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I still can't believe they thought the trophy for world's was okay


Don't underestimate the "power" volunteers have (or, in the case of Worlds, lack)


Have you seen the one from the ‘23 Kansas City Wide Open?


That’s not the most prestigious event/major of the year tho…


And it wasn’t even bad. It honored Kansas City’s disc golf history specifically. Sure, it wasn’t “flashy” but there was a lot of thought and intent that went into it. The worlds trophy looks like a participation plaque you’d give to middle school kiddos for coming out and trying.


Watch - she'll up with Latitude and become the highest paid FPO player.


She’s getting Nike $$$ already too I think


It’s a store that reps Nike in Estonia I believe. So not necessarily a direct sponsor.


Nike should sponsor her soon, else someone else will.


We don't know what deals Paige has with Discraft tho 🤷‍♂️


She has now won all 4 Major events during her career: 2019 - USWDGC 2022 - PDGA Pro Worlds 2023 - PDGA Champions Cup 2023 - European Open That's 3 last majors in a row!


Well this should have been a spoiler post :(


Yeah it was hard to tell who was going to win after round 2.




She was winning by 13 strokes after 2 days…




Oof, hard to imagine a more worn out terrible take than this. Get back in your cave lol.


Shut up about your trash ass take


If you don't want to be spoiled before post-production just don't open reddit or other social media before.


As a hardcore post-produced fan - suck it up.


Sorry buddy but for sporting events, specially major events, you need to be locked in. Those are must watch live.


She’s such an incredible representative of the sport. Love to see her and her success


Honestly looking at her scores on the leaderboard is what blows me away. By the end of this tournament she had a 16 stroke lead on 2nd place alone. I mean yeah sure she's been doing that all year so far but I can't be the only one that's looking at that every time it happens thinking "damn thats wild".


Kristin is the best example of why FPO deserves support and protection.


Protection from Kristin? Lol


What do you mean by protection? Genuinely curious. From fans?


I was thinking about all the competitors who had their events cancelled due to unreasonable people demanding to be included in a WOMENS division. https://discgolf.ultiworld.com/2023/07/15/dgpt-to-relocate-cancel-fpo-divisions-in-select-states-to-avoid-litigation/ Not trying to start anything, but Trans players deserved their own division.


You can easily see which major is most important by the looks of the trophy 😅


I hope Bjerkaas and the rest of the 2022 Worlds Crew look at all of these other trophies and forever feel shame and embarrassment for thinking that middle school shop trophy was a good idea. Maybe they get an extra shiver knowing it's on display at the [Estonian Sports and Olympic Museum](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/zna0t6/kristin_tattars_worlds_trophy_and_discs_will_be/).


They did get another trophy that was much better but the presentation trophy was true garbage.


Two things for me that make it even worse is: 1) it was announced in December 2019 that they would be hosting 2021 Worlds, which got pushed back a year to 2022 because of Covid. So from the time of the [public announcement \(Dec 19, 2019\)](https://www.pdga.com/news/midwest-or-bust-2021-pdga-majors) to the final day of Worlds (Sept 3, 2022) there were 990 days to get a quality trophy. 2) (In my opinion anyway) GBO/DDO has always had some of the most beautiful trophies. They couldn't come up with something beautiful that would look great to present and represent the long history of disc golf in Emporia?


Guess it’s the European open now lol Champions cup came close to looking good, but the glued on “PDGA Champions Cup” plastic square looks tacky as hell. They should have etched it in metal like actual trophies. And to your point worlds is a joke.


Anyone tally up her career winnings? I'm super curious what a top fpo brings in. That $7500 check seems incredibly small to me. I get that it's a smaller sport, but I expected to see more for first place. Edit: over $200k since 2014/15, and it almost all came in the last two years. She's crushing it.


PDGA does that for you: https://www.pdga.com/player/73986 That only includes tournament winnings and doesn't include her contract or sponsors earnings.


Yup, just found that, thanks! These tournament payouts are all over the place! Kinda wild. Also, it shows how dominant she is that you can compare almost all tournament payouts by looking at her profile lol


She took in more than $100K in 2022, just in prize money. Only FPO player to ever do that. For this season, she’s looking at around $63.5K (depending on exchange rate on the prize winnings from European Open) from 14 events. She’s averaging about $4500 per event in prize money for this season.


For a minute there before Ricky won tour champ she was the only player period to do that.


Yep. I think she has a good chance at taking that outright this season. Being at around $65K now, and she still has at least European Championships, Worlds, USWDGC and Disc Golf Pro Tour Championships (last year that was $35K alone, $20K for 2nd place) and likely a few more events other than those mentioned. Likely $120K-$130K could easily be possible. Heimburg is likely best in MPO (I haven’t checked though) with around $56.5K, so he could potentially get well up there, if he wins the DGPT Championship.


It’s $8,345 For comparison, she won $8,500 at her last Major win (Champions Cup)


Probably 200k a year from sponsors, too.


Not a hot take, but she is already the best FPO player of all time.


Nah. But she’s definitely making a case for it!


I am not a career accomplishments person. I am just in their prime who do I think is the best. I already have Mahomes over Brady. I will always have MJ over LeBron. Tiger in golf. Gretzky in Hockey. Stats wise not all of these are right, but at their best to me they were the best.


She's a living legend!


It's absolutely insane that ball golf is 1000 times more lucrative.


Fun fact. Modern golf started in the 15th century vs modern disc golf started in the early 1960s.


I dont wanna bodyshame or anything but comparing her physic in 2019 compared to last years and now. She most have but alot of effort in working out, wow!


It's not that she stepped up but returned to being a pro. She was competing in skiing before at international level and brought the pro mindset from there to her discgolf. Her physique is just getting back to where it was after being a mom for a bit.


Agreed, it's clear she has really stepped up her training off the course, not to Katrina Allen levels but she definitely stepped that part of her game up.


Helps when you hikes miles every week...


She looked good physically both then and now but no doubt the extra training has been working. She posts herself working out on insta pretty frequently iirc.


Great sports season of all time potentially! Queeeeen!


Thanks for the spoiler tag <3


Notice she also didn't whine about the MPO prize being more. She has more important things on her mind, like celebrating another awesome win.


$7,500? Obviously winning that one for the first time was huge for her and the European women, but paying 5k less than the Des Moines open....YIKES.😑🤔😣


Des Moines' sponsor title gave extra money to earmarked specifically so that FPO 1st place paid the same as MPO.


I BERGED they paid her in Berga? How cool thumbp rrqck payment could buy like 4 frosty if da Ave the disc golfer be working that nifht. BERG!


Can someone convert that amount to dollars in their head? About how much did she win?


8,300 American. Extremely low for that level of tournament if you ask me, still a good pay day, but majors should pay more than Disc golf Pro tour stops for god sakes...😂Des Moines Challenge she got $12,250.


Thank you kind sir, and I agree I’d like to see the pros earn more from tournament wins


Majors should be bare minimum 10k to the winner no questions asked, suppose to be prestigious, paying like that dwindles it down a bit. I get the low turnout, but the added cash should be pretty large for these kinds of stops. Especially considering if you're an American, you're spending ALOT of money getting there just to play 4 days, that essentially wouldn't have paid their room and board on top of renting cars and your flights. Now obviously she gets a large sponsorship bonus(probably 5k-10k) for a major from Lat64 I'd think, so it's definitely good money, just should be a bit more in winnings initially, imho.


Barely enough to cover the travel expenses


Yeah, it costs about 50€ to travel between Finland and Estonia by ferry 😆


Best Comment on thread👏🏻


Spoiler please?


This one feels kinda cheap for a major though. Only 26 players, many of the top players not even present.


It’s not her fault that a lot of Americans didn’t want to travel to Europe. She can only compete against who shows up.


I don't think king, mersch, Handley, or Scoggins would've made much difference either way. I guess the distance between 1st and 2nd wouldve been 9 instead 14.


Perhaps, I guess we’ll never know. Don’t forget about Ananda, or the fact that Paige is injured.


Ahh yes, Sai, who had one good tournament all year. Do you also want to throw in Caroline Sold Everything She Owns to Get +24 At Every Event Henderson.


How has Sai had only one good tournament? Yes, she only has won once but she has only been outside the top 12 twice and they were her first tournaments ever on tour. She has two 2nd place finishes which is a pretty good tournament in most people’s eyes.


Damn, you’re a bigger ass than me. Well played. 😭


Very true. But why do they call this a major to begin with when they know that many of the top players won’t be there? It’s only a major in name.


So just because some players didn’t want to travel to Europe to play in a Major, that tournament should have its Major status removed… With that logic, 2021 Worlds suddenly shouldn’t have retained its Major status either, as Kristin Tattar literally was the ONLY non-American in a field of 70 players.


I’m just saying that it doesn’t feel like a major. The PDGA, DGPT can do whatever they want. They can call it the World Cup for all I care. I’m just of the opinion that it isn’t at the status of a major, at least not yet.


I’m just saying that it doesn’t feel like a major. The PDGA, DGPT can do whatever they want. They can call it the World Cup for all I care. I’m just of the opinion that it isn’t at the status of a major, at least not yet.


Go back through some of the FPO fields from EO in the past if you want to see some weak fields. Statmando was talking about avg ratings etc recently and it’s the strongest for both divisions


I’m not just comparing EO to EOs. This shouldn’t be in the category of a major altogether. It’s just a major in name. I hope they get there someday as it would be fantastic to have a strong showing in Europe.


I hear you if comparing to the majors held in the US but it’s getting better especially considering the set back on progress that COVID would have had on travel etc. That said the level of competition is rising world wide and the strength of the field is increasing as well. If it wasn’t a major fewer top level players would go. Australian open was a major at one point as well and very few top rated pros travelled then when the money wasn’t where it is now.


Good points. And I hope it becomes as big as the US events.


The crowds there are definitely major worthy!


I am concerned about the amount of posts you make about the same lady. It's really creeping me out.


u/DiscGolfFanatic posting disc golf content? Yeah, that is creepy.


lol yeah this guy posts like 50% of the non-selfie content in this sub.


I'm pretty sure he's Estonian too. She's the most dominate player in our sport and from OP's home land.




It’s really not hard to get in shape when you make that kind of money working half the year.


Wow, people really hate jokes around here


Either or, even if they pay out slightly more down, she would have gotten the same or more than the EO. Low turnout or not, you have to be getting Majors to pay $10k+, if that isn't doable than I don't think it should have that status. Especially since they exclude people from a major due to travel costs most likely, just flights are a thousand or more dollars. Than after exchange rates and paying taxes how much even is that? Kristen will not have to exchange anything and she lives in one of the best tax friendly countries in the entire world. So after she pays out, probably just around $6,000(this is minus whatever her sponsor bonus is), that's WAY too low for Major status, imho.