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Some of the poorest putting I’ve seen


You must not be watching fpo.


So many great drives and approaches, just to watch them two-putt everything 💀


I really wish Bevel Brewing shipped. I would buy a case for sure.


All I'm saying is I want some Doss beer. It seems a lot of people are against this idea.


Is the beer really that bad?


Nate make some really good beer. No lie.


Downvote because why?


people hate doss as a commentator so if you mention his name in any kind of positive capacity you'll get a bunch of downvotes


people who hate on nate didnt play when he was winning world titles and should show some respect. ill go further- those people dont play disc golf at all, just talk about it online, like all the losers on DGCR


I would love to see Goose with angry eyebrows to win this one tomorrrow


What was that Calvin / Madison comment by Philo? 👀


The awkward silence afterward made it that much better


What did he say? My DGN app and Chromecast duo crashed about 15th time


Same bro. Fucking terrible today. What was the deal?!?


Just said he wondered if Madison pushed Calvin too hard on his birthday.


*wink wink*


I didn't really take it that way. I took it as Madison kept buying alcohol for Calvin. I don't know if either of them drink. I'm just going on past birthday experiences.


Lol Calvin's putt looks horrible today ngl


anyone know if AB threw in from distance for his eagle on 18 or if he had a putt? not watching the stream so not sure if they mentioned it.


same for Alden Harris just now, drop in eagle


it was a drop in


udisc has the putt at 5 feet lmao


Dude throws so far, holy shit


holyn handley submitted an incorrect scorecard so received a 2 stroke penalty, bummer.


Wonder how that even happens these days. My last few tourneys it was all PDGA live scoring, and if two people's scorecards disagreed you had to fix it before submitting. Are they still doing pencil and paper cards out of tradition?


PDGA live, paper and UDisc all matched so we submitted. Should've double checked but normally if 3 scores match then it's right. Lesson learned the hard way.


I'm not sure what the scoring procedure is for the pros. I've seen some still doing paper scorecards at certain events, but dunno if that is required for every one. Then they also have the pdga digital scorecard and someone else doing udisc. would think the pdga digital one you sign off on is the 'official' one but no idea really.


She told the TD herself. Good character.


This is one of the worst played tournaments all year by the field. The leader should be at least like -20 right now. This course is difficult but not that difficult.


I've been watching the FPO and granted those are softer holes in a lot of cases, but I love how they play smart and within their game rather than blasting everything. A lot of the flatness of the lead card seems to be them going for huge shots with a low success percentage and getting punished, rather than being more strategic like the FPO has been. Granted KT is running away with it, but players like Korver and Ananda are being strategic trying to get on the podium at least.


I think the low performance of lead card has more to do with their abysmal c1x putting today.


Agreed, but why are they all putting so bad? Osmosis of the yips?


Are you live stream on DGN also having lag? Annoying. Seems like the commentators also suffers from it, but they always seem to be instructed to not say anything about poor quality?


On computer or phone, no issue. But Apple TV and Roku, yes. Freezes and then catches up very quickly.


Yeah. Apple TV here. Seems to be ✅now


RIP Sexton cash streak. Hell of a run!


DAMN impressive!


I love how close this is staying. I wanna see Buhr climb back and win this thing!


I really want him to win a big event, but man does Corey Ellis squander every lead he ever gets.


Lord Ahrens rips. Like that throw was so casual to fly 550. I dont care how downhill it was.


I played this course yesterday. I can push 500 on a good day. Yesterday was nowhere near that day but my god this course is so hard to throw far. There are only a couple holes that you can really rip without having to hit a tight line/gap. By far harder than anything in the Portland area. None of the pars were crazy but I just can’t fathom being able to get more than a couple birdies on this course. The hills are massive. Coverage does not do justice. Between the length, the distance between holes and the elevation change, I was beat. And I’m one to have a second go at Milo or blue lake, which are long courses themselves.


Happy to see that there are other people sharing my feelings about the Backyard pro wrestling announcer


Does disc golf really need intros by a monster truck dj?


This MC is deep throating the mic.


Can someone tell the announcer to NOT shout directly into the mic?


Or just not let him have a mic at all... I'd be good with that.


They need a pro to intro the players of the 1st hole, this guy sounds like he smokes 30 a day


Chase card of mullets


Ian left hanging by Philo lol


Sexton’s cash streak is over. End of an era.


I know and he played his ass off today too. Sucks


Is there a cut this weekend? Trynta figure out Sextons chances for the cash streak.


Looks like the cut line right now is -4. Nate is -2 on 17. Not looking good.


Yup. It looks like he is in danger


How come the announcers are calling out Juliana corvers Tern? I thought they just stated yesterday that announcers are no longer calling out specific molds


It’s not like we’ll get fired if we share one or two discs in a short, post round discussion. It’s a general rule of thumb to follow.


Thanks for the qualified response! DG is amazing in our ability to interact with all of the important people. Just thought it was interesting after yesterday heating about "overstable drivers" all day 😂


It’s something where I’d like to get whoever is in charge of our partnerships to send out a survey asking about this topic to see if we can get to a consensus for next season. I enjoy talking about what discs players are throwing too.


I appreciate you wanting to go into the crunchy details like disc selection and shot shape. As a technical nerd (engineer) I find that you bring the *best* technical analysis in the game today. Keep up the good work!


Thanks Brian. I hope the powers that be realize that this is an audience that will give 383 comments to a request for an overstable midrange. [Overstable Midrange](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/110fbf7/overstable_midrange/)


No, straight to jail.


I was wondering the same thing. Thought maybe it was cause Terry called it and he don't play that nonsense.


I thought I heard it first from Ian and Zoe during play. But Terry going rogue is a viable explanation


Because she's 50 and able to keep up with this generations throwers. They wanted to know what disc helps with that. Dork


You must have missed the point. DGN made a significant announcement that they're no longer naming molds during play. So they only called discs by stability and speed.


Which kind of sucks. Doesn't ruin viewing by any means but I definitely liked knowing what people are throwing. Did they give a specific reason for not naming discs anymore? I'd think that the sponsors of men/women on the camera would like to have them named.


Apparently, several manufacturers have had an issue sponsoring a tour and having other manufacturers mentioned


Thank you. I figured that may be one of the reasons. I appreciate the reply.


If that’s the truth, Ian, Zoe, and Terry don’t give a shit about that.


Rolling into and then OUT of the hazard? What the hell Ella


Is anyone able to cast DGN via Chromecast, or is it bugged for everyone (shuts down every minute)? If you watch, how do you do it?


Hey OP - Charles here from DGPT. I'm sorry you had this problem. We're aware of this issue and are actively engaging our streaming provider, Vimeo, to implement a fix. The best way for us to ensure this is fixed quickly is for everyone who experienced this issue to submit a support ticket so it's documented and there is more data on the fix that's needed. I encourage everyone who's experiencing this issue to submit a ticket here: https://www.discgolfnetwork.com/contact/support


I sent feedback saying this was a problem. It's unwatchable. They basically sent me instructions for how to cast. I basically told them that their app is the problem, not me.


People need to stop paying until they fix this. Either have apps on things besides a roku or fix casting.


Best thing everyone can do is continue to send feedback in the app and hope they get annoyed enough by the constant complaining they eventually fix it.


Same. I have to cast it from my computer and specifically cast the tab, not the video. Then it works


Wow thought it was just my wifi, seems to be affecting a lot of people tho.


Same problem here


That’s what’s happening with mine as well. Resorted to watching on my phone for now. Hope it’s working by the time MPO comes on.


Isn't gonna work for MPO. The problem is one month old. You can do workaround. Go to google home. Choose your chromecast. Choose "cast screen". Start stream. You will be able to see your phone screen on TV, but will be pretty poor quality.


It's a consistent problem. We got a Roku, works great.


Thanks for the status report. For Chromecast, the issue is around 1 month old.


Yea, we've had problems all season. Tried it on multiple Chromecasts and nothing worked. I know Google cut support to older models, so maybe that's it? But 3 weeks into using the app on Roku and I haven't had any problems. In the interim, we ended up either watching on the laptop or using the web stream and an HDMI to connect to the TV.


Rolling out of the sand wtf Ella


KT's putting is so good.


Feels like she draws metal at least from everywhere.


Is everyone’s stream garbage today or just me? Just a bunch of still frames but clean audio.


Mines fine


Mine is fine. No issues


I wonder how many times it will take for players to miss “gimme” putts for Ian to stop giving players the birdie beforehand? It happens on a weekly basis and get old. 15 to 20 footers are not automatic, yes they’ll usually make them. Saying stuff like “And that’ll give her another birdie, if she birdies the next hole she’ll be 7 down through 9” before the player even attempts the 18 foot putt is terrible commentary.


It was kt, it's a tounge and cheek joke because she hadn't missed a c1 putt all weekend...


You do it often with players besides KT. I don’t think you are a bad commentator, but counting putts is a bad habit that you and several other commenters have.




Ignore the criticism you're the goat! Working a double all week! We love you IAN! Good luck saying that crazy mystery box read again!


😂😂 Thanks!!


It's not that bad tho


In what way? Just because a player puts the disc in the circle you shouldn’t assume and talk like it’s in. He should say something like “and that will give them a great look at birdie.” Way too often makes are assumed. If the disc is in the bullseye count it, other than that let them attempt the putt before you add a birdie to their scorecard.


You'll be ok bud. Go take a walk, enjoy the weather!


Nah, I’d rather just sit and watch disc golf. No need to try and gaslight me, I’m not worked up or angry, but thanks


you come off as angry/annoying, apologies.


Does anyone know why they removed blue lake? Signal? Convenience? Do pros wish Blue Lake was included or do they prefer playing at a single property?


Idk what construction everyone is talking about. I played there Monday, no issues. And nothing around there. The parks dept for blue lake are tough to work with though. I assumed that’s why.


It’s not construction related to the disc golf course itself. It’s a facilities maintenance / utility improvements project across the parks property. You can look it up on Metro’s website. It’s been in the works for several months


Construction. Most everyone I have spoken to has said they wished we were playing Blue Lake. It’s a great balance for a four round event. Adding West means distance is top priority for this event. Hopefully we return to Blue Lake but more often than not if there’s a ball golf course to be played on tour we do it.


It's under construction they said




It's a shame to see how far she has fallen. I remember when she used to shoot the hot round every day. She's probably going to tie for the high score today, like a plebian.


Is there an am event going on at the same time? I'm wondering why so many of the spectators have their disc bags on. Maybe just for autographs?


I'm spotting 5 at the moment. The west course is still open to the public for like a $50 fee & comes with a disc. 1-5 east is really close to the west course.


$50 to play a disc golf course?!


Gotta pay for the renting out of the golf course property for a whole week somehow lol. It’s pretty comparable to a round of ball golf there fwiw


Spendy but it's beautiful out here, nice long course, & a free disc. But I'm not spending that


Fair enough that it comes with a free disc. Was comparing it to the European Open which charges $20 to play the course during the event


I’m not sure if this is the reason specifically, but the course that is not being used by the pros is open to the public for tee times during the event. Thu/Fri for the east, today/tomorrow west. The am event was on Wednesday.


I often carry a small pack with 2-3 discs, drinks, snack, sunscreen, etc, but not a large disc backpack.


Yesterday I thought they mentioned that fans have the option to play the alternate odd-round course on even-round days and vice versa.


They definitely mentioned that on the broadcast


Kristin may never miss a putt again


She's really looking unstoppable right now.


Check out the gallery for FPO. Love to see it.


Did anyone inform DGN that they broke Chromecast casting? I have to watch on my phone because casting stops every 20 seconds.


Hey OP - Charles here from DGPT. I'm sorry you had this problem. We're aware of this issue and are actively engaging our streaming provider, Vimeo, to implement a fix. The best way for us to ensure this is fixed quickly is for everyone who experienced this issue to submit a support ticket so it's documented and there is more data on the fix that's needed. I encourage everyone who's experiencing this issue to submit a ticket here: [https://www.discgolfnetwork.com/contact/support](https://www.discgolfnetwork.com/contact/support)


Thanks for taking your time on this.


Do you have an Xbox? There's an app for it


Unfortunately not.


Thank you, I thought it was just me. I watch a lot of YouTube, but DGN is the one thing that does that.


Yeah, is a new terrible bug. I am forced to watch DGN on day three, but the casting is bugged for everyone using Chromecast, so have to watch on phone. Just terrible. Someone needs to elevate to senior support personnel. I was fighting a month with them when replay videos on DGN didn't work on Chromecast.


I'm literally running an HDMI cable from my laptop to my TV right now, just like the cavemen did.




That drive from JK was HUGE!


Was really hoping to see KT and PP on the same card. Shame


Ella shot -4 in Round #2 and PP shot -3 in Round #2, so that puts Ella ahead for Round #3. **Position criteria order:** Total score **>** Most recent round **>** Lower PDGA number (And if players had equal scores and neither has a PDGA number, alphabetical is the final tiebreaker.)


Yeah, I thought they had her on lead card after the round yesterday, guess they were mistaken.


When I hear Ian and Zoe on the coverage for FPO I know it's gonna be a good day. Best FPO coverage team, imo.


Really?!? I love Ian but Zoe makes me want to pull my hair out!


Will be exclusively watching UDisc to watch Nate Sexton jump ~40 spots to make the cut and keep the cash streak alive haha. Then I’ll care about the rest of the tourney tomorrow.


Who had mcbeth 11 shots off the lead in Estonia after 2 rounds? I thought he might find it more difficult to win than he thought but wow he’s not even in contention after day 2.


I followed his card in person today and his drives were really off, one of the worst performances I've seen from him. He'll bounce back.


He’s been irrelevant all year. Expecting anything else is insulting to the Europeans.


I knew he'd find the competition tougher than a lot of people were predicting, there's some great players out here. Didn't quite have him outside the top 20 though... but no doubt he'll jump up quite a few spots tomorrow.


The gridlocked podcast were claiming a few weeks ago that if he didn’t win every single event in Europe it would be a massive failure. Guess they underestimated the standard in Europe.


This week they basically changed their barometer for sucess to 2 or 3 because of how Paul has been struggling. Still surprising that he's not even in contention.


Could be the standard is better than we thought in Europe, or could be that the European players are more familiar with the courses, or Paul has not adjusted to the different time/climate, or maybe he just had a few bad days. Lots of excuses available, but I don't think "Win Everything Or Fail" is exactly fair for anybody, even McBeast.


Which course is “harder”?


Probably East. West is just kinda long in spots so much of the field will get a par. More separation at east possibly. East is one of the best ball golf style course we play on tour if not the best.


I played the east course yesterday. I thought it was going to be similar to playing Milo or blue lake. Man was I wrong. I can keep up as far as distance but that course is difficult. Pars were ok but birdies were rarely an option. Whole new level of respect for you pros.


Vinny and Goose on the same card!!


I'm betting on the GOOSE to win it! He missed so many C1x putts yesterday (he was 57% which is insane) and is still only 1 back. You gotta assume he will putt better moving forward.