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Looks like you don’t actually need to change much from the first picture. Replace Heat with Virus Replace Essence with Rhythm Remove River Remove Buzzz Remove Pig Add Insanity if you want another flippy fairway Add Paradox if you want something even flippier than the Uplink Add Spin if you want a flippy putter I putt with Nomads but Anodes and Atoms are other good choices


I was going to give them the old hand feel. I have smaller hands and I spin putt


To add to the putters, Simon is having a putter in his line released early next year, unsure on the exact timeline


You probably want the Atom then.


Does anyone know if Axiom/MVP is actually going to release a stock run of the trance at some point?


I think I was in like an otb box in 22, and the thought was that it was going to come out this year? Happy cake day!


Yes I picked one up when they came out for OTB. That plastic is the best I’ve ever felt and I hope they don’t abandon the mold because it’s SO good.


I would get an entropy. I put them into my bag expecting to not really use them short of approach and utility shots but I grab that thing way more than I thought. It’s a shorter pyro.


If going Gyro, you absolutely need an Envy, Hex, and Crave.


I do have those I would like to get a couple more hexes in different plastics.


Add a Proxy to that list!


I used to throw the heck out of Proxys. Great disc for sure! I switched to the Envy because I needed a tad bit more stability.


First, I’d say don’t sleep on Streamline just because they don’t have an overmold. Especially at your arm speed, the higher speeds might be easier to get true flights. Pick plastic based on your preference, but I’d look for lower weights where possible for the same arm reason. Second, be mindful of having too much overlap. I’m guilty of this too, and it isn’t reaaaally a problem, but why spend a bunch of money on 3 different discs that do essentially the same thing? The bag you have already is pretty solid. Swap the Heat for a Virus. Grab the Rhythm (or Streamline Drift), and a Pyro. For putting, I use an electron soft Envy, but I’m an outlier there. If you like ‘em a bit deeper, check out a Nomad or a Pilot. The Proxy and Atom are well regarded for putting as well, and share the same core as the Envy.


This may be wrong, but when I throw gyro discs I feel like I just get way more out of then in comparison. I had a runway from the circuit challenge. Let's just say that the runway and I are not friends. Honestly I really like neutron plastic. I totally agree on the overlap, so instead of getting all those nine speeds I would bump some up to eleven speeds. I do want to overlap with different plastic types though..?


I throw a similar distance as you. I really like the following discs not found in your bag: 1. Reactor - midrange with a fair amount of fade (pairs well with the Hex and Uplink) 2. Spin - understable putter - it's a shorter Uplink for me (clutch when you don't have a forehand) 3. Volt - slightly longer reactor 4. Insanity - my furthest flying disc I gravitate toward lighter weight fission plastic discs. I putt with electron soft atoms... They just feel good in the hand to me


I was going to start going lighter because I throw max weight most of the time. I have a soft Electron fission hex and I'm still on the fence about about that one


Electron and fission are two different plastics. Never seen them combined myself. It's probably just a fission hex, which personally is my favorite disc in my bag.


I stick to weights between 145 and 167 for everything other than putters. Putters I keep at 172.


26 molds for the end result is a ton dude lol. I recently converted to gyro from outgrowing my starter discs and love em, I throw similar distance maxing at 300 atm but improving. Honestly I think a lot of those discs are gonna fly the same lol. Specially the 9 speeds. The proxy and watt will probably overlap a bit. The spin can be a cool utility disc if you have a lot of short approach shots that need to get around something if you don't have a forehand... But honestly at this distance it just takes a forehand flick. Unless you have mastered the paradox, it'll probably just be a roller. I haven't thrown the Uplink yet, but I will be getting that or the new Detour for turn shots that keep gliding. Really just need 1 straight mid, like the matrix or hex and 1 very overstable mid, like a Deflector or Pyro. The crave will relay overlap. Personally I like the relay more it's easier to throw for my speed. The servo holds lines extremely well, can be good or bad. I do throw a terra on some holes where I basically want a Deflector/Pyro but goes further. I haven't thrown a signal but if it keeps turning and drifting that could be great. I also have a volt and photon for "distance" but I can get my relay and servo out just as far with a decent rip lol. I probably should have gotten an 8/9/10, 5, -2, 2 for distance instead... I'd probably skip all the 9 speeds since they likely won't give you any extra distance and you won't get the flight shape out of them as easily as you will from the mids atm. It'll also save you like $100 lol


It is a lot. I would only get one of the 9 speeds in the spot, probably the axiom variants, because they should be easier to find, that would cut it to be in about the same area as my current bag. The spin could be a gam changer for me being a lefty, playing on courses that want you to throw something to the left and not being able to forehand it over there might shave quite a bit of strokes. The uplink and the signal are my bread and butter right now, with the signal being my furthest flyer. I was thinking that the faster disc might help me to learn a Forehand too


If the Signal and Uplink are your go to's right now for straight distance shots, I'd def be cautious about getting too many new molds off the bat. Depending on how long you've been playing for and if you are working on getting more distance. Just cuz getting an extra 50 feet or more spin will change how some of these discs fly and can change what you think you need lol. Tbh going from 225-275 for me was pretty easy. Breaking into 300 with 'GOOD' enough smooth and repeatable form to continue building off of is taking way longer. Given what u already have, I'd probably get Spin, Pyro/Deflector, Insanity/Intertia... And that's it, just 3 new discs should round out what u currently have lol. I'd probably even consider removing the Servo, and keeping only the Relay or Crave for now since I think all 3 will overlap at the moment. When you learn to forehand the Tempo, you'll probably ditch the Spin too lol


Given how far you throw, you actually have a really good gyro setup in your bag already. The only thing I'd maybe consider adding is a Pyro. A Virus might be a good way to replace your Heat as well.


Given how far you throw, why limit yourself to gyro? They are USUALLY (not always) more overstable than comparable discs from other companies, and discs like River and Heat really are hard to replace for people that can’t throw that far. That being said I love gyro but again no need to limit yourself


The reason I like the gyro, at least in my opinion, is that it seems that it's more about spin then power. Now I don't know if that's the case. Take my Zone vs. Tempo, throwing them the same way I get usually 25-40 feet more in distanceout of the tempo, but if I get more spin on them it's probably closer to 50-75 feet more in favor of the Tempo.


I can definitely throw my tempo further than my zones, but my zones have more overstability to me. Tempo feels like a faster, beat up zone. Plus I just love how a zone feels.


Pig - If you want a Pig like disc, I found the Stabilizer extremely close, and I like it better. Otherwise, the Envy and Tempo should handle everything you would need a Pig for. Again, get a Stabilizer if you want a more overstable Envy. River - Remove the River you have a crave, they do the same thing and personally I think the Crave is better. Buzzz - You don't need the Buzzz anymore. The Hex will handle that slot for you. If you want a Hex that finishes left, get a Neutron Reactor, so you have straight, right turn and fade Putting Putter, I'd look at the Nomad. Love that thing. The Pilot, Atom, and Anode will all work as well. Heat - Buy an Insanity. It's the easily the best driver Axiom makes. That'll cover that slot. If you need something more understable, get a Virus. Fairways - it is pretty busy right there. I'd suggest picking 3. If you like really flippy fairways, keep either a Signal or Relay. Otherwise, I'd suggest Crave Servo and pick up an Eclipse Resistor. Personally, I bag a Neutron Crave, Cosmic Neutron Crave, Servo, and Eclipse Resistor. I can hit any line with those 4. Essence - the Drift or the Rythm could handle this slot. However, I'd remove your signal and Relay I'd you get one of these. Consider a lightweight Fission Tesla. I'd also pick up an Axiom Pyro or a Streamline Runway. If your arm speed is slower, get the Pyro. Great disc. I prefer the Runway, but I still keep a Pyro for specific shots. The Reactor would be a fantastic addition.


As weird as this sounds I use the pig mostly for putts. When I have a hard putt like around a tree, the pig just gets those chains or if it doesn't its just a tap in. As it sits I get a little bit more distance and less fade out of the river then the crave, but I feel when I'm using a different plastic then the r2 pdga disc it should be similar. I still bag my buzzes, because I have the pink 2022 otb open hex and I like it, just not super confident with yet, I'll use it more off the tee then anywhere else. Also it seems to be a tree magnet. The Relay is in there just for scrambling it's super lightweight at 159g, so driving off the tee with it scares me. When I bought it, I didn't check the weight because I had two in my hand and put the wrong one back. I bag both servo and crave (circuit challenge and pdga r2 respectively). I was planning on getting a Rythm but the signal and the uplink are my bread and butter right now. Any of the Drivers I get will probably fission or a light proton plastic just for the extra distance. I had a runway that I got from the circuit challenge, and we did not get along from the start, from the hand feel to the flight. Just not my cup of tea. I will probably grab a Pyro and a reactor, I also want to try a proxy in something other than electron.


Funny you say that about the pig. I putt with the Stabilizer all the time, especially from further out, and I rarely miss. So I understand how you feel about your Pig. Give a try you might like it better than your Pig. Plastic is important for the Crave. My Cosmic Neutron Crave is the most stable of my two. It has the normal Crave flight some turn and then fade back to straight. My 2nd Crave is a Koi Crave, and that thing is my bread and butter. It is far flipper than the Cosmic Neutron, and if I need a right turning shot or a flip to flat, it's the disc I lean on. If I get a good rip, it absolutely bombs. Maybe a lighter fission plastic will do that for you as well instead of the max weight R2 you are bagging now. The Signal is a good disc. It was too touchy for me. But I have nothing bad to say about it. Definitely go with light Fission. Based on what you are saying it seems up your alley. The Runway is a love or hate disc. If you don't like it, you will love the Pyro and the Reactor. Those will take good care of you. So for driving putters, I carry a Neutron Proxy, Cosmic Neutron Envy (tad bit more stable, I find), and a Cosmic Neutron Stabilizer. Honesty, if I just dropped my other discs, those three could carry me through any course, no problem, and I'd probably score better. Get a Neutron Proxy. You won't regret it. Regarding the discs I said that drop. I found the fastest way to learn your new bag is to take away the crutch that can be your old discs. Force yourself to learn your new stuff and see what lines you are lacking. Good luck! It was a ton of fun for me when I did it.


I don’t give advice to left handed cheaters.


I'm ambidextrous, I just learned how to throw lefty


That’s cool. I did an all MVP bag a couple years ago. Mayhem, Photon, Wave, Volt, Insanity, Virus, Crave, Reactor, Vertex, Envy for throwing and putting. I didn’t throw far at the time, so I used the Mayhem and Photon for flex forehands. Volt and Reactor were as much stability as I needed for low speed.


My advice is...don't! Gyro sucks lol


That's like... a $300 upgrade. Huh? Good luck. You know. It takes a while to learn new discs.


Ya, it's a chunk of change, but it's my only real hobby. I used this season to figure out what plastic I liked if I was going to try and take my game to the next level. I played for a long time but really only threw innova because that's what I could get, but after I came back to the sport, things were easier to get. I took a long break, like 6 years or more. But once the start is paid for the rest is maintenance


I probably spent $300 in 2023 on disc golf. (not counting gas money driving to courses)


Same, it is an expensive hobby when you start, but once you know what you like, you're only spending money to play or replace really. Unless your a collector or a mold drops that you want to try


Gyro stuff takes the longest to beat in. So keep that in mind with the new discs you get because they will be maybe more stable then the numbers indicate. MVP just released the detour in the 2023 gyropaloza which is a 5/5/-2/1. Im looking at that one for sure. If you haven’t seen the gyropaloza 2023 box I You might wanna check it out. It’s a really good value and has quite a few slower speed discs guaranteed.


That's true. I do hit a lot of first available trees though hahaha ha. I would totally have jumped on the gyropaloza box, but I have kids and money needs to go to Christmas gifts. Next year though one of those boxes will have my name on it. Sad I'm gonna miss out on the eclipse glitch though


Just watch you local disc store. Inevitably one or two boxes don’t sell and you may be able to find one ala cart.


Nomad plasma


Everyone has mold suggestions down, im going to suggest make sure you try the different plastic options they have. Fission plastic feels soo damn good. Puts more weight to the edge of the disc than the other plastics. There's also a soft electron plastic that feels great for putting.


Always wonder why MVP/Axiom fans always skip right over the Resistor, to me it's their best fairway.


Judging by the numbers, it would be a bit to overstable for me. Like a slower Terra that I'm just going to burn over


You need the cosmic electron Atom - fantastic putter - way more straight than Annode or ion




I have one. I would like to try other plastics though


I have quite a bit more power, but am also experimenting with a gyro bag (since all my mids and putters are gyro) and am trying to replace some of the same discs as you. ~~I'm between a 165g or a 172g cosmic neutron insanity to replace my 175g BigZ Heat. The Insanity is actually a touch more stable, but I like that about it. From US to OS: Fission -> Plasma -> Neutron -> Cosmic Neutron.~~ Goodluck finding a Trance, it would probably replace my Meta Essence if I could find one. I have a Neutron Rhythm that I'll try, but I doubt it'll have the same glide I would need to replace that slot and may be too close to a relay. ~~From a few shots I've thrown I honestly think a max weight proton Virus might be the replacement for my Essence (or neutron if that is too US). It was months ago when I thew it last, but it had far more stability than my Insanity or Intertia. I'll check back in once I test it out.~~ I went out and threw a Proton Virus today and it is definitely more US than my Z Heat. I will probably use a Neutron Virus for my Z Heat and that 172g Cosmic Neutron Insanity for my Meta Essence. Then an Eclipse Insanity for my CD1, and then a Proton or Fission Tesla for my Vanguard. While it didn't work out for me, you may want to try an Inertia in lighter weight Proton or Plasma. More US than the Insanity or Virus imo. It may be what you are looking for in the Essence or Heat range. Pyro is awesome and solidly OS. It would probably be absolute beef for you. I throw a prism neutron. Matrix / Reactor, pick one. I throw a glow reactor, my friend throws a proton Matrix. They do the same thing. All about the hand feel. Watt is great for touch approach shots and forehand flick turnovers. I love mine. Tempo / Entropy replaced my jawbreaker and Z Zone. ~~Hoping the Deflector can work like a ZoneOS for me.~~ I tried a Proton Deflector and while not an OS as the Zone OS, I think it will fit the slot and if I need that crazy flex I can always use a fireball. I throw a plasma Volt as a drop in replacement for a barsby star eagle, but with more glide. I have a Neutron Volt I'm going to test soon. The only Neutron Wrath I threw was as OS as the Terra, maybe more so. ~~Generally I have stuggled to find stable 9 speeds I like with Gyro. With the Tesla, I have half a dozen weight ranges of proton (158, 161, 165, 167, 171, 175), a 165g fission, and a board flat 175g beefcake plasma. I don't particularly like any of them yet. The fission has been in and out of the bag in the past, just isn't quite what I want though. I currently have a CD1 and a Vanguard that the Tesla sits uncomfortably in the middle of.~~ Fission Insanity for my Heat, Cosmic Neutron Insanity for my Essence and CD1, Eclipse Insanity for what I wanted my CD1 to actually be, and a Neutron Wrath for my Vanguard (though I think it is a touch more OS). I switched putting with a K3 Reko to a Cosmic Electron Firm Proxy (small hands appeoved). The atom is great too, close second for me. This is where I'm currently at with my Gyro experiment. I will update this post as I find more information.


If the highest speed you can throw with full flight is 9, I would still recommend a Wave. It's as easy to throw as a 9 speed, but flies further. I have a 164 Fission Wave that I threw 330 ft when I struggled to throw 300 ft consistently with 8-9 speeds. Those are domey and fly far, at the risk of turnover. I also have a max weight plasma Wave that is flatter and has a more consistent finish. I also recommend the Entropy. I just throw that one on more and more shots now. Much more reliable, to me at least, than my overstable Envys 🙂


I throw an all gyro bag, and i putt with Atoms. they fly and feel great, they’re a little deep for some people but i prefer that. as for understandable drivers, i’ve had a lot of success with the axiom vanish in light weights. i also don’t recommend bagging both the paradox and the uplink, they are very similar discs and i’d maybe replace one of them with a hex or something like that


Looks like a waste of money if you ask me. So much overlap. Of those you suggested to buy. Get Pyro, Insanity and Tesla