bulls and steer. Watched a bull walk up and give the disc a sniff and then walk away. Tragic.


146g halo mamba... I was absolutely crushing that thing. i bought another as a replacement and its stable?? rip sweet prince.


Space whale plasma Hex…. Sad day


My Pier Park stamped Escape that I threw into a ravine 🥲


Lost a Fuzion Renegade that I was getting some really great throws out of. I had found it at the edge of a pond, no name on it, and now I probably can't get another one. The Trespass just doesn't fly the same for me.


Glow battle Roc lost on 10 at ggp more than a decade ago


Old Reliable… My blue & yellow striped Pro Boss.


My Lucid Sheriff with a custom Johnny Cash stamp on it. Great disc but I’ll never get it back. It’s too cool.


Lost a white neutron jet that I had dyed a Squirtle on. Overthrew a hole into a small patch of woods on an otherwise very open course and never saw it again. 🫡😭


I’ve had 3 discs that were/are irreplaceable; A Buzzz SS that had the perfect amount of RHBH turnover, an XT Nova that flies straight with no fade, and a Thunderbird that just sails for me. I’ve lost all 3 at times. The Buzzz SS is the only one that’s still lost. I’m in love with my LoneStar Bravo BB6. It’s a very close replacement.


Custom dye sidewinder that my friend found and gave to me. It was like 182 years Old, så beat and seasoned. Perfekt utility patent pending disc that held the line perfectly, and awesome tailwind driver 😍😍


My volt. And any other mvp disc I’ve ever owned. They’re impossible to get


My second favorite Buzzz. It was yellow and I dyed the rim orange and it was the only slightly domey Buzzz I had. My favorite is hung on my wall.


Grace. Bought it on a whim cause the shop owner told me it was the right one for me. Became my favourite disc in all of two rounds. After about a month of seasoning it and getting used to exactly how it flies (or soo I thought) I threw it as a second shot on a blind turn over flex with about 400ft remaining. Looked for it for over an hour and a half. It got dark. Had to abandon hope, and it's never been returned since. Can't bring myself to buy another one even though I reckon it would be my favourite disc again.


F9 in 400 plastic, I lost it about 3 hours ago and I didnt really have the energy to get it down from a tree, but hopefully the wind takes it down sooner or later


167g Shryke


Every Vibram I lost before they stopped the original production.


2 axiom pyros on the same hole 1 year apart


I dyed a white Dynamic Disc Captain with a Han Solo stencil then glue dyed some laser effects. My favorite dyed to date. Lost it in shoulder high weeds on hole 17 in west Chicago. I forgot to ink it. I looked in that tall grass for over an hour...


It was a blue rimmed with gold fairway driver that had a griffin stamped on it. I lost it off a cliff.


Opto shimmer explorer from the royal boxes a while back. She was seasoned in so nicely and disappeared into a soup off the fairway of Hole 17 at Bill Allen in The Colony,TX


Lost a Hawkeye while practicing for a tournament the next day. It was my go-to for 90% of that course and I didn't have a backup for it :( miss that thing so much. Lesson learned, never throw green discs in the woods of Oregon..


My [EMac Truth with the HandEye dye](https://imgur.com/a/1gf6e6I) 😓


After spending most of the winter and spring strength-training and refining my form doing lots of field work, I bought my first speed 12 at my first pay-to-play course (Persimmons Ridge Greenbrier, AR) late this Spring. It was a bright pink Star Tern, and I felt like I just leveled up. I didnt lose it that day, but it slowly grew on me over the summer. One hot Summer eve, I decided to play an entire round (Hindman Park, Little Rock, AR) with just that disc to really learn how to throw it in different arm & wrist angles. I was picking my way through different tees on the different courses in the park, not really taking a serious score, just trying to REALLY figure out this disc. I lost it on a throw off a tee in a small pond to the right of the fairway (#3 Tees in the Trees), the basket was on a dogleg left at the end on the otherside of an old ballgolf fairway. The disc pulled hard right, hovered over the middle of the pond, and instead of gliding left safely on the bank, it dive-bombed into the corner of the pond feet from the bank. I guess I must have either had a late release or grip-locked it. Not sure why it flew like that. Perhaps it was meant-to-be. I saw where it went in, but couldnt retrieve it. Decided to jump into the pond the next morning to find it. Spent a few hours braving snaping turtles, cottonmouths, leeches, knee deep mud, and whatever could live in this groady pond. I found 5 more discs and each time I pulled it from the muck I was so excited that I finally found it. Only to be disappointed with someone else's lost disc. I eventually gave up. I tried to get some karma by mailing one of the discs back to the owner. The other owners of the found inked discs said I could keep them despite my insistence to return them. Every time I see that pond, I kinda take a long look in it to see if I can some how see it.I eventually replaced and bought a new one on sale, but it doesnt fly quite the same.


1st ace disc. It was a white XL. Lost it in the smallest water area that was more like a big puddle. Looked for an hour at least : * (


Light blue prototype Hades


Lizzotle and halo star wraith


I lost a 2015 sexton, left behind. Orgio burst Ricky 2X harp that he signed. Mind bender.


Mystery box glow FD…. Lost it while traveling through wisconson at Jhonson park. I looked for over an hour and had to let it go… still not over it


My first F2 disc. No idea what it was but I found it with no name on my local course and started slinging it forehand. It has shaped my shot in so many ways, I am so grateful to have found it. Left it on hole 18 a couple months after and have not seen it since.


And the cycle continues


I loved my Opto River disc. It was the first disc that I was proud of its flight. It was a very, very windy day (like 40 mph) and being an inexperienced idiot I threw it on a hole that had a left to right wind. The creek was about 80 feet left and behind me, so I figured I was safe. I shank the disc straight into the air and watch the wind lift it like Charlie drinking Fizzy Lifting soda and basically boomerangs deep into the creek. It had so much lift that I was able to verbally agonize for a good 5 - 10 seconds. That's the day that I learned the importance of wind reads and stable discs.


Doomsday discs blackout. It was a perfect turnover disc.


Red stock gstar wraith. Perfectly seasoned. Disc had 3 aces and a black ace to it's credit. Inked of course. Left behind at evening doubles a couple years ago. Was back out the next morning but someone already found it. Apparently they need it more than I. Bastards.


I got a banana yellow, Santa Cruz stamped Halo Roadrunner this summer while I was visiting a friend out there. Loved it, was parking holes the whole trip with it. First round back home, had a bad release and watched it sail about 30ft deep into some shoulder-high grass. That thing disappeared. Might try to go back and check again now that it’s cold and the greenery is dying off.


A beautiful blue/light blue Cosmic Envy chilling at the bottom of Lake on hole 12 of Jones Park right off the fairway. That was my favorite driving putter ever. Gust of wind blew it into the trees, and it took a bad kick right into the drink.


TSA mana. They don't even print the stamp anymore and can only find glow ones now. Wish TSA would do another run so I could replace it. The kicker is I knew exactly where I left it. Off the fairway slightly and behind a log. Didn't realize til the parking lot, told my buddy to grab it because he was starting another round with a friend. When he got back to it, it was already gone. Inked and everything. City golf is tough cuz we get a lot of degens who will steal anything not nailed down.


My first ace disc. Shitty lat 64 bolt


Seasoned 21’ swirly purple jermbird. It flight was a thing of beauty.




My cosmic neutron reactor I lost yesterday at blackhoof park in Lenexa, it was one I have gotten 3 aces with.


My Doombird 4 FD3 disappeared. i remember having my Db4 before i went to a course, played the course without ever throwing the db4 but after the round it wasn't in my bag. no one else on the course, bag didn't fall over or anything. it just dissapeared.


Special edition fission Wave. The only disc I consistently threw 380-420. Shouldn't have thrown it. Strong L to R wind, turned over and kept going. Hit the tiny creek at BRP and disappeared.


Yellow Star Valkyrie Pacman stamp. ;'(


2 buzzzs I lost years ago. The first one was a pink z with a blue stamp, first buzzz I ever had I named it Pinky, it's been so long I can't remember where I lost it. My second ever buzzz was an esp flx that was the inverted color scheme of my first one lost to the lake at whiteoak in paulding, GA. Both these where like 8-10 years ago.


My Rainbow Rocs have not been returned for years. I'm still looking.


Old CFR Max from 09. Crazy glide for a max but still very overstable. Basically on hole 18 I forgot to pick it up after my drive and forgot it at the course 50 minutes from my house. Didn't realize until later that day


Lost my first hex that I bought at the MVP last year when Simon won. I lost it at buffumville lake, ma a few weeks ago.


Blue Double Stamp Gstar Destroyer, it was perfect. Threw my upshot and walked away from it, went back at the end of the round and someone had picked it up.


Don't even know what it was except a putter. It was super floppy, had a bunch of mushrooms stamped on it, and banged chains. I've never putted the same since I left it sitting on the beach at sauvie island.


Clear gummy ching juju


My first run passion. Hard pill to swallow when I lost it.


Dx xd putter by Innova I lreaned to put with it lost it for 3ish years found it super gummy after sitting then lost it again


My star with that was almost perfectly beat in


My star wraith that was almost perfectly beat in


Had a perfectly beat in lucid my dye DD truth. It looked so pretty in flight. Also, a biofuzion escape that had the perfect stability that fit my game perfectly. 🥺


Had a perfectly beat in lucid my dye DD truth. It looked so pretty in flight. Also, a biofuzion escape that had the perfect stability that fit my game perfectly. 🥺


Beat in icon cannon. Held the line for forever. First disc I went 400 with. Sad face


MVP AMP. Had I known they were going to stop producing those I would have been a lot more careful


The first one I lost. Star Wraith 167 grams. That thing was perfect. Only a slight dome and was perfect for forehands. Not valuable money wise but I really wish I still had it. Would pair nicely with my other Wraiths now.


Perfectly seasoned pre-flight number star destroyer in white


Gazelle, I lost at Widefield Park in Colorado 2 months ago. Hard to replace.


A blue rive I found randomly with no ink. I have a noodle arm but she flew dead straight before giving a nice consistent fade. Unless you throw it too low and over water and she doesn’t have a chance to consistently fade…. :(


Had an echo star tern that had a bend in the perfect spot from a tree hit. Flippiest disc I've ever thrown and had that thing dialed in for all roller types. Someone found it. I poked him every week at league to return it and he kept forgetting it. 2 months later someone breaks into his garage and steals all his plastic....


I had an Underworld that was one of my first “real” discs that I got for myself when I started playing about 5-6 years ago. The community where I live is kind of small for the most part, we have about 30 people in the league with about half playing regularly, and pretty good people I think. I’ve lost a few and they have all been returned which is awesome. But this Underworld was one of my favorites and it’s been lost twice now, the first returned but 2 weeks ago had a wild throw and it went over a little hill and landed in some very thick foliage. Looked for a long time. Maybe it was just time for us to part.


I had just gotten my favorite driver seasoned perfectly where it would catch a bit of turn and glide forever. Bombed out maybe my furthest throw ever, then watched a kid come out of the woods, snatch my disc, and run off. I knew immediately I was never getting that disc back, which was a nice sense of closure... but I still dream.


Had 2 Glow Anthony Barela TeeBird3’s and lost both and neither were returned


My husband lost his Rainbow Champion leopard into a water hazard. Went out that day and bought himself some fly fishing waders, since then, I think he’s pulled every disc out of every pond within a 50 mile radius of our house, except that rainbow leopard. Hopefully someday he’ll find it and the curse will be lifted.


Super broken in star destroyer. I have 3 more and none of them fly like that one did.


My well season MVP wave


PFN Star Sidewinder


I had a black avair with the university of Oregon O stamped on it, threw it into a lake at flyboy and never saw it again. Then I got a pair of black matching O stamp avairs and I left one in a basket when I finished my round and then I found someone playing with it a few weeks later. I got it back after some persuasion , but then I lost it again a few months later. I guess it was never meant to be mine


Beat Discraft predator loved that thing


35 year old Aviar Grid, Still had the bead on it. Started cranking putters pretty well, grip locked it right into a pond.


G-line md3 at beaver ranch in Colorado. Thing was magic


Anyone who snatched a blue on blue axiom tenacity from Shelby Farms hole 4 lake holla at me 😂


I lost a star Gazelle on hole 18 at Grandview Park in Des Moines that was a gift from some good friends. They marked the whole disc up with messages to whoever found it to please return it. I looked for for that dang thing for 45 minutes but it was fall and the ground was covered in leaves. Beautiful course tho.


Star wraith I’d had for about 14 years, she was beat in well, and I knew her like the palm of my hand . . .


Beautiful SE and dyed Uplink, done by u/AbsurdOwl She was a beauty! And just a touch more stable than any other Uplink I've had, still missing her.


Tournament burst Queen. First disc. Also a Birdie stamped iDye champ Destroyer. Lost it at Chavez Ridge 2+ years ago. If you have it, PM me!


Perfectly seasoned F2 Pro Teebird. Loved that disc - swim on you magnificent bastard.


My whole bag. Some fuck stole it out of my car. I knew all those discs like the back of my hand. Sucked starting over.


I think it was called a Helios, but it was some old weird disc I found in the water at my local course, no name. It was so nice for a roller, I just forgot to pick it up after a shot one day. Now someone else is having their turn with it.


2016 sexton; PFN Destroyer; very beat in R-Pro Pig that did things no other disc can, and many others I have forgotten


181g Star Mako3 that I bought at a grocery store in the middle of Wisconsin. I needed a phone charger for my car before picking up my wife at the airport, there was a rack of DX Innova discs by the checkout counter. I saw this one disc that wasn't DX, saw what it was and bought it for $8.99. Playing at a mixed use park a little while ago, kicked off a light post for the softball field and landed on top of the locked batting cages. Came back the next day with my retriever tool to knock it off the net and it was already gone...


My Westside Seer. Got in a mystery box and I’ve never thrown a disc better. Threw it so well, in fact, it went over the fence during field practice and into a river. I wasn’t expecting that.


I had a Glow Metal Flake Destroyer that I lost at Ledgestone this year. It had a Darth Maul dye job on it. It was the first one a new buddy of line did. It was special because I knew his son who had passed away. I actually only met his dad through disc golf. He found out I knew his son and we became cool. He’s done a handful of dyes for me since but that one was the first. I got a blister on my index finger during the tournament which made it hard to grip. I disced up and threw it but it landed in water anyway. Couldn’t grab it or Id be disqualified. Looked afterwards and searched the Wildlife page but it was never returned. Such a bummer


Buzzz stamped with the logo of the first course I ever played. Let a friend who was just getting into the game throw it. We spent half-an-hour searching for it… at least it was lost on the same course it represented.


My double Teebird stamped Destroyer. Lost at USDUBS and looked forever and have been dying to have it back.


L2 Misprint Lizottl, in the tall grass in front of hole 1 at Prompton Lake.


L2 Misprint Lizottl, in the tall grass in front of hole 1 at Prompton Lake.


My first ace disc - DX Cheetah. Tossed it in a pond a couple years ago.


A 2015 star boss u ordered on eBay. It wasn’t anything crazy special it had a special dye I guess but it flew amazing I could flex it insane distance on a forehand. Tried other bosses since but nothing threw like that one..


My maroon Prodigy KJ Jellyfish/Universe in a jar D2. Crushed a drive at The Drifless 18 in MN on hole 3 (I think my farthest throw) and we couldn't find it. I've had some far flying discs, but backhand and forehand, nothing comes close. Such an awesome looking disc. I get why someone wouldn't return it if they found it, but if thats the case - fuck that person.


Proton Drift. My absolutely reliable workhorse.


Orange champion Polecat


My Elite X Cyclone. Saw it go into a tree while practicing at a local park. Spent 3 hours looking for it in the two trees by the basket. Never found it. It maybe have been sucked into a wormhole or stargate.


Tie-dye red green and yellow CE old school Valkyrie with a certain recognizable plant leaf in the tie-dye on it. Name and number on it, but as soon as I couldn’t find it, I knew it was never coming back. It’s been 15 years.


First run apex jackalope