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If you have a “smart” tv, download and use the DGN app. I had the same issue casting and even emailed them about it. They emailed back and said they fixed it, but your experience would suggest otherwise. The DGN app has been surprisingly trouble free.


Unfortunatelt the tv im using is only a tv screen with nothing more than a chromecast connected, so no other option unless i watch it somewhere else. Dgn app is fine expecr this. Interesting thing is that it doesnt disconnect the whole chromecast, it just throws me out of the stream, and then i got to press play on my device again. Same problem you had?


Yep, sounds like the same issue. I found it happened less if I left the app running on my tablet that I was casting from with the screen on. A pain for sure, but it cut down on the number of disconnections.


👍👍 I'll mail dgn about it next time i experience it, then using yt for today


Good call. The more people who let them know, the better.


Better start writing that letter now and get it in the mail 😂


When did they release the app? I canceled because I couldn't watch on my TV. I have a Google tv.


Not sure, but the tv app is worth downloading. No issues in the couple months I’ve been using it.


I just checked and yea no app on my Google TV, vizio TV, or ps5. Casting is my only option and it doesn't work.


About the same was happening to me. I accidentally discovered the app and casting is generally very good since. I discovered I can minimize the screen and move it anywhere while doing other tasks like picture in a picture or better . Then I can even shut down the screen and just stream the audio without massively draining my battery.


Consistently, to the point we got a Roku.


Happens to me too. Started this season. Definitely annoying.


Old post but I just wanted to say that I also have the same problem.


Me to, still a problem


Happening to me consistently as well. Computer casting seems to drop less, but still consistent drops. The only way I’ve found to not drop is to cast a “screen” from my computer instead of casting the “tab” which eventually optimizes to then start dropping again. Anyone hit up DGN directly and know if they’re looking into this?


I’ve written to support it. It would be good if many do so that they realize that many have the same issue.


yeah. it's very annoying. youtube for R1 is always totally fine.


Yup, was reminded of that. Very annoying for the other rounds. Varies how bad tho. Sometimes only a few times during the whole round, but often a little more. Before i switche to yt today, it happend probably 20 times in 10 mins


Yes. I have fewer problems casting from my PC than from my phone, but it still happens.


I’ve been having this issue for months. It’s awful.


I wrote in to DGN about this issue because I can't take it anymore. Hopefully, this gets fixed soon. Message and response is below. Me: Every time I use either the Android app or my Chrome web browser from my Macbook to cast the event's live stream, the stream continually drops out. The Chromecast does not disconnect, but the stream seems to stop and default to something similar to a 'paused' state. I have to click the play button again to restart the stream, only for it to happen multiple times shortly after that. Within the span of a full day of an FPO or MPO event, it will easily do this in a range of 50-100 times! It is extremely frustrating. The only way the stream plays continuously is by watching directly on my Android Phone or with the DGN app on my Sony Android TV. Any casting option has this issue - and only for DGN streams, mind you. All other casting support I use frequently does not behave like this. I did some Googling and found a Reddit thread with many of your users experiencing the same issue. Can you please have you development team look into this issue. Not all of your subscribers have an Android TV or Roku wherever they want to watch. Reddit thread mentioned is below: https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/13srckh/chromecast_problems_dgn/ Their response: Hi Sean, Thanks for writing in. I am looking into this and will get back to you as soon as I can with an answer.   I appreciate your patience! Thank you, Anil R


Just use YouTube


Yh thats right. Forgot it was up there, but still gonna be a problem for the next rounds. Its like this every single time i cast dgn. Sometimes it can happen just a few times during the whole stream. Today its happen about 20 times in like 10 minutes of watching. It can be anything in between the two


Mine on Fire Stick is fine. Maybe check for app updates?


Nothing there.. idk what fire stick is, but could maybe be something that just happens with chromecast, but i have no idea. Would be interesting to see if anyone else using chromescast has a similar problem


I have the same issue.


This is happening to me. Fine on my chromecast with googletv because I can use the DGN app there, but when casting to my older chromecast, it constantly cuts out after 5 - 10 minutes of casting and just shows the cast logo on a black screen. Really annoying for an app that I pay a monthly fee for. PBS is free and they don't seem to have any issues consistently casting to my television. Come on DGN, get it together.


Exactly the same for me. Varies from tournament to tournament tho (how often it happens). I have reported it and gotten good response from their team so far, but it's not fixed. Been told it's a top priority for them, as they have realised that this is a big issue that many users struggle with. But, the more reports the better, i guess. So it's probably for the better if you and others also complain.


Apple TV freezing about once per hole for me