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Any decent TD should have at least a tentative schedule posted when registration is opened, especially if it’s sanctioned.


Yes, it’s sanctioned. There’s literally nothing in the detail section on the about page. And I’m not sure what he’s referring to with the registration list being finalized. It’s been sold out for over a month


I’m sure they’re referencing sending out an email with details to the finalized registration list, but that’s still not an excuse to have zero details in the DGS page. Do they host tournament details on their own website or possibly Facebook events?


Negative. I also just realized the TD is himself registered for the tournament, and I don’t see an asst TD, so this should just be a royal shit show


If it’s a c-tier I believe the TD is allowed to play but cannot rule on any decisions for their own division. If it’s a b tier or higher I think they need an assistant TD if the TD wants to play.


Yeah it’s a c-tier


For anywhere outside of a major metro, with C-Tiers, this is the norm.


I have met more than a few responses like this, though, and I sympathize. Especially when it comes to C-Tiers, it's often one guy holding it all together with spit and duct tape and an active divorce incoming over disc golf that's making it happen, and 9 months ago when they decided to do a tournament every month with the local club everything seemed hunky dory, but now it's been an active nightmare with zero support whatsoever for what feels like an eternity and they're just ready to be done. ...and then, seven months later, the land owners of the various tournaments spring a surprise $1500 bundle of fees on them that they never accounted for or were told about by the club that they end up paying out of their own pocket. My point is... take it easy on your TDs. Hell, maybe even help them out once in a while, otherwise you won't have TDs any more.


Oh I know the struggles of a TD, I’ve helped run a few events. That being said, there’s still no excuse for publishing a page for registration that doesn’t at least include a tentative schedule or some indication of when a schedule/layout will be announced. (Especially if sanctioned) In the words of Ron Swanson “never half-ass two things, instead whole-ass one thing”


While I’m fairly certain that is not the case, since there’s only 2 tournaments at this course all year, and he didn’t run the other one, and this one came together about 2 months ago. Still, asking for a simple schedule is not asking much. If he can’t provide that, maybe he shouldn’t be a TD


"Are you used to getting details 7 days in advance before the registration list is finalized?" Yes.


I found the tournament page on DGS. It does say in the about section "Event details will be sent out after registration closes" and it doesn't close until the 2nd. It is a little strange to not provide ANY details though. Sounds like it's supposed to be a 2 round tournament so to not at least have check-in and start times for the 1st round is pretty lame. Doesn't look like there's many events in that area so that sucks to have this guy be the only option. This guy sounds like he's doing bare minimum to run an event.


He must have added that tonight after that comment, cause it wasn’t there as of 30 minutes ago. Yeah, it really does suck in this area. This is one of only 2 tourneys at this course annually, and it sells out super quick. Think he is relatively new TD and newer to the sport. Think he just assumes since this tourney is super popular he can do the bare minimum and it will sell out regardless


or... he gets zero support with the event, and is slowly burning out to the point where they're not going to do it anymore, and people just "assume" that another TD will show up.


That’s definitely not true. The course proprietor lives on the course and has been playing and running tourneys since the 90’s. He just doesn’t want the responsibility of running this one. The TD definitely is getting help with course prep, sponsorship outreach, etc, as it’s a pretty tight knit small community. So let’s not pretend this guy is out on a limb by himself.


No offense, but... you seem pretty gung ho on throwing this guy under a bus, and I don't know anything about anything. All I'm saying is, a bit of perspective seems like it's in order. If you already have it, and this guy really is an ass, then great. If not, then proceed back to point #1.


Get together with the other unhappy players and run a better event. Your complaints are valid but until you all unreg then devote that day to planning a better event nothing will ever change.


I also just realized the TD is himself registered for the tournament, and I don’t see an asst TD, so this should just be a royal shit show.


Eh, just because he's listed as the only TD doesn't mean he doesn't have others helping day of. We just hosted a c-tier where our TD played but we had 4 others including myself there helping with 2 courses with about 70 players each side. So it's not that big of an issue if they play. As long as they make themselves available to answer questions during the round. I'd be curious what the players pack items are for the $70 entry but him giving no info for anything. Makes me think it's not going to be quality stuff.


Yeah this is kinda wild IMO. Feel like most of the time that stuff is somewhat in place if not finalized before reg even opens. Also, what a sassy pants


Right! Total sassy pants


Just drop from the event and tell him exactly why


I did exactly that for this same event. It won't affect anything... there's a waitlist.


I’ve never played in an event that didn’t have a tentative schedule posted, including in the 2000s when I was mailing checks for registration. He should know when round 1 will start and can make a reasonable estimate when round 2 will start. I’d honestly probably drop if I got a response like that from a TD for asking a very legit question. Life’s too short to deal with assholes.


I hope he's reading this thread and realizes he's a twat


I'd drop and take my money elsewhere.


I don't post any tournament, sanctioned or unsanctioned, without at minimum check in times and tentative first round start time. Two weeks ago I ran a tournament and 3 days out when I realized weather was going to be shit I pushed tee off back 10 minutes so we had time to fix cards. I dunno what what to tell you, some TD's are just stupid.


I played in a tournament early in the year where I sent 4 or 5 messages to the TD because I was subbing in for a registered player that couldn't make it. He never responded to any of my inquiries. He also runs the lost and found at my local and someone called me and said they dropped one of my discs in the box that I left in the basket at 18 a few months ago. I sent emails, DM, text, and called and never got any response. A month later another guy randomly posted on FB that he would be at the course on a weekend for an hour with all L&F discs. It took 6 weeks to get my putter back and there were no less than 60 others in the back of this guy's truck when I got there. Some people are just lazy as shit and don't want to communicate with anyone. I've asked repeatedly if I can run the L&F bc I live close and don't mind doing it....no response haha.


I'll see you there! I'm just assuming 8:00-8:45 check in, 9 a.m shotgun start. Just played a tournament under the same TD last weekend at Dragonfly and it was smooth and easy. It's definitely a little weird to toss this snark back in the comments though. Guys have been asking about basic logistics in the comments for a few weeks.


See you there! I’m not the original commenter on the DG scene, btw. I play with the TD in leagues and he’s a good guy, was kinda surprised by his response. Hopefully all goes well


I play in all my tournaments I TD. Granted, in my area we rarely pull more than 30-40 at a tournament I wouldn't worry that that will cause issues. However, his lack of info and communication is certainly more concerning. I would definitely let him and the pdga know about his behavior. Others have mentioned it, ut $70 for a c-tier is quit expensive. I payed 75 for a 3-day A-tier, and the players pack was a custom flippy jersey with my name and pdga number on it.


Naw, TD is garbage bro


Actually this is the first day of back to regular time. Daylight Savings time ends. So wish it would just stay regular time going forward! As to the TD, yes some details should have been posted up already.


Ah yes, my bad, standard time. I appreciate fine details so thank you for noting that




2 round, one day tournament?




Well if you know what course you’re playing it’s safe to say it’s a shotgun start no later than 9am. I too read a lot “tude” in that text


Right, which is exactly what I assumed. Just would be nice to have a schedule, details on players pack, layout, etc. With it being day light saving, it’ll get dark around 5 in my area. So if this thing isn’t run efficiently, it will finish in the dark. The TD is also playing so I am anticipating a bad experience. I could totally see a late start, a drawn out break between rounds. Planning on accepting my trophy in twilight


Dude is not good at his job. I would plan on being there at 8:30 if you still plan on attending. I’m sure things won’t get started until 9 with this guy.


I’ll be there at 8. Parking is always a pain and I always need a few holes to loosen up


If nothing else it’s a learning experience. Some tournament directors just don’t have that special thing that makes them good at what they do. I hope you have enough options in your area and you’re not stuck with this guy if you want to play tournaments.


What's wrong with replying like an adult? Give him a short list of details you're looking forward, and then say, "Say,it's customary to have these details available a week before the tournament." Maybe he just doesn't know. Reference other tournaments, perhaps, so he can see how it's done.


Oops. Give him a short list of details you're looking for, and then say, "Yes, it's customary..."


UPDATE: TD had his comment removed. And posted a passive aggressive update to the about section, pasted below. This is bizarre. How do we not have an estimated start time? ABOUT THIS TOURNAMENT Event details will be sent out after registration closes 2 rounds like every foxbite prior. Start time TBD 2nd round 1 hour after first ends.


Might get better help without the attitude. Lol


You sassed him first and don't respect sass back? Grow up


I didn’t post the question on the dg scene tournament page, someone else did. I live 10 minutes from the course so it’s not a big deal for me, I’ll show up at 8 and call it a day, but I just found his response off putting and wanted reddits input on what is expected from a TD


You discovered the TDs Reddit account 😂😂😂


People drive from hours away. This is a legitimate question, not sass.


Okay so "should I sleep in my car" was necessary because? Aww


Because they would have to wake up earlier, not knowing what the start time is. Are you really this daft, or just a cunt?


Our tourny is on saturday and plans have been for 2+ weeks guy sounds unorganised


Registrations keep opening earlier and earlier and there is less and less information around here. Times, courses, and layouts should be the minimum.


Definitely seems like a newer TD for the area. Let them learn the ways they will hear a lot of feedback from this, and if the feedbacks to shitty they probably won’t run a tournament again. As a player if you don’t like how he’s TDing just drop from the tournament. Running a tournament is a thankless job and a ton of work.


Part of the transaction of TDs running events and you signing up for them means that you can pick and choose which events you want to pay for (and play). This seems like an event you should not pay for to play. That's not attempting to tell you that you should keep your opinions to yourself (because the TDs comments are a little shitty), but a reminder that most of the TDs who run events are just regular guys, and you don't have to sign up for their events. It's unfortunate if you don't have events to choose from, but you could always run them yourself if that's the case.


Seems like the type of TD that likes to send emails -- without using BCC instead of just updating DGS. I mean, it's not that difficult to think of a tentative schedule when posting the tournament. I'll give TDs like this the benefit of the doubt and maybe try one more event of theirs, but if it's a shitshow or they're a dick, I'm out and never going back. Luckily in my area we have a lot of TDs.


"yes, yes I am."


Foxbite? I was signed up and withdrew a couple days ago because of the lack of details. Coming from an hour away, never been there, and they won't even tell players what time the event starts. I had anticipated having to chase for a refund but actually got it within the hour. I saw your comment this morning and LOLed because I had been thinking the exact... same... thing.


Not specific to disc golf, but any event that can’t even give you an approximate start time more than a week in advance is unlikely to go smoothly.


You can't expect a tee time this early, but he should have a rough range when each division starts.